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hey there im here. we yes i do have kids they are 11 and 6 i have one of each. and im close in your age range. a women never tells her age or weight at least that what my mom always says. :rolleyes: well i got on the scale and to my suprise i have lost 2lbs im ok with that. i have been drinking shakes and smoothies as its just to damn hot for food. my kids eat the same thing over and over so there easy. and your so right some times we have to indulge to get it out of our systems. that salad sounds so good. and no i dont eat bread to much it doesnt digest good for me. i think your doing great just remember when the scale doesnt move that you are losing inches. and that is a very good thing. and i so kno what you mean about the kids being home my kids are skinny and eat what ever so i cant deprive them cuz mommy cant eat it. i will have to let you know how that goes for me.

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china, 2 pounds thats great. yes thats like mine they like the same things over and over. But they all like something different. My oldest has always been tall and little but she has started to get a belly,. she goes to her mamaws and eats junk and fast food. I so don't want her to be overweight like me. We are pretty active in the summer i think she will thin out. She just turned ten so i think its the age. My son is little and short sure don't think he is growing much and his twin sister is tall and skinny but they both eat all the time.

Monday if you want we can start the fourth july challenge just to see if we can lose bout 10-15 by the 4th . Ill have to do my ticker monday cause got a busy weekend. I hope i dont gain ten back this weekend. i bout stuff for the kids to make smores over the fire might have just one. Not much on sweets but ill try it.

I have not went to the gym in two days that is afull but i've been to tired to wake up at 430 in the morning and go. Not going back to the gym till tuesday because to busy of weekend. we will see what the weekend brings. talk to ya monday have great weekend.

hey there im here. we yes i do have kids they are 11 and 6 i have one of each. and im close in your age range. a women never tells her age or weight at least that what my mom always says. :rolleyes: well i got on the scale and to my suprise i have lost 2lbs im ok with that. i have been drinking shakes and smoothies as its just to damn hot for food. my kids eat the same thing over and over so there easy. and your so right some times we have to indulge to get it out of our systems. that salad sounds so good. and no i dont eat bread to much it doesnt digest good for me. i think your doing great just remember when the scale doesnt move that you are losing inches. and that is a very good thing. and i so kno what you mean about the kids being home my kids are skinny and eat what ever so i cant deprive them cuz mommy cant eat it. i will have to let you know how that goes for me.

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You guys are really motivating.Im one of those people that have tried WW several times and always stopped at about 30lb. lost.My weigth has not come down in about 2 weeks:thumbdown:. After reading all the postings I have decided to give WW another try. Im actually really excited because I know that we will suceed.:rolleyes: Im down 50 lbs. in about 4 months even though i still have about 50 more im PUMPED:w00t:. One question I do have is do u guys eat 1 cup per meal? If not, how easy is it to dilate ur pouch? Can I do Snacks? my Doc. says only 3 meals a day(which is hard for me). Well this is going to be a new week 1st im going for a fill then Ill do ww. Hope everyone is as hype as I am :rolleyes:

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welcome lory glad to have ya.:cool: and 50lbs in 4months that is great you should be very proud. and to answer your question it depends on what i am eating. some days i can eat a cup and others no. this is just my opinion i dont see any thing wrong with eating 3meals and 2 Snacks if you need it as everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for others. but, i did learn this and i stand firm on it. watch your body if it is telling you your hungry after eating those 3 meals add the snacks cuz if your not getting enough to eat then the body is starving. those snacks might be what you need to keep you an track and the scale move n. i learned that the hard way. was eating only a meal a day and my body was starving. and im so happy we all motivate you. i like ww as i dont feel like im giving up every thing. and i do feel satified and i have met some great ppl along the way. so lets get moving see you all at the finish line.:cursing:

and to skinnygirl this wkend was cool i havent been in the gym but, have been walking alot and seem to be doing well. burning 550 or more calories a day and im fine with that. well my kids baked brownies tonite and i didnt have any. :w00t: and here is a non scale victory for everyone i put on a pair of brown capri's i got like a month ago and i can almost climb in2 them without unbottoning them or unzipping them so i think im losing alot of inches. think im gonna buy a messure n thing at the fabric store and messure myself every month and see what happens. and my walk group is getting bigger i now have 3other women i walk with durning the wk. now if i could only find the time to add swimming in i would be good. im working on trying to put together a food menu and workout menu for the wk and follow that and see if that helps me out more and put it on my fridge along with a pic of what i dont want to look like ever again. my kids have there dads skinny gene they are really hyper. right now im trying to break a very nasty habit and not eat after 10pm and then slowly get it down to 830 maybe. so im telling you all this cuz its a fight everday and im sure gonna win it. im planning a cruise to jamacia in sept 2011 and i would like to be down to a size 20 by then or smaller so that would mean i have to get my ass in gear and do what i need to do. any takers wanna ride with me. :tongue2: and of course i will do the challenge with you i think its important to set small goals as it seems reachable rather then doing big ones and then get overwhelmed. so yes that is my goal for june 10lbs. did anyone ever try the Smooth Move tea:thumbup: i love it. so monday is a new start i will post it all even if its bad i love this group it really helps me to know im not in it alone. love ya china whats everyones first name me china :scared2:

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I started WW three weeks ago and have lost 3 pounds with them. This last week has been a pain since I've been sick with a cold and haven't been able to get out of the house (no exercise). You would think that not being able to taste or smell would help since it makes eating no fun but I still get hungry. Oh well. At least when I was at the doctor's Friday I was told I have lost 26 pounds since my last visit in March. They asked when I got banded and I told them not yet.

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lory, I agree with china. welome to the group! I use my weight watcher points and i always have a snack at night aroun 6. I have light popcorn or pickels. pickels are no pints. I do have more than a cup of food most days. Buti dont have but 4ccs in my band. it might change next week when i get a fill. I spread my points out during the day cause if i don't eat id don't lose. Itried the 1/2 cup and cup and i didn't lose much. my dr said as long as i stop when my band tells me i be ok.

china sounds like you are doing great i wish i had walking group, since school is out i will have the kids. i push the twins in a stroller and they way 50 each so that seems to help a little more. Thats great that you are losng inces that means more than pounds if ya ask me. i measured at the beginning and that reminds me i need to check myself to. Cruise that sounds like a great idea and very fun. I will weigh in the morning and start the challenge. Me and my family just got back from camping trip we left out friday at 12 just got done unloading the camper and truck. We had a blast I thought i might gain cause i have not worked out since last week and did not do points but i didn't so im happy. I had lot of good food and get a fill soon so im all good. we did walk alot and swim and lots of other stuff so i guess i did get in some fun exersice. maybe i needed break since iwork out everyday. If only i get on the scale tomorrow and it stays that way. sorry china cant go to jamaca with ya but i will lose weight with ya girl LOL! My goal is by oct be at 180 so i'll take the ride with ya! We can do anything we set our mids to especially with all the support from our ww lapband online group and friends and family. I haven't had time to try the tea but will soon k. Yes, my kids are hyper to especially the twins they feed off each others energy. he he! Sometimes wonder what life would been like if i hadn't had misscarrage with one of the triplets.

Looks like someone else joined i'm so sorry forgot your name will have to remember it next time.welomce to the group. when do you get banded?welp, talk at ya tomorrow when i log in my weight and start the 4th july challenge.

welcome lory glad to have ya.:smile2: and 50lbs in 4months that is great you should be very proud. and to answer your question it depends on what i am eating. some days i can eat a cup and others no. this is just my opinion i dont see any thing wrong with eating 3meals and 2 Snacks if you need it as everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for others. but, i did learn this and i stand firm on it. watch your body if it is telling you your hungry after eating those 3 meals add the snacks cuz if your not getting enough to eat then the body is starving. those snacks might be what you need to keep you an track and the scale move n. i learned that the hard way. was eating only a meal a day and my body was starving. and im so happy we all motivate you. i like ww as i dont feel like im giving up every thing. and i do feel satified and i have met some great ppl along the way. so lets get moving see you all at the finish line.:thumbup:

and to skinnygirl this wkend was cool i havent been in the gym but, have been walking alot and seem to be doing well. burning 550 or more calories a day and im fine with that. well my kids baked brownies tonite and i didnt have any. :ohmy: and here is a non scale victory for everyone i put on a pair of brown capri's i got like a month ago and i can almost climb in2 them without unbottoning them or unzipping them so i think im losing alot of inches. think im gonna buy a messure n thing at the fabric store and messure myself every month and see what happens. and my walk group is getting bigger i now have 3other women i walk with durning the wk. now if i could only find the time to add swimming in i would be good. im working on trying to put together a food menu and workout menu for the wk and follow that and see if that helps me out more and put it on my fridge along with a pic of what i dont want to look like ever again. my kids have there dads skinny gene they are really hyper. right now im trying to break a very nasty habit and not eat after 10pm and then slowly get it down to 830 maybe. so im telling you all this cuz its a fight everday and im sure gonna win it. im planning a cruise to jamacia in sept 2011 and i would like to be down to a size 20 by then or smaller so that would mean i have to get my ass in gear and do what i need to do. any takers wanna ride with me. :cool: and of course i will do the challenge with you i think its important to set small goals as it seems reachable rather then doing big ones and then get overwhelmed. so yes that is my goal for june 10lbs. did anyone ever try the Smooth Move tea:thumbup: i love it. so monday is a new start i will post it all even if its bad i love this group it really helps me to know im not in it alone. love ya china whats everyones first name me china :)

Edited by skinnygirl

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I get banded June 15th.

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China, i liked your moving things so I decided to get me some. I like yours better but these will do. I even got me a taz for my picture people. I was going to add another ticker but decided to just change mine. would like to be at my mini goal when I go to florida on vacation which will be in the fall sometime. I

Today I weighed the same so my start weight is 231 for our little 4th july challenge. Today I had a bacon sandwich 8 points, 10 points sub from subway, spaggetti 11 2 small slices of garlic bread 4

33 points I did go over 5 points. I will hit the gym tomorrow so I think I will be fine. Do you new girls want to join our challenge? We are going to try and lose 10 pounds by 4th. Have good night.

Edited by skinnygirl

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welcome rsilversea glad to have ya aboard.:rolleyes: and congradulations on your upcoming surgery date. 26lbs i think you said great job there. nice to see we are getting new people i luv this group. feel free to post as we are here to help and all are in the same boat. so how are you like n ww so far. i like it alot glad i tried it. and to skinnygirl you could have borrowed my moving things :rolleyes: i totally forgot monday was a holiday but, i didnt do to bad. and i got on my moms scale again today while at her house and im down a lb. but, i did do the Smooth Move tea last night. i didnt eat much today but, i did have wine and a shot or 2. so back on track tuesday. i got those books from ww but, i didnt see it tell you how much a shot is did anyone else see it or kno. your going to florida in the fall thats gonna be so nice. wish i was can you sneak me in ya bag so i can go to.:rolleyes: i so need a vacation right now. but, i can wait as there is work to do. ya the walk group is cool i like it as it is lonely walking alone. and most of the time it goes fast cuz we are talking. gonna try and pust it up a knotch and walk around the park 2x now every time we go. and gotta start drinking more Water thats for sure. so im a women with a plan so we will see how that goes.

I get banded June 15th.
China, i liked your moving things so I decided to get me some. I like yours better but these will do. I even got me a taz for my picture people. I was going to add another ticker but decided to just change mine. would like to be at my mini goal when I go to florida on vacation which will be in the fall sometime. I

Today I weighed the same so my start weight is 231 for our little 4th july challenge. Today I had a bacon sandwich 8 points, 10 points sub from subway, spaggetti 11 2 small slices of garlic bread 4

33 points I did go over 5 points. I will hit the gym tomorrow so I think I will be fine. Do you new girls want to join our challenge? We are going to try and lose 10 pounds by 4th. Have good night.

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This will be my third time on WW. The first time I did great and liked it a lot. The second time was a waste of time. A bunch of women sitting around at lunch time talking about food. I think I gained weight that time. So far I'm liking WW. I have a good group leader and interesting people at the meetings. I'm expecting good things.

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I wrote big long page of s:Banane43:tuff for you guys then decided to put a little guy jumping rope hit wrong button and it erased it all. Its all his fault LOL! so I'm mad and had to vent. Ill come back later. Have good day.

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to rsilversea yes it is important to have a good group leader and of course good members. i have a good one to. i tried ww awhile back when they didnt have points and i hated it i was a teenager then and it was no fun now its nice im enjoying it.

and to skinnygirl now how you go and do that. :biggrin:i do that all the time. well the good thing is you can always come back and post it again now you got me wondering what you are gonna say. so i to will come back and read and post i just came from walking at the park 3.25miles and it was hot as hell out there but, it was nice and i only walked around once. so far here is what i eat.

b-1c of coffee, sug,cream

l-1c milk, 4spoonfuls of a sm chili

This will be my third time on WW. The first time I did great and liked it a lot. The second time was a waste of time. A bunch of women sitting around at lunch time talking about food. I think I gained weight that time. So far I'm liking WW. I have a good group leader and interesting people at the meetings. I'm expecting good things.
I wrote big long page of s:Banane43:tuff for you guys then decided to put a little guy jumping rope hit wrong button and it erased it all. Its all his fault LOL! so I'm mad and had to vent. Ill come back later. Have good day.

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Rsilversea, I know what you mean a good suporrt group makes the differance. I have done ww a zillion times each time with differrant results depending on my mind set. After my first child I lost 91 pounds on ww I went to the meetings then and kept it off for years. Not till my last prgnancy did I ballon out of control. I think you are doing good with your weightloss espesiaclly to not have a band yet. June 15 will be here soon. I can remember before i got my band I actually gained weight. I thought I might not get this food agian so I wanna it eat while I can. So I feel you are already on your way and I am proud of you. we will count down the days with ya girl!

Lory, 50 pounds in 4 month is great you are on a roll. Your blowing me away!! Yep we will all succed your right. I hate that when the scale stalls, thats whats happening to me at the moment. But the past weeks I feel I have done pretty good.

China, tell ya the truth I have no idea what I wrote the first time. 3.25 miles that is great. I have my kids with me in the summer so I only get to walk 2 miles. I can only keep them occupied feeding squrrials as we go for that long then we get to play on the playground for 30 minutes. Two years ago I babysitted two kids so I would take three 2 year olds one 4 year old two the park. I bought a stroller that held four kids. It was very heavy and talk about burnning calories. I go at 7:30 so the same people have went at that time for years. THey thought it was so funny that i pushed that amount of weight not to mention I could barley get the heavy stroller out of the van. I had a big group I walked with then and we walked five miles. The kids loved it and so did I. Congrats on the pound loss. It sure does take alot of hard work to get a pound off. Not sure about the shot being in the book I will look later. A little booze never hurt anyone!!! Yep, you can hide in my bags and go with us. SUre hope the oil spill don't affect panama city. We booked our stay awhile ago it will be our first vacation without all my family members. We got a place on the beach three bedrooms baths so the kids have rooms to them selves. I am counting down the days. I get a fill tomorrow and I can't wait to wegh in with my doc. It kinda feels offical. I think I'm going to stop posting what i eat all day since I keep my journal. I alawys have so much to say that would save me some time. I will post it when I over do it or have something I'm not suppost to so you guys can yell at me though. Welp talk to ya later have good day. I have to take the kids to TBall game

ok guys the holiday weekend is over lets get our butts in gear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to rsilversea yes it is important to have a good group leader and of course good members. i have a good one to. i tried ww awhile back when they didnt have points and i hated it i was a teenager then and it was no fun now its nice im enjoying it.

and to skinnygirl now how you go and do that. :biggrin:i do that all the time. well the good thing is you can always come back and post it again now you got me wondering what you are gonna say. so i to will come back and read and post i just came from walking at the park 3.25miles and it was hot as hell out there but, it was nice and i only walked around once. so far here is what i eat.

b-1c of coffee, sug,cream

l-1c milk, 4spoonfuls of a sm chili

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Ok I'm so getting onto this thread. I've been following the WW points system the last 2 weeks and find it pretty easy to follow. I definately need a boost in weight loss with lapband. I haven't been to my lapband doctor in 3 years so I have no idea how my band is doing (I'm self pay) I'm finally going this Thursday and I'm so ready to find out what's wrong with my band. I initially lost 80 lbs and now am only 10 lbs less than I was before I got banded. I feel like a total failure and do not want to give up. I refuse to go back to the way I was. I met my fiance almost 2 years ago and the lbs slowly started creeping back and now here I am. He's lost 20 lbs due to finding out he has diabetes and cutting out the sodas. I feel very depressed about it and really need the motivation and help from you guys. :confused:

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welcome missy0224, we would love to have you on our thread. Sorry you are having such a hard time with your band. Is it really that easy to gain the weight back after losing it with the help from your band. My dr give me the impression that the band would help me keep the weight off after I was at goal. but I read some of these posts and find its just as easy to gain weight with the band then without. I can lose the weight fine my problem is maintaining it. I do agree a visit to your dr is good idea my insurance paid for my surgery but i have to pay for all my fills which can get expensive. We are here to cheer you on so you go girl get your butt in gear!!

I got a fill today 1cc so im up to 5cc not sure how I feel yet as far as restriction. I had lost 7 pounds since going to the dr last so he was pleased. He told me i need to wait six weeks the next time before another fill since i lost a good amount of weight. I think I will be fine for longer though because with doing weight watchers I like to still be able to eat bread and things. I have my alotted amount of points most of the time I'm just like the rest though I do sqrew up. I had to take the twins with me to the dr they drove me crazy. i was in the office for an hour. I was so embarresed mason told this lady she was so big and I said well I'm big too he said not as big as her mom. then Laci asked this lady what happened to her legs because she had none. mason asked this man why is eye didn't open. 4 year olds will say anything, on the way home I tried to explain why that was rude of them. Before i got out of there I thought I was going to cry.I think when my husband gets home I'm going to go to the gym since i didn't get to this morning besides I need some me time. Have good day guys

Ok I'm so getting onto this thread. I've been following the WW points system the last 2 weeks and find it pretty easy to follow. I definately need a boost in weight loss with LAP-BAND®. I haven't been to my LAP-BAND® doctor in 3 years so I have no idea how my band is doing (I'm self pay) I'm finally going this Thursday and I'm so ready to find out what's wrong with my band. I initially lost 80 lbs and now am only 10 lbs less than I was before I got banded. I feel like a total failure and do not want to give up. I refuse to go back to the way I was. I met my fiance almost 2 years ago and the lbs slowly started creeping back and now here I am. He's lost 20 lbs due to finding out he has diabetes and cutting out the sodas. I feel very depressed about it and really need the motivation and help from you guys. :confused:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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