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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Steph, so far so good, 6 months and the endangerment will be off!!! You can handle that. The drive to Williston will be a pain, but view it as some quality time. From what I've read/heard/experienced, don't be surprised if Michael has some 'testing' time either right before or right after his sessions. You're doing great! Now it is time to get back on track. Why...because you need to stop putting yourself down. Michael's issues are NOT your fault. You are punishing yourself through your eating. You figure, "Hell, I suck with everything I do, so if I beat myself up physically (eg. overeating) then I will be punished. I don't deserve to feel good or look good." TAKE CONTROL BACK!! You deserve to be healthy, pull out that before picture. Do you want to go back to that? I know it is easy to hide underneath fat, we are invisible when we are fat. You have inspired me, do you really think I'd be here if it wasn't for you? You told me I was worth it, so now I'm telling you: YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

Okay Steph, this was said with love and tears. You are my hero.

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Steph, only 8 pounds to go..

Denise, I'm glad your mom is back home. Now you can relax a little.

Has anyone heard how Karri is? She was talking about some medical issues associated with her rapid weight loss.

Phyl, one week....

Janet & Linda...it's 'hump day', all down hill from here.

Candice enjoy your trip. Keep us posted.

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Good Afternoon Gang !!!!

I dislike teenagers very much right now - and guess who I am disliking - GS came home at 2:30 - dogs bark and then I can't go back to sleep !!!! I maybe napped a bit but gave up at 4 and colored my hair - then had huge fight prior to going to work - he says he's moving out - well right now I hope so..

Hi ladies. I quickly looked at todays posts and really do have to go back and read on you all. Janet is a jailbird??? I missed something good.

BTW, I went to court for my endangering children ticket. Got a $250 fine and as long as I keep my nose clean for 90 days it will show up on my record as a ticket that was dismissed! Couldn't have asked for more. Actually what I asked for was a $300 fine and 6 months deferred and the judge dropped that. How awesome was that???

I'm on my way to pick up Michael from the hospital. I found a counselor willing to take him on and in a month or so she will begin to do some family therapy. Also found a psych willing to see him. Will have to make the drive to williston once a week but it all work out.

Hopefully next week will slow down and I'll have a chance to catch up with you all.

Thank you all for the kind words and hugs and prayers. Keep them coming. They definitely helped a LOT! For now, goodnight!

Yep GF I am a jail bird - go back and read it's pretty funny now - then it wasn't..

Glad to hear that things are at least going in the right direction with Michael..

Will continue prayers and hugs and being here for you...

Steph, so far so good, 6 months and the endangerment will be off!!! You can handle that. The drive to Williston will be a pain, but view it as some quality time. From what I've read/heard/experienced, don't be surprised if Michael has some 'testing' time either right before or right after his sessions. You're doing great! Now it is time to get back on track. Why...because you need to stop putting yourself down. Michael's issues are NOT your fault. You are punishing yourself through your eating. You figure, "Hell, I suck with everything I do, so if I beat myself up physically (eg. overeating) then I will be punished. I don't deserve to feel good or look good." TAKE CONTROL BACK!! You deserve to be healthy, pull out that before picture. Do you want to go back to that? I know it is easy to hide underneath fat, we are invisible when we are fat. You have inspired me, do you really think I'd be here if it wasn't for you? You told me I was worth it, so now I'm telling you: YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!

Okay Steph, this was said with love and tears. You are my hero.

Karla - Excellent advice - I have a GF who is just like this - she keeps blaming herself for how her kids have turned out and that they are not who she wants them to be...

I told her this morning she needs some counselling as she was a good mother (but just like most of us gave too much to them) they are adults and make their own choices and that's on them not her..


Steph, only 8 pounds to go..

Denise, I'm glad your mom is back home. Now you can relax a little.

Has anyone heard how Karri is? She was talking about some medical issues associated with her rapid weight loss.

Phyl, one week....

Janet & Linda...it's 'hump day', all down hill from here.

Candice enjoy your trip. Keep us posted.

Karla - I saw on FB that her & DH were at the beach last weekend - I haven't gotten any emails lately - she has a big vitiman defency - due to adrenal gland failure - the doc said it was due to her rapid weight loss - but when I googled it I read that it was mainly caused by stress - and we know our girl stresses :0) Thyroid issues too have something to do with it - don''t remember all the specifics - but she is on tons of vit and is feeling better - I bet it's the B12 shots :0)

Well just cking in !!!! I have gym tonite - that's if I make it... Right now I am still wired from all the coffee :biggrin:

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Well back from the gym - good arm work out !!!

dinner - lamb - roasted carrots and red potatoes - had it last night - it was good...

To early to go to sleep - couldn't if I tried - I'm wired right now..

Well, no one's around - so I guess I will go feed the dogs and start my new book..


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Just go back from our 2nd walk. We (my DD#4 & the puppies) went back to feel the koi, and Jordan decided that a swim in the pond was a good idea. He never has been in Water, but he jumped right in and swam around. So I guess we will take him to the river this week and see how he likes it.

PB'ed my chicken tonight, so I didn't really get to eat anything. Maybe later I will try something else.

Janet, thanks for the update on Karri. That girl needs to slow down a little. She is going to burn herself out before she is 30. But I do admire her commitment. I use to be that way.

I megga scored today. Was surfing around 'craigslist' and ran across a guy who was selling his deceased mothers quilting materials, (20 boxes), he was selling them for a donation to our local hospice. I explained that I'd love to have his mothers things and would charish them, but that as a teacher with 2 kids in college and couldn't afford much of a donation. Come to find out his mom was a secretary at a school, and he felt that I was meant to have them...for free. I really feel honored to receive her things. I'm going to make his dad some Cookies and then make a lap quilt from some of the material. It is going to be hard for his dad to see the things go, I hope I can make it easier.

Hope Steph is okay.

Janet, I never could eat lamb. The whole baby thing, it's like eating veal. Gives me the shivers.

Edited by cramerk

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Good Morning Gang...

As of 3:15 a.m. this morning I am the proud Great Grandma to 5 kittens (don't think one is going to make it :blink:) I have been giving it cpr - it was all alone under my bed (this is where Sheba had her kitten - I woke up hearing kitten cries) It was still in the sack and it's the biggest one it's breathing but that's about it - and the cutiest little runt that's strong !! They all are red tabbies like Mom - so I guess the bastard that took advantage of my under age kitten and got her pg was the other red tabby that I had seen around the house and not the white one.

Went to bed about 10 - another no sleep nite - I helpped clean them up - they are all now in the box feeding - but Sheba's so furry it's hard to find her tits..

So here I sit drinking my french press coffee (need the extra caffine again today) another nite of not much sleep.

Ok need advice - I was young and don't remember how I took care of Jasmine my other cat who had kittens a long long time ago - should I put food and Water and the kitty litter box in the spare room where we have them right now..

I don't think the dogs will bother them but both Andrew and I have work today...

Anyone know ???

Just go back from our 2nd walk. We (my DD#4 & the puppies) went back to feel the koi, and Jordan decided that a swim in the pond was a good idea. He never has been in water, but he jumped right in and swam around. So I guess we will take him to the river this week and see how he likes it.

PB'ed my chicken tonight, so I didn't really get to eat anything. Maybe later I will try something else.

Janet, thanks for the update on Karri. That girl needs to slow down a little. She is going to burn herself out before she is 30. But I do admire her commitment. I use to be that way.

I megga scored today. Was surfing around 'craigslist' and ran across a guy who was selling his deceased mothers quilting materials, (20 boxes), he was selling them for a donation to our local hospice. I explained that I'd love to have his mothers things and would charish them, but that as a teacher with 2 kids in college and couldn't afford much of a donation. Come to find out his mom was a secretary at a school, and he felt that I was meant to have them...for free. I really feel honored to receive her things. I'm going to make his dad some Cookies and then make a lap quilt from some of the material. It is going to be hard for his dad to see the things go, I hope I can make it easier.

Hope Steph is okay.

Janet, I never could eat lamb. The whole baby thing, it's like eating veal. Gives me the shivers.

Karla - Great score - it was meant to be - see good things do happen!!!

I won't eat veal after I saw a 60 mintues thing on how they treat the calfs when I was like 20 - but lamb I eat - I grew up on it we had it every Easter.

My dad kidded me that I really ate mutton - I use to buy new new zeland spring lamb (it must have been really cheap cuz this was when I was llike 18 - cooked it and my whole apt complex smelled of lamb (mutton):mellow: But to me if you are going to eat something like that it out to taste like lamb not beef - so I like it gamey - but these were lamb shoulder something - they were good.

Well just had to report to my Family - You guys are the first ones I think about telling my life stuff to... Isn't that bizarre.

Oh Phyl I didn't put the xmas blanket in Sheba's box but another red blanket - you remember how I told you Sheba loves red - she suckles & claws it -

Well it's 5:18 now need more coffee - So I will ck in later.

Steph - How are you doing??? Are things a little better today.. I am so happy that Michael & the family is going to get the help that you all need..

Karla - Yes our Karri is ocd - really another word for it but she is totally focused and a total perfectionist - but when she was here for her visit in July - She did get to relax and last night on Facebook I read where she had a great workout - so she is taking care of herself some.. I told her to come and report in on our new thread...

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I would put her food, Water, and litter close by for the first couple of days and keep the dogs out. Since she is young you don't know how she is going to handle the dogs. After a few days I sure that Sheba would like a little away time from the kittens. I hope the big one makes it. I'm a sucker for the underdog. About 5 years ago, while we were up quilting, we ran across a new litter of kittens that some jackoff threw out the car window. All but one became road kill, but one was crying although it had its jaw and nose messed up when it hit the pavement. I also performed cat CPR. All during the week we were quilting we fed it every 1 1/2 hours, bathed it, helped it go potty, kept it warm with a 'ziplock water bed' and named her Stitch. She is a live today and living with one of our group. Unknown to us, she had a broken jaw. But although she is missing part of her nose and the jaw didn't grow fully, Stitch is a real sweetheart. So I hope the big guy makes it.

I just worry about Karri, it will be a real loss if she burns out.

Make it through today and then take a nap.

I'll have to walk alone today. Princess Molly has sores in her armpits from her new harness and Jordan & Simon act like I am torturing them. So I'll walk without them and give them a day's rest.

Need to finish DD#5 Ragtime quilt so she can take it to college next week. Probably should do some laundry. Need to go hunt down some fruit at the store.

Have a good day!

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I would put her food, Water, and litter close by for the first couple of days and keep the dogs out. Since she is young you don't know how she is going to handle the dogs. After a few days I sure that Sheba would like a little away time from the kittens. I hope the big one makes it. I'm a sucker for the underdog. About 5 years ago, while we were up quilting, we ran across a new litter of kittens that some jackoff threw out the car window. All but one became road kill, but one was crying although it had its jaw and nose messed up when it hit the pavement. I also performed cat CPR. All during the week we were quilting we fed it every 1 1/2 hours, bathed it, helped it go potty, kept it warm with a 'ziplock water bed' and named her Stitch. She is a live today and living with one of our group. Unknown to us, she had a broken jaw. But although she is missing part of her nose and the jaw didn't grow fully, Stitch is a real sweetheart. So I hope the big guy makes it.

I just worry about Karri, it will be a real loss if she burns out.

Make it through today and then take a nap.

I'll have to walk alone today. Princess Molly has sores in her armpits from her new harness and Jordan & Simon act like I am torturing them. So I'll walk without them and give them a day's rest.

Need to finish DD#5 Ragtime quilt so she can take it to college next week. Probably should do some laundry. Need to go hunt down some fruit at the store.

Have a good day!

HE MADE IT !!!! :blink:

(I think it's a he - looks like tiny balls by his butt) We checked on them before we left for work and all 5 were moving and breathing - Just call me the Cat Whisperer :)) - Cat's name will be Lucky !!!!

I put the child gate up so that only Sheba can get thru the opening - she was out in the kitchen eating when we left - Andrew said that bear was in there and Sheba was ok - Bear is very maternal... She's ok with the dogs so far..

Well whom ever doesn't get a cat - Andrew has a few pple who want a kitten - the others are going to the no kill shelter and Sheba will be fixed in 2 weeks....

Well just wanted you all to know that cpr works on animals too !!! Pushed his chest with my finger and blew into his mouth and nose :0) just like to do with a baby.. That's the 1st time I have preformed CPR :mellow:

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Janet, Excellent job!!!

I'm dragging big time. It is after 10 am and normally I have walked for an hour, straightened the house, and am quilting. Right now, I am still in my pj's, and just waking up from a 2 hour nap. My brain is all fuzzy. I wanted to get it together and go wash a friends windows for her birthday...maybe I can get it together yet.

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What a day...

Went over to my friends and washed her windows. Part way through the project I get a call from DD#4, her car has stopped. Talking further, I find out that it made a really loud noise then stopped and began smoking. Okay, this is not good. I stop and buy 4 quarts of oil and go find her on the highway. I check the dipstick...dry. Put in 4 quarts of oil, say a prayer, and turn it over. It starts okay, but it is throwing oil and you can hear the boken rod. My mechanic (trustworthy and a friend) says, "Yep it is toast. The car isn't worth the $2000+ it would cost to replace the motor." So now what....I don't have the money, she is already working 2 jobs and starts school in just over a week. I guess when it rains there is a monsoon. The sucky part, she is still paying for the new tires, and I just bought a new battery on Wednesday. The mechanic doesn't know if she let it run out of oil and then blew, or the other way around. It doesn't matter, now she doesn't have a car. She drives 20 miles to work and to school, so not having a car is NOT an option.

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Karla - OMG I am so sorry - tell her to call her Dad !!!! Take the tires off and the battery out and keep them - or put them on craigslist since they are brand new...

I guess it's just you and me :0)

- Candice is out rving

- Steph is dealing with family issues

- Phyl - what's your excuse :0),

- Linda is back at work or getting ready to go

- Denise well she only post once a week or so

- Kari in Florida

- Karri is doing school too.

Dinner is going to be stuffed bell peppers with lean sweet italitan sauage meat & rice - corn & 2% cheese and Tomato bisque soup...

Went to lunch with Andrew - he is all alone in the office cuz his mom is on vacation and since he can't drive - can't eat.

Yesterday he was starving by the time I picked him up - we drove the micky D before we came home..

So today he had 4 tacos and I ordered a taco salad - but I was tight this morning - tried to eat one of those Protein Peanut Butter Cookies for bf (160 calories 15 grm pt) but could only eat 1/2..

The taco salad - didn't even eat all the meat - but was able to finish the other half of the cookies this afternoon - so my calories for the day 160 + 150 = 310 - We had to go to Walgreens after work - I picked up a candy bar - 230 calories - put it down then saw some cocunt m&m's - 210 calories - put those down - So a big pat on my back :confused:

Sheba and kittens doing fine -she ran out as soon as we got home - wanted food - we went and ck'd on the babies they all are fine - but now can't tell which one is the one I saved.

They all look alike - just like Sheba...

Well - just cking in - will cbl

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What a day...Went over to my friends and washed her windows. Part way through the project I get a call from DD#4, her car has stopped. Talking further, I find out that it made a really loud noise then stopped and began smoking. Okay, this is not good. I stop and buy 4 quarts of oil and go find her on the highway. I check the dipstick...dry. Put in 4 quarts of oil, say a prayer, and turn it over. It starts okay, but it is throwing oil and you can hear the boken rod. My mechanic (trustworthy and a friend) says, "Yep it is toast. The car isn't worth the $2000+ it would cost to replace the motor." So now what....I don't have the money, she is already working 2 jobs and starts school in just over a week. I guess when it rains there is a monsoon. The sucky part, she is still paying for the new tires, and I just bought a new battery on Wednesday. The mechanic doesn't know if she let it run out of oil and then blew, or the other way around. It doesn't matter, now she doesn't have a car. She drives 20 miles to work and to school, so not having a car is NOT an option.

So sorry, Karla!! Too bad you can't snag one of those "clunkers" that are getting crushed and put out of commission even though they're still perfectly good cars!

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Thanks everyone. I appreciate the sympathy. I could have cried, and my daughter did.

But I did have some exciting news!!! I haven't stepped on the scale so far, I had found it depressing. But guess what....I tried on a pair of jeans...size 16!!!!!!!! I haven't seen a size 16 in 10 years!!!! So have gone from a tight 22 to a 16. I didn't think I would EVER see a size 16. Some good news for the day!

Janet, where is the pics of the babies. I have my dad talked into taking the kitty that I found. So when the owners get back from vacation, we will have her spayed and then arange to get it to dad's house. The kitty is a 5 year old manx who pats you with her paw when she wants a scratch and pat. He last manx did that. So I think this is going work great. It will make his remaining time more worth while.

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- Candice is out rving

- Steph is dealing with family issues

- Phyl - what's your excuse :0),

- Linda is back at work or getting ready to go

- Denise well she only post once a week or so

- Kari in Florida

- Karri is doing school too.

Sheba and kittens doing fine -she ran out as soon as we got home - wanted food - we went and ck'd on the babies they all are fine - but now can't tell which one is the one I saved. They all look alike - just like Sheba...

Well - just cking in - will cbl

My excuse.... Seattle Science Center with Jodie & kids today. We had a great time... FIVE hours! Didn't notice until we were rounding up the kids one last time to try and get them out of there that my scooter battery was just about DEAD!! Barely made it back to the car! Last chance to spend some time with the kids before they go back to school (a week from Monday), and I'm laid up for a few weeks. And once I'm on my feet again... we'll be heading SOUTH!

Kitties sound adorable. I thought the one you saved was the biggest of the bunch. If he was still in sac, mom was ignoring him for some reason. Good thing you were there! He for sure would have died!

OMG.... went down to the waterfront last night with Tracy and Jim...I'm doing all these... "one last time" things! I will HATE being confined to the house for a while! My friend told me that the only way you qualify for at home PT with Medicare is if you are "housebound"... which they define as you can only go to dr. appts or church! So I can still go to Primetimers and church, but that's about it. So I wonder if I'll get away with riding around the neighborhood on my scooter! Do you think they have spies?????

Anyway... waterfront story.... place called Anthony's HomePort down on Everett waterfront has this wonderful outside deck looking out on the Water. It was a gorgeous afternoon. And they have great "happy hour" prices on drinks and appetizers. So I order a glass of wine and I wanted these BBQ oysters I had last time we were there... 50 cents each.... Well, they only have them in months that have an "R" in them. Huh... last time I had them it was June or July!! Oh, well. So only way I could have oysters was to order these shot glass shooters.. also 50 cents each so I order 4 of them. Well, turned out they were considerably bigger than the BBQ oysters... and I didn't realize they would be RAW!! Then I had to eat them to save face! Gross! But... it was a WONDERFUL afternoon and so nice to sit there in the sun right there on the water. But... NO MORE raw oysters.

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My excuse.... Seattle Science Center with Jodie & kids today. We had a great time... FIVE hours! Didn't notice until we were rounding up the kids one last time to try and get them out of there that my scooter battery was just about DEAD!! Barely made it back to the car! Last chance to spend some time with the kids before they go back to school (a week from Monday), and I'm laid up for a few weeks. And once I'm on my feet again... we'll be heading SOUTH!

Kitties sound adorable. I thought the one you saved was the biggest of the bunch. If he was still in sac, mom was ignoring him for some reason. Good thing you were there! He for sure would have died!

OMG.... went down to the waterfront last night with Tracy and Jim...I'm doing all these... "one last time" things! I will HATE being confined to the house for a while! My friend told me that the only way you qualify for at home PT with Medicare is if you are "housebound"... which they define as you can only go to dr. appts or church! So I can still go to Primetimers and church, but that's about it. So I wonder if I'll get away with riding around the neighborhood on my scooter! Do you think they have spies?????

Anyway... waterfront story.... place called Anthony's HomePort down on Everett waterfront has this wonderful outside deck looking out on the Water. It was a gorgeous afternoon. And they have great "happy hour" prices on drinks and appetizers. So I order a glass of wine and I wanted these BBQ oysters I had last time we were there... 50 cents each.... Well, they only have them in months that have an "R" in them. Huh... last time I had them it was June or July!! Oh, well. So only way I could have oysters was to order these shot glass shooters.. also 50 cents each so I order 4 of them. Well, turned out they were considerably bigger than the BBQ oysters... and I didn't realize they would be RAW!! Then I had to eat them to save face! Gross! But... it was a WONDERFUL afternoon and so nice to sit there in the sun right there on the water. But... NO MORE raw oysters.

Well in looking closer tonite there is another one that was the size of Lucky - its really hard to tell cuz they are squirming so much

When they (kittens) woke me up at 3;15 I looked under the bed - she was with 3 of them - and I notice this thing away from her (could have been the 1st born) so I woke Andrew up to help me - he got on the other side of the bed and got the kitten (with a rag) and immediately gave it to me - and I broke the bag and started cleaning it off with a damp washcloth - it was barely breathing - I thought it was about dead - then Sheba pops out another kitten - I was about to tell Andrew that the kitten was dead and wasn't going to make it

But I remember one time before when my old cat had kittens I thought one was dead - threw it in the trash and the next day when I go out side I hear a kitten crying in the trash can - it wasn't dead after all... So I just kept blowing air in it's face and rubbhing it's chest...

Glad you had a great time w/the GrandKids - Brooke's 1st day of school was Monday -(kindergarten) she was suppose to start last Monday but got a BAD BAD stomach bug - coming out both ends - had to go to ER twice...

No I don't think they have spies - I think you could go for a ride when you felt like it - but will Earl let you out of the house :0)

I love oysters on the half shell (raw) but I have to have cocktail sauce - not plain ....

Sounds like you have had a great time these last few days...

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