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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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This is going to be quick cause it is getting late, but I don't want you to think bad of me cause I'm going to be AWOL for a week. DD and darling grandkids are leaving tomorrow for Florida to visit my mom for a week. I sure am going to miss you guys though. I have been thouroughly enjoying myself reading these posts tonight. You are all in rare form and you've got me chuckling out loud here. Good thing everyone is in bed or they's probably think I've lost it.

Candice - You don't know what it meant to me to find out you feel strongly about organ donation. Our little Jaylibug has really made me aware. I just wish she had survived.

Karla - Okay, girl, I have quite a few inbetween items of clothing that I haven't gotten rid of yet. What size do you need? E-mail me your address (kirajh@yahoo.com) and if I have some things in your size, I will mail them to you as soon as I get back next week.

Janet - congrats on becoming a great gramma. When those kittens are old enough, buy some ribbon, tie a bow around their necks, put them in a box and head on over to Wallyworld. Or have Andrew do it. You'd be surprised just how fast they find homes.

Okay, guess I'd better sign off. It's midnight and I haven't even started to pack. Oh well, guess I can do it in the morning.

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Kira, I have been an organ donor for a long time. Right now my girls & I are having our bone marrow tested to see if it is a match to an old friends granddaughter who has a rare immune disease. We are hoping that we match. So I am totally with you about organ donation. My kids already know that if useable, they are to donate any parts and then the rest of the old bod is to go a school when I croke. I won't need it any more, and plan on having it toasted. So Candice, I may have to hit your DD up for an urn. Actually, my kids are to take my ashes to Belize and toss them in the coral reef & rainforest. I dream of going there some day, and probably will never afford it, so that is the only way it will happen.

You'd think after fencing for 5 hours yesterday I'd drop an ounce, Alas, no way in heck. grrrrrr, I know... it will happen. If the scale doesn't move my Monday, I'm heading back to the fill doc, burn plastic burn!

Well, need to go groom up to sit in on interviews at school. I have SO enjoyed my summer and hate to see it go.

Yikes, Kira, you will get 2 emails, because the first I forgot to include the address, early alzheimers?

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Good Morning Gang

I started to post but Debbie called and she wanted to talk - so I didn't get off the phone til like 8:20 and I still had not eaten - and computer went into sleep mode...

Well last night treadmill 3 miles 400 calories gone - went to Marshalls - as I just remembered I have a wedding on 9/12 (Andrew's Mom is getting married to her DH - They have been together for 16 yrs and have 4 kids) so I had to get a dress (you know we always need new stuff for weddings - it's not like my closet isn't full enough and I don't have anything to wear - but love that excuse :blink:) Any way got one dress on clearance and the other NY Jones for $39 -

Phyl yep I know you love Sheba - and yes she is a little slut !!!

Happy 45th Anniversay - Earl is one lucky man that you haven't killed him by now... No really - that's just fantastic that you guys have been together that long!!!

Karla no problem on the mix up - I know you have a few dogs and cat - but I can't remember thier names - heck I have a hard enough time remembering mine

Girl just cuz the scale doesn't move doesn't mean you need a fill !!!! The only thing that dictates a fill is your portoin size.

Here's something weird that we have talked about before - the week that you exercise your butt off - the scale doesn't move - but then the following week you don't get any exercise and the scales drop drastically.. This is how my body works - the weeks that I work my butt off - it doesn't show up - but does when I have slowed down.

How's your food been - have you benn compensating with extra calories due to the extra exercise?? You need the energy so just make sure you are eating healthy - I have gym to nite - I know I have to fuel my body to do my weight work out so I don't fade half way thru - So bf yogurt/granola - salad/protien lunch - 2 cheese (lite skinny cows 50 cal for one little disk) and wasa crackers = 160 calories snack around 3:30 - Protein and healthy carbs.


Have fun visting your Mom - I too am a organ donor...

Well gang gotta get to work - cbl

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Won't make it cuz I would eat the whole darn thing - but looks good !!!



Edited by IndioGirl55

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You'd think after fencing for 5 hours yesterday I'd drop an ounce, Alas, no way in heck. grrrrrr, I know... it will happen. If the scale doesn't move my Monday, I'm heading back to the fill doc, burn plastic burn!



scales can be stubborn sometimes!

Phyl yep I know you love Sheba - and yes she is a little slut !!!

Happy 45th Anniversary - Earl is one lucky man that you haven't killed him by now... No really - that's just fantastic that you guys have been together that long!!!

Karla no problem on the mix up - I know you have a few dogs and cat - but I can't remember thier names - heck I have a hard enough time remembering mine

YEP! He IS lucky I haven't killed him by now! LOL

He's such a control freak I haven't figured out how I'm going to break away to go shopping to get him something! But he's not big on gift giving, so I doubt he's going shopping!

Two yr follow-up appt went GREAT today. We got there early and I was all signed in with 30 minutes to spare. But I barely had time to use the rest room... they were waiting for me when I came out. My appt was for 10:30 a.m. but was on my way out the door by then! First time I'd seen the doctor since the fall of 2007 because I always see that snotty PA! I was going to tell him how rude she was last time but I forgot! He said I've lost 56% of my excess weight and that I "probably" wouldn't lose much more!! So I told him I was planning to lose another 60 lb! He said I was a "poster child" for LapBand! He was very pleased with my progress. Primary care doc might have to just eliminate one of those BP meds because it was only 90/54 today! All in all... a good appt. Told me to come back in a year.

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Phyl, to hell with the lapband doc. You have totally changed your life habits, you will continue to lose, he needs a bitch slap!!!

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Okay, now that I have that out of my system....

Janet, went to eatbetteramerica and already printed out a recipe and we are having it for dinner tonight!! So thanks for the suggestion.

Sat in on interviews to replace a teaching position. This time of year is REALLY late and the applicant pool is very shallow. We interviewed 3 people and none of them are very good. It is to the point that we are reinterviewing them tomorrow and hope to choose the one that will do the least amount of damage. At this point, I wish we didn't have to fill the position, because no one is going to do a good job. Oh well.

Good news, took my change jar into the bank and cashed in all my coins...$83!!! that will buy some groceries!!! Drained the savings, that will pay the house payment and part of the bills. I will have a small paycheck from the nursery, and a honorarium for working on achievement test questions. that should pay the rest of the bills, so it will just be gas and grocery money to come up with. If I ride my bike to work, I won't need much gas money, so... we are one our way. thanks again for listening to me.

Phyl you are a brave woman, I was married to 2 control freaks, and #2 almost sent me to the asylem (sp). That is why I am single and plan on staying that way. Would like a snuggle once in a while, but...okay, sometimes it really sucks.

Well need to think about cooking dinner, I'll let you all know how the recipe works.

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Hi Everybody,

I'll have to go back and read the post. I'm behind, I still have to check my presentation for tomorrow.

Went see Mom tonight. I didn't see the dr, but she says she has an abcess in her intestines. That's kinda scary. It's one thing after another with her stomach. She's been in and out of the hos. for a couple of yrs now.

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Dang, I lost my post again!!!

Anyway, short version.

Janet, thanks for the Eat Right Am. website. Made Mexican Pasta Skillet, only 370 cals per 1 1/2 cups, I made it with super lean hamburger so my cals were less and I only ate one cup. yummmm

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Dang forgot the link

Eat Better America

give it a try!

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Phyl, to hell with the lapband doc. You have totally changed your life habits, you will continue to lose, he needs a bitch slap!!!

He was really very nice and very complimentary. But these docs are all keyed in to the "STATS" and he was just regurgitating those to me. They're based on averages. And we are ABOVE average here!! Anyway, a comment like that is just incentive for me to show him I don't fit in that square!

Phyl you are a brave woman, I was married to 2 control freaks, and #2 almost sent me to the asylem (sp). That is why I am single and plan on staying that way. Would like a snuggle once in a while, but...okay, sometimes it really sucks. Well need to think about cooking dinner, I'll let you all know how the recipe works.

Well, in his defense, there is a sweet side to his control issues. Like when DD & I flew to NY a couple of weeks ago.... he knew we were going to be on that plane for about 7 hours and nothing but their wimpy Snacks. And we left so early, no time for Breakfast... I took NatureValley Granola bars with me and ate one for breakfast... So, by the time I got up and showered and got ready to go.. he'd packed a lunch for me and DD... ham sandwiches, so we'd have something to eat on that long flight. He's a good guy, when he's not being annoying! And some of it is my own fault. I need to be more assertive. When I got back from that vacation and was down 2 lb... I knew I drank a lot more wine than usual, and I ate things I normally would not have eaten... and I lost weight. When I thought about that.. it was not only because we kept very busy, but I was doing for myself.. and he is always wanting to do everything for me. His favorite line, "I'm just trying to HELP!" So I have been making a concerted effort to be more aware of that and not let that happen. One way I've done that this week.. got two loads of laundry done when he wasn't looking! LOL ! So I have made up my mind to be more assertive.

Dang, I lost my post again!!!

Anyway, short version.

Janet, thanks for the Eat Right Am. website. Made Mexican Pasta Skillet, only 370 cals per 1 1/2 cups, I made it with super lean hamburger so my cals were less and I only ate one cup. yummmm

That sounds good! What kind of Pasta? I will have to go visit that site.

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Phyl, hey we know he is a sweetie, otherwise he wouldn't be with the most fabulous lady I know!! But men will be men. You are right, it is easy to fall into habits that are easy for us. Continue to be assertive, just lovingly say, "Hon, I love that you help me, but I need to be more active!" then give him a kiss and squeeze on the butt, and he is yours forever. The Pasta was elbow macaroni. I don't know if it was the meal or just me, but I was starving all night. It was the first time that I really ate any amount of carbs, and nothing would fill me. I ate my alloted Snacks and was cruising for more. Finally ate an extra fruit, but even that didn't do it. So calories last night sucked. dinner is usually focussed on a solid Protein, chicken, salmon, or steak (1 buck chuck), with some veggies and maybe a tablespoon of rice or potatoes. Instead of the extra fruit, i should have had popcorn or Jerky. I was really frustrated with myself. I don't know if it was the stress of being at school that tipped me over the edge (if so, I'm in BIG trouble) or because I skipped lunch. I KNOW, STUPID. I wasn't hungry at lunch time and was busy quilting. I didn't think about eating until almost 3 pm, so I figured why bother, I'll just wait a couple of hours and have dinner. That way, I can have a piece of bread. Again, more carbs. So now I see, that I have to eat on schedule, just to keep the hungries under control AND I have to stay way from those damn carbs. Very frustrated with myself.

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Denise, I'm sorry about your mom, it isn't easy. You are in my prayers.

Linda, where are you.

Steph, busy, busy, no time for even Facebook?

Karri, we know you are busy, but I see you on facebook, we are feeling ignored!!

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YEP! He IS lucky I haven't killed him by now! LOL

He's such a control freak I haven't figured out how I'm going to break away to go shopping to get him something! But he's not big on gift giving, so I doubt he's going shopping!

Two yr follow-up appt went GREAT today. We got there early and I was all signed in with 30 minutes to spare. But I barely had time to use the rest room... they were waiting for me when I came out. My appt was for 10:30 a.m. but was on my way out the door by then! First time I'd seen the doctor since the fall of 2007 because I always see that snotty PA! I was going to tell him how rude she was last time but I forgot! He said I've lost 56% of my excess weight and that I "probably" wouldn't lose much more!! So I told him I was planning to lose another 60 lb! He said I was a "poster child" for LapBand! He was very pleased with my progress. Primary care doc might have to just eliminate one of those BP meds because it was only 90/54 today! All in all... a good appt. Told me to come back in a year.

Phyl - I agree with you that type of comment is just more incentive to get those 60 lbs off - I know that's what inspired me was the stats of only being able to lose 50-60% of our excess weight - they are saying that fat chicks can't do it (lose more) - That's really dissing us.. And I will not be dissed - I will prove you wrong... Love your positive additute but that's what I have always loved about you !!! You are determined - positive - loving and giving !!!!

Hi Everybody,

I'll have to go back and read the post. I'm behind, I still have to check my presentation for tomorrow.

Went see Mom tonight. I didn't see the dr, but she says she has an abcess in her intestines. That's kinda scary. It's one thing after another with her stomach. She's been in and out of the hos. for a couple of yrs now.

Hugs & continued Prayers Denise !!!!

Dang, I lost my post again!!!

Anyway, short version.

Janet, thanks for the Eat Right Am. website. Made Mexican Pasta Skillet, only 370 cals per 1 1/2 cups, I made it with super lean hamburger so my cals were less and I only ate one cup. yummmm

Karla - I knew that you would get the most from the site - since you are always looking for foods to eat - did you sign up to it - if you do you will get weekly emails - ck out the rest of the receipts...

I would have used ground turkey (extra lean) instead of the hamburger which they quoted at 93% extra lean.

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Oooops... I forgot... Sheba is the pregnant one. Didn't know she was such a slut! I really LIKE that cat, too! LOL

I was trying to figure out who was getting a new grandchild!


Was going to go to DD#2 after my 2 yr follow-up appt tomorrow, but they are fighting stomach flu. I think Earl brought it home last week and that's what I had on Sunday, but not taking any chances. Frustrating that we'll be down in the "south end" and not be able to go visit. Haven't seen them since the weekend before our trip back east. Tentatively blocked out next Thursday for them in hopes everyone will be healthy by then.

Celebrating our 45th anniv with lunch at the Space Needle on Saturday. Hope it is a nice sunny day.. rotating restaurant with fantastic view... Puget Sound, Mt. Rainier, downtown Seattle.

WOW 45 years is awesome!! Good thing that celebration falls before you KNEE surgery {(wink, wink, nudge, nudge:blushing:)}

Give my regards to Earl!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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