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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I have a pretty good photo of us with Elvis. Haven't gotten around to posting any pictures yet but I will.



WTG :scared2: EVEN ON VACATION !!!

Sound's like my Bear - He's a runner if he gets loose and he won't come back... I have had to chase him all over the neighborhood - but the last time he decided he didn't want to get a spanking - so he went back on his own..

Angel - won't take off - I love that about her - she will come back when I call her - or lay down and play dead..

Phyl' date=' I gotta find some 'new' positions!!! Can you email me?? Remember, Peter dosn't have an artificial knee... [/color']but I am sleeping with a RETIREE now - so I am sure there are some adjustments that we need to be making:tongue_smilie:

Also, the RV dosn't have a QUEEN size bed, its only a DOUBLE >>>> :( I don't know how we are going to sleep in THAT... when we are used to a KING in the house..OMW :tt1:

Shopping for a new flat screen TV this weekend to put in the van. Then Peter is going to remove 1 or 2 of the seats and make an armoir for extra closet space. There is a microwave and a toaster oven built in..

LMAO !!!! Retiree lol

Well it sounds like he has enough to keep him busy for a while...

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Nope- you gotta stop here first. You have to pass right by me on your way to Linda's.

Yeah... let's see... Kari's, then Linda's, Karla's, Steph's, then me! Unless we're down south! Then you can drive down there and stop at Karri's on the way!

Hey, that pamphlet did have some interesting pictures in it!

Julie/Julia movie is delightful...

and there is a brief mention of "cassoulet"!

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Back from the fill doc. Loved him!!!! I got caught in a horrid rain storm and was late for my appointment. I called the office to give them a heads up, and all they said was to not worry about it and drive safe!! After much talk, the doc and I decided to NOT do a fill. I'm still loosing and keeping my cals around 1000, actually he said anywhere between 1000 & 1200 is good. He said he would gladly give me a small fill, but he didn't know if it would be too much. He said in my case he was 'on the fence' and would do what ever I thought was needed. He said that I have good restriction. I ended up deciding to not have a fill, why mess with what is working. He said if next week I felt I needed a fill, he'd gladly would get me in. Now get this....my charge of the appointment....$00000. To me the appointment was worth it, because now I am officially his patient and can easily converse through email. I really liked him. He also said I'm doing fabulous and loosing more than average. He did suggest that I see a nutritionist to help with food choices. Yep those Route 44 strawberry slushes got a raise eyebrow. I told him I made a conscious decision to have them, and he agreed. But did give me a gentle reminder not to make that decision on a daily basis. He also said that I needed to add a more regular exercise program. Yep, I know that. Okay, I count deep cleaning as a cardio work out. But now that I'm almost done, I need to get it in gear.

So whether I made the right decision, who knows. I may regret it next week, but it was a 2 hour drive through some beautiful scenery.

Steph, safe travel.

Denise, glad you're back.

Phyl....hmmm...what is sex???? Haven't had any in 13 years....let me know how it goes.

Candice...you will need to get a sign..'if the camper's rockin' you just keep on walkin'. Okay, Montana humor.

Kari, thanks for working my farm, I've been too busy to plant/harvest.

Karri, have you surfaced from work yet?

Janet, you are a beast, I wish I could work out like you. but I will get there.

Guess what, I was able to wear a shirt that I bought 3 years ago, and have never been able to because it was too tight.


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MOntana humor.... LOL

IN Canada we say ....

" if this Van's a-rockin' , don't bother knocking "

Gosh I was up early today!?!? Don't know what's up with that.... Pretty sure that I'll be fading early today..

OH and Karla, thanks so much for that Web Site Fat Quarter shop... I already ordered enough fabric to make a quilt for a friend...She said she'd pay me to make her a quilt... so there ya go... it was fun!!

I may shop on line more often.. Prices were good too.

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Good Morning Gang....

Candice - you and me up early for a Saturday - Babies had me up before 5 and I didn't go to sleep till 12:30 a.m...

I'm on my 2nd cup of french press coffee :0)...

I'm going to gym at 7 - then meeting a gf (candy) for lunch movie or shopping - who knows..

Phyl - Yep I think we have Candice & Peter covered for driving across the USA MI (Kari) -WI (Linda)- WA (You)- OR (Karri)- CA (Me)- LA (Denise) MO (Steph & Karla) They have tons of pit stops to make...

Karla - I don't think you are going to regret your decision not to get a fill.. I am glad you like your doc - that's very important and motivating.. I

agree a nutritionst would be a good thing for you. It's really not about how tight you are but your food choice and exercise -

Deep cleaning is good exercise - but it isn't cardio :0) - Your bike riding is.. Heck we have decided (karri & I) when she was here that trying on clothes is exercise - she wished that she had worn her body bugg to see how many calories she burned - I had her sweating with all the clothes that I had her trying on lol...

You have done great 65 lbs !!!

Linda - How's the fire pit going???

Kari - food & Soda ??

Steph - Are you selling kettle corn this weekend.. QVC Fall Fashion Day today !!! Havent seen anything I want yet - but who know's the day has just begun...

Karri - You need to do a drive by on our new thread...

Denise - What are you up to this weekend..

Ok off to throw my clothes in the dryer.. CBL

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Goodness gracious, what's with the early risers? It's a perfect "Sleep-in" morning! Misty, thunderstorms, drizzling rain in between. If it weren't for the dog. . . She's developed some kind of chronic, repetative noise--It's not a cough as such, more like throat clearing or trying to cough something up, but it's been going on for over a week now. Mel called the vet while I was gone, and she perscribed an antibiotic which is doing nothing. I think I'll have to bring her back if it doesn't clear up this weekend. Meanwhile, there's no sleeping in once she gets started.

We got all but the outer ring of the fire pit down before it started raining yesterday aft. Now we sit and wait. It's supposed to get hot--90's (Janet--stop laughing)--and humid after the rain clears out, so I don't know how far we'll get. My sister, bil, and 5 kids are coming on the 17th, and I was hoping to get it done by then. (Mel needs a deadline. I was going to pay to have someone do it, but old cheep-skates said NO, he'd do it himself. . .)

I'm doing french press too this am, Janet. Time to clean out the old coffee maker--it's taking wayyyy toooo long. Most of the Water evaporates away. Maybe it's time to toss it? We'll see. . .

I have work to do this am. Opened my big mouth, so now I'm committed to do some work on a state-wide curriculum project. I know no one feels sorry for me since I did have lots of time off this summer. I wish I could be as excited about work as Kari is. I used to be. . . The passion is waining as the opportunity to retire and take care of grandbabies approaches.

Not long till the wedding, Candice. When are you going dress shopping? You are going to look fabulous!

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Well, I'm not up as early as the rest of you, actually later than I have been. I try to get up at 6 am during the summer to do yard work before it gets to hot. Yesterday we had a 'cool' front move in, we got about 1 inch of rain and I finally turned up the furnace. The furnace on in August???? I'm sitting here drinking a skinny SF carmel latte made from my own machine. These things are getting addicting.

Plans for the day...laundry...and quilting!!!

Candice, I'm glad you found some fabric, unfortunately I did also, so I burned a little plastic. Normally my card is paid off each month, but not this month. Not good, I do have a bit of an addictive personality. Geez, is that why I have food issues?

Janet, glad to know I have someone agreeing with me. Some would say that since I drove all that way, I should have gotten a fill. Who knows, for the moment it was the right decision, tomorrow I may think otherwise, but I will deal with that when the time comes.

Linda, I would love a fire pit. My DD#2 has one. But I only really want one to make smores so it is good that I don't have one.

You all have a good day. I will be starting the quilting on my daughter's quilt today. It is a simple block and lattice quilt, but it showcases some gorgeous oriental prints. I'm quilting it in a gynko leave pattern. I'll put pics on when it is done. IF I figure out how to do that.

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Goodness gracious, what's with the early risers? It's a perfect "Sleep-in" morning! Misty, thunderstorms, drizzling rain in between. If it weren't for the dog. . . She's developed some kind of chronic, repetative noise--It's not a cough as such, more like throat clearing or trying to cough something up, but it's been going on for over a week now. Mel called the vet while I was gone, and she perscribed an antibiotic which is doing nothing. I think I'll have to bring her back if it doesn't clear up this weekend. Meanwhile, there's no sleeping in once she gets started.

We got all but the outer ring of the fire pit down before it started raining yesterday aft. Now we sit and wait. It's supposed to get hot--90's (Janet--stop laughing)--and humid after the rain clears out, so I don't know how far we'll get. My sister, bil, and 5 kids are coming on the 17th, and I was hoping to get it done by then. (Mel needs a deadline. I was going to pay to have someone do it, but old cheep-skates said NO, he'd do it himself. . .)

I'm doing french press too this am, Janet. Time to clean out the old coffee maker--it's taking wayyyy toooo long. Most of the Water evaporates away. Maybe it's time to toss it? We'll see. . .

I have work to do this am. Opened my big mouth, so now I'm committed to do some work on a state-wide curriculum project. I know no one feels sorry for me since I did have lots of time off this summer. I wish I could be as excited about work as Kari is. I used to be. . . The passion is waining as the opportunity to retire and take care of grandbabies approaches.

Not long till the wedding, Candice. When are you going dress shopping? You are going to look fabulous!

Oh LInda, that firepit sounds divine!!! MEl needs a deadline, cammon really?????

Yes, our weather is suposed to turn HOT here as well. It was COLD overnight, I got up and put a 2nd quilt on my bed (just on my side, Peter is a furnace)

He's outside today, building a new WIDE gate to accomodate our RV when is c omes on Wed. I am taking the day off work so we can drive it home in tandom.

the WEDDING DRESS :laugh: ah, I've been screwing around with my food this last past week. Using the strees of RV shopping as MY excuse... but now that's settled, the scwabbling has stopped and I need to get RE-motivated!!!! I only have two months...

WHy am I so content with 176???? I just don't get it :thumbup:

Well, back from fabric shopping for the back fabric to my Baby quilt so I'd best go and get it sewn together so I can start quilting it!!

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Lazy Saturday morning here. Will hit the shower very soon. Then off to the Navy base.. commissary... shopping, then I think it's costco and/or Walmart, and outlet mall to see if I can get a couple of bras. Got insulted at Macy's yesterday so I won't go back there. Told the saleslady I wanted to try on a couple of casual/everyday type bras... no underwire, and I like cotton. First she comments, "cotton doesn't hold up well." Then she asks what size... told her 38DD. So she picked out a couple and led me to the fitting room. On the way she says, "I think you need a 40!" I said, "well, I measured for a 38 last summer, Dear, and I've lost weight since then!" She says, "They're supposed to hook IN THE MIDDLE! Well, I'll be around in case you need anything!" Like.... when you have to tell me that you need a bigger size. What a jerk! So I tried them on... hooked in the tightest hook. Straps were narrow, sliding off my shoulders, so I didn't like either one but I wouldn't have bought anything from her anyway! The underwires I have are really fairly comfortable, but I do like my cotton Lane Bryant bras for every day... comfy, soft and decent support. Will try there today and see how it goes! I know what I want and can't find them. Five I have from there are 18 mos old, keep coming unhooked because they're too big. Plan to wear bra in the hospital as soon as IV is out and arms are free! Have my hospital wardrobe pretty much all picked out, and I WILL be taking my Elvis T-shirt and some obnoxious PJ pants. Maybe Tweetie bird, maybe Betty Boop. Maybe both! LOL

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Goodness gracious, what's with the early risers? It's a perfect "Sleep-in" morning! Misty, thunderstorms, drizzling rain in between. If it weren't for the dog. . . She's developed some kind of chronic, repetative noise--It's not a cough as such, more like throat clearing or trying to cough something up, but it's been going on for over a week now. Mel called the vet while I was gone, and she perscribed an antibiotic which is doing nothing. I think I'll have to bring her back if it doesn't clear up this weekend. Meanwhile, there's no sleeping in once she gets started.

We got all but the outer ring of the fire pit down before it started raining yesterday aft. Now we sit and wait. It's supposed to get hot--90's (Janet--stop laughing)--and humid after the rain clears out, so I don't know how far we'll get. My sister, bil, and 5 kids are coming on the 17th, and I was hoping to get it done by then. (Mel needs a deadline. I was going to pay to have someone do it, but old cheep-skates said NO, he'd do it himself. . .)

I'm doing french press too this am, Janet. Time to clean out the old coffee maker--it's taking wayyyy toooo long. Most of the Water evaporates away. Maybe it's time to toss it? We'll see. . .

I have work to do this am. Opened my big mouth, so now I'm committed to do some work on a state-wide curriculum project. I know no one feels sorry for me since I did have lots of time off this summer. I wish I could be as excited about work as Kari is. I used to be. . . The passion is waining as the opportunity to retire and take care of grandbabies approaches.

Not long till the wedding, Candice. When are you going dress shopping? You are going to look fabulous!

Linda - Bear did that cough thing - I even took him to the vet one sunday but they were closed - it ended up clearing up - it took about 5 days - It was the same thing like trying to cough up something - it started about a week after his boosters - I read that the shots could do that - but a week later..

I don't think yesterday it got to 100 -today suppose to be only 100 - that's unusual for August here in the desert - but I'm not complaining :0)

I would throw the pot out and get a new one - I made coffee only once last week in my reg pot - I need to get a bigger press cuz I just got the little one - well that's not one full cup of coffee.. I am addicted now to it.. It does taste better - smoother..

Well, I'm not up as early as the rest of you, actually later than I have been. I try to get up at 6 am during the summer to do yard work before it gets to hot. Yesterday we had a 'cool' front move in, we got about 1 inch of rain and I finally turned up the furnace. The furnace on in August???? I'm sitting here drinking a skinny SF carmel latte made from my own machine. These things are getting addicting.

Plans for the day...laundry...and quilting!!!

Candice, I'm glad you found some fabric, unfortunately I did also, so I burned a little plastic. Normally my card is paid off each month, but not this month. Not good, I do have a bit of an addictive personality. Geez, is that why I have food issues?

Janet, glad to know I have someone agreeing with me. Some would say that since I drove all that way, I should have gotten a fill. Who knows, for the moment it was the right decision, tomorrow I may think otherwise, but I will deal with that when the time comes.

Linda, I would love a fire pit. My DD#2 has one. But I only really want one to make smores so it is good that I don't have one.

You all have a good day. I will be starting the quilting on my daughter's quilt today. It is a simple block and lattice quilt, but it showcases some gorgeous oriental prints. I'm quilting it in a gynko leave pattern. I'll put pics on when it is done. IF I figure out how to do that.

Karla - where's the exercise today??? Our bands are fickle - one mintue you think you need a fill then the next you don't - it's all about food choices..

Oh LInda, that firepit sounds divine!!! MEl needs a deadline, cammon really?????

Yes, our weather is suposed to turn HOT here as well. It was COLD overnight, I got up and put a 2nd quilt on my bed (just on my side, Peter is a furnace)

He's outside today, building a new WIDE gate to accomodate our RV when is c omes on Wed. I am taking the day off work so we can drive it home in tandom.

the WEDDING DRESS :laugh: ah, I've been screwing around with my food this last past week. Using the strees of RV shopping as MY excuse... but now that's settled, the scwabbling has stopped and I need to get RE-motivated!!!! I only have two months...

WHy am I so content with 176???? I just don't get it :thumbup:

Well, back from fabric shopping for the back fabric to my Baby quilt so I'd best go and get it sewn together so I can start quilting it!!

Candice you feel better and look better than you did 60 lbs ago - These are my thought on why you are happy at 176 - but maybe that's your happy weight - Who know's - I gotta say for me - I just keep eating healthy and exercising and that got me to where I am today - and I have been able to maintain for a year now, by just following my new lifestyle. I never imagine I would be where I am - but gotta say I am loving it..

Lazy Saturday morning here. Will hit the shower very soon. Then off to the Navy base.. commissary... shopping, then I think it's costco and/or Walmart, and outlet mall to see if I can get a couple of bras. Got insulted at Macy's yesterday so I won't go back there. Told the saleslady I wanted to try on a couple of casual/everyday type bras... no underwire, and I like cotton. First she comments, "cotton doesn't hold up well." Then she asks what size... told her 38DD. So she picked out a couple and led me to the fitting room. On the way she says, "I think you need a 40!" I said, "well, I measured for a 38 last summer, Dear, and I've lost weight since then!" She says, "They're supposed to hook IN THE MIDDLE! Well, I'll be around in case you need anything!" Like.... when you have to tell me that you need a bigger size. What a jerk! So I tried them on... hooked in the tightest hook. Straps were narrow, sliding off my shoulders, so I didn't like either one but I wouldn't have bought anything from her anyway! The underwires I have are really fairly comfortable, but I do like my cotton Lane Bryant bras for every day... comfy, soft and decent support. Will try there today and see how it goes! I know what I want and can't find them. Five I have from there are 18 mos old, keep coming unhooked because they're too big. Plan to wear bra in the hospital as soon as IV is out and arms are free! Have my hospital wardrobe pretty much all picked out, and I WILL be taking my Elvis T-shirt and some obnoxious PJ pants. Maybe Tweetie bird, maybe Betty Boop. Maybe both! LOL

Phyl - Will you be able to wear p.j. bottoms with your knee surgery (meaning long ones)- I think you are going to need gowns as they are going to have to take care of the incision.

Heck with my band -I stayed in their gown the whole time - I didn't care if I had a bra on our not..


Well it's almost 12 - need to jump in the shower suppose to be at Candy's house around 12:30 - 1 - So talk to you all later...

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Grrrrr--he's trying to fix the d#!# coffee pot. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!

Candice--I do believe that we all have our own "Set point" re weight. I know that I'm at mine. Essentially, I have maintained since the first of the year--neither lost nor gained. I know that if I starve and exercise more, I could lose more, but I won't be able to maintain it. I am trying to lose the last 15 slowly, but it is a constant battle. Candice, you are beautiful inside and out. You have georgous skin, and a great personality. You have an amazing voice and you're a great story teller. Peter loves you no matter what. I'd take 176 and be satisfied. IMHO, at our age, a few extra pounds is better than not enough and only God is perfect and you look terrific!

Went to a shower for my sister's (I have two sisters--this is the one that lives here) son's fiancee today. This sister was banded a year ago April. She never wants to talk about how much she lost or anything related, but she must have lost well over 100. Anyway, she did say that she got a 1 ml unfill and has gained some weight back. From the looks of what she ate today, she'll be putting more back on in no time. I feel bad for her. I ate more than I wanted to, but really, no more than a taste of some things. Sadly, I did have some cake :thumbup:

Janet--you are my inspiration. You really look like you never had weight issues--like you've always been a petite little thing who is into to healthy living--not necessarily trying to look like a waif, but just healthy.

Phyl--I think if the pajama pants are loose enough, you should be OK. As far as a bra, you might think about front closure b/c it might be difficult to move about the first several weeks. I only have my mom's experience to go on, but as I recall, she was happy if she could get from her bedroom to the living room of her condo at first. Then again, she had both knees done, so it might be different with one. Hope you can find something you like.

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Hello Everyone,

A teacher came over and we worked from 10 to 3:30.

We were working on the school's positive behavior plan.

3:30, I started my cassoulet. I used ham hocks in the Beans, and pork shoulder, pork sausage, and chicken thighs. I just put it in the over. 6:30.

I might go swimming. I still have school work to work on, and I have my home paperwork to work on.

Phones ringing. TTFN

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Damn, lost my post!! Okay, I wrote it and then forgot to hit 'post'.

Janet, I did walk the 3 babies today. Took each of them on a one mile BRISK walk, so a total of three miles. So there...(thanks for the reminder, just giving you grief)

Phyl, good luck on the surgery, you'll be dancing a jig before too long.

Spent the day finishing the front and back of DD#4 quilt, and then oiling up the quilting machine. It has been so long since I used my frame and machine I had to get the book out. Now, I can't seem to get the rows of the pattern to nest. I'm so dang out of practice. Took me 2 hours just to put a practice piece on the frame and quilt 3 rows and I'm still not happy with it. If I was rich and famous, I'd send it out to have someone quilt it on one of the big quilting machines, but I just need to figure out how to use what I have.

Haven't had dinner yet and it is almost 8pm. Had a bowl of cherries and a latte at 5pm. When I was in kalispell, the 'flathead' cherries were ripe. So I stopped right at the 'grove' and got a couple of pounds. I know they aren't the best calorie wise, but we only have flathead cherries for about 2 weeks once a year. yummmm, they were on the tree just hours before they were in my mouth.

Have to work tomorrow, then only one Sunday left. The summer is almost gone. I'm trying to figure out how to alter my clothes for work. Right now I have one pair of shorts that fit, one shirt that fits, 3 tank tops, one skirt, and one pair of pants. Now I'm not complaining, it is great to have everything too big, but they are WAY too big and the budget doesn't allow for clothes shopping right now. I am going to go down to a consignment shop that a friend has and take in some of my big clothes and hopefully get enough credit to get some smaller clothes. I'm also inbetween sizes, a 18 is too big, a 16 too small. But hey, 5 months ago I was in a 22 and they were TIGHT.

Ladies, I haven't told you all lately how much I appreciate your advise and support. Five months ago I would have never thought I would be grumbling about my clothes being too big. Thank you. Maybe someday, I will feel brave enough to have the kids take a picture and use it for my avatar. NOT, I still have several chins..

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Candice you feel better and look better than you did 60 lbs ago - These are my thought on why you are happy at 176 - but maybe that's your happy weight - Who know's - I gotta say for me - I just keep eating healthy and exercising and that got me to where I am today - and I have been able to maintain for a year now, by just following my new lifestyle. I never imagine I would be where I am - but gotta say I am loving it..

Phyl - Will you be able to wear p.j. bottoms with your knee surgery (meaning long ones)- I think you are going to need gowns as they are going to have to take care of the incision. Heck with my band -I stayed in their gown the whole time - I didn't care if I had a bra on our not..

So you don't think Tweety Bird OR Betty Boop will work???

Usually... I like to get out of those hospital gowns ASAP!

I have wide leg cotton knit capris that might work, and I bought a pair of really wide leg cotton knit shorts today at the Jockey outlet store. And those non-underwire bras I went after.. bought 3 underwire! Two are cotton knit.. same style I had before, but with underwire and in the right size. Third is a cheapo spankz copy, but it has underwire, too. Sort of like a black tank top with built in underwire bra. Should be comfortable and may take it to the hospital. Still looking for a wrap around, soft cushy robe. Mine is a 3X and goes around me almost twice now.

Grrrrr--he's trying to fix the d#!# coffee pot. WHAT A WASTE OF TIME!

LOL! That's what Earl would do, too!!

Candice--I do believe that we all have our own "Set point" re weight. I know that I'm at mine. Essentially, I have maintained since the first of the year--neither lost nor gained. I know that if I starve and exercise more, I could lose more, but I won't be able to maintain it. I am trying to lose the last 15 slowly, but it is a constant battle. Candice, you are beautiful inside and out. You have gorgeous skin, and a great personality. You have an amazing voice and you're a great story teller. Peter loves you no matter what. I'd take 176 and be satisfied. IMHO, at our age, a few extra pounds is better than not enough and only God is perfect and you look terrific!

I agree!!

Phyl--I think if the pajama pants are loose enough, you should be OK. As far as a bra, you might think about front closure b/c it might be difficult to move about the first several weeks. I only have my mom's experience to go on, but as I recall, she was happy if she could get from her bedroom to the living room of her condo at first. Then again, she had both knees done, so it might be different with one. Hope you can find something you like.

Front closures are hard to find anymore! Maybe I'll look online and see if I can find one in my size... which apparently is a 38DDD.

I WISH my doctor would do both knees at once!!

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Karla--We found some good deals for transitional clothes at places like TJ Maxx and garage sales. Your idea of consingment shops is good too. I remember blowing through some sizes and stalling at others. Don't be afraid to try smaller sizes--it's amazing how all of a sudden they fit!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
      1. This update has no replies.
    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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