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September 2009 Band Date

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Amanda what is a p90x?

P90x is a set of 12 DVDs that are all an extreme workout.

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what is p90x!!!! lol. Its a bunch of exercise videos that you change out every week so that your body doesn't get used to on type of exercise.

In less than a week I have gained 5 pounds ladies what am I doing wrong?

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what is p90x!!!! lol. Its a bunch of exercise videos that you change out every week so that your body doesn't get used to on type of exercise.

In less than a week I have gained 5 pounds ladies what am I doing wrong?

What has been your routine? How many calories are u eating? Is it that time of the month? I have that problem at times. Are u exercising and what type?

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What has been your routine? How many calories are u eating? Is it that time of the month? I have that problem at times. Are u exercising and what type?

Amanda I'm frustrated but it was my own fault that I gained weight. I have had a combination of needing a fill, breaking up with my bf thereby eating and being sick meaning too sick to exercise.I have loss 3 of the pounds a few more to go. I have yet to have a normal period since the surgery. I have had pms but that's all. I can tell that because the band gets really tight and I better not try to eat anything in the morining. that is when I do shakes for Breakfast.< /p>

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Amanda I'm frustrated but it was my own fault that I gained weight. I have had a combination of needing a fill, breaking up with my bf thereby eating and being sick meaning too sick to exercise.I have loss 3 of the pounds a few more to go. I have yet to have a normal period since the surgery. I have had pms but that's all. I can tell that because the band gets really tight and I better not try to eat anything in the morining. that is when I do shakes for Breakfast.< /div>

Sorry to hear about the boyfriend! Sounds like you just need to rethink the reasons you got the band to begin with and start exercising again (find something you enjoy). You can do this and don't let anyone tell you differently. Check out some youtube videos like Bandedwendy or skymoon. They inspire me. Good luck!

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Well it's been quite a while since I have checked in I am glad to see you are still here and everyone is going well..... it seems we are all having ups and downs with this tool we have chosen to help us with our weightloss journey.... I have been doing well slow and steady wins the race I am currently have a loss of 26.6kg thats about 58lbs my last weigh in was a week ago and I only saw a loss of .5kg in 1 month and I did feel a little disappointed that the scales hardly moved but I did lose 4cm from my waist and 4cm from my hips so the waistline is still going down that's all that matters.... I started this journey using my treadmill most days and have now changed my tactics getting outside in the real world....I have been walking every other day on the walking track along the river the full length of the track is about a 6km return trip (full track is kept for weekends) but as I work I have to manage my time so ...... I get up at 5am swim for 1/2 hour then drive into town and walk only part of the track about a 2.5km return trip.... along the track the local council have put in exercise equipment to help with strength training this has really helped me on my journey........ I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am enjoying exercise....LMAO never thought I would ever feel like that I actually miss it when I dont get out and do something...

I finally went to the Nutritionist this last visit as I have had some issues with hairloss she told me this happens about month 5/6 and I need to take my suppliments........ I have now conformed I hate taking pills at the best of times and Vitamins really do make me feel a bit queezy but I guess I will have to do as I am told and follow the rules if I want to stay healthy.......

I have not had much of a problem with my band but the week prior to my last visit I had problems with food being stuck before the band and the nutritionist did give me a chewing technique to avoid food becoming stuck that I would like to share in case anyone else has the same problem...... do a day or two on soft foods to allow the swelling around the band to go down that was aggrivated by the food being stuck .........then when you return to normal diet ..........1 teaspoon at a time put it on your tounge...taste to get the saliva glands working... them move to the side ....chew....bring back to your tounge ...taste again then swallow...this allows the food to pass through the band more easily without getting stuck ...this has proved itself to be a good thing as I have not had a problem since ......

Anyway great to see everyone is still working towards there goals keep up the great work.... Dewberry:success1:

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Dewberry, thanks for that chewing technique. I need to do something because either I eat too fast, or I have first-bite syndrome (not sure). I get stuck a lot, especially at the evening meal when I'm particularly hungry.

Sounds like you're doing just great on the weight loss! Congrats.

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Well it's been quite a while since I have checked in I am glad to see you are still here and everyone is going well..... it seems we are all having ups and downs with this tool we have chosen to help us with our weightloss journey.... I have been doing well slow and steady wins the race I am currently have a loss of 26.6kg thats about 58lbs my last weigh in was a week ago and I only saw a loss of .5kg in 1 month and I did feel a little disappointed that the scales hardly moved but I did lose 4cm from my waist and 4cm from my hips so the waistline is still going down that's all that matters.... I started this journey using my treadmill most days and have now changed my tactics getting outside in the real world....I have been walking every other day on the walking track along the river the full length of the track is about a 6km return trip (full track is kept for weekends) but as I work I have to manage my time so ...... I get up at 5am swim for 1/2 hour then drive into town and walk only part of the track about a 2.5km return trip.... along the track the local council have put in exercise equipment to help with strength training this has really helped me on my journey........ I can honestly say for the first time in my life I am enjoying exercise....LMAO never thought I would ever feel like that I actually miss it when I dont get out and do something...

I finally went to the Nutritionist this last visit as I have had some issues with hairloss she told me this happens about month 5/6 and I need to take my suppliments........ I have now conformed I hate taking pills at the best of times and Vitamins really do make me feel a bit queezy but I guess I will have to do as I am told and follow the rules if I want to stay healthy.......

I have not had much of a problem with my band but the week prior to my last visit I had problems with food being stuck before the band and the nutritionist did give me a chewing technique to avoid food becoming stuck that I would like to share in case anyone else has the same problem...... do a day or two on soft foods to allow the swelling around the band to go down that was aggrivated by the food being stuck .........then when you return to normal diet ..........1 teaspoon at a time put it on your tounge...taste to get the saliva glands working... them move to the side ....chew....bring back to your tounge ...taste again then swallow...this allows the food to pass through the band more easily without getting stuck ...this has proved itself to be a good thing as I have not had a problem since ......

Anyway great to see everyone is still working towards there goals keep up the great work.... Dewberry:success1:

Welcome back!

Well Ladies! I did it. I did my first day of P90X yesterday and boy am I sore but in a good way. I also lost 9 lbs in one week. Last Tuesday I weighed 195 and today I weighed in at 186. I almost fell off the scale. I haven't lost that much in one week since the pre-op liquid diet. It's crazy. Well hope all is well. Take care!:thumbup:

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Ok, I know this is a gross subject, but I haven't seen it in this thread. I have been having problems with Constipation. I talked to my surgeon about it and he said it is not caused from surgery. ( I never had a problem before) I don't want to become dependent on laxatives. I have tried stool softners, Fiber pills, senokot with no success. I break down and take ex lax and that seems to work after 24 hrs. Then the next day I go back to the same problem a few marbles. Anyone have any good suggestions? I am going to see my family Dr. next week. :thumbup:

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Ok, I know this is a gross subject, but I haven't seen it in this thread. I have been having problems with Constipation. I talked to my surgeon about it and he said it is not caused from surgery. ( I never had a problem before) I don't want to become dependent on laxatives. I have tried stool softners, fiber pills, senokot with no success. I break down and take ex lax and that seems to work after 24 hrs. Then the next day I go back to the same problem a few marbles. Anyone have any good suggestions? I am going to see my family Dr. next week. :scared2:

I'm hearing you I have had the same problem nothing before but now I sometimes become constipated... I find if I drink loads of Water this helps.... I think it is because we don't have as much to get rid of it sits there for a couple of days and this makes it harder to get rid of ???? I also have a problem with flatulance.... about 1/2 hour after I eat I have bad wind pains it's driving me mad to say the least ...anyway just today I have looked into colonic irrigation to see if this will help ....Never thought i would ever go down that path but since being banded I have really changed my outlook on what I can do for myself I am for once putting myself first and doing what needs to be done to keep me ont he path to good health...... any way I'll keep you posted hopefully it will eleviate the problem .....:).

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Hi All - I have had the same problems with Constipation and flatulence. I agree that drinking Water as well as eating vegetables and fruit (or drinking V8 if the veggies are too difficult) make a different. I keep Gas-X around also - it really works and is safe.

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The benefiber, Miralax, stool softeners, more fluids, Probiotics don't work for me alone. I use hemp Protein Powder with Fiber, and mix it in cold Water. I also use a superfoods green powder with probiotics.

I've been traveling the last two months. I did remember to take my scales with me. My weight didn't go up, even though my exercise went down. I was able to keep my meals down below a cup of food, except once I ate two slices of pizza. I also found out that I could eat Bagels. And anything else. Foods I don't plan on eating except in social situations, or ever again!

I believe in keeping track of food and exercise, so back to basics with the LAP-BAND® guidelines, which I have not been following diligently.

My water intake was down while traveling. Too difficult finding restrooms. I did try and drink a lot after I was settled in the evening.

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Ok, I know this is a gross subject, but I haven't seen it in this thread. I have been having problems with Constipation. I talked to my surgeon about it and he said it is not caused from surgery. ( I never had a problem before) I don't want to become dependent on laxatives. I have tried stool softners, Fiber pills, senokot with no success. I break down and take ex lax and that seems to work after 24 hrs. Then the next day I go back to the same problem a few marbles. Anyone have any good suggestions? I am going to see my family Dr. next week. :sad:

I have this happen too. I don't have movements the way that I used to. My dr said it was because i don't eat as much. That didn't sound exactly like a great answer to me but I just don't know.

Welcome back!

Well Ladies! I did it. I did my first day of P90X yesterday and boy am I sore but in a good way. I also lost 9 lbs in one week. Last Tuesday I weighed 195 and today I weighed in at 186. I almost fell off the scale. I haven't lost that much in one week since the pre-op liquid diet. It's crazy. Well hope all is well. Take care!:w00t:

YES:thumbup: I knew it would work. Now I really have to get it.

Sorry to hear about the boyfriend! Sounds like you just need to rethink the reasons you got the band to begin with and start exercising again (find something you enjoy). You can do this and don't let anyone tell you differently. Check out some youtube videos like Bandedwendy or skymoon. They inspire me. Good luck!

Amanda I'm okay. I have lost most of the weight. I am looking over my diet and I really need that other fill before I feel like I can really make a good run for more weight loss. I'm really hungry right now.

I hope that everyone is doing okay and everyone is losing weight.:smile2:

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Welcome back!

Well Ladies! I did it. I did my first day of P90X yesterday and boy am I sore but in a good way. I also lost 9 lbs in one week. Last Tuesday I weighed 195 and today I weighed in at 186. I almost fell off the scale. I haven't lost that much in one week since the pre-op liquid diet. It's crazy. Well hope all is well. Take care!:w00t:

OMG that is amazing. I am in the opposite position - had gallbladder surgery 2.5 weeks ago and cannot exercise. So I have maintained at 186-187. At least I did not gain!

Watch out for gallbladder problems Ladies!

Congrats Amanda! You really have this thing figured out!:smile2:

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Sorry to hear about your surgery and new scars. Too bad they couldn't go on top of the existing ones. My big cut from the LAP-BAND® was stitched...and it is still VERY ugly. The stitch marks are worse than the incision itself. Where in Mexico do you go for Spring Break. I would LOVE to get away somewhere warm, and its just not that warm in Florida right now. I saw an all inclusive, adults only resort in Cozumel. I think it was a Wyndham. That sounds wonderful. But I have never been to Mexico on vacation, only for day trips a few times and my LAP-BAND® surgery.

Take care all.


Thanks for the kind thoughts everyone. I am feeling better and will be able to get to the gym when I return from my vacation on th 14th. We are going to a resort outside of Puerto Vallarta, near Punta Mita. Leaving this weekend, yay! Cozumel is awesome, that would be a great choice. The snorkeling is incredible.

So I have a bunch of new bathing suits and cute sundresses for my trip! I am going to model them on my blog later today, feel free to take a look :w00t:. Everything is size 14 or L and....I even got one size M top! (Okay, its Old Navy, but still!)

On the gallstone issue - This was the result of rapid weight loss, according to the doc. (It did not feel all that rapid to me, but in the beginning it really was I suppose). What happens is when you eat much less, your gallbladder does not have as much opportunity to move the bile out of the gallbladder, and so stones form. Your gallbladder only works after you eat a meal, so if you are not eating much, it is working much less!

It really sucked having surgery again so soon, let me tell you. And the scars are not as bad as that big lapband one, but the one near my belly button is pretty ugly. My belly is such a wreck right now! Thank goodness for tankinis!

I have lost pretty much nothing this past month, mostly because of the GB surgery and no exercise. My eating is fine, I feel like I am at my Sweet spot, but I probably need to pay more attention to stuff like the occasional tortilla chip and chocolate!

Hope everyone is doing well! :smile2:

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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