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September 2009 Band Date

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I was banded on the 27th of August. Starting week 3 tomorrow. pureed foods. ECK!!!!! I am sticking with Soups. Dying to have real food with some texture and substance but also a little leery about swallowing.

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Hi everybody! I was banded on 9/1/09, and I am back to work this week. Yes, I am hungry. Ready for some chicken salad with dill seed or baked fish. I have had it with liquid food. And I would die for something salty and crunchy.

But next tuesday I go to mashed, so I am almost out of this phase. Yeah!!!

Recovery has been ok, although a little slower since I had a gall bladder out a month ago. And the last couple of days I have had the WORST excruciating shoulder pain. I had to call in crying for a refill of the Liquid Hydrocodone. I have heard it's gas, to a nerve. Hope it just goes away.

I have lost about 25 - 30 pounds since April, but I am not sure since the surgery how much I have lost. Will know next week when I go in for follow up.

Good luck everybody!!

Okay, early bandsters - Are you starting to get your hunger back? I definitely am. :)

I guess this is the beginning of "bandster hell". It is still way less than before surgery, but I was hoping to keep the no hunger effect going for more than 8 days!

Still so psyched I have the band. I took my measurements yesterday and compared to pre-surgery, I lost 12 inches already, including 1 inch in waist and 4.5 inches in tummy! My middle has gone way down, yippee!:thumbup:

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Hello everyone:

9 more days till surgery!! Started the preop yesterday and down 2.5 pounds. I'm on my way.

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I was banded on the 27th. I hate the liquid as well but it pays off. Lost 16 lbs since surgery. Going to see my surgeon on Friday for two week post-op check up. Week 3 starts for me tomorrow and I can move into pureed foods. How disgusting does that sound? I am sticking with Soups and Jello until the end of weeks 3 and 4 and then I am allowed to introduce soft foods. Looking forward to a tuna fish sandwich or some scrod.

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September Band Dates

Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

ivy76 9/02/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

leigna 09/24/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

Edited by Soco

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Hey Soco how are you feeling? Can you please help me get my band date on the list. September 2.

Thank you :thumbup:

Done.. I'm feeling Okay.. I went to my follow up yesterday and they told me everything was good and to take of the steri-strips when I jump in the shower. I just hope there are no surprises when I take them off. I'm petrified of open wounds.. My next appointment is in five weeks for my first fill.. I can't wait.. Although I'm still not too hungry.. I can't tell if my stomach is growling or just moving gas.. Hey What If.. all this time I was just moving gas and I kept on stuffing my face...lol Ooh, I did have a near death bout with Gas..lol I posted it..

How are you doing?

Edited by Soco

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September Band Dates

Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

ivy76 9/02/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

leigna 09/24/09

Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

just adding myself to the September band list :thumbup:

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You can add me ... :blushing:

katklaws 9/1/09

September Band Dates

Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

ivy76 9/02/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

leigna 09/24/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

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September Band Dates

Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

katklaws 09/01/09

ivy76 9/02/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

leigna 09/24/09

Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

just adding myself to the September band list :blushing:

I added myself too!

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4 week of liquids (2 weeks pre-op shakes only), I have really about had it. The Soups aren't too bad though, but I'm ready for some other foods besides the 3 things I eat now. Ugh. I am starting to obsess about foods I want to eat. All healthy, but pureed liquid foods just aren't that good.

I lost about 30 since April, but in the last week I don't see much of a difference. Ready for meat. meat meat.


I was banded on the 27th. I hate the liquid as well but it pays off. Lost 16 lbs since surgery. Going to see my surgeon on Friday for two week post-op check up. Week 3 starts for me tomorrow and I can move into pureed foods. How disgusting does that sound? I am sticking with soups and Jello until the end of weeks 3 and 4 and then I am allowed to introduce soft foods. Looking forward to a tuna fish sandwich or some scrod.

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Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

katklaws 09/01/09

ivy76 9/02/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

Pookiemp 9/23/2009

leigna 09/24/09

Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

Just adding myself!!

2 weeks from today......

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Hi Colorado, yes I am feeling a bit hungrier too. It really hit me hard on Monday. I just have to remember why I did this, and that I am self pay, that kinda of put me back in the right frame of mind !! I had my first post-op appt. today and all is well. I lost 12 lbs. since surgery. They did say that if I gained all of it back, it wouldnt be unusual, because I havent had a fill yet. That really scares me.

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Hey guys! I'm home and doing great! The gas pains are the most uncomfortable but a heating pad, walking, and gas x strips are all helping. I'm really tired but I wanted to let my September group know.......I got my band baby today!


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes you guys are fantastic!

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Hello 10bluetoes! Got the night before crazies yet?

My surgery today went as follows..

At hospital at 8am

had about 5 or 6 people in and out of my room before the

doc got there shortly after 9

once the doc left the wonderful man who gives out the calming coctails came back in and loaded me up, I don't even remember the trip to the OR. They are very kind over at Soutwest Surgical and helped my experience become not so scary after all. I was terrified going in but they made me feel at ease quickly!

by 11:30 I was awake, hit the xray machine and was back home by Noon. I live a block away so that helps.

I have been sipping Water all day, tried a shake, 2 sips and I was done.. for some reason its suddenly too sweet now. Tried chicken broth, tasted too savory, and I even tried a fat free popsicle.. gross even sweeter than the shake.

The nausea is horrible but they were nice enough to give a prescription of suppositories that even with insurance cost almost $70 bucks! My sister went to pick my my scripts and had I known it was that much I would have told her forget it. Yes I can be cheap at times. I guess I shouldn't complain though because my out of pocket for the entire surgery was only $277.

Oh yeah... tonight I puked , lots of dry heaves and a few tiny drops of water was all the reward I got for the horrifying experience.:blushing:. Don't get me wrong I would rather not have vomiting issues but dagnabit if you are going to make me feel like crap at least let enough progress happen to where the nausea is gone.

Apparantely my dr.. Dr. Snow out of Hurst is also starting to do the single incision procedure however he did not bless me with it.. I got all 5.

Bottom line, would I do it again? Heck yes I would :blush:

Hey everyone! I got banded today! Ok usually I'm pretty good with pain and not a wuss but CRAP I'm hurting! I woke up from surgery and automatically had back and shoulder pain and pain at the incision so they gave me demerol and I was doing pretty well (I thought) but it's gotten worse since being home and the liquid lortab does NOTHING for me. UGHHH! The most pain is in my mid back on the left side and the back of my left shoulder. Finding a comfortable position is extremely hard. I haven't had any problems getting my liquids down or had any nausea (knock on wood) but I feel like I got beat up with a crowbar!

Oh and I have these big puffy light red circles around a few of my incisions, anyone else have that? Sorry about all the complaining! I guess misery loves company!

Hey guys! I'm home and doing great! The gas pains are the most uncomfortable but a heating pad, walking, and gas x strips are all helping. I'm really tired but I wanted to let my September group know.......I got my band baby today!


Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes you guys are fantastic!

CONGRATS! To all the banders from yesterday/today! I wish you all a speedy recovery and I hope your scales moves down quickly!

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Soco 9/01/09

Amandakrangel 9/1/09

Coloradomom (Gen) 9/1/09

ms_Hart37 9/1/09

mosean6278 09/01/09

katklaws 09/01/09

ivy76 9/02/09

Jmtmb (JoLynne ) 9/4/09


Cortney75 (Cortney) 9/4/09

tzn (Karena) 9/8/09

Jules 09/09/09

Soldiersgem(ginna) 9/9/09

pr8453(Pam) 9/9/09

bradybrat 09/09/09

Nawlinzlady (Dee) 9/15/09

Anni80 (annie) 9/15/09

smallerj (jes) 9/16/09

Hardygostlin (Jody) 9/17/09

Loveslady(Tawonda) 9/17/09

Gatorgirl1024 (Shelley) 9/17/09

MishiB (Michelle) 9/17/09

Sharie3 9/21/09

Pookiemp 9/23/2009

leigna 09/24/09

Chickychoo (Jill) 09/28/09

Soexcited 9/30/09

Just adding myself!!

2 weeks from today......

Our List is growing so big! Have we chosen a name for our September group yet?

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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