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Slow Losers - Unite!

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What a long day. I had a difficult time at the clinic this morning.

The good news is that all my fill from Monday is still there today, so we shall see how much fill i have when I come back in a month. I have two honest ccs in my band.. good grief but this is a lot! It is taking me some getting used to, since even though I thought I had more like 3 ccs, (which I didn't) 2 is a lot.

Initially I had a hard time getting through to the folks there. They felt like I wasn't being compliant because I've had mashed potatoes once in 3 months and I drink low fat milk, not fat free milk (circus freak parents). I mean, I got really angry because I didn't have a plan, that everything I've worked hasn't, if you know what I mean. I was able to explain that I havent felt heard. I have very dry skin, so I had to bump up my fat intake a bit, but it is well within the range of healthy low fat.

Well, I was able to make them understand that I really am trying to do everything I can to lose weight. I'm working out, I'm very low calorie/low fat. I'm consulting with nutritionists and fitness specialists. I'm meditating and doing all the head work.

My head certianly isn't up my butt, and I don't think Michelle was talking to those of us who are working really hard. I think she was speaking to those who are eating around the band.

Anyway, I don't know if I have a leak yet or not, but the 5 pounds I put on were all Water weight. Not sure why I put that on, since I am very carefull about my sodium intake, but it was Water, and now it's gone.

Oh, I'm also apperently too hard on myself, and need to lighten up there too.

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Just a little levity...

(we all need a bit of it, doncha think?)

Kelly must be a better Christian than me if CRAP is all she needs to say!! :)

Cyrstal, thanks for the update. So, it's not looking very leaky so far, that's good. WTG on getting them to listen to you.

I know Michelle is talking to folks eating around the band, and I wouldn't put you in the category of having your head up your butt, OR eating around your band. I suppose I feel she's talking to me beacuse I have had to work so hard on the head issues and if I had it figured out, I'd be losing, right? I'm not losing so much! 191.6 pounds this morning. Same as usual. I'm having a hard time getting back my sunny disposition. :) Working on it, though!

So, how can we lighten up? Kare! We need more levity!!!!!

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I don't know if you are someone she's speaking to, but if her words speak to you, then she is speaking to you I suppose.

I just need to lighten up by not being so hard on myself.

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I don't know if you are someone she's speaking to, but if her words speak to you, then she is speaking to you I suppose.

Yep, she's speaking to me, then.

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself! (((hugs))))

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Well Crystal, you are one of the most compassionate and supportive people on here. Many a time I've read something wise and helpful you have written and thought, "Wish *I'D* thought of that!"

Now why on earth would you be harder on yourself than you would be on anyone else? So here's your assignment...

Go back and read your last half-dozen posts on here like someone ELSE wrote them. Pretend it's not you, but Sally (or whomever) that is experiencing the same frustration. What advice or support would you give her?

I doubt you'll be HARD on her. Spend a little of that compassion in your heart on YOURSELF. You deserve it.

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Okay, Kare <3 Bear, I think I got the message. It is just really hard to be kind to myself, which of course, is why I tell people to do just that.

I'm feeling better about my band, I just peridically get so frustrated that I can't stand it. I still haven't lost weight even with this new fill, but I apperently got shorter. :)

Funny that you should mention Sally, I had the opportunity to have coffee with her Tuesday and it was great!

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VINES - so glad to hear that at least so far you don't have a leak.

I also felt like she was speaking to me although I wouldn't say I eat around the band but I do indulge sometimes in the things we shouldn't - but its never overly so.

Like today I had a PB Twix - I couldn't help it - is that what she's talking about? I feel so guilty since the weight isn't coming off that any indulgence I have makes me feel like crap because then I sit there and say well I wonder why I'm not losing weight?

But I can't eat healthy constantly 24/7 - what kind of life would it be without a PB Twix to indulge in? I'm not doing it everyday. The other bad thing I had was a few potato chips & a little dip - I counted 7 of them. That was only because I was at work & hungry with nothing else available before my dinner break. But even with the twix & chips I still counted & logged the food & calories & am still on target for the day. Please tell me how you all feel about what I've just discussed because I'm confused - is that what I'm doing? Am I eating around the band, is that the reason for slow weight loss? One thing I know I'm guilty of is not getting the required amount of Water each day.

On a positive note - I did want to pat myself on the back for doing yoga 3 times this week for 45 minutes each session - that's the most excercise I've had in a longgggg time and I plan on continuing - I actually love the way I feel when I'm done with my yoga workout and plan on adding Tai Chi and QiQong along with working up to Budokon.

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But I can't eat healthy constantly 24/7 - what kind of life would it be without a PB Twix to indulge in? I'm not doing it everyday. The other bad thing I had was a few potato chips & a little dip - I counted 7 of them. That was only because I was at work & hungry with nothing else available before my dinner break. But even with the twix & chips I still counted & logged the food & calories & am still on target for the day. Please tell me how you all feel about what I've just discussed because I'm confused - is that what I'm doing? Am I eating around the band, is that the reason for slow weight loss? One thing I know I'm guilty of is not getting the required amount of Water each day.

On a positive note - I did want to pat myself on the back for doing yoga 3 times this week for 45 minutes each session - that's the most excercise I've had in a longgggg time and I plan on continuing - I actually love the way I feel when I'm done with my yoga workout and plan on adding Tai Chi and QiQong along with working up to Budokon.

Wow! Amazing and good work, on the 7 chips! That is truely wonderful work there Candy! That showes great restraint on your part, wether it is from the band or from you saying that was all you needed.

I do not believe that 7 chips with dip or an occasional candy bar is eating around the band, as long as it is not part of a larger pattern of behaviour.

I think part of it depends on what kind of world we want to fashion for ourselves. Do we want to live in a world forever that is devoid of treats to live in an austere world? Or do we want to live in a world where we permit ourselves to have some of the treats that add some variety to our lives? I personally do not want to live in a world that has no room for ice cream. But that doesn't mean that I go crazy for the stuff, but rather I budget my calories for it, I give myself permission to have some now and again.

I honestly have no idea why we have such slow loss. I know that a calorie is a calorie is a calorie. More in means we have to spend more to show a net loss, but I'm damned if I have figured this out.

But I'll let you in on a secret I learned this week at my surgeon's office. They don't know exactly why the band works. They have theories, but they don't know exactly why the band works the way it does. I am filled very tightly right now, I'm currently sitting at 2 ccs, and I'm tight. Maybe I need to be super tight, I don't know, I've tried everything else.

You are also doing an amazing job with the yoga. I know it isn't an aerobic workout, but we have to start somewhere. I know that with the increased flexibility yoga will give you will definately make you feel better. And when we feel better, we want to do more. When we can do more, well, we can do even more.

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I am quickly becoming more and more discouraged with my band everyday. I'm 5 months post op - count 26 weeks. I'm quickly being left behind further and further and still sitting at only an 11lb loss. At 26 weeks if I were losing 1lb a week like I should be I'd be sitting at a 26lb loss - I'm more than 1/2 behind where I should be.

I cannot believe I've spent this much money and am working this hard for 5 months with nothing to show for it. I don't want to hear oh but you could be gaining muscle, or count your NSV's because honestly I don't have anymore NSV's than what I did a few months ago. I walk and do yoga and yoga makes my body feel better, but I'm not losing any weight or having ANY changes in my physical body -

My clothes are not fitting any differently than pre-band 5 months ago. My face is not thinner - there is no visible difference in any parts of my body and why would there be with only an 11lb weight loss? I thought the yoga would start to tone some flab up, but no. I do everything I'm supposed to be doing and I am soo frustrated and want to cry - people who know I've had the surgery are looking at me and wondering why I haven't lost more - I could care less what they think but I want to know why I haven't lost more!

My food intake is drastically different than pre-band - I eat small amounts of lean meats & veggies everyday. There are only 2 things that I'm not doing that I should be and that is consistently - and I mean every single day - I'm not getting enough Water and Protein everyday consistently - some days I get it all in - some days I don't.

NO matter what changes I make - there are no changes in my body. Let me explain - Immediately afte being banded I went back to eating like I was pre-band - not as far as quantity wise - but the same foods shortly after being banded. I had no weight loss so duh I had to pull my head out of my ass and start doing things right - so I start eating only healthy things that I'm supposed to and started following the bandster rules - thought I'd lose weight from doing that. NOPE! Got a fill - NOPE - didn't expect it since it was my first fill - then I starting walking 3 times a week for 30 minutes - STILL NO WEIGHT LOSS - got another fill - still didn't do the trick - GOT MY 3rd FILL - and hit the sweet spot - I currently have good restriction and I have ALL month - I even have added YOGA to my routine and am currently doing it 3 times a week. -

STILL NO WEIGHT LOSS - NO MUSCLE GAIN - NO FAT % LOST - NO CLOTHES FITTING DIFFERENT - NOTHING!!!! I am doing all of these things that I've never done before in my life but why???? NONE OF IT IS MAKING A DIFFERENCE! The only thing that has changed is that I feel better that I am conscious of making healthy choices but there is physically nothing to show for it and its been 5 months. I can't believe that out of all these changes and good restriction - nothing is changing. I cry when I think about it - I don't feel like a failure because I'm not failing! I'm doing what I'm supposed to be doing and then I see all these people who are banded and not following any rules and still losing weight. I'm just so upset OH and I quit smoking ONE year ago but smoked a few only at work each week - so this week I even gave up those few cigarettes I indulged in every week and now its just all coming to a head - SOMETHING'S GOT TO GIVE!!!!!!!

Thanks for listening my fellow turtles , but I'm so sad tonight :D

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Smooch, consider this.

Diet pills.

Don't! Stop! Let me finish! Most of us Slow Losers are fighting really slow metabolisms. I can feel it in me. I'll go down a few pounds, then, WHAM! I'm Starvin' Marvin. My body is really good at maintianing my weight. I'll get some off, then it's back to struggling. I'll lose and gain the same few pounds again and again.

This morning I dug around and found my old prescrition for Phentermine. I took 1/2 tablet around 8:30am and here it is after midnight and I'm still up! LOL but I got so much done today!!! And I have had 2 bowel movements and have peeeeeed lots today. I'm hoping in the morning to have broken into the 180's. I'll post as soon as I know. But I think it's helping my body to use what it's got.

I won't take them all the time, but I think it's a good kick start for me to break a plateau. Call your PCP, or your band doc, either one. You may have to go by and pick it up since Diet pills (the good ones) are C-4 narcotics (pretty sure) and require a paper prescription to fill. No calling into the pharmacy, unless it's different in your state. They may also NOT be covered under your prescription plan (mine weren't) so be prepared with cash. A 30-day supply is about $35 for mine. Others might be more.

I know, we didn't get banded just to take Diet Pills again. And it's not a very "Natural Cure" either. But now, I know that what I DO lose will stay off. My poor ole beat up and bruised metabolism just needs a kick in the ass. Whatever works. I'll let you know how it's working for me.

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Kathy I am sad to see you suggesting diet pills. I don't think that is the answer. I hate to see that suggested. :) I am glad it is working for you, but she can do this without the aide of drugs.

Smootch I can sooo feel your frustration. You can tell me to take a hike if you want... since I am not banded yet, my experiences are not the same as yours. I too have felt the frustration of working hard and seeing little result. Haven't we all :D

About 6 months ago I started a new health plan. I changed my eating with the help of a dietitian. After a few months I added in treadmill workouts about 3 times a week for 30-40 minutes. I was seeing about 1/2 lb weight loss a week. I was super frustrated as well! I thought I was doing sooo much more and seeing such a small payout.

So I decided recently to kick it up a notch. I had a personal trainer write me a program. I told her my goals, my weaknesses (bad knees) and she came up with a program to help me. I started slow (about 30 minutes of cardio) and worked my way up to 60 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training 5-6 times a week. I have seen a HUGE difference in my loss. The first 2 weeks I lost SEVEN lbs! I was floored. I have PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) and I lose weight VERY slowly because of it, I never thought I could lose that much in 2 weeks!!

I am on a plateau again, and have stayed even for 2 weeks. :D I blame my birthday and the holiday for that. Well actually I loosened my eating habits and slacked off a bit in the gym. I only made it about 1-2 times the last week.

I guess what I am trying to suggest is shake it up some more. Try adding in a serious cardio program, and see if that helps. I am so sorry you are frustrated, I know you don't want to hear it, but hang in there!!! You WILL find the combination that works for you. You need to keep plugging away!

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LA, I know, diet pills are shameful. I agree! To a degree. I wasn't good with diet pills pre-band, and I don't think I'll be good at them now. I'm re-thinking taking it 2 days in a row because of the way it makes me feel. Not jiitery-at a 1/2 tablet-just a bit wired. It's an odd feeling I don't particularly care for, and I only said something because Smooch is sooooo frustrated it might help her not to give up? It's really a personal choice, and I sure appreciate your "dissent" comments :D to balance out my desperate advice. Really!

On the other hand...here are the results of my weight. I have been struggling with the same few pounds for months. 191.6 (the lowest I have seen) to 193,4,5, or even 6!!! Up and down and up and down.

Night before last, I was 195.8. In the morning I was 193.6. By bedtime, after going strong on the phentermine all day, I was 191.4 (at night!!!) and this morning I hit a new low, 190.0. Still haven't broken into the 180's but I'm ohhhh so close.

I know it's just numbers, but it's also an indication of progress. I have neer been one with a big problem with weighing frequently. I love to, and it doesn't get me frustrated unless I see the plateau______________________________on and on forever. It indicates something's got to give.

And let me just pull my "I'm a poor stay-at-home mom with 2 young children and an equity line of credit with my band on it which brings along with it the appropriate guilt and if I had the time and money for a dietician and a personal trainer and if I could spend 2 hours in a gym 5-6 days a week I'd be livin' the high life" card. This is my life, I love it, I don't regret it, I don't resent it, I AM important to me, and my priorities are right for me and my family. And I certainly don't resent anyone who is in a place in their life where they MAKE that work, whatever the sacrifice, and I know it's a sacrifice and lots of time and energy put in the right place. I'm so proud of you for that...well done!!!...but I just can't. I'm 40 years old and if a little 1/2 a phentermine pill for a few days gets me over a hump, I'm doing it. *sheepish smile...hoping you'll smile with me?*

Hey, LA, you have lost 40 pounds with your hard work? Well done!!!! You'll make a great bandster, I know it! And you'll be able to give better advice than me. :) Good job.

Smooch, she's a better example!!!

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Oh Candykisses, I am right there with you and your pain and frustrations. At about 4 1/2 maybe 5 months out I pitched the BIGGEST hissy-fit I've had in a long time. I actually threw my shoes I was ao mad. I came this close to breaking a window my the clinic, this close! I'd had my first fill, and after a month and a half, I lost one pound. Man, I'm starting to cry writing this.

I've been such a good girl with this thing. And yet because I haven't had any significant losses on the scale I feel like a failure myself. 1200 calories a day didn't do anything. 1000 calories a days didn't do anything. Well, I'm down around 700 calories aday. and we will see if this has any effect. I plan to go weigh myself this Thursday. That will be 1.5 weeks after this latest fill. I will continue at this level at least until I go back next month for my next appointment at the clinic.

candy, you started at almost 300 pounds. I'm going to bet that you were not very active before you were banded. Certianly not very aerobicly active. The fact that you are going to yoga 3 days a week is AMAZING and this, for me, would be a huge NSV! You said yourself that you are feeling better than you have in a long time. I think you should stay with the yoga for now. It will continue to improve your strength and flexibility. However, I don't think that it will do much to tone you up, and it certianly isn't aerobic. It probably won't tone you up like working with weights will, but it is making you feel better, and it is also making you better.

I know how hard this is. I also know how hard it is to deal with folks who suspect that we are cheating, especially when by all logic we should be losing weight. We shouldn't need to resort to Diet pills. But maybe Kathy needs one now and again.

If I don't lose any weight at 700 calories I'm going to march into my PCP's office and demand answers. I have a low thyroid, but it falls in the "low normal" range, and she wouldn't prescibe any medication for it. Maybe I need to go on meridia for a while, maybe I need to go on diet pills too.

I wish I had answers. All I have are weak platitudes, all I have are questions.

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I can't qualify as a turtle, and I am sorry if I make anybody mad because I am speaking on the thread, but I do understand they frustrations that ya'll are all feeling. I wish I had some answers myself. I haven't seen any loss for almost a month. The week of Thanksgiving I can understand, but the other 3 weeks...I have been really good. Even with my fill right before Thanksgiving, I saw no movement of the scale.

I am like Kathy and considering taking something, but giving it some real thought, because I hate the way I feel on that stuff and hate messing chemically with my metabolism.(I have heard rumors of some permanment damage being done.) I am such a scardycat. So I am going to take the exercise route to try and break this pleateu...may even do the Dr. Fox plateau buster thingy if something doesn't change next week. Just wanted to you ladies to know, that you are not alone in your struggles and we are all in this lonely journey together. <huugs>

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I also have had alot of problems with weight loss. I think you should get Atkins book and read it. Look at the induction diet and the foods on the list not to eat. Try it for 4 or 5 days then do a juice day. This has been the only thing that has started working for me.

Hope this works you can e-mail me anytime!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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