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pain survey

Guest Julie H

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Guest Julie H

I am a big sissy when it comes to pain. Could we please do a survey and let me know on scale of 1-10 the pain that was felt immediately after surgery, the next day, and the week that followed? Any specifics would also be appreciated.


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Hi Julie,

I too am a big sissy with regard to pain. And this was only the second surgery I've ever had in my life; the first was more than 20 years ago. I don't mind telling you I was pretty nervous.

But the pain amounted to very little, now that I think back. I was home the same day of surgery (Wednesday) and that afternoon I did take a pain pill (Vicodin?). It was more out of apprehension, though, than any real pain. The next day I found that the anesthesia and the pain killer had combined to make me pretty muddle-headed, so I decided to go without any meds at all, and it wasn't bad! As long as I didn't move my midsection around too much there was hardly any pain at all.

By Sunday I was both clearheaded and pain-free, for the most part. Monday I went back to work and I recall having to be careful if I twisted to reach something, but aside from that there was no pain.

The gas pains that people speak of mercifully passed me by. There was a tightness in my chest that could have been called pain, but it was more of an ache. You know the feeling when you stay in the Water too long? My mother used to call it being "waterlogged." It created an ache upon taking a deep breath--that's what this felt like. And in any event, by Monday it was all gone.

I can't really remember specifics beyond that, but if you really want to hear numbers I'd say altogether the pain was a 5 the day after surgery and went down quickly from there. Not to worry!

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I had a very simliar experience to Alexandra's, pain in the chest and no gas pains. But talk about the pain right after surgery? A big ol' honkin 10!! But that's what morphine is for and it only lasted a minute because then I was out again!

Pain rate:

Day 1 - 8 (4 hours post surgery)

Day 2 - 6

Day 3 - 3

Day 4 - ache in my chest, very tolerable

Now I can hardly remember the pain.

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day 1-10 pain additional info

1- 7 more nauseated than in pain. SORE

2- 6 the joy at having the band eased my pain!

3- 7 reality check! to much activity on day 2! SORE and uncomfortable from the gas and irritable from having to sleep on my back or not sleep on my back

4- 5 still uncomfortable and tired but resting!

5- 6 i went to work this day. i was POOPED by the time i got home

6- 3

7- 3

8- 3

9- 3

10- 3

14- 5 this is the day i ran out of pain meds. I took every last drop. when i ran out i was in pain for 3 more days (sore). i think the meds took the edge off and without them... Dont be afraid to take them thats what they are for!

i was fairly active after banding. i went to the store the day after(what was i thinking) day 6 and 7 i went grocery shopping as usual. (slower but i still managed to spend all my money!)

i had the gas pains. could not burp to save my life so i was walking, stretching, getting massaged, and taking gas x the only think that worked was time! it wasnt so much pain as uncomfortable.

the whole PAIN experience on a scale of 1-10 (10 highest) i would say my overall pain was like a 5-6. day 1 and 3 were the only ones i had the

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day 1 and 3 were the only days i thought


and that was fleeting, when the meds were wearing off!

its not bad!

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Day 1--4...my tooth hurt, so my surgery felt like nothing.

Day 2--3...had root canal

Day 3--3...flew home

I don't think I took three pain pills. I was tender but never in any real pain.


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Some people need oxygen after surgery. NOT ME! Which surprised me my levels were at 98%. You might just don't freak!

I stayed in the recovery room for 1 hour then up to my room on the 2nd floor. Even those bumps did not hurt being roled down the hall. Pain level at 0 to 1.

4 hours after surgery I was up walking the halls.

Pain getting up out of bed a 2. I took a dose of pain meds.

The best advise I was given was to walk as soon as you can. TRUST ME I think it really helped. Don't over do it but just go slow.

Oh another think I was freaked about. I knew I had to pee but nothing would come out. It took 4 trips to the bathroom before I finally went. The Doc and nurse said it was normal.

The next day the drive home the pain was a 3 to 4 because we live in the country and the roads are crap!

Day 4 I had shoulder pain from gas trapped but as far as my surgery goes if felt like I had done 100 sit ups..

Just sore not pain.. I went shopping on day 5. It was okay but I got real tired after walking Sam's club store. I stayed in the car for the next store-which almost gave my husband a heart attack..HA HA!

Don't worry by week 2, I was back spending money at the mall!

You can do it!:D

Just remember everyone has good and bad days at the start. You just have to keep in mind why you had this surgery and how great you will look by next summer:}

Oh FYI- The liquid meds they give you in the hospital I only took a 1/2 of dose. It was green and was not to bad. I also got a script to take the same at home. Still I took 1 not the 2 Teaspoons.

I got little cups with lids(I bought at sams club) and pre measured them out so in 4 hours if I woke up in pain They were right next to me. :D

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I knew I had to pee but nothing would come out. It took 4 trips to the bathroom before I finally went.

I had this same experience. It took really a day or more for my bladder muscles to come back "on-line," as it were. I mean, I didn't lose bladder control or anything, but when I'd try to squeeze it was just impossible. How completely weird! But it's a common side effect of the general anesthesia. I think it just took a long time to wear off with me, which also explains why I wasn't really clear-headed until the fourth day.

Hmmm. Maybe that long-lingering anesthesia explains why I didn't have much pain? Every cloud has a silver lining, I guess. :D

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Hi Julie -

I am the super pain weenie. :D

Right after surgery, I'd say I was at 8-9. Everything was extremely uncomfortable, I was hot, my throat was dry, I felt big as a house. Moving me into my hospital bed was not fun. I was on oxygen, and hated it. I finally took the mask off myself after an hour or two - I just couldn't take it anymore.

Then, just laying still, I'd say the pain was at a 6 the first night. Throughout the night it continued to drop as long as I stayed still. They administered pain meds through the night on a schedule - I never asked for it.

I took all the pain meds they gave me when I got home.

Throughout the first 12 days, I had painful burping.

Day 1 - 8-9 - surgery day

Day 2 - 4 (when still), 6-7 when trying to move. Lived on couch.

Day 3 - 1 (when still), 6 when trying to move. Lived on couch.

Day 4 - 1 (when still), 6 when trying to move. Lived on couch.

Day 5 - 1 (when still), 8 getting into/out of the car, 3 sitting for 8 hours at work, 5 getting up and walking

Day 6 - 1 (when still), 8 getting into/out of the car, 3 sitting for 8 hours at work, 5 getting up and walking

Day 7 - 1 (when still), 8 getting into/out of the car, 2 sitting for 8 hours at work, 4 getting up and walking

Day 8 - 1 (when still), 7 getting into/out of the car, 2 sitting for 8 hours at work, 4 getting up and walking

Day 8's BIG MISTAKE - went to choir practice - 2.5 hours of deep breathing, sustained support

Day 9 - 3 (when still), 8 getting into/out of the car, 4 sitting for 6 hours at work, 6 getting up and walking. Left work early. Crashed on couch. Sick as a dog, thought I was going to die. Lots of waves of nausea, no actual throwing up.

Day 10 - 4 when still, 6 getting up. Sick as a dog, thought I was going to die. Lots of waves of nausea, no actual throwing up. Lived on couch.

Day 11 - 4 when still, 6 getting up. Sick as a dog, thought I was going to die. Lots of waves of nausea, no actual throwing up. Lived on couch. By 6pm I decided to go to the grocery store and get more supplies. Two severe waves of nausea while shopping, still did not throw up.

Day 12 - 0 when still, 2 when moving (back to work)

Day 13 - 0 when still, 2 when moving

Day 14 - 0 when still, 2 when moving

Day 15 - 0 when still, 1 when moving

Day 16 - 0 when still, 1 when moving

Day 17 - 0 when still, 1when moving

Day 18 - first day getting in/out of car pain free - whoo hoo!

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I am the biggest baby there is when it comes to pain. No exaggeration!!!

Day 1 (surgery day) - 2 sharp pangs of about a 7, but they lasted about 1 second, otherwise nothing.

Day 2 - 1 - There probably was some soreness which I am forgetting now (it's only been 2 months) which is why I'm saying 1.

No pain at all after that.

Since I was feeling so good, on day 4 I made the mistake of letting my brother talk me into going to a baseball game. I felt shaky and very anxious, but no pain. I'm still not sure why I had these symptoms.

I did not stay overnight in the hospital, but I did have to get catheterized before I left because I couldn't pee and I really wanted to go home.

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I had a lot more pain than I expected. This was mainly because my surgeon doesn't prescribe the narcotic pain meds due to the risk of nausea. He gave me Taradol instead, which is a muscle relaxer. It took the edge off, but didn't even begin to take the pain away.

I'd say I was about a 7-8 the first day, 5 the second day, and back to 7-8 on the third day. The third day was the worst, because I had a 40-mile drive home from the hospital the night before that really did me in.

Thankfully, I didn't have any gas pain at all. I walked as much as I could during the 2 days I was in the hospital, and I think that must have helped.

Some of the worst discomfort was the dry mouth. I remember that every time I passed the sink on my way to walk the halls, I would splash Water onto my tongue. I also kept a wet washcloth by the bed that I would swab my mouth out with when it got unbearably dry. I was much happier once the barium swallow was done and I could drink again.

Now, I'm 16 days out and virtually pain-free.

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Okay, I am not a baby with pain. Seriously. I fell asleep while getting a tattoo on my ankle bone. :D

The worst thing after banding was breathing right after I woke up. Man, those breaths hurt. But by the end of the first night, it wasn't so bad. The catheter annoyed me. My butt hurt from laying on my back in the hospital bed.

The band? Barely a bit of pain. The ride home from the hospital wasn't all that fun, but I hadn't had any pain medication in hours and Manhattan streets are hella bumpy. Just bring a pillow with you to hold against your stomach. Like Sue said, I felt *tender*, but not really in pain. I moved slowly for a couple of days, but things were more sore than anything else. It wasn't debilitating pain.

Just take your pain meds, that's what they're for. They'll keep you nice and comfortable. 10 months later, I can barely remember how I felt the first few days.

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BUMP - Donali, thanks for taking me here. I'm bumping this for a friend who is having the surgery this week. This should go in your info thread, too.

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I'm so glad you posted this. I just had surgery on Friday and let me tell you, I never expected the pain I was in after the surgery. Late Friday I was rolled into the OR, I was put under General Anesthesia, I remember them trying to wake me up after the surgery and I was screaming in pain, they must of immediately given me something. Mind you, everything is still a little blurry. Friday night I was woken up every 3 hours, taking my temp, b/p, pluse, given me anther intervenous bag of fluids, also Demerol every 4 hours which helped alot.

Saturday was the WORST!., on a scale of 1-10 I was a WHOPPING 10!., you want the truth... Saturday I regreted having surgery, I said if I knew this I would of never done it! Saturday night my DH picked me up at the hospital, took me home and I felt like a Mac Truck slammed into my stomach. I went right to bed, I could not roll over without any pain. I needed my husband to help me get out of bed. I was given codeine with tylenol, but I did not want to take it, to me that's just one more hurdle to get over. So I just took extra strength liquid tylenol and that worked o.k.

Sunday, was a bit better, and today, I feel good about a 3. Also wanted to let you know I can take a lot of pain, but this surgery for me, was unbearable.

Today (day 4) I am so happy I live in Bandster Land., a happy 3.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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