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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang....

Candice - I never ck'd the site till right now - and yes it looks great they have really changed it for the better you can do everything there now -log food they have some great receipts too. Yes limited carb and no sugar - that's how I lost the weight.. I really only ate carbs for dinner.< /p>

I they had a quesidilla (sp) receipt - that sounds good - I just glanced..

I am in to cooking more than processed food - I like real food not fake and to me the prepared stuff and eating out alot is fake - don't ask me why - just me I guess..

I ate way too much watermelon last night had a big tummy ache..

Karla - something is better than nothing and the xdh is trying to teach dd something - not in a nice manner but thats what he thinks hes doing - one time I asked my dad for $$ cuz I didn't have enought for my bills - I asked for $100 he gave me $50 and told me to figure it out - But it wasn't with any kind of guilt or to make me feel bad - it was saying you need to stay within your means.. Not that this car issue has anything to do with staying in your means - she can't help that but - I think you get the drift - he didn't have to be mean - but sounds like he's just a big AH. Glad you divorced his butt..

Phyl comes home today - !!!

Well I gotta ge to work - someone already walked in and this screen was showing...

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Where in the heck is everyone...

I want a cupcake - I hate being on this side of the office - they have food food food in the kitchen constantly..

BF - cheese & Nuts 150 Cal

lunch - Fish - Butternut Squash 225 cal

snack - 1 cookie 50 cal

dinner - fish rice veggie - 150 120 50

Snacks - 300

1045 for the day

I am up 4 lbs - I have drank 41.8 oz of Water 2 cups of coffee -

I need to go to the gym - cuz I can't in the morning..

well that's my latest tale of woes:w00t:

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Where in the heck is everyone...

I want a cupcake - I hate being on this side of the office - they have food food food in the kitchen constantly..

BF - cheese & Nuts 150 Cal

lunch - Fish - Butternut Squash 225 cal

snack - 1 cookie 50 cal

dinner - fish rice veggie - 150 120 50

Snacks - 300

1045 for the day

I am up 4 lbs - I have drank 41.8 oz of Water 2 cups of coffee -

I need to go to the gym - cuz I can't in the morning..

well that's my latest tale of woes:w00t:

Hey Janet, you'll get onto those 4 lbs - I KNOW YOU!!!!:w00t:

I went out for coffee with an dear friend this a.m. picked up the RV from having its trany Fluid changed... its all good! Liked my mechanic too... he offered my GF and I lunch, when we pulled up at the shop the 3 guys were BBQing their lunch of boneless skinless chick thighs, 2 huge steaks, and portobello mushrooms... there was enough on the grill to fee 12 bandsters LOL

We politely declined, as we had jsut come from Starbucks and had Soy Lattes' SF carmel Syrup _ YUM :w00t:

CALORIES/CARBSFAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg839/82/25/73 nt3_dailygoal2.gif 1,000 - 1,10050 - 10022 - 2560 - 127

Calories for the day .....

bottom numbers are my goals per day.... so I'm meeting those... got another new recipe for you girls today....

Bean and chicken Skillet Dinner





1 tblsn olive or canola oil

1 onion, chopped

4 carrots, diced

1 pound Chicken Breats, skinless, boneless (or turkey) CUBED

1/2 cup no salt added Tomato sauce (plus a tbsp or 2 of water)

1 tsp oregano, dried

2 cups drained and rinsed WHITE KIDNEY Beans (or cooked)

Pepper to taste

1/2 cup chopped parsley

Nutritional Info



ubullet.gifFat: 3.6gubullet.gifCarbohydrates: 21.8gubullet.gifCalories:211.5ubullet.gifProtein: 23.1g


In a 12 inch skillet heal olive oil. When hot, add onion and carrots and stirfiy 5 mins. Add Chicken/turkey, until there is no more pink. Add tomato sauce, spices, beans, and season to taste. Stir-friy for another min or so, or until all ingredients are very hot. Check the carrots for doneness. Stir in parsley and serve immediately.

Number of Servings: 6

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user 2BHEALTHY4LIFE1.

This is what I made Petie and I for dinner tonight... Ive just been cooking out of this Cholesterol cure cookbook... so far ...so good... haven't eaten anything yucky.

Have a good night everyone!

Edited by peaches9
another p.s.

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Phyl dahling... where are you? Are you doing o.k. at home tonight??? Hope checking out of hospital didn't cause you too much discomfort...

Ahhh, sleeping with Hubby tonight... you'll enjoy that for sure...

Know, don't forget the SEX rules from your classes eh??? :w00t:

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Good Evening Gang...

Well I went to the gym did my 3 miles - it's friggin hot here - my car said 121 - it was hot in the gym - I stopped by to talk to Idrise (trainer) as I was leaving and he said I looked good -I looked at him like he was crazy but said thanks - I was all sweaty - glistening and the front of my t-shirt soaked and my hair dripping - Only a trainer would tell a girl she looked good cuz she had been sweating :frown:

My thighs & waist feel like I have gained 10 lbs - don't ask me why - I know I will get it off - but it bugs me that I keep going up 3 -4 lbs when before I was sticking at 138 with no problem - I guess it's those handfull of nuts here and there - I am not buying any more nuts even if they are good for you.. That's my excuse - but they are high in calories and my gym has been off - didn't go last Saturday Tue or Wed - went Monday and today...

You are doing great Candice !!!! You are going to have 15 -20 lbs off by Megan's wedding...

I think Phyl has abandon us for FB - I just ck'd and 3 hrs ago she was playing a game - So I take it she's home safe and sound..

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Candice--good job on the weight loss--very happy for you. Janet--Not so much, but you're on it, so that IS good! Quit hogging all the heat--would you? It's less than half of that here--about 54 this am--and windy! They'll be no working outside today. Think I might go back to bed and pull up the covers. . .

Hey Phyl--How 'bout thoes Packers? Awesome first half last night--I've got Aaron Rogers on my fantasy team. Was really impressed with a pregame interview with Aaron Kampman! Gonna be rooting for him too. How are your Seahawks looking?

Chin up, Karla--once you get back it's not so bad. Got a week and half in, and summer is a distant memory now. (The November weather helps too :frown: At least there's some $$ comming in.

Still praying for you, Steph. Hope life's under control.

Cora's B-day was Thrusday. Big party Sunday. I want to post some pics of her chocolate pudding Party at Day-care, but I forgot how! They're on my hard drive. . . Ugh, there just arent' enough creases in my brain anymore!

I am trying really hard to keep up with all your posts, even if I can't always respond. Life's crazy again.

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Good Morning Linda & Gang

You and I are the early risers aren't we - well it's 6 here so 9 there - I guess not that early for you :0)

My dinner ended up being 2 100 c popcorn - 1 yogurt 100- 2 puddings 120 - 1 moon pie 130 c and 1 100 cal tiny choc pb thingie- I have decided that the 130 gave me more food than the stupid little candy that's 100 cal - I got 3 times as much if not more nd only 30 cal more.. pluse 3 gram crackers 1 with pb - so my total cal for yesterday about 1480 - but lets say 1500 not bad calorie wise but terrible nutrition wise

I cooked my fish but had popcorn before it was done and I didn't want the fish - so will save it for tonite -

It's suppose to be 117 today - I wish I could sent it your way cuz we are suppose to go to outside concert tonite - Michael Jackson Tribute show... It's going to be hot !!!

Sitting here drinking my French press coffee - I love it but hate the mess of cleaning out the pot - I think thats why they invented filters.. That the only thing about the french press that's a pain - but the coffee is so good..

Everytime I drink my French press I think of you ;0)

Well need to jump in the shower - Andrew has 8 a.m appt for tattoo removal - then who know what I am going to do for the rest of the day - til tonite - maybe nap ;0)

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Phyl dahling... where are you? Are you doing o.k. at home tonight??? Hope checking out of hospital didn't cause you too much discomfort...

Ahhh, sleeping with Hubby tonight... you'll enjoy that for sure...

Know, don't forget the SEX rules from your classes eh??? :w00t:

I am here. Coming home... an adjustment, but I'm doing okay. Getting in to our big high bed was not a challenge at all and I was really worried about it. It IS an awful long walk to the BR from my recliner in the living room, but that's okay. In between bathroom has kitty box in the way.

Sex rules won't be referred to for a while!:tt1::frown::lol:

Good Evening Gang...Well I went to the gym did my 3 miles - it's friggin hot here - my car said 121 - it was hot in the gym - I stopped by to talk to Idrise (trainer) as I was leaving and he said I looked good -I looked at him like he was crazy but said thanks - I was all sweaty - glistening and the front of my t-shirt soaked and my hair dripping - Only a trainer would tell a girl she looked good cuz she had been sweating :lol:

My thighs & waist feel like I have gained 10 lbs - don't ask me why - I know I will get it off - but it bugs me that I keep going up 3 -4 lbs when before I was sticking at 138 with no problem - I guess it's those handfull of nuts here and there - I am not buying any more nuts even if they are good for you.. That's my excuse - but they are high in calories and my gym has been off - didn't go last Saturday Tue or Wed - went Monday and today...

You are doing great Candice !!!! You are going to have 15 -20 lbs off by Megan's wedding...

I think Phyl has abandon us for FB - I just ck'd and 3 hrs ago she was playing a game - So I take it she's home safe and sound..

Now wait just a cotton pickin' minute here! I have NOT abandoned you for FB! I just had cars to move and one Lexolus turn to take. I wasn't there very long. Did not have much tolerance for laptop yesterday. Trying to figure out how to keep pain under control without being a zomby all the time. Haven't eaten much of anything all week because pain meds keeping me sick to my stomach. So now I am on MY routine. I think I'm going to take the strongest one only at night and the others... one, not two... in the daytime and see how that goes. All I wanted to do all day yesterday was sleep. Then friend from Three Rivers CA was in the area and she stopped by. Tracy stopped by and brought me a latte and a casserole she made for our dinner. But I am feeling awake and alert and not too much pain this morning so I think it will be a better day.

Hey Phyl--How 'bout thoes Packers? Awesome first half last night--I've got Aaron Rogers on my fantasy team. Was really impressed with a pregame interview with Aaron Kampman! Gonna be rooting for him too. How are your Seahawks looking?

Cora's B-day was Thursday. Big party Sunday. I want to post some pics of her chocolate pudding Party at Day-care, but I forgot how! They're on my hard drive. . . Ugh, there just arent' enough creases in my brain anymore!

I am trying really hard to keep up with all your posts, even if I can't always respond. Life's crazy again.

Seahawks not looking so good so far but hopefully they will get better. Aaron Rogers was my very first fantasy pick when we did our draft last Sunday. I had him last year, too.

I can't believe that baby is having a birthday already!! One year old, right!? Wow!

This is not good news.... my current "nurse" has a bad cold! I hope I don't get it!! He's been complaining about it for days. I have an in home PT gal coming around 1 pm and I'm supposed to have an in home nurse coming today, too, but haven't heard from her yet. Dr's P.A. told me to make sure I take a pain pill before PT gets here and another when they leave... and he looks me right in the eye and he says "cuz they WILL hurt you!"

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Good morning!~:frown:

Oh Phyl, so good to see you posting... and with your humour intact!!!

LInda; Birthday party tomorrow, that'll be a blast... What did Gramma Linda and Grampa Mel get for Cora??? I am sure you went nuts shopping for that!!! Yes, and I agree about the weather, Janet is being way to SELFISH with the WARM weather... next week SEPTEMBER ARGH!!

My B-day is on Monday, I'll be 54 how FLICKING sick is that!!!

Edited by peaches9

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Thats it for sat night food, 2 glassses of wine... steak..yum... no bread. 6 french fries (accounted for ) Didn't eat lunch today though,, kinda got away on me..

Now next week, I gotta add some exercise!!!!!

I've got the food under control, only had one WEE food thought tonight, but i talked myself out of it... cuse it was almost bedtime, and I just KNOW it'll repeat if I eat anything this late, so I'm just drinking my "Tea" and taking my night time pills and then hopping in the sack.

Oh yea, and the prednisone that the Doc gave me on Thurs is calming "things" down...not quite so itchy, I can sleep thru the night agian... Inflamation is going down too. Just wish I did'nt have to take these pills for 10 days... they say they can increase your appetite... and I sure don't need that!!!!

Sleep tight, bugs & hugs,


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WHoa.... here are some BLasts from the Past!!

My neice Jenny, sent these to me on Facebook tonight.. Crap, look how skinny I was back in the Day..

Meaghan was a little tike... so cute

Gotta love the GLASSES!!!:wub:



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Ladies, I'm gone for 1 1/2 days and you only made one page, what's up with that. Just got home from the trip across the state and back, and Montana is not a small state. We picked up DD#4 new car, it is sweetie. The only downer was the insurance. I called my agent this week and asked about insuring it. She said just call with the vin #, so I told her that it would be Saturday and the office was closed. She said no problem, call the main company and they will add it right away. Here is the pisser, I call Unigard and they tell me that they can not add a car over the weekend. I asked them what I should do...their answer, don't drive the car. So here I am 400+ miles from home and they say don't drive the car. I left a not to pleasant message on my agents answering machine. I held my breath all the way home. Now I won't be able to add the car until Monday AFTER DD#4 goes to school. If anything happens to that car before we get it insured, my agent won't have much skin left on them.

Had a short visit with my dad, he looks better. He is in a lot of pain from the arthritis in his back, 60 years of bending his 6'5" body to work in the tunnels of the mine have taken it's tole. He had a dr. appointment on Friday and thought they were going to do something about the pain, instead they made an appointment for NEXT Friday to deal with the pain. But I was glad to see him. Picked him up some fruit & veggies, since mom hadn't bought any.

Stopped and checked out my brothers new house, very gorgeous. They have worked hard and earned it. Lucky me, I got my car filled with quilting stuff. I whole roll of batting, some wonderful wool, a new faucet for the kitchen (mine broke a couple of months agao), and a great entertainment center. My SIL has a big boy long arm and does a huge about of quilting, but she new I couldn't afford batting for my quilt tops, so she said she needed to down size her supplies, yeah right, what a sweetie.

Sorry, enough about me.

Phyl I'm so glad you are home.

Candice, YEAH on the less the less itching.

Janet, let's not talk about food. Mom doesn't cook, so today I had my regular BF, but no lunch, no dinner. lunch was a McDonalds BF burrito, dinner was...okay, don't scream, popcorn and a Ben & Jerry's cherry Garcia ice cream bar. Not the best choice.

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Sorry about the venting yesterday. Tired and irritated, a long 2 days. We stopped at the dorms on our way home and met DD#5's young man. He seems very sweet. Looks pretty young, but my strong willed DD#5 tends to hang out with younger people. She is a leader with strong morals and values. However, many times her 'boyfriends' have been several years younger. I think she has some of her father's 'control issues', so a younger male allows her to be in charge. He is probably only a year younger than her, she is 19, but he does look like a baby.

Had great intentions of sleeping in this morning, I guess 6:30 is sleeping in, but 9 would have been better. Hey this way I have some quiet time.

Candice, your 'back in the day' pics are awesome. HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!! Go do something fun.

Janet, you will get those pounds under control. With the amount of stress you have, what do expect. For us, stress = food. How was the tattoo 'removal'? How do they go about it? DD#4 has a tattoo that she regrets getting, cried about it for days after she got it. Impulse.

Phyl, take the meds as you need them. Right now it is about controlling the pain. Are you taking your Vitamins since you have been too tired to eat? What about a Protein drink. Your body needs Protein to heal.

Candice, I'm with the older lady at the back of the church...Memories.....

Hope to get a lot done today, straighten the house, laundry, clean the koi pond filters (I need to get a bigger system), muck out my car, go to school for a few hours...

Well need to get back to school work, TTFN

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Sorry about the venting yesterday. Tired and irritated, a long 2 days. We stopped at the dorms on our way home and met DD#5's young man. He seems very sweet. Looks pretty young, but my strong willed DD#5 tends to hang out with younger people. She is a leader with strong morals and values. However, many times her 'boyfriends' have been several years younger. I think she has some of her father's 'control issues', so a younger male allows her to be in charge. He is probably only a year younger than her, she is 19, but he does look like a baby.

Had great intentions of sleeping in this morning, I guess 6:30 is sleeping in, but 9 would have been better. Hey this way I have some quiet time.

Candice, your 'back in the day' pics are awesome. HAPPY ALMOST BIRTHDAY!! Go do something fun.

Janet, you will get those pounds under control. With the amount of stress you have, what do expect. For us, stress = food. How was the tattoo 'removal'? How do they go about it? DD#4 has a tattoo that she regrets getting, cried about it for days after she got it. Impulse.

Phyl, take the meds as you need them. Right now it is about controlling the pain. Are you taking your Vitamins since you have been too tired to eat? What about a Protein drink. Your body needs Protein to heal.

Candice, I'm with the older lady at the back of the church...Memories.....

Hope to get a lot done today, straighten the house, laundry, clean the koi pond filters (I need to get a bigger system), muck out my car, go to school for a few hours...

Well need to get back to school work, TTFN

Carla; I slept in until 11/30 a.m...!!! MEDS!! Just reading about your day ahead makes me want to go back to bed.... But alas this is a good quilting day.. Rainy, shitty... this was August? :blink:

Went out for dinner last night with Kids and my almost 2nd daughter... was really fun! But the SODIUM killed me.. I ate really well all day, kept my totals under control but I ate some Spanish Olives... and they were SALTY... poop, I'll just have to drink more Water today and flush that thru... I want a LOSS on my B=day.:wub:

o.k. back from my Sewing Room... did my BLock of the month for JULY ( I am behind)

It was a horrible pattern, the instructions sucked!!! I had to call the Quilt store 2 times to get clarification, and still the block does not look like the one in the picture! Oh well, its done now after 5 hours of swearing... argh... I am going to do HAND quilting tonight in front of T.V. that will calm my nerves again

Just eating my supper now, Barley/Chicken stew... its a reheat from a couple of days ago but its stil tasty.

ANd some good news, my Gastric Bypass Friend called this aft. and we are going out for dinner and Movie tomorrow..

Edited by peaches9
more p.s.

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where is everybody today??? I am lonely here all by myself :)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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