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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, to hell with the lapband doc. You have totally changed your life habits, you will continue to lose, he needs a bitch slap!!!

Ya Phyl, you ROCK.. I remember noticing when you were in Canada... whilest all the rest of us were having a wee tad of FUDGE, you held firm and said HELL NO!!!

You continue to be my inspiration that "I can Do IT"....

I just need some more 'stickwithitness'... hee,hee:biggrin:

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It's really quite today - Phyl had pre-op Knee surgery visit today - Kari is gone to Florida - Linda where are you - Denise is at school - Karri is working her butt off - no time for us :0).. Steph is gone on vacation - Don't know what Karla's doing - must be stringing more fence or quilting..

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I'm quilting, finally got the gynko pattern to work on my daughter's quilt and I'm in the groove, so spending most time doing that. I do need to put part of the privacy fence back up since it blew down during a wind storm this week. I was focusing!!

Still really battling the hungries today. I made sure I ate on time. It is like my body is saying...oh hell no, you are NOT going to make me shrink. I'm sure it is a phase, and I made sure my Protein was high, so I'll just endure it.

Just a dad update (okay, if I type I can't eat), he has finished his first round of the study medication. He will go in for a CAT scan in 5 weeks. He has been able to keep his oxygen levels in the high 90's. His back has really been painful, but had a CAT scan and it is 'clean', just arthritus. I was convinced that the cancer had spread to his bones. He has his vision back, the optometrist did a quick laser to his lenses and he is able to drive again. His energy level is improving, and is even talking about coming up to my house. So this is the best possible scenario at this time.

Two weeks before DD#5 moves into the dorms, she is so excited to be 'free'. I don't blame her, she will have a blast, but she is also a very hard worker. DD#4 is taking some nursing classes to see if she would rather be an RN instead of a radiologist. I hope she enjoys it, her job oportunities will be greater.

Janet, by chance is Sheba a Manx? I am searching for a manx for my dad. He had to put his baby down last year and he is really missing having a lap warmer.

Well, I have rambled on long enough, catch ya later!

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Well it's official - stress tightens the crap out of my band

Here are my stress for the day...

#1 This whole moving to the other side - I get a 19 yr old desk which is an L shape -I have a U shape now - So loosing tons of work space and can't figure out how I am going to set up my desk and work - Also it's quite where I am now and my office is about 20 x 20 and I am moving into a space 6x6.

#2 The stupid office manager is now telling me I can't have my files on the outside of my cubical cuz she doesn't want the lady who sits next to me to have her's on the out side cuz her's are higher and she doesn't like her and said it's not fair to the others to block the windows (it wouldn't bother anyone cuz it's just the 2 of us on that side of the office) and then in case of fire and we need to jump out the windows (we are on the 2nd floor) - well mine are the same height as the bottom of the window.. So why can't she just tell the other lady no and let me have my files right outside my work space instead of all the way around the front..

It's a whole power trip - she's new just promoted to this position and she's totally changed!!

#3 Leave work get in the car and the stupid battery is dead. So call Andrew tell him I will be late picking him up from work (we are car pooling now that he has a suspended license) he sounds like I am inconveniencing him..

Well AAA comes - tells me I have a dead cell - and gives me a jump - they do have a battery replacement program but they didn't have one to fit my car.. Have Andrew call the dealership they tell him they don't close until 5 - but I had to be there by 3:30 if I wanted them to replace my battery ..

Well, there is a good news here - picked up Andrew and went to the Good Year store where I get stuff done - ask them if they have a battery for my car - they said ya - so we go inside and wait - they come in an tell me my battery is fine - something must have been left on (what I don't know) but it's fine.

Well now get this - one of the mechanics my age was flirting with me... I said something about the age of the battery and he said something that things still work even when they are old :confused: - I was a little shocked when I realized he was flirting.. But it felt kinda nice - I did look cute today - black cigarette leg ankle pants - as black/white geometric strapless blouse with a white shrug and 4 inch wedge black patient heels...

So I was lucky I didn't have to buy a new battery (it's in my trunk and it looks expensive). I did say thank you to God

#4 Then took Andrew to look for a new bedspread - went to Marshall's and was lucky he found one right away.. but shopping w/him is a pain in the ass and he was moody on the ride home..

Came home was going to sit and watch the soap (AMC Candice :)) with Andrew (yes I have him hooked on AMC since he was 11) and made some popcorn cuz I was hungry -



I forgot to speak to your hungriness ... It happens some days you can eat a horse - and you want more - and other days you aren't as hungry - Carbs can and sometime do fuel the need/want for more food - but not always...

I just try and stay as busy as I can and away from food when I am in that kind of mood...

No Sheba's a tabby (I think that's what they are called) red stripped cat (attaching picture) I think she's pg by this big white sizeme (sp) looking cat...

When is she going to have these babies - she's FAT !!!!!

Everyday I come home expecting to find kittens - but not yet.. I am concerned cuz she's so young..

Glad that your Dad is on the mend and hope he get's to come and visit you...

Phyl - How did your preop visit go...

Linda - Where are you - working on the firepit ?? Did the coffee pot get fixed?? How was your day w/Cora...

Denise - Have they found out whats wrong with your Mom's tummy?

Candice - How was MH to drive?? When are you taking your 1st trip?? Where are you going to visit Linda

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Hi, Just a quck check in. With classes starting and my sister + 6 comming next week , my time for LBT is fading away. :) I feel so bad. I don't want to lose touch with you guys and I'm trying to keep up with your posts. I HATE THIS TIME OF YEAR. I SO MUCH WANT TO RETIRE. Candice. How's the RV? I thought about you picking it up yesterday. Janet--a great grandma? Can't be! Right--it's "only" the cat! Carla--be strong. This too shall pass. Put the deamons in their place. I'm glad that your dad is stable. Phyl--remember what I told you in Canada. Praying for successful surgery and a quick recovery.

I had an idea today as I was "Putting on my face" as my grandma used to say. Another option for next year would be to go to a spa. You know--a day or two of sheer indulgence. We have one: Destination KOHLER:KOHLER Waters Spa Landing:KOHLER Waters Spa

but I'm sure there are others that may be more affordable.

As you can see, you guys are always on my mind!

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This is going to be quick cause it is getting late, but I don't want you to think bad of me cause I'm going to be AWOL for a week. DD and darling grandkids are leaving tomorrow for Florida to visit my mom for a week. I sure am going to miss you guys though. I have been thouroughly enjoying myself reading these posts tonight. You are all in rare form and you've got me chuckling out loud here. Good thing everyone is in bed or they's probably think I've lost it.

Candice - You don't know what it meant to me to find out you feel strongly about organ donation. Our little Jaylibug has really made me aware. I just wish she had survived.

Karla - Okay, girl, I have quite a few inbetween items of clothing that I haven't gotten rid of yet. What size do you need? E-mail me your address (kirajh@yahoo.com) and if I have some things in your size, I will mail them to you as soon as I get back next week.

Janet - congrats on becoming a great gramma. When those kittens are old enough, buy some ribbon, tie a bow around their necks, put them in a box and head on over to Wallyworld. Or have Andrew do it. You'd be surprised just how fast they find homes.

Okay, guess I'd better sign off. It's midnight and I haven't even started to pack. Oh well, guess I can do it in the morning.

Have a great trip Kari!!! Enjoy your family time :)

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Hi, Just a quck check in. With classes starting and my sister + 6 comming next week , my time for LBT is fading away. :blink: I feel so bad. I don't want to lose touch with you guys and I'm trying to keep up with your posts. I HATE THIS TIME OF YEAR. I SO MUCH WANT TO RETIRE. Candice. How's the RV? I thought about you picking it up yesterday. Janet--a great grandma? Can't be! Right--it's "only" the cat! Carla--be strong. This too shall pass. Put the deamons in their place. I'm glad that your dad is stable. Phyl--remember what I told you in Canada. Praying for successful surgery and a quick recovery.

I had an idea today as I was "Putting on my face" as my grandma used to say. Another option for next year would be to go to a spa. You know--a day or two of sheer indulgence. We have one: Destination KOHLER:KOHLER Waters Spa Landing:KOHLER Waters Spa

but I'm sure there are others that may be more affordable.

As you can see, you guys are always on my mind!

Hey Linda; I know you think of US guys often... I can feel your presence at times too.. several times during the day thoughts of the "Seven's" pops into my thoughts... I smile, remember something we all laughed about - its such a nice feeling to have such GREAT FRIENDS... it really sucks that we are all so far away and that we only have next years adventure to look forward too.

I love the sound of the SPA... yummy indeed. :confused:

I had a nice letter earlier today from Phyl.. her preop testing day went well...

Tomorrow I'm going to start stocking the RV with kitchen stuff, bedding, towels etc... so it'll be all set to roll whenever HIS HIGHNESS decides he can take some time off of this OTHER hobbies..:unsure:

Weather this weekend is supposed to be GREAT, so I don't know why he is waiting... oh yeah, he can work in the shop when the rains come!!

Night, night.

Love C :)

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Ya Phyl, you ROCK.. I remember noticing when you were in Canada... whilst all the rest of us were having a wee tad of FUDGE, you held firm and said HELL NO!!! You continue to be my inspiration that "I can Do IT"....

I just need some more 'stickwithitness'... hee,hee:biggrin:

Well, I'm so used to not having sweet stuff like that, I don't want to tempt myself! I just don't trust myself. But.... to be honest, I sort of remember someone was giving out teeny samples. That's when I was having "issues" with what I had for lunch. So I took it and put it aside... on top of my purse, in my basket! I did eventually eat it, but I think it came back up with that latte I was drinking!! LOL!! Sorry.... TMI!!

It's really quite today - Phyl had pre-op Knee surgery visit today - Kari is gone to Florida - Linda where are you - Denise is at school - Karri is working her butt off - no time for us :0).. Steph is gone on vacation - Don't know what Karla's doing - must be stringing more fence or quilting..

Pre-op visit went great. First they took my weight... lower than the Wii or TOPS weight on Monday but I'm not logging any new weight unless I'm still down on Monday. Then they took more x-rays and measurements. Then the doc's PA came in... as I told Candice, not quite old enough to shave, but very nice. I had a long list of questions that I wrote down during that class last week. I liked all his answers... like, spinal and femoral block with some light IV sedation... asleep but not deep anesthesia and the block will help control the pain for 24-72 hours. Won't bore you with the rest of what we discussed, but I was pleased with all his answers regarding various different things they'll be using, etc. I will probably go home Thurs or Fri, they said. Apparently I could go to rehab if I wanted to, but they don't ususally do that if you have someone at home to take care of you. And my friend that had hip replacement at the same place a month ago said do NOT go to rehab. She says she had horrible care there. Doc kind of talked us in to buying this ice pack thing. Comes with a big sort of thermos jug with tubes.. you fill it about half way with Water, then ice and put the top on. Tubing attaches to wrap around thing for your knee. Then it pumps the ice Water through the thing continuously. Sounded like a good idea at the time... $125 but Medicare won't pay, so we bought it. Then when we got home I started having "buyer's remorse", thinking... I'm ALWAYS cold! Why would I want that thing pumping ice cold water up and down my leg???? So I hope it isn't a waste of money!


Janet, by chance is Sheba a Manx? I am searching for a manx for my dad. He had to put his baby down last year and he is really missing having a lap warmer.

Sheba is a really pretty tabby. But who knows who the little slut paired up with??? LOL! Oh, Janet says a white siamese. Hmmm... might be pretty little kitties!

#3 Leave work get in the car and the stupid battery is dead. So call Andrew tell him I will be late picking him up from work (we are car pooling now that he has a suspended license) he sounds like I am inconveniencing him..

Well AAA comes - tells me I have a dead cell - and gives me a jump - they do have a battery replacement program but they didn't have one to fit my car.. Have Andrew call the dealership they tell him they don't close until 5 - but I had to be there by 3:30 if I wanted them to replace my battery ..

Well, there is a good news here - picked up Andrew and went to the Good Year store where I get stuff done - ask them if they have a battery for my car - they said ya - so we go inside and wait - they come in an tell me my battery is fine - something must have been left on (what I don't know) but it's fine.

Well now get this - one of the mechanics my age was flirting with me... I said something about the age of the battery and he said something that things still work even when they are old :confused: - I was a little shocked when I realized he was flirting.. But it felt kinda nice - I did look cute today - black cigarette leg ankle pants - as black/white geometric strapless blouse with a white shrug and 4 inch wedge black patient heels...So I was lucky I didn't have to buy a new battery (it's in my trunk and it looks expensive). I did say thank you to God

#4 Then took Andrew to look for a new bedspread - went to Marshall's and was lucky he found one right away.. but shopping w/him is a pain in the ass and he was moody on the ride home..

Came home was going to sit and watch the soap (AMC Candice :)) with Andrew (yes I have him hooked on AMC since he was 11) and made some popcorn cuz I was hungry - Well I PB'D ON POPCORN !!!:unsure: I HAVE NEVER PB'D ON POPCORN..

No Sheba's a tabby (I think that's what they are called) red stripped cat (attaching picture) I think she's pg by this big white sizeme (sp) looking cat...

When is she going to have these babies - she's FAT !!!!! Everyday I come home expecting to find kittens - but not yet.. I am concerned cuz she's so young..

So sorry about all your stress!! Job stuff sucks!! That's horrible!

Glad the car thing worked out well. Gotta ask two questions: was the guy wearing a wedding ring and did you get his phone number!??? LOL

Hi, Just a quck check in. With classes starting and my sister + 6 comming next week , my time for LBT is fading away. :blink: I feel so bad. I don't want to lose touch with you guys and I'm trying to keep up with your posts. I HATE THIS TIME OF YEAR. I SO MUCH WANT TO RETIRE. Candice. How's the RV? I thought about you picking it up yesterday. Janet--a great grandma? Can't be! Right--it's "only" the cat! Carla--be strong. This too shall pass. Put the deamons in their place. I'm glad that your dad is stable. Phyl--remember what I told you in Canada. Praying for successful surgery and a quick recovery.

I had an idea today as I was "Putting on my face" as my grandma used to say. Another option for next year would be to go to a spa. You know--a day or two of sheer indulgence. We have one: Destination KOHLER:KOHLER Waters Spa Landing:KOHLER Waters Spa

but I'm sure there are others that may be more affordable.

As you can see, you guys are always on my mind!

Miss you when you're not here!

Yes, I am brainstorming things we can do next year, too. Did we decide the NO thing, cruise, etc is out for sure? Earl & I are probably going to do a Mexican Riviera cruise out of L.A. in about March if anyone is interested.

And about what you told me in Canada??? I'm old... I forgot!!


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Okay let's try this again....last night the internet was down, and this morning my computer decided to complete and update & shut down in the middle of my post.

Phyl, you won't regret the ice pump. Everyone says they are a real life saver and keeps the swelling down, which speeds recovery.

Janet, congrats on the flirt. There is nothing that makes a lady feel better than a well aimed flirt. But I agree, "Was there a ring & did you get his #?

Candice, Have fun outfitting the RV! Hey if DH is too busy, you just go on your own. Head south, turn right and "Meet me in Montana". Okay love that song. Okay, now I'm tearing up. Long story...short version....wonderful guy I knew in NV, I moved to Montana, we were engaged, calls 2 weeks before the wedding....from jail, was busted for drugs, I was clueless, couldn't have him around my girls, so goodbye. Maybe he is the real reason I haven't dated in 15 years.

Okay, TMI, sorry. Don't know where the hell THAT came from.


Linda & Janet, there are times that jobs stink, most of the time. Janet, if you are like me, I really like routine, a move throws everything off. Does the new boss even HAVE a reason for moving you out of your office, other than a power play? Linda, I know we went into teaching because we loved it and thought we could make a difference, but when did it change. I know for me, a lot of the time, teaching has become 'what I do' instead of 'who I am'. I don't seem to make a difference anymore. I use to, I still have cards from students/parents that I helped. Now it seems that we only get complaints. I have been avoiding thinking about school. I know that many times my heart isn't in it anymore.

Well, stepped on the scale, no movement for a week. I KNOW it will change, but right now it doesn't feel like it. I'm going back to staying away from the carbs, they don't seem to fill me up, just make me hungry. Cal's are right around 1000, so just ignore me, I'm just whining. This must be where the statistics come from. I've lost 65% of my weight, feel better, so what the heck, let's get lazy. But I have all of you to remind me that this doesn't have to be it. I can make it through this....okay have I convinced all of you? Question is...have I convinced myself?

Rainy day, have to go to school to sit in on more interviews. fun.

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GRRRRR! Finally got my CPAP readjusted. Incomplete records were faxed from Oklahoma before the sleep study so it never really was determined what the machine was set at. They should have put more effort into determining that. Didn't find out until the tech walked me through changing it over the phone that it was set at 9. So Pulm. Dr.'s office says they started me at 8 when I went in for the sleep study and I was still having apneic episodes up to 11. So the dr. had him reset it to 13!! I just had the most miserable night I've had in a long time. Earl said I was gasping and exhaling through my mouth, etc trying to keep up with the damn thing all night. It sounded like there was a tornado blowing through my head all night. I didn't get any good sleep until I pushed the mask up on my forehead around 5-6 a.m. Called the dr's office this morning and now they're going to have the tech reset it to 12! Does that make any sense???? It was at 9 for several years now. I've lost close to 120 lb and now I need it at 12???!! How does that compute!??? Okay.... I've vented! I feel better.... I think!

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Phyl, I think my cpap is at 11, and I had 60 to 100 apnea episodes per hour, so 12 sounds horridly high. You do have the option of setting to 8 while the tech talks you through it, and just don't tell anyone. I have loved my cpap machine since the day I got it, I finally feel rested. But I will be honest, the last couple of weeks I can't seem to keep the mask on. I seem to be taking it off during my sleep, so what the heck is that all about.

Linda, have fun with all the company, should be crazy!!

Finished interview the last ditch canidates for the 8th grade math & science position. Both were better than the 3 we interviewed on Wednesday. But here is the rub, one is an experience science teacher, great, but has a secondary certificate, not so great. That means that in the middle school he can only teach science. The other can is a newbie, with a music and elementary certificate. Which is great, she can teach any subject in the middle school. What is not so great is that she has no experience and has worked primarily with primary students. In other words, the 8th graders would eat her alive. It is a no win situation. If we hire the newbie, she can teach any subject, which is really good since middle school classes are constently changing, but we would really have to work with her. If we hire the experience teacher, he could only teach science and everyone else would have to take up the slack, but he would survive the 8th grader. What that means for me...If he hire the science guy, I loose ALL my science classes, and would only teach math, AND I would have my favorite student back from last year. Can I just slit my throat now? I was asked how I felt about that...yeah right, like I'm really going to say, oh hell no... Naturally I have to say, well, I will do what ever is best for the students. Before I left the building...I was cruising for food. Just the thought of reliving last year put me back at the beginning of my struggles. I came home and had a piece of Jerky and a nectorine. I made it through, but who knows what I will do if I have to deal with the same students.

I only have 1 1/2 weeks of freedom...can I cry now.

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Phyl, I think my cpap is at 11, and I had 60 to 100 apnea episodes per hour, so 12 sounds horridly high. You do have the option of setting to 8 while the tech talks you through it, and just don't tell anyone. I have loved my cpap machine since the day I got it, I finally feel rested. But I will be honest, the last couple of weeks I can't seem to keep the mask on. I seem to be taking it off during my sleep, so what the heck is that all about.

So sorry about your school situation! So many teachers laid off these days! You'd think there would be a better pool to pick from!

Earl took the call from the med tech this time and he wrote down all the instructions as he readjusted the machine. So if I'm still uncomfortable with it.. at 12.... we will adjust it down again. I have to go back and see that doctor a week from Monday. Its hard to dispute the sleep study stats but I don't understand how I could need the pressure adjusted upward after significant weight loss!

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I'm with you Phyl, I don't get it either....my suggestion...try it at 12, check your stats on the machine, if they are at 3 or below, reduce the machine. Another option is to use the button that starts the machine a lower level then gradually increases the pressure over a 1/2 hour or so.

I think I'm going to die, ate one too many bites of pork chop. Now I'm pbing/puking,,,,significant pain. I can't seem to keep the papaya enzyme down long enough to do their job. Nothing like a lapband forehead slap to make you be careful.

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Okay let's try this again....last night the internet was down, and this morning my computer decided to complete and update & shut down in the middle of my post.

Phyl, you won't regret the ice pump. Everyone says they are a real life saver and keeps the swelling down, which speeds recovery.

Janet, congrats on the flirt. There is nothing that makes a lady feel better than a well aimed flirt. But I agree, "Was there a ring & did you get his #?

Candice, Have fun outfitting the RV! Hey if DH is too busy, you just go on your own. Head south, turn right and "Meet me in Montana". Okay love that song. Okay, now I'm tearing up. Long story...short version....wonderful guy I knew in NV, I moved to Montana, we were engaged, calls 2 weeks before the wedding....from jail, was busted for drugs, I was clueless, couldn't have him around my girls, so goodbye. Maybe he is the real reason I haven't dated in 15 years.

Okay, TMI, sorry. Don't know where the hell THAT came from.


Linda & Janet, there are times that jobs stink, most of the time. Janet, if you are like me, I really like routine, a move throws everything off. Does the new boss even HAVE a reason for moving you out of your office, other than a power play? Linda, I know we went into teaching because we loved it and thought we could make a difference, but when did it change. I know for me, a lot of the time, teaching has become 'what I do' instead of 'who I am'. I don't seem to make a difference anymore. I use to, I still have cards from students/parents that I helped. Now it seems that we only get complaints. I have been avoiding thinking about school. I know that many times my heart isn't in it anymore.

Well, stepped on the scale, no movement for a week. I KNOW it will change, but right now it doesn't feel like it. I'm going back to staying away from the carbs, they don't seem to fill me up, just make me hungry. Cal's are right around 1000, so just ignore me, I'm just whining. This must be where the statistics come from. I've lost 65% of my weight, feel better, so what the heck, let's get lazy. But I have all of you to remind me that this doesn't have to be it. I can make it through this....okay have I convinced all of you? Question is...have I convinced myself?

Rainy day, have to go to school to sit in on more interviews. fun.

Phyl, I think my cpap is at 11, and I had 60 to 100 apnea episodes per hour, so 12 sounds horridly high. You do have the option of setting to 8 while the tech talks you through it, and just don't tell anyone. I have loved my cpap machine since the day I got it, I finally feel rested. But I will be honest, the last couple of weeks I can't seem to keep the mask on. I seem to be taking it off during my sleep, so what the heck is that all about.

Linda, have fun with all the company, should be crazy!!

Finished interview the last ditch canidates for the 8th grade math & science position. Both were better than the 3 we interviewed on Wednesday. But here is the rub, one is an experience science teacher, great, but has a secondary certificate, not so great. That means that in the middle school he can only teach science. The other can is a newbie, with a music and elementary certificate. Which is great, she can teach any subject in the middle school. What is not so great is that she has no experience and has worked primarily with primary students. In other words, the 8th graders would eat her alive. It is a no win situation. If we hire the newbie, she can teach any subject, which is really good since middle school classes are constently changing, but we would really have to work with her. If we hire the experience teacher, he could only teach science and everyone else would have to take up the slack, but he would survive the 8th grader. What that means for me...If he hire the science guy, I loose ALL my science classes, and would only teach math, AND I would have my favorite student back from last year. Can I just slit my throat now? I was asked how I felt about that...yeah right, like I'm really going to say, oh hell no... Naturally I have to say, well, I will do what ever is best for the students. Before I left the building...I was cruising for food. Just the thought of reliving last year put me back at the beginning of my struggles. I came home and had a piece of Jerky and a nectorine. I made it through, but who knows what I will do if I have to deal with the same students.

I only have 1 1/2 weeks of freedom...can I cry now.

Karla - Know all about heart not in it any more!!!!

Carbs do tend to make you want to eat more - I can't elimenate them like little Karri - but I do limit them to dinner only most of the time - and again carbs to me are starches - I eat fruit and I don't count them as carbs...

Yep your scales will move and I understand how frustrating it can be - but just keep being that little train - I know I can I know I can and you will lose the rest of the weight..

Hugs about the X

WTF you get your Fav student back - OMW Hugs Hugs Hugs - Stay as far away as you can from food - that's enought bad news to cause you to eat...

GRRRRR! Finally got my CPAP readjusted. Incomplete records were faxed from Oklahoma before the sleep study so it never really was determined what the machine was set at. They should have put more effort into determining that. Didn't find out until the tech walked me through changing it over the phone that it was set at 9. So Pulm. Dr.'s office says they started me at 8 when I went in for the sleep study and I was still having apneic episodes up to 11. So the dr. had him reset it to 13!! I just had the most miserable night I've had in a long time. Earl said I was gasping and exhaling through my mouth, etc trying to keep up with the damn thing all night. It sounded like there was a tornado blowing through my head all night. I didn't get any good sleep until I pushed the mask up on my forehead around 5-6 a.m. Called the dr's office this morning and now they're going to have the tech reset it to 12! Does that make any sense???? It was at 9 for several years now. I've lost close to 120 lb and now I need it at 12???!! How does that compute!??? Okay.... I've vented! I feel better.... I think!


So sorry about your school situation! So many teachers laid off these days! You'd think there would be a better pool to pick from!

Earl took the call from the med tech this time and he wrote down all the instructions as he readjusted the machine. So if I'm still uncomfortable with it.. at 12.... we will adjust it down again. I have to go back and see that doctor a week from Monday. Its hard to dispute the sleep study stats but I don't understand how I could need the pressure adjusted upward after significant weight loss!

Phyl - OMW I think you need to try another sleep study place - that's just doesn't sound right... You were at 9 now 12 no way jose...

Ok Karla you can't read this part - cuz I don't want to give you permission to slit your wrist=eat - But I have to fess up here..


1ST Andrew won't wake up this morning (he stayed home last night so I don't know why) so I go to make my salad for lunch - find that Andrew put the defrosted ground beef on top of my lettuce and blood has dripped into my lettuce - so nothing to take for lunch !!! Said oh you can call Karen's and have one delivered - so you will be ok - Andrew still won't get his A$$ out of bed - so I say F it and leave for work - go out to the car - click click click - won't start !!!!! Call AAA they jump me - 1/2 hr late to work..

Ok I am at work now and GF comes to give me hug - I start crying - just so pissed about this whole move issue - placement of filing cabinets - car issue !!!

So 11 call Karen's to order my salad for lunch - The are closed for vacation !!!! Ok well decided I would go to the taco shop and get a mexican shrimp cocktail - go out to the car at noon - it starts - go get my cocktail - get in the car to go back to work - CLICK CLICK CLICK !!!

So call AAA again (3rd time in less than 24 hrs) it took them about 45 min to come - I have my shrimp cocktail that I just want to throw away cuz I have totally lost my appetite.. Well this guy comes - he's good gives me some read out - my GF candy comes and follows me to the shop that yesterday said my battery was ok that I must have left something on - Well - they believed me now since I have this print out (think yesterday it was close to closing and they didn't want to deal )

So get back to work - again 1/2 hr late...

Then have this 4.4 mil building that insurance expires on at midnite tonite - boss come and wants me to do this and that - well at 3:45 I see I have the info I needed on this 4 mil bldg so I email to underwriter - tell my boss he says oh they are there to 7 or 8 - well hell it almost 7 back there (florida) So I call as I am waiting for call to go thru I start crying - it' 4 (that's when I get off work) I have to get this blding insured - I still have to finish packing my desk and then go pick up car..

I talk to some other underwriter as the one my boss had talked to is gone for the day - they say they can't help me - so I had him the phone - he tells me it will be ok - so I go to finish packing my desk - then he comes in at 4:20 and tells me I have to do something on the website to bind coverage - well I have signed off and unplugged my phone and my computer is dead - and I have to leave soon to get car - so go to his computer can't do what I am suppose to do cuz there is an underwriting hold on the account. By now it's 4:30 and no one is there to take my call - so Boss just tells me to email them and tell them coverage is bound.. Please pray for no fire this weekend..

Well most of you would say you deserve to come home and have a stiff drink or 2 ... Well alcohol isn't my drug of choice - food is - candy at this point - Karla - now stop reading - I went to wallgreens - got a giant Hershey w/almonds and 2 pints of ice cream - one cake batter w/choc frosting marble in it (doesn't that sound delicous) - and I think the other was cookie dough (price is what drove this 2 for $4)

Now remember I am still carrying around my shrimp cocktail that I never ate for lunch - instead I had this GREAT Peanut Butter Protein cookie that I just got with my order of vitiman (proti bp cookie 15 grams pt 160 calories it big soft and very good)

Well, I decide I want tacos - so I make me 2 cocktail size tacos (300 cal max) the proceed to eat the candy bar (570 calories):thumbup: and the ice cream is still in the freezer..

Calorie wise - I have had only 1030 for the day(so far)- but I am unhappy with myself - for turning to food for comfort - I guess I could have taken a Xanxa instead... But which is worse - alcohol - candy - drugs..

But in all reality - these things that are happening arent that bad - I have dealt with worse in the last 2 yrs - why is some that as stupid as the car & moving issue got me all messed up..

Heck - it's not like I'm broke like Karla - her $$$ problems are real problems - the car is fixed - I had the $$ - the move well it's it what it is and I thought I was ok about it - til the last 2 days.. Whats' going on - why am I reacting like this...

Well your little food cop - idea band mama - the preacher of not turning to food - fell flat on her frigging face today ...

I am sorry about whinning about nothing - when some of you have so much more important issues that you are dealing with - I know this intellectual - I keep telling myself - Janet this is nothing - pple have it way worse than these stupid little inconveniences...

You guys are the only ones I have to compain too...

So thanks for listening - I know I'm blessed and shouldn't be feeling sorry for myself - but I am - tomorrow will be a better day !!!

Meeting another GF who I haven't seen in months for Breakfast - then have to take Andrew car in as it needs a battery - then Nails - and tomorrow nite going out - pre concert party at gf down the street - cocktails & finger food then Grandfunk Railroad at 8 - Then Sunday I need to go to work to set up my office (well may be - why do it on my time)

Ok - that's my sad tale of woes...

Thanks for listening !!!!

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Janet, we each can only take so much, usually it is the little things that finally send us over the edge. Baby, you go ahead and cry, here is my shoulder...Okay, so you had some chocolate and bought ice cream. So the ice cream is in the freezer, now you have some choices, eat a reasonable portion spread over a period of time, give it to Andrew, throw it away. All are options. Each of us have things that we have to deal with, and no one's problems are more important, just different. AND that is why we are here, to listen, to advize, to slap, and mainly to support!! in regards to buying and eating junk food, I'm still pbing/puking dinner that was 2 hours ago. I don't think i will NEVER eat again. I never want to see food again. I can't even keep the papaya down.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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