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Karla--We found some good deals for transitional clothes at places like TJ Maxx and garage sales. Your idea of consingment shops is good too. I remember blowing through some sizes and stalling at others. Don't be afraid to try smaller sizes--it's amazing how all of a sudden they fit!

I've found good quality clothes, some brand new with tags still on them, others showing little to no wear.. at Good Will and Salvation Army stores! My favorite is a Salvation Army store in Gilroy CA... stop there coming and going to our winter getaway.

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Karla - Try Walmart. I completely replenished all my shirts there and I don't think that more than a couple were more than $5.00. When they put things on sale, they put them on sale. And, it is that time of year. And, they are nice. not cheap looking at all. In fact, I see tops in stores that I really really like, but why pay $20.00 or more mor something I can get at Walmart for the same price. Same style, different fabric but I like them just as well.

I downloaded my Elvis pics this morning. Couldn't sleep last nite, so I got up at 5am and downloaded them during my free download time. I don't have a picture with Elvis. I thought I did, but I don't.

Linda - I feel just the way you and Candace do. Sure it would be nice to lose that last twenty pounds and weigh what I did when I got married, but hey, I am 59......not 23. Besides, I think if I lose too much more, I'll start looking really old with that saggy chin and droopy jowls. I feel good now and am almost off all my meds and that was the purpose of losing in the first place. Looking better is just a benefit from being healthy. Besides, I'm not in my twenties anymore, and I'm 5'9", large boned and come from good hearty german stock. So, just how skinny can I get??

Today was a decent day, food wise. The rest sucked. Man, is it hot and humid here. And, just three more days and

dd and grandbabies head to florida. Talk hot and humid. Of course, since I didn't sleep last night, I spent the afternoon sleeping. No time to pig out.

Well, gonna end this and I will check bak tomorrow.

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Kari, I just have to say, great job...130 pounds!!! I can relate to the good German Stock! Not only is all german food 'comfort food', our bodies can grab onto every single calorie and squeeze it for all it's worth. Just remember.. (as a prof once told me) we will survive a hard winter, while all those skinny people will starve.

Work was good, cals were good, and I finally quit crying over the current financial struggle. I forgot about an $80 auto withdrawl, so now I have $120 to last until Sept 20. So right now Walmart isn't even an option. Oh well. Tried to get more hours at the nursery, but there just isn't enough work for the boss to give them to me. Sorry, I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.

Two more weeks before heading back to school....

See you all tomarrow.

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Good morning!!!

I hope Steph made is safe & sound, of course she will really be roughing it at Canyon Ferry. Great location, food...but she will be working hard long days. Jean and her should get some good training done for the 3-day!!

Sitting here drinking a skinny SF Caramel latte. I'm figuring out how to make these things, not as good as Starbucks, but getting close. I want to find out what brand of flavoring they use, the brand I have is good, but not as good as Starbucks. Who knows, maybe they secretly give you full cal Syrup and just tell you it is SF. I sense a conspiracy here.

Laundry, cleaning, quilting is up for the agenda today. Nope Janet, no walk. Yesterday at work I had to move 12-100+ pound trees and only sat down for 5 min, so I'm counting that. Plus my body is telling me about it. Okay, now the guilt has set in, I'll walk tonight before dinner.

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Hello Everyone,

A teacher came over and we worked from 10 to 3:30.

We were working on the school's positive behavior plan.

3:30, I started my cassoulet. I used ham hocks in the Beans, and pork shoulder, pork sausage, and chicken thighs. I just put it in the over. 6:30.

I might go swimming. I still have school work to work on, and I have my home paperwork to work on.

Phones ringing. TTFN

Glad you are trying the CASSOULET~~~ it really is yummy... and very lapband friendly.

Don't work too hard - pace yourself the year has just started!!

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So you don't think Tweety Bird OR Betty Boop will work???

Usually... I like to get out of those hospital gowns ASAP!

I have wide leg cotton knit capris that might work, and I bought a pair of really wide leg cotton knit shorts today at the Jockey outlet store. And those non-underwire bras I went after.. bought 3 underwire! Two are cotton knit.. same style I had before, but with underwire and in the right size. Third is a cheapo spankz copy, but it has underwire, too. Sort of like a black tank top with built in underwire bra. Should be comfortable and may take it to the hospital. Still looking for a wrap around, soft cushy robe. Mine is a 3X and goes around me almost twice now.

Front closures are hard to find anymore! Maybe I'll look online and see if I can find one in my size... which apparently is a 38DDD.

I WISH my doctor would do both knees at once!!

Ah I know what you mean about finding the "RIGHT" bra... those little things are elusive at best!! sINCE i FOUND THE black and tan version of the OPRAH bra's last yr at mal of amer. I have worn nothing else... I love them!

Another dear friend(Ray) had his KNEE replaced last week here in Canada... I asked him "hey did you have to go to special class to learn the best positions for SEX after surgery?" Well he hadn't heard of it and replyed.. "SEX? are you kidding me - My idea of "A GOOD TIME" is getting on and off the camode by myself".... ROTFLMAO

We took him over "swiss chalet chicken" for dinner, its his favorite and lord knows he can't drive right now... it was a HIT... He was very glad we popped over, then we stayed and played a round of BOGGLE... which was really fun, cause Ray being on Percocett's was kinda at a disadvantage.. and Peter and I cleaned up!!!

How many more sleeps until your surgery? RAY is so glad that he got it done... the discomfort from the staples is nothing compared to the Pre-surgery pain of just walking.. He is totally pleased with the op and wishes YOU well too. :thumbup:

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Ah I know what you mean about finding the "RIGHT" bra... those little things are elusive at best!! sINCE i FOUND THE black and tan version of the OPRAH bra's last yr at mal of amer. I have worn nothing else... I love them!

Another dear friend(Ray) had his KNEE replaced last week here in Canada... I asked him "hey did you have to go to special class to learn the best positions for SEX after surgery?" Well he hadn't heard of it and replyed.. "SEX? are you kidding me - My idea of "A GOOD TIME" is getting on and off the camode by myself".... ROTFLMAO

We took him over "swiss chalet chicken" for dinner, its his favorite and lord knows he can't drive right now... it was a HIT... He was very glad we popped over, then we stayed and played a round of BOGGLE... which was really fun, cause Ray being on Percocett's was kinda at a disadvantage.. and Peter and I cleaned up!!!

How many more sleeps until your surgery? RAY is so glad that he got it done... the discomfort from the staples is nothing compared to the Pre-surgery pain of just walking.. He is totally pleased with the op and wishes YOU well too. :wub:

Maybe I should try the OPRAH bra! Have to go look for them next time I'm shopping. At a different Macy's, though! Or maybe Nordstrom's!

Surgery is two weeks from tomorrow.... 25th. Several dr. appts between now and then, including pre-op this week, 2 yr lapband followup, sleep study followup with pulm doc, and they advised us at the class to get our teeth cleaned! :thumbup:

Hey... look at my ticker!! Lost 3.5 lb over the weekend. I'm having one of those drop like a rock months!

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Phyl, excellent job!!!! Every pound will make the surgery easier on your heart and your body. You make me proud!!!

Casserolet, I found a much simpler recipe online and I'm going to try it. I'll let you know how it goes.

Well, haven't got moving yet, actually got up, had a latte, and then...took a nap, very sad. I was just plain tired.

Called the bank who holds my mortgage, I can be late on the Sept. payment without late fees, but then I will have to make up the payment over the next 4 months with a $50 a month late fee. So basically I'd have to come up with an additional $300 every month. Don't really think that is an option. So back to the drawing board.

Need to get busy, catch you all later.

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Candice, love the pics...I almost lost it on the shoe pic. Are they REALLY for sale?

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3.5 lbs, wow that's awesome Phyl... you are doing all the right things in prep of your surgery!! I am so happy for you... 2 wks will fly by.

Definetly NORDSTROM's that was a cool store for sure!

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Candice, love the pics...I almost lost it on the shoe pic. Are they REALLY for sale?

um, no I think it is just a joke.

I LOVE the fat quarter web site!!! I am cross addicted now!:thumbup:

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At work, between patients right now... so I am gettng a FREE laser treatment while I wait....

I am ready to KILL the fulltimeer on the Front Desk. I got to work this a.m. and ALL the computers are down.

We've had thunderstorms all weekend, so I know what the problem is.. the Modem, Switch & Router need to be reset... before all the computers are turned back on..

Well, SHE just wouldn't listen to me...!!! She kept panicing and telling the customers that were waiting.. "OH we're having tech problems today" I dont' know What I am going to do????

I tried to tell her... nope, she's not listening.... She's gonna call the computer guy.....

ARGH.. I said POLITELY, "Can I make a suggestion Lori?" I think I know what the problem is....

Oh, just wait... I'll reboot the computers agian... (that won't work as you have to disconnect in sequence - and she is STILL NOT LISTENING TO ME)


After fritering away 30 minutes with all of OUR patients waiting, she finally lets me speak....

I get on my hands and knees crawl under her desk and re-set the Modem, ROUTER, & Switch... she didn't have a clue how to do it... but she was hell bent she wasn't gong to listen to me either!...

Anyways, I get all the wires unplugged, WAIT 2 mins for the reset. and replug everything back in... VOILA!! can you beleive it? Candice actually KNEW how to solve a problem!!!

Dozzy ding-bat!!!

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Oh Candice, you crack me up! Besides everything else, you're a technical genius too! Is there no end to your talents?

Love Nordstroms! That is far and away my fav. store of all time.

Phyl--there is a bright side to not feeling well!~ 3.5 pounds--GOOD FOR YOU!!! That's got to be inspriing. Thoes new bras aren't going to fit at this rate! I'm just so happy that you're getting our surgery soon. It'll look like you're gaining b/c of all the fluids they'll be giving you, but in the end, you should lose even more plus, hopefully have a lot more mobility! A whole new woman!

Carla--I don't know if this is an option for you, but my church has funds set aside to help people in need. Some people feel really uncomfortable about asking for help, but our belief is that it is the church's responsibility, not the government's, to help people out. I don't know if you have a church family, but if not, there may be another church in your area that can help with groceries, gas, or other living expenses temporarily while you get things straightened out.

Been working on state wide curriculum all day. So much for summer! Tomorrow is Cora and grammy day. Wednesday I'll go to the office and start getting my act together for fall. Classes start the 19th :thumbup:

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Hey Gang !!!!

Drive by post - took me 1/2 hr just to catch up...

Phyl :thumbup: WTG CONGRATS 118 LBS GONE !!!!!:wub:

Heck those capri's are going to be long pants on you :blink:- I think since they are wide legs they could be pushed up easy enough...

Phyl those Oprah bras are like $75 - I would wait a while to invest in those - I have some from JC Pennys that I love - like 30 bucks a piece and sometime buy one get one 1/2 off..

Are you coming home after the hospital - or going to a rehab place for a week?? How long in the hospital??

Karla - Alot of pple go to the salvation army type stores for their in between clothes...

Good girl on getting your walking in - and yes taking today off if you are in pain is good idea - but tomorrow - do at least a 2 mile walk -

Hugs on the $$ - wish I could tell you where to find some :0).

Do you have a 401 k - you can borrow from that...

Linda - to fricking funny trying to fix coffee pot - hell for $20 bucks go get a new one - I found a big french press at Marshall's yesterday for $9.99 - heck at bed bath and beyond they want $50 !!! I got it for a gift for my gf candy..

Thanks for the completment - as you know I was morbitly obese - but I do have to say I really do feel comfortable in my body right now - this is who I was under all that weight - this was the body I had in my minds eye...

I truly do beleive in happy weight (a maintainable weight)

I got to where I am by just following my healthy lifestyle - which does allow for life happening (treats) not just everyday... As you all know that my original goal was 170 - then 160 and was afraid to even write 150 so left it at 160..

I even went out to eat Sat for lunch 3/4 of 1/2 of a quesdilla hamburger from Applebees and 2 onion then a while later we went to my fav yogurt place and had 8 oz of frozen yogurt for 160 calories then had chineese for dinner and a bowl of ice cream..

But yesterday - back to healthy and today too - 1 day a week isn't going to make us gain 100 lbs back - we just have to be mindful of what we put in our mouths... You look fab just the way you are - and if you ever get your TT there would be 10 lbs (guessing) of weight gone.

Candice - I agree with everything Linda said - are you happy where you are - or do you want to lose some more - that's the real question..

Stupid little girl !!!

Denise - the cassolle was great...

Well like I said - drive by post - I gotta get back to work...

Hugs... J

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I am ready to KILL the fulltimeer on the Front Desk. I got to work this a.m. and ALL the computers are down. We've had thunderstorms all weekend, so I know what the problem is.. the Modem, Switch & Router need to be reset... before all the computers are turned back on.. Well, SHE just wouldn't listen to me...!!! She kept panicking and telling the customers that were waiting.. "OH we're having tech problems today" I dont' know What I am going to do???? I tried to tell her... nope, she's not listening.... She's gonna call the computer guy..... ARGH.. I said POLITELY, "Can I make a suggestion Lori?" I think I know what the problem is.... Oh, just wait... I'll reboot the computers agian... (that won't work as you have to disconnect in sequence - and she is STILL NOT LISTENING TO ME) OmGosh! After fritering away 30 minutes with all of OUR patients waiting, she finally lets me speak....I get on my hands and knees crawl under her desk and re-set the Modem, ROUTER, & Switch... she didn't have a clue how to do it... but she was hell bent she wasn't gong to listen to me either!... Anyways, I get all the wires unplugged, WAIT 2 mins for the reset. and replug everything back in... VOILA!! can you believe it? Candice actually KNEW how to solve a problem!!! Dozzy ding-bat!!!

Dumb broad!!

ibk.gif 23_29_106.gif ibk.gif

(Idiot Behind Keyboard)

3.5 lbs, wow that's awesome Phyl... you are doing all the right things in prep of your surgery!! I am so happy for you... 2 wks will fly by. Definitely NORDSTROM's that was a cool store for sure!

3.5 lb was for the weekend..... think I had the flu!

But, TOPS weigh in today...

last one was 3 weeks ago before my trip to NY/Canada.

So I was down 7.4 lb in 3 weeks!

Oh Candice, you crack me up! Besides everything else, you're a technical genius too! Is there no end to your talents?

Love Nordstroms! That is far and away my fav. store of all time.

Phyl--there is a bright side to not feeling well!~ 3.5 pounds--GOOD FOR YOU!!! That's got to be inspiring. Those new bras aren't going to fit at this rate! I'm just so happy that you're getting your surgery soon. It'll look like you're gaining b/c of all the fluids they'll be giving you, but in the end, you should lose even more plus, hopefully have a lot more mobility! A whole new woman!

Carla--I don't know if this is an option for you, but my church has funds set aside to help people in need. Some people feel really uncomfortable about asking for help, but our belief is that it is the church's responsibility, not the government's, to help people out. I don't know if you have a church family, but if not, there may be another church in your area that can help with groceries, gas, or other living expenses temporarily while you get things straightened out.

Been working on state wide curriculum all day. So much for summer! Tomorrow is Cora and grammy day. Wednesday I'll go to the office and start getting my act together for fall. Classes start the 19th :(

I have thought about all those IV fluids, so I'm prepared for a gain post-op. One nice thing about the joint replacement class (besides the sex manual-LOL) was they passed around a copy of the menu I'll be ordering my food off of. So I have a good idea of what my choices will be, and they are many! Looks like I can order an eggbeater omelet for Breakfast. There are lots of good healthy options.

That's a GREAT suggestion, Karla!

I'm sure a local church would help you.

Phyl :unsure: WTG CONGRATS 118 LBS GONE !!!!!:smile2: Heck those capri's are going to be long pants on you :wub:- I think since they are wide legs they could be pushed up easy enough...

Phyl those Oprah bras are like $75 - I would wait a while to invest in those - I have some from JC Pennys that I love - like 30 bucks a piece and sometime buy one get one 1/2 off..

Are you coming home after the hospital - or going to a rehab place for a week?? How long in the hospital??

Yeah... isn't it funny how pant legs and shirt sleeves get longer as you lose weight!? Most capris are already long pants on me! I have black cotton knit with real wide legs that should work fine, but I"m not so sure about Tweety Bird and Betty Boop PJ pants! Legs might not be wide enough. I bought a pair of big shorts with wide legs the other day as another option, also cotton knit.

I will no more after my pre-op appt on Thurs, but with surgery on Tues. morning, I think I'll probably be going home by Friday or Saturday. I know they take out the morphine pump at 6:30 a.m. the day after surgery no matter what time your surgery was the day before. I know I had it longer than that after the last knee surgery. But... no inpt rehab for knees, only hips, apparently. I was told one month of in home PT and then one month of outpt PT.

Hospital has WiFi, so going to have Earl bring my laptop as soon as I'm awake enough!

Ouch! yeah... no Oprah bras for right now! I need to look at JC Penney's. Tracy is always finding bargains at our local JCP.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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