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September 2009 Band Date

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How did all the 9-14 folks do today?

I went in at 7am and was banded and had hiatal hernia fixed. I'm still pretty sore, and the gas is bothering me.

How's everyone doing?

Brent, did you know that you had a hernia? Congratulations on the biggest step! My big day is tommorow...

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I was banded on the 8th && am still in the "mushy" stage...Been eating some regular foods but haven't been as hungry as use to be.... Excited to start the journey when I get the "fill" :blink: Feeling good tho, && prob go back to work tmrow or wed!

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Welcome home to those who were banded today :blink: My biggest advice to you is, don't play tough.. take your pain meds!!

Well 6 days since banded and doing pretty decent. Doc has me out until the 21st but I am going stir crazy. My work is stressful yet rewarding and frankly I miss everyone.

Ok ladies and gents what has everyone else been doing to pass the "downtime". Me, I visit my Facebook to keep in touch with my out of state family and friends. I have been taking lots of pictures of the kiddos and animals and have considered doing a scrapbook even though I have never been the "scrapbook" type, and I have been watching alot of " cook yourself thin". They have a turkey meatloaf that even me, the person who cooked more like Paula Dean with all the butter, may like. Even my husband said it looked good!

IM STILL BORED THOUGH. So maybe we can share some time wasting ideas :lol:

Banded 9/8/09 Dr. Robert Snow Hurst Texas

Weight on surgery day 310

Weight now.. no f'n clue.

Love and Hugs to all

Karena aka Tzn

Edited by tzn

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I will be banded on Thursday 9-17. In Mexico. Scared, but determined. I have been reading all your posts and feel much encouragment from them all. I am VERY worried about the LONG flight home on Saturday. Hope I feel up to it. How did you all feel two days after?

Thanks for being here!!

Kimberlyann, Good luck on the 17th! I was banded in MX on 9-09 and flew back to ATL on 9/12. I felt fine but it was a really long day with the 1+hr drive from TJ to SanDiego airport, then a 3hr wait at airport, then 4+hr flight and a wait on the runway, then 1.5hr drive home. I was definitely tired when I got home but managed just fine. I did bring a pillow with me and kept it in my lap on the flight- it just felt better- maybe because I was paranoid of someone bumping my stomach. Good luck and let me know how you do!:blink:

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Hi hmarko,

Yes, they gave me anti-nausea meds at the hospital through the IV and I also had a prescription but somehow they both did not really do the job. At the hospital I was still okay, I believe it all started when the nurse gave me a little mini cup of apple juice (I drank it after I was released/during the drive home). I am just glad I am feeling better now. I have no pain, very little gas pain (also at the left shoulder) and this morning I had my first bm since surgery as well, which made me very happy because I now know that everything is still working ;-)

I have 4 incisions and they are healing, the one at the belly button hurts a little but no real pain and I have not taken any pain meds since Sunday morning.

I do not know what I said when I woke up, I lost all track of time and only remember someone screaming in the recovering area and that I was moved to a different area around 3 pm where my husband was allowed to join me.

Today I felt hunger for the first time since surgery, I drank approx. 24-30 ounces of Trader Joe Soups, 2 Atkins Protein Shakes, 1.5 bottles of Isopure and lots of Water and teas. I do not really feel any restriction yet, I get full very fast but no feeling of real restriction or that anything is blocking me.

Wow, I am really impressed that you are already walking that much. I took it very easy, walked around the house and the backyard every hour, and will start walking outside tomorrow. Not sure if I will be able to walk 1-2 miles but will definitely try.

sleeping goes pretty well now, I can even sleep on the side, I could not do that the first 2 nights and getting in and out of bed causes no pain any longer.

Did you shower yet? I washed myself with a washcloth every day because I was a little afraid of getting the wounds wet but would really love to take a REAL shower tomorrow. Did it cause you any pain or discomfort? Did you put anything on the wounds to cover it up? I do not have any band aids on my wounds, just some liquid band aid (sorry do not know how to better describe it)

Do you have your follow up already scheduled? I have an appointment in the beginning of next week but I do not know when I will get my first fill.

Hi Stardustic - I did not realize we had the same time too :blink: Funny! I didn't have the hiatal hernia they explained that to me and how the whole thing relates to the diaphragm and why it is necessary but my surgery took an hour so I'm guessing that is why it was shorter.

Did they give you ANY anti nausea meds? For me it must have been the trial as last time I had the general i felt like crap. And I remember that as the worst thing about the surgery as well for the last surgery I did 15 years ago! And dizzy too. My first words when I came out was 'great anesthesia' - I was looking for the anesthesiologist to thank him!! They must be used to hearing all sorts of things. I think I was saying 'where are the anesthesia people tell them thank you' or something silly like that :lol:

I haven't had a bm either (Until this morning!! YAY!!). My instructions said I can take Colace liquid - among other things, I couldn't find the liquid and the pill looked too large (they said the size of an M&M is a benchmark). so i bit into it - UGH do not do that! I am also taking benefiber veggie tablets 2 a day chewables.

I am not hungry and I was sipping liquids but taking closer to normal swallows now. I may feel the urge to burp when I drink I think that is the restriction so if so I slow down.

i still have a bit of gas pain when I burp i feel it on the left shoulder. I have been walking 1.5 to 2 miles a day starting the day after surgery.

My muscle pain from the anesthetic was worse than my incisions - my friend told me they use a certain drug to relax you when they intubate you and some people can get this overall muscle soreness as if they had an intense workout and that happened to me. Bad enough my abs and diaphragm are short but everything else was too making it hard to even turn over in bed or get in and out of bed. Better now though.

Edited by stardustic

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Hi Ladies I hope everyone that has been banded since the beginning of the month is doing wonderful!!! I am going to get my staples out tomorrow at 1pm. I have 15staples. I hate getting them out, I had 60-65 when I had my last csection. They hurt when skin has gotten stuck in them but hopefully that hasn't happened. I have been just walking around the house mostly, and in the backyard with my kids. I did drive my son to school this morning (4miles) and went to get thyroid meds from walgreens but thats about as much as i've done.

I've mainly just been taking advantage of my Grandma and Aunt being here. They leave tomorrow though:sad:. The Protein powder was really making me have watery poop so I stopped using it and just get my Protein naturally from milk, cottage cheese and special k protein Water ( I know not natural but not powder, lol) I've only got to get 40grams in right now during this phase so i'm good. Gross to mention I know but when I had a BM the other day like some was like it should be and some was loose well seriously for 2 days there are these little rock looking ball things at the bottom of my toilet that just wont flush that came from my poop:blink:

I'm not sticking anything down there to fool with them either, maybe Calcium rocks, lmao I dont know. They are tiny like little stones very odd. Anyway i'm sleeping on side and part stomach for now.........my inscisons seem to be a little higher than most i've seen but i'm sure they are all different. My bandage covers were bothering me and the nurse told me i could put waterproof bandaids on them so right now i have Little Einstein Waterproof bandaids on my belly hahaha can't wait to see surgeons face tomorrow when he sees that.


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Hi hmarko,

Yes, they gave me anti-nausea meds at the hospital through the IV and I also had a prescription but somehow they both did not really do the job. At the hospital I was still okay, I believe it all started when the nurse gave me a little mini cup of apple juice (I drank it after I was released/during the drive home). I am just glad I am feeling better now. I have no pain, very little gas pain (also at the left shoulder) and this morning I had my first bm since surgery as well, which made me very happy because I now know that everything is still working ;-)

I have 4 incisions and they are healing, the one at the belly button hurts a little but no real pain and I have not taken any pain meds since Sunday morning.

I do not know what I said when I woke up, I only remember my surgeon with something very neon red on his head telling me that all went well and that he fixed the hernia too. I lost all track of time and only remember someone screaming in the recovering area and that I was moved to a different area around 3 pm where my husband was allowed to join me.

Today I felt hunger for the first time since surgery, I drank approx. 24-30 ounces of Trader Joe no fat/no sodium Soups, 2 Atkins Protein shakes, 1.5 bottles of Isopure and lots of Water and teas. I do not really feel any restriction yet, I get full very fast but no feeling of real restriction or that anything is blocking me.

Wow, I am really impressed that you are already walking that much. I took it very easy, walked around the house and the backyard every hour, and will start walking outside tomorrow. Not sure if I will be able to walk 1-2 miles but will definitely try.

sleeping goes pretty well now, I can even sleep on the side, I could not do that the first 2 nights and getting in and out of bed causes no pain any longer.

Did you shower yet? I washed myself with a washcloth every day because I was a little afraid of getting the wounds wet but would really love to take a REAL shower tomorrow. Did it cause you any pain or discomfort? Did you put anything on the wounds to cover it up? I do not have any band aids on my wounds, just some liquid band aid (sorry do not know how to better describe it)

Do you have your follow up already scheduled? I have an appointment in the beginning of next week but I do not know when I will get my first fill.

Hi Stardustic - I have my follow up on Friday. First fill I think for me is 3-4 weeks later. I think I may be starting to get hungry. I had 4 Protein Shakes today (unjury) and Water and broth. I think my nausea was not bad due to the trial drugs I'm glad I did that.

They told me I could shower - first there was water proofing covering the wounds they told me to take that off on Sunday - and now I have steristrips which are the equivalent of stitches I have two incisions only. One at my sternum and one at my belly button. I was taking pain meds up to last night. I don't think i need them anymore. I think you are ahead of me in the pain scale ie less :blink:

when do you go on mushies I think its monday for me.

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Just reminding everyone.....We still need a Group Name....

I like z4aaf0498d2c79.gif

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Hi Stardustic - I have my follow up on Friday. First fill I think for me is 3-4 weeks later. I think I may be starting to get hungry. I had 4 Protein shakes today (unjury) and Water and broth. I think my nausea was not bad due to the trial drugs I'm glad I did that.

They told me I could shower - first there was Water proofing covering the wounds they told me to take that off on Sunday - and now I have steristrips which are the equivalent of stitches I have two incisions only. One at my sternum and one at my belly button. I was taking pain meds up to last night. I don't think i need them anymore. I think you are ahead of me in the pain scale ie less :lol:

when do you go on mushies I think its monday for me.

I am glad you had the trial drugs, I do not think they were available at Cedars Sinai Medical Center and I do not think that all patients have bad nausea, maybe my stomach reacts sensitive. But it is over now, so no reason to worry about it ;-)

Honestly I do not even know if my incisions are stapled, stitched or glued :blink: thats why I have just dropped my surgeon an email to find out what to do/or not to do. Just want to be on the safe side. I was still under anesthesia when he talked to me and do not recall all that he said, except that it was successful and that he fixed the hernia.

I will have to stay on the liquid diet (including Soups and Protein shakes) for 2 weeks, after that I will move on to mushies. My follow up appointment is next week and I am sure he will tell me how long I will have to stay on mushies and also schedule an appointment for the first fill.

Lucky you! You only have 2 incisions, I have four but I am glad that they are very tiny, I do not think anyone can see them later on. I am more worried about my skin after weight loss ;-)

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Just reminding everyone.....We still need a Group Name....

I like z4aaf0498d2c79.gif

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:I like Sexy Septembers 2009:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: too!!!

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So I finally did it..I was banded yesterday. Ive had a good experience to far. Just some port pain while getting up and walking and some back pain. Very glad a did it. Cant wait to start losing the weight. I lost 8 pounds on the pre-op diet so that gave me a little jump. Good luck to all you guys!!! Im very proud of all of you who decided to make this great decision to make your life a better one...YAY for us!!!!:mad2:


Edited by nursekristen

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Hi - I am scheduled for 09-21-09. I am nervous but hoping after some other major surgeries that this one will be a walk in the park. I have been on pre-op diet since 08-24-09 and don't even want to talk about it ....LOL....no need for me to get upset this morning...I look forward to the support that we can all give each other.:mad2:

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So I finally did it..I was banded yesterday. Ive had a good experience to far. Just some port pain while getting up and walking and some back pain. Very glad a did it. Cant wait to start losing the weight. I lost 8 pounds on the pre-op diet so that gave me a little jump. Good luck to all you guys!!! Im very proud of all of you who decided to make this great decision to make your life a better one...YAY for us!!!!:mad2:



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Just wanted to add myself to the list I started my liquid diet this morning! :mad2:

September Band List

Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

katklaws 09/01/09

SmilinShel (Michelle) 09/01/09

Comet321 (Chris) 9/1/09

ivy76 9/02/09

$occer mom 9/3/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

mrsyellis (yohontas)9/08/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Ready4a2ndchance 9/09/09

travel (Anita) 09/09/09

kittkat2009 09/10/09

Hmarko (helen) 9/11/09

stardustic 9/11/09

BrentinLA 9/14/09

Queen Bee 9/14/09

amwash23 9/14/09

romain123 9/14/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Boo Cakes 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

Italia2020 (Mia) 09/21/09

Ariane (Ariane) 09/21/09

Jenna1979 (Jennifer) 09/22/09

Pookiemp 9/23/2009

leigna 09/24/09

Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09

Kinzie 09/28/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

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Hi everyone,

Well it's been over a week since I've been banded and I'm hungry! LOL I think I might need a fill soon because my stomach is always growling 1/2 hour after eating (drinking) something. To those who are getting banded in MX, I was also. It was a very good experience. Everyone was wonderful. I was banded on Friday and back to work on Weds. Still a little uncomfortable with bending, but that's about it. Good luck to all of you!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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