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September 2009 Band Date

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Boo, I'm one day ahead of you on the 15th. I also have somewhere between 100-120 to lose. I have not started a pre-op diet though. I'm traveling next week and am thinking I'll start when I get back. Hardest for me is going to be no alcohol!

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Hi, I am getting banded Sept. 1, and can't wait to start this weight loss journey. I started my pre-op liquids Aug.19. I have been drinking the EAS Protein Shakes, crystal light, Water. diet pepsi. and iced tea.

Hello mosean, You mean to tell me that they put you on an All liquid diet?? OMG I'm still screwing around with what I put into my mouth.. I so need to get it going.. I'm starting to get a do or die feeling... Yikes! :(

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Well I just wanted to touch base with everyone here. The past 48 hours has just been a roller coaster for me.

My PCP called and told me my pre op EKG came back abnormal and before he can clear me I need to see a cardiologist and get cleared from them.

I was in the hospital in May and had a stress test, echo and EKG done and so I called the cardiologist that over saw me while I was there.

Only problem I can't get in till 08/31/09, which is 4 days before my scheduled surgery. So my next call was to the Surgeons office and let them know.

They said to keep everything as it is. If I need to change they will push it to the next week or two, but they feel with my age that the cardiologist will just clear it.

So I have two appointments set for the 31st. One with the cardiologist and one with my PCP, hoping and praying that the cardiologist will clear me so I can be cleared by my PCP.

Also the timing just sucks because my current PCP is closing his office mid September so I am also in the process of establishing with a new PCP so that post op will be all set and ready. I can't imagine having to deal with two PCP's at the same time. (How dare my doctor not think of me before deciding to close up shop...LOL kidding..kidding)

So the Thursday before my surgery I am set to meet my new PCP, have the pre surgery appointment with my Surgeon and have my annual OBGYN appointment (figured might as well...plus I want to go on B.C. to avoid having any little ones till I lose some weight)

So I will have a busy week my surgery week...but I am really looking forward to it.

Today I started Optifast...I did not think it would be too bad but I am so hungry. I did cheat for Breakfast and had McDonalds because I did not have the Optifast and by the time we got it and it would be cold was just too late. But since I am working on drink #2, had a few sugar free hard candies and one sugar free Jello and for lunch since the Optifast was not cold had chicken brooth. Also sugar free gum really helped tonight when the family was eating and I was drooling...who knew that hot dogs could make me feel like a rabid animal about to strike. LOL

So I am trying to stay positive. That all will work out.

Like everyone I am getting excited. It will be nice to see how the Optifast works. I thought I would only be doing 3 a day, but I am to drink 5 a day so I have it broken down by getting my drink on at 9 am 12 pm 3 pm 6 pm and 9 pm. I think that will space them out nice and then in-between I have the sugar free stuff to help out with.

My husband tonight said he knew he would not be able to do this. It was nice to hear that and if he keeps telling me that he would be weak it will help keep me strong. :o

Sorry to ramble on so long just want to post what was going on here.

Also I do have a blog, I blog over here - Cortney's Journey...

I am like most, my family really does not know I am doing this. I want to see the faces when they see me after I have lost. Also just don't want to hear the doubt or me talked out of it. I have told very few people.

It is always easier to talk about this with people who know where you are coming from. People that won't gasp when they see your weight and it just really lets me talk about stuff.

I tried Vlogging after one of my cousins turned me on to it but don't know what to do with my hands and where to look and I love writting so decided to keep with blogging.

I might move to a blogspot blog or something but don't know. I like writing and if people read it or not at least I am getting it out and that is what feels good to me.

I hope everyone has a great weekend and hope everyone is hanging strong!!!


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Hang in there girlie!!! That really sucks about the cardio, but better to be safe then sorry. I am sure it will be OK and everything will go fine. You are getting VERY VERY close. You CAN do it!!


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My pre-op diet is the 4 days prior to surgery and it's all liquids. I think it will be hard but I'm thinking the post surgery is gonna be harder.

Have you gotten Insurance Approval yet? I hope so, one less thing to worry about (unless your self-pay).


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Cortney, OMG hahaha:lol:That's too funny.. down girl,down..

I'm sorry to hear about the cardio. I'm sure you'll be fine on the 31st. I know I was very nervous when they did my pre-op EKG. It's just so close and I feel like something could go wrong. But, like boo said it's better to be safe..

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A poster above had posted about being worried about alcohol. I have lots of friends that me and my husband hang out with that drink and meet up at bars for drinks on the weekend and I am worried about being able to go and not draw attention for not drinking. I posted something about beer and apparently that is the worst thing cause of the carbonation. I didn't LOVE beer so I figured I'd drink that to ensure I sip one through the night. Red wine was the top drink and I love red wine, so I wanted to stay away from that. I could easily manage sipping it, I just don't want to tempt myself or hinder my diet ya know? I don't know. IO guess because I haven't told anyone it's giving me this problem. I'm just not ready to share all this yet. Anyone else thinking and wondering these things?

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Thanks Boo & Soco...

I refuse to give up. It took me 5 almost 6 months to get to this point and there is no turning back.

I hope it is nothing serious and agree better to know now then later.

On a side note...man for those that are doing Optifast or something like that which is the strict liquid only...I hope it gets easier. This is only day one for me and I am playing games online and the fake food it make my eyes light up. My stomach is like eat the computer eat it.

I feel like Fat Bastard from Austin Powers saying get in my belly...I am higher on the food chain...man what I would not give for a nice big steak right now. LOL.

I did have a single slice of cheese just now to try and calm it down just a bit.

My husband has been very supportive tonight and is pushing me to keep away from the food. (Earlier I was surfing the web and say a picture of lettuce and started drooling. LMAO)

On drinking my Surgeon told me once I am out a few months that drinking soda and alcohol would be okay if just sipping and can control it. That if we can give it up great but otherwise just to sip and take it slow.

:o Happy Friday Night :biggrin:

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You are too funny. I am sure even the nastiest of stuff might be appetizing right about now. LOL Sounds like your doing great and holding strong and cheers to a supportive hubby! :o

I can give up the soda, that won't be hard, but damn, I do like to have a drink here and there. I have two kids so it's rare I actually have the time, but every month (or two or three) when we get a sitter, it's nice to be an adult and have a drink or two. I would give up drinking in a heartbeat though, 100% if this was the only way, so I know I can do it. I'm just trying to figure it out and wondering (pre-band) how it's all really gonna go down. LOL

You know I started in February!!! I only had a 3 month insurance program, but to follow my surgeon's protocol, this is still how long it took. It flew by and I just kept thinking "what's an extra month or two".


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BMI 35 Surgery scheduled for Sept 126. Received my insurance approval August 20. I will start my pre surgery diet plan on Sept 1 - after I return from vacation. I have to really get into re reading all the packets of information I was given. I was so afraid of not getting approved that I just didn't study the material in depth. I am glad there is a September Band site.

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Awww...don't beat yourself up!!! You just haven't started losing YET!!! I was told my insurance likes to see some loss in the pre-op program/requirements and they had been getting denials because of people not losing or gaining. I got so nervous, I decided to take it serious and just get started but in all honesty, I don't know that I would have without the push.

Regardless, we are all on our way to losing all these pounds we so need to get rid of FOR GOOD.

BTW, you look rather thin in your profile pic...maybe you don't have as much to loose? I still have to loose like 100 pounds, and 120 if I want to get to the "weight charts" perfect BMI. Oh, and welcome! :biggrin:


Thanks for the encouragement Boo! I'm trying to avoid gaining and just maintain until my pre op diet. I don't want to just dig myself deeper and be discouraged from having even more weight to lose! I'm on the lower end of the BMIers (35), so I have about 75lbs to lose. I was probably about 15 or 20lbs lighter in my profile pic. Plus I've learned to deceive the camera pretty well :o

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Hey Gang!

I am on the Setember train...the 1st! Its been a 4 1/2 month process and I am quite ready. My doc didnt put me on a pre-op diet, perse'...just told me to eat high Protein, low carb so thats what I am doing...

I worry about "fatty liver" but the doc didnt go on and on about so I will just go with low carbs...What do you all think?


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September 3rd for me! Feel like whirlwind. Did info session 10 days ago, had consults 2 days ago (pre-op diet 800 cal to lose 10lbs), pre-op yesterday and surgery scheduled for Sept 3! Coming up fast!


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LOL Boo, I try and keep my humor, helps keep my positive and joke it off.

I know the feeling on wanting to go out and be normal. Have a drink or two. I think or hope that after we start losing we see the big benifit and I think if we still go out here or there that we have the mindset to watch it and we will still have a good time since we are out with friends. I know we all need that break for our sanity. :thumbup:

Welcome Last, Beach and TicTac.

Beach and Tic I go in right around the same time as both of you on the 4th. (I hope) I can't wait.

My process took me about 5 months.

March 21st - Seminar

April 6 - Lapband Orientation

April 23 - one on one with Surgeon

July 27 - approved

July 30 - rejected (because the office will no longer be accepting the 3rd party biller my ins company uses)

August 4 - re-approved

August 5 - scheduled surgery for 09/04/09!

So it took me 4 months to get approved. Took me awhile to get the 5 years worth of medical history. I have seen a few different doctors in this time.

I think I had all my paperwork submitted to them around July 6th and was submitted a few days later. Took my insurance then a few weeks to approve me.

I am so happy to be on this journey. Today is my second day of the pre op diet and so far so good. I have been spacing my drinks out every 3 hours and only had to have a few hard candys to suck on (sugar free of course)

Tonight though will be the challenge. Night time eating is my big thing and tonight now my husband is getting one of his brothers and well....they are making spagetti...OH BOY!!! Really interesting to see how that goes.

If you hear on the news about a family being trampled or attacted for food that will be me. My husband at least said that he won't do garlic bread...

If fairness I did tell my husband to do it because it will be a test to my will power to stay away from it. I might nibble on a piece of cheese again or just lock myself up in the bedroom.

I am thinking maybe I need some handcuffs to lock me down so I don't go raving mad after thier food.

I was looking at my cat food today going I hope I don't get so hungry that when i am feeding the animals I just go wild and dig in with them. LMAO

It really just has made me realize how much food does run my life and how crazy I am for it. I really could go most of the day without eating but when the night falls I eat everything in site and more then I should which is one of the reasons I am so glad to be getting this band to help restrict the amount of food I can fit in my stomach...again hearing Fat Bastard telling Mini Me to get in my belly...

How is everyone else doing on their pre op diet?

For those that don't have one are you trying to lose weight? One of the reasons my doctor says he does the preop liquid only diet is to help reduce the size of the liver so that it shrinks some to make it easier. I am glad I have this strict diet...granted I realized I will be on it for 4 weeks (2 weeks pre and post op) Guess it is time to stock up on the clear liquids....

Happy Saturday Everyone :)

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Welcome to everybody who just joined our thread. It has only been a day since I checked the boards and there are so many more of us. Congrats!

I am so loving Zumba! My GoWearFit said the class last night burned 900 calories, so I am trying to drag my butt in to go today since it is the same teacher. It definitely makes a difference, but while I go M-F to the gym for 1.5 hours..I just can't seem to make myself get there on the weekend. Maybe today...I am gonna try. Class is at 4pm. Thinking about calling my friend so we can go together.

Still losing - still on a primarily full liquid diet. I am one of those that the surgeon did not put on a specific diet - he just said - you really need to try to lose 10-20 pounds before surgery. Well.....today I hit 22 pounds...so I am trying to achieve a personal goal of 26 pounds at least by surgery on the 1st. It isn't actually as hard as I thought it would be..mainly because I know now I am going to have the tool that keeps me from putting it back on. I can always lose it..it is the maintenance that kicks me in the butt!

I ordered my little utensils from CB2.com They are perfect and not pricey. I also found some pretty cute appetizer type dishes that were unbelievably cheap..so I ordered them and today I tossed every plate larger than 5 inches from the house! It was TOTALLY liberating!

Anyway...for those of you fighting individual battles with cravings...last supper mentality I can relate ( I gained 25 pounds between my seminar in May and July 9th)..I ate everything in sight)...that is why 26 pounds is my personal goal..silly..but good for my mindset... It is best to get yourself off that track as soon as possible..who wants to lose that same weight twice?

Liquid diet...I agree...it is SOOOOO hard..but SOOO worth it. Get yourself fully stocked with the extras that you can have...it is easier to keep going if you have some variety. And..if you can't stand it...definitely just have a Protein snack..the carb Snacks are EVIL!!!

Insurance approvals...well..ya. BCBS Choices plan doesn't have it...so I am paying for it myself..and it is worth it..it will cost me about $125/pound if I hit goal..and that is a bargain in my book :thumbup:

Anyway..going to try and get my motivation to get to the gym.


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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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