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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good job Linda, you put into words what the rest of us were thinking!!!

WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOI just finished quilting my daughters oriental quilt, my first big quilt on my quilting frame and machine. For the 1st big project it looks pretty darn good. Just as long as no one looks too close.

Just snarfed a nectorine and paybacks or a b-----. To excited, pb, here we come. grr

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Stephanie. I just said a prayer for you and will continue to do so. I prayed that you will find the peace that passes understanding; that you will be able to put this in God's hands, and allow Him to show you what He wants you to do. I am praying for people to sourround you with love and kindness so that you feel His presence. Please remember that we care about you.

AMEN!! Me, too, Steph!

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Hey Gang - I am alive and well - Saturday Gym - met gf for bf - took Andrew to the mall to get his hair cut - I went to Macy's - A few months back I tried on this Ralph Lauren dress - loved it - but then looked at the price tag $176 :angry: Just a regular summer dress - So it went back - even though it looked really good on me.. Well they were having a sale & I had a 20% coupon

Guess what I got the dress for !!! $44 !!! Yep that's right a 176 dress for 44 !!! Then nails then drinks & concert -

Yesterday slept til 9:30 !!! Then another GF came over at noon and stayed til 3 -

Work today - had to unpack and set up my new work space and that took all morning.

Food good - no more junk !!! Had gym tonite and then had to go food shopping since I didn't this weekend...

We do a lot of our grocery shopping at Super Walmart.< /span>

Hadn't heard that about weight loss/sleep apnea. I tried it on 12 last night but still felt like I was fighting the thing to exhale because it was blowing so hard in to my nostrils!

Consider this..... I can drink a cup of coffee as late as 7 p.m. and still sleep just fine. But... if I have chocolate... it will keep me awake half the night. I don't know any statistics, but I've herad there is more caffeine in chocolate than there is in coffee.

Sub-lingual B-Complex... liquid.. you can get at Target or Walmart. Might be cheaper than getting it online, but then I've never priced it online.

Had a nice lunch at the Salish Lodge/ Snoqualmie Falls. Very nice waitress.. We were disappointed because we had looked at all the menus online and decided what we wanted only to fid out when we got there that the lunch menu is not available on weekends. So the menu they gave us had Breakfast and brunch items and nothing that appealed to us. So she asked us what we'd seen online that we wanted and when we told her she went to the kitchen to see if they would make those things for us! And they did. We were very pleased. Earl had halibut and I had dungeness crab pasta.. lots of fresh veggies in it. Now Tracy has invited us over for dinner! She is making WW spaghetti from the WW cookbook.

Ya could have been the chocolate or the whole Andrew rummaging thru the house -

After I got back from bf on Sat morning - I told him to call Goodyear and see if he left them there on Thrusday... Sure enough that's where they were....

Am getting seriously depressed today. Inservice tomorrow, CPR re-cert and prep day on Tuesday, and classes start Wednesday. Where the heck did the summer go? I WANT TO RETIRE NOW. Janet, I so feel for you and your whole situation. Candice--you too! We've put in our time, we've delt with unreasonable bosses and demanding clients and selfish coworkers for over 30 years besides raising our own families, maintaining our own homes, and in general nurturing everyone else. I'm eating what I want today because I feel like that's the only thing I get to do for me. Tomorrow I will be controlled by everyone and everything else--including my own body (and my perfectionist Dr. sister and her Dr. husband and their future Dr. gifted children). Today is about what I want. How bad is that?

Gf -I know just how you feel - a gf at work asked if I was down as I wasn't my usual self - I'm ok - still trying to adjust to my new work station and I was tired... Didn't sleep well last night.

For the reason you stated - I feel that's why alot of us over eat - I know it was for me - It's what I could do for me to comfort me cuz I was always taking care of everyone else..

I didn't have the perfect sibling sistuation as you have - but I always felt that my brothers had it a lot easier than me growing up - they lived on ranch property didn't have mortgage or bills - where I was the struggling (somewhat my dad did help) single mom - But when it was all said and done I know my Dad was proud of me and how responsible I was - So I'm lucky in that - Hell I'm the only one left - of my blood brothers mother & father.. So I don't have that stuff anymore - just the loss of them...

Hugs - We understand - We are here for you...

Originally Posted by lindaa viewpost.gif

Am getting seriously depressed today. Inservice tomorrow, CPR re-cert and prep day on Tuesday, and classes start Wednesday. Where the heck did the summer go? I WANT TO RETIRE NOW. Janet, I so feel for you and your whole situation. Candice--you too! We've put in our time, we've dealt with unreasonable bosses and demanding clients and selfish coworkers for over 30 years besides raising our own families, maintaining our own homes, and in general nurturing everyone else. I'm eating what I want today because I feel like that's the only thing I get to do for me. Tomorrow I will be controlled by everyone and everything else--including my own body (and my perfectionist Dr. sister and her Dr. husband and their future Dr. gifted children). Today is about what I want. How bad is that?

Happy Sunday, everyone;

LInda I take it the visit from your sister did not go well? Or are you just glad to see them go?

What is your family placement? Are you the oldest daughter/youngest???

I am the baby of the family, and when I get with "family" I am still 14 yrs old... I hate it!!! I am a caring, accomplished person, had a successful career and STILL them make me feel like a little kid.

Linda; you are awesome... don't let the blues get ya... or if it does... make it a SHORT and SWEET visit from the BLUES BROTHERS. :hurray:

you are starting back on a full semester of work, so its natural to be stressed out with all the prep work you must do... have you and Mel sat down and figured out WHEN you CAN retire? THen start doing the countdown to freedom!!!

Janet? must be a the gym today doing penance...

I only have to suffer thru MONDAY and TUESDAY patients and then I'm off in my RV up north!...


Nope Candice Did the penance on Saturday:0)

Well birth order - I am the eldest of the children from my parents marriage - but my Sister is 7 yrs older but we have diff Dads and she didn't come to live with us until she was a Freshman..

And yes I know I am blessed and that these little problems are really nothing to complain about ... But it was bugging me that I was so bummed about nothing..

I'm with Linda - I am sick of responsibility - I have been responsibility since I was 16 - (well most of the time ;0)

Candice, Water intake is good, but that is also where the SF lemonaide is coming from. I don't like 'plain' water, so I put it over ice, and then toss in some SF lemonaide powder. I usually exceed the 64 oz. per day.

Janet, your battery issues are contageous. DD#4 went out to go to work this morning and her car wouldn't start. I'm REALLY hoping it is the battery and NOT the starter. So I'll put the battery charger on it today and see if it starts, that will give us a clue on what it is. Needless to say, I got to drive her to work in my pj's. Was REALLY hoping my car didn't die. I always have visions of the mom in her robe & rollers out there changing a tire in the rain. But fortunately God was looking over me and made it back home safe & sound. My lobster print bottoms would be okay for public, but the no bra t-shirt wouldn't have been pretty. Then there was the hair and teeth, ooooo, scary.

Who knows why I'm not loosing anything. But so far I haven't gotten TOTALLY frustrated and binged. That is always a risk for me.

Karla - yep the battery issue was contagious - my gf candy who picked me up from the shop and took be back to work Friday - called friday nite to tell me - that while she was out and about Friday afternoon - her battery died on her too..

Are you actually logging every bite that goes into your mouth or are you guesstimating - and it could be that you body is catching up with alll the weight you have lost - just keep plugging along and it will come off

Hi ladies. Just checking in quick. I see there are 6 pages I need to read before I'm caught up on your lives. I might find some quiet time to do that sometime in the next month.

There are a million things happening in my world right now, none of them good. The Michael thing has escalated and I'm a babbling idiot when it comes to discussing it. I'm exhausted, confused, upset, and can do nothing but cry. He is in an acute residential facility and they are waiting on me to find him outpatient care before they will release him. Needless to say I'm beginning to think hell will freeze over before that will happen....but I'm on day one of the search so I shouldn't give up so easily.

I'm a very negative Nelly these days and in tears most of the time. You know the saying, "life sucks and then you die"....welll I'm to the point that the second half of that sentence couldn't come fast enough.

My food choices are horrific and I could care less right now. I eat only to get sick. I'm tighter now than I was before I had my unfill and if I thought I was too busy to get an unfill before....now I've got twice as much on my plate.

I need some serious medication...I'm thinking something that will make me do nothing but sit in the corner and drool. I'm dying for an escape. Dying to pick up a pack of cigarettes. Screaming to get raging drunk and stay that way. Praying that someone will commit me so that I don't have any responsibilities anymore.

I'll be checking in and out but don't expect a lot of response from me. This is the first 10 minutes I've had to sit at the computer in over 6 days. You can try email but I haven't even been checking that. I just don't have the time or the energy.

Sorry to be such a downer. Just didn't want you all to think I've dismissed you. I need you all now more than ever and I love you all. I just don't have any energy to give to you all. I know that being here would be the best for me now, but I'm the least of my concerns. I'll check in when I can. Love you ladies. I really do.

Awe Steph GF Hugs !!!! Ya sometime life is nothing but the shits!!! Hugs & prayers that things smooth out real soon..

Come and vent - it does help to do that I know last week with my minor crap - I felt better after I typed it all out..

Well gang I wanted to post so that you knew I was alive - it's 8 and I gotta figure out what to fix for dinner and make my salad for the week..

Hugs & Love & Prayer to all of you ---- J

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Janet, yep, I'm logging every bite/drink. But tonight I walked another mile with all the babies, 3 dogs at one time is not really the best idea. actually they were pretty good, it was all the unfenced, unleashed dogs and kids on dirt bikes. Finally had to 'pin' our dogs even though they were just reacting to everyone else. I wish we had a leash law. Princess Molly even got out of her harness (it's a little too small), but at least she came back like she was suppose to.

Made parmesan tilapi, not bad. Kind of made up my own recipe: broiled tilapi for 2 min on each side, mixed up shredded parmesan, a little olive oil, plain yogurt, lemon juice, basil, onion powder, pepper, parsley and put it on top of the fish and broiled it for about 2 - 3 minutes. I think next time I will marinate the fish in some wine & garlic. but the kids actually ate it. Also had sweet potatoes with SF maple Syrup and watermelon. I think my kids have decided I am nuts, I'm cooking & cleaning.

Janet, good job working off the ice cream, proud of you. Yep, DD#4 has to buy a new battery. I couldn't get the old battery out of her car, so I had to buy jumper cables so we can jump it in the morning and I can take it into the shop. Burn plastic burn. grr.

Phyl, when is your surgery?

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Morning ladies...hope you all had a restful night.

Candice, is the RV ready? Tell you DH ANYTIME he thinks he need to wash & wax something, my car is in the garage! I frequently wash, but wax...what is that. Are you able to take your computer so we can have updates on the maiden voyage?

Steph, I hope you got some rest. Hopefully you found a facility for Michael. Let me know what I can do to help.

Janet, is your office unpacked? It is so unsettling to have to move. Build you nest and make the space your own.

Phyl, did you get to sneak into the kitchen?

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Phyl. did Earl make it home o..k. from his mountain trek??? What did you Cook yourself while you had FREE time in the kitchen?

Janet; You must have all that moving stuff organized by now, good work on finding Andrew's keys... takes an organized woman eh???

Linda; don't work too hard... your LBT family misses you when you are not here.

Steph: continued Prayers and HUGS G.F.

Karla; Ya I hate waxing cars too... good thing the DH likes to do it! Havn't looked at any more quilt stuff... its way too addictive and I have to finish my current project(s) first!!!

Only have 2 blocks left to quilt on that Baby Twin bed quilt... that's the one that has to go to Switzerland before Nov.

Kari; is MIA somewhere in Florida, hopefully avoiding hurricanes.

Karri: I know she's swamped with school this time of year...but we are thinking of you Girl!

Denise: Hugs and love for you and your family. Hope MOM is feeling better soon.

Well, gotta run and ge tmy BOTOX checked out this a.m. re-touch time????

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Good Morning Gang

Yep I am all unpacked and nested. But this morning I forgot my new pictures that I was going to bring...

Today will be my 1st real day over here - the biggest problem is that my back is to the door way (openning I have no door) so anyone walking in can see what's

on my screen :wub: - but luckly I will hear most coming so should leave me enough time to click my work screen :angry:

At my other desk anyone walking in couldn't see my screen so I was lucky there..

Karla - No leash laws - omg I got a ticket years ago (20 at least) for my little muffin - I ignored it - then one Saturday morning after an all night party on our way to eat mexican - I california stopped a stop sign (ran it)- there sat a cop - he pulled me over - ran my name had a warrent for my arrest for the stupid dog ticket - guess what he did - he hauled my ass to jail - Yes ladies I am a jail bird :drool:. I looked like a damn hooker I had on one of those strapless smock dresses a pair of mules (heels) and my hair was long and blond and very wild - we had just woke up and on our way to eat - All the cops in the Sheriff station were laughing on why the cop had brought me in for - My gf went and got my bail $82 and had me bailed out by the time they finished booking me - and then the stupid cop - said I was lucky I got him and not some asshole - well I held my tongue - he could have told me to take care of the ticket on monday - he didn't have to haul my ass into jail..

Just keep sticking to your healthy eating you are going to drop 3 lbs in one week..

You fish sounds good -

Phly 1 week from today is your surgery... I bet you are excited.. How was Earl's hike - Hiking just doesn't appeal to me - 6 hours hell no 1 to 1.5 hrs is my max at exercising.

Yes we all want to know what you cooked :)

Candice - touch up already ?? Have you figured out where you are going on your maiden voyage?? How's your mom - only 2 months til wedding - what's the date.

Steph - the place where Michael is should be able to help you I would think - continued hugs - prayer and love - we are here for you...

Linda - Just go to work - do what you have to come home and let it go - that's what I am doing...

Denise - Shout out to you - hugs & prayer on Mom.

Kari - Hope you are enjoying the time w/Mom

Karri - I guess we have to go to FB to talk to you - I saw where you guys were at the beach. Did you have fun..

Well I need to ck other thread and get my butt in gear before everyone gets here.

Hugs :hurray:

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Sorry, Jailbird Janet.... couldn't resist!

And this one is SO perfect!! Great story, BTW!!

Hate to disappoint all of you, but I was so busy on Sunday I didn't have time to cook anything! I washed a couple of loads of clothes, set up our vitamins/Rx for the next six weeks (took over an hour!), cruised the neighborhood several times including visiting with my favorite baristas, and never got around to cooking!

Earl, Tracy & Jim thoroughly enjoyed their climb to 5000+ ft and the top of Mt. Pilchuck and came back with great photos. Earl went straight to the hot tub when he got home! Remarkably, only sore muscles he had yesterday were in his arms,

from using his walking sticks.

Stomach issues past few days, Reflux at night keeping me awake for HOURS!

PB, sliming and just plain barfing, last night 5-6 hours AFTER i had dinner, which was a 4 oz filet w/sauteed mushrooms & onions, and less than 1/4 cup mixed veggies.

Lost my first cup of coffee yesterday morning!

What's that about???

Today wondering if I have a touch of the flu or something as I feel completely yucky!

Earl just talked about making us some salads for lunch and I just can't face lunch!

I'm about to go out to mail something, deposit a check, and get my latte,

but even the thought of the latte is not appealing!

Edited by phyllser

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Did my hour of brisk walk. I was dragging a bit at the beginning, but got into stride after a few minutes. But the puppies were dragging. You'd think that I was torturing them. I didn't even have to stop them from barking at loose dogs, they were too focused on keeping their tongues off the ground. Janet, nope we don't have a leash law, this is Montana ... big open spaces, where men are men and the livestock are scared. Anyway, my circle (yep it is actually a circle) requires each home to be on a one acre lot because of wells and septic tanks, no city Water for us toughies. So people just let their pets and children run wild. I'm actually one of the few who has a fence, mainly to keep the kids on the dirt bikes from tearing across my front lawn. I live next to an empty lot that the kids (and dad's) have built jumps, so the kids are constantly tearing around. Let's just say, Jordan, Simon, & Molly don't like it much.

But I just had to tell someone....I made myself a hot turkey/reduce cal provolone on a SMALL tortilla for lunch. Believe it or not...I was full after eating half the sandwich!!! I rarely feel full at lunch time, I stop eating because I'm out of calories not because I'm full. So I must be making some progress. So total cals for lunch was about 140.

Phyl, your mind is probably racing trying to think of all the things you want/need to get done before next week. Be sure to take some extra time for yourself.

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Sorry, Jailbird Janet.... couldn't resist!

And this one is SO perfect!! Great story, BTW!!

Hate to disappoint all of you, but I was so busy on Sunday I didn't have time to cook anything! I washed a couple of loads of clothes, set up our vitamins/Rx for the next six weeks (took over an hour!), cruised the neighborhood several times including visiting with my favorite baristas, and never got around to cooking!

Earl, Tracy & Jim thoroughly enjoyed their climb to 5000+ ft and the top of Mt. Pilchuck and came back with great photos. Earl went straight to the hot tub when he got home! Remarkably, only sore muscles he had yesterday were in his arms,

from using his walking sticks.

Stomach issues past few days, Reflux at night keeping me awake for HOURS!

PB, sliming and just plain barfing, last night 5-6 hours AFTER i had dinner, which was a 4 oz filet w/sauteed mushrooms & onions, and less than 1/4 cup mixed veggies.

Lost my first cup of coffee yesterday morning!

What's that about???

Today wondering if I have a touch of the flu or something as I feel completely yucky!

Earl just talked about making us some salads for lunch and I just can't face lunch!

I'm about to go out to mail something, deposit a check, and get my latte,

but even the thought of the latte is not appealing!

Phyl - That's a great picture - yep prior to my dog ticket I was the only person in my family never to have gone to jail (between bro's & sister) and it was fact I was very proud of..

I am the joke of the family - about that dog ticket - and ya it was a good story now - but that cop pissed me off hand cuffed me - tightly - had red wrist for a few hours after wards...

You may be stressed - or flu - either way - don't try and eat - I think you need to go on full liquids - and if it doesn't stop go to the doctor...

Did my hour of brisk walk. I was dragging a bit at the beginning, but got into stride after a few minutes. But the puppies were dragging. You'd think that I was torturing them. I didn't even have to stop them from barking at loose dogs, they were too focused on keeping their tongues off the ground. Janet, nope we don't have a leash law, this is Montana ... big open spaces, where men are men and the livestock are scared. Anyway, my circle (yep it is actually a circle) requires each home to be on a one acre lot because of wells and septic tanks, no city Water for us toughies. So people just let their pets and children run wild. I'm actually one of the few who has a fence, mainly to keep the kids on the dirt bikes from tearing across my front lawn. I live next to an empty lot that the kids (and dad's) have built jumps, so the kids are constantly tearing around. Let's just say, Jordan, Simon, & Molly don't like it much.

But I just had to tell someone....I made myself a hot turkey/reduce cal provolone on a SMALL tortilla for lunch. Believe it or not...I was full after eating half the sandwich!!! I rarely feel full at lunch time, I stop eating because I'm out of calories not because I'm full. So I must be making some progress. So total cals for lunch was about 140.

Phyl, your mind is probably racing trying to think of all the things you want/need to get done before next week. Be sure to take some extra time for yourself.

Karla - there was nothing wrong with your sandwich - you are suppose to eat foods to make you full on a smaller about - 1/2 sandwhich is a reasonable about and cal were fantastic - I had salad w/lunch meat ck - onion and avacado and then a piece of watermelon - should have been full - but wasn't - had a hand full of peanuts which did satisfy me..

I have sandwiches every now and then -

Well back to work

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Sorry, Jailbird Janet.... couldn't resist!

And this one is SO perfect!! Great story, BTW!!

Hate to disappoint all of you, but I was so busy on Sunday I didn't have time to cook anything! I washed a couple of loads of clothes, set up our vitamins/Rx for the next six weeks (took over an hour!), cruised the neighborhood several times including visiting with my favorite baristas, and never got around to cooking!

Earl, Tracy & Jim thoroughly enjoyed their climb to 5000+ ft and the top of Mt. Pilchuck and came back with great photos. Earl went straight to the hot tub when he got home! Remarkably, only sore muscles he had yesterday were in his arms,

from using his walking sticks.

Stomach issues past few days, Reflux at night keeping me awake for HOURS!

PB, sliming and just plain barfing, last night 5-6 hours AFTER i had dinner, which was a 4 oz filet w/sauteed mushrooms & onions, and less than 1/4 cup mixed veggies.

Lost my first cup of coffee yesterday morning!

What's that about???

Today wondering if I have a touch of the flu or something as I feel completely yucky!

Earl just talked about making us some salads for lunch and I just can't face lunch!

I'm about to go out to mail something, deposit a check, and get my latte,

but even the thought of the latte is not appealing!

Phyl; Have you tried GAVISCON for your nighttime Reflux?? They are chewable and quite desent flavors... does the trick for me when it wakes me up.

Man I can see why Earl needed the HOT TUB - 5000 ft mountain???? !!!!

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I'm amazed Earl can walk. We take our 6th graders on a hike up St. Mary's Peak. Probably a similar sized mountain. It takes about 3 hours up and about 2 hours down. The ONE time I did it, I could hardly walk for 3 days and had to call in sick. I'm suppose to do it this fall, so hopefully being 65 pounds lighter will help. It was the jarring on the way down that killed my knees & hips.

dinner tonight, steak, a spoon of potatoes, veggies, & watermelon.

Janet, I'm glad you suggested to Phyl to go onto liquids, I was thinking that. I have been really lucky about acid reflux, the fill doc asked me about it. Is this something you guys had trouble with right away or did it come on later?

Candice, don't forget to christen the RV. I'd suggest a nice chardenay (sp) broken over the bow, but I'd drink the wine, and sprinkle a little over the bow. Have fun, keep a list. My sister, who has the 'RV' that cost 3 times the amount of my house, has a check list for departure and set up. But on this maiden voyage there will be things that you wish you had and things you wish you left. Don't leave it to memory, put this list where you can add to it easily. I dream of having a mini-winni to travel around the country. I don't sleep well when I'm not in my own bed, so this would allow me to have my bed and my space. Now picture it,,,my mini-winni with my featherweight (1957 mini sewing machine) and a bright green moped on the back. Then I can go and visit all my grandchildren (should I ever have them) and friends and go to quilt shows around the country.

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I just got this from Lapband - Allergan - Thought you who have their bands might be interested in this info

Dear LAP-BAND® System Advocacy Council Members,

I hope the summer finds you well and enjoying vacation with friends and family. For some time now, I’ve wanted to introduce a means of sharing information and ideas. If you agree, I’d like to create an online exchange of valuable information. You’ve provided valuable insight in the past, and I’d like to make sure I continue to listen to your ideas, as well as provide you with new information that you can share.

Initially, I’ll be sending out information and resources via email for you to use on your discussion board, site and/or practices. Hopefully you can help me shape our experience over the coming months with information and resources that will benefit your members.

Did You Know?

My LAP-BAND® Journey email and online support program has added exclusive partnerships with Lindora® and Curves®, two leading weight-loss support companies.

My LAP-BAND® TLC Program by Lindora®

LAP-BAND® Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program, from the medical weight-loss experts at Lindora®, is a free 10-week program to help maximize weight-loss results. LAP-BAND® Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program participants get 24/7 access to a “virtual clinic,” two 1-1 personal support calls with a Lindora® Health Educator, and unlimited email support. Plus 20% savings on Lindora® TLC nutritional products, supplements and support tools.

The program is designed exclusively for LAP-BAND® patients who’ve had their first adjustment and need a little extra TLC as they transition from soft to solid food. It’s also perfect if you’ve had the LAP-BAND® for 6, 8, 12, 24 months or 5 years and feel like you need to “reboot” with a little structure to get motivated and back on track. Check out the details:

Lapband.com - Exclusive LAP-BAND® TLC - Lindora® - Post-Op Weight Loss Support Program

Discount Membership to Curves®

Curves®, the largest fitness franchise in the world, offers female LAP-BAND® System patients a 2-week free trial membership. After the free trial, get 50% off the membership initiation fee and 10% off monthly dues. Curves® offers trained coaches to help you incorporate safe exercise into the fitness journey.

Lapband.com - Curves® Free 2-week Trial - Lap-band® Post-surgery Exclusive

Visit lapband.com to take advantage of these partnerships, and please spread the word about these exciting programs with other LAP-BAND® System patients. I haveattached a fact sheet on the new partnerships for you to read and pass along if you like.

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hello Everyone,

The hospital sent Mom back to the home today.

Steph- Praying for you and your family. You're going through a very tough time right now, but it will get better.

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Hi ladies. I quickly looked at todays posts and really do have to go back and read on you all. Janet is a jailbird??? I missed something good.

BTW, I went to court for my endangering children ticket. Got a $250 fine and as long as I keep my nose clean for 90 days it will show up on my record as a ticket that was dismissed! Couldn't have asked for more. Actually what I asked for was a $300 fine and 6 months deferred and the judge dropped that. How awesome was that???

I'm on my way to pick up Michael from the hospital. I found a counselor willing to take him on and in a month or so she will begin to do some family therapy. Also found a psych willing to see him. Will have to make the drive to williston once a week but it all work out.

Hopefully next week will slow down and I'll have a chance to catch up with you all.

Thank you all for the kind words and hugs and prayers. Keep them coming. They definitely helped a LOT! For now, goodnight!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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