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Tell me something, Headhunter. Do you skulk around the forums to refute everything everyone says because you think you are some kind of authority on these procedures. What I said is fact, given directly to me by bypass patients, nutritionists, and doctors by the Westchester Medical Group. I'm assuming you think you know more than the doctors. You are not a doctor. You can only give your OPINION, not debate what is medical fact. DUMPING SYNDROME IS WHAT THIS SIDE EFFECT OF BYPASS SURGERY IS AND IT IS A FACT. SUGAR IS NO LONGER YOUR FRIEND ONCE YOU GET BYPASS. DO YOUR RESEARCH.




“Tell me something, Headhunter. Do you skulk around the forums to refute everything everyone says…… “

I never skulk. I creep, I slither, and on rare occasion, I snake, but no; I never skulk.

“….because you think you are some kind of authority on these procedures. “

I am indeed an authority on the PROCEDURES THAT I HAVE ENDURED. And that is all I have ever claimed to be. I do NOT comment on issues that I have no personal knowledge on. I have been immersed in my own WLS processes for nearly EIGHT years, which has included multiple surgeries (6), many diagnostic procedures, and countless discussions with Surgeons, Bariatric Specialists, LAWYERS, and plenty of REAL research, NOT merely glancing over a few biased web sites and reading brochures from Lap band Mills that are PUSHING the band because it’s more profitable….which appears to be what you and others here have done. When my problems began with WLS, I made a conscious decision that I was going to find out EXACTLY what I am up against. That means research, and I have done PLENTY of it.

“You are not a doctor”

That is correct - I am NOT a Doctor. Kindly point out where I said I was. Please….I’m waiting…..

When I give my OPINION, I state it as such. But when I state a FACT, it’s a FACT and I make that damn clear. And if you don’t like my delivery, that’s tough. I am NOT speaking to you….you have HAD your surgery. It works for you, and that’s great. And I really don’t care what decision people make about their own surgeries, as long as it’s based upon ACCURATE and REAL information, not just half-baked opinions. And THAT is what is pissing me off in THIS place. People talking without having any idea what the REALITY is. My problem is with people who spout off crap that I KNOW is wrong….not just “think”, but KNOW is wrong.

“What I said is fact, given directly to me by bypass patients, nutritionists, and doctors by the Westchester Medical Group.”

Ok, that’s fine. You talked with a few people. The Westchester Medical Group. A Medical Group that does NOT EVEN LIST BARIATRICS ON ITS LIST OF SPECIALITIES OR SUBSPECIALTIES. They don’t even list WLS at ALL. And, I’ll assume that there is only one WMG in New York, if you’re going to suggest I am looking at the wrong one.

Here’s a news flash for you: Bariatrics is a SPECIALTY. Most PCPs don’t know ALL that much about it. Even gastroenterologists aren’t all that familiar with the fine points of WLS. If you haven’t talked to several Bariatric Specialists, then you haven’t done ANY research. And if the “The Westchester Medical Group” is the best you can come up with, well….. that makes it all very clear. If you have a kidney problem, are you going to see a Cardiac Surgeon? It sounds like you might.

“You can only give your OPINION, not debate what is medical fact. “

And medical FACT is what I AM giving….whether YOU like it or not.

One other thing that I have stated repeatedly, and people are just reading past without “getting” is this: I am NOT advocating Gastric Bypass. I am NOT advocating the Lap Band. I am NOT advocating the Sleeve. I am ADVOCATING what is RIGHT for the PATIENT. And when MISINFORMATION is disseminated about ANY of these procedures that I am familiar with, I am going to CORRECT the comment, regardless of whether anyone likes it or not. Unbeknownst to you, I have been in other forums where I have to continually correct people about their misinformation on the Lap Band. I have defended the band on many an occasion, and I have done that HERE as well. I made MY OWN errors as a result of misinformation and bad decisions on my own part. My OWN responsibility. I do not wish for that to happen to anyone else. People can listen to what I have to say, or not….and many do. I don’t care what people think. I care that they get the correct information.


I didn’t say it WASN’T. YOU need to get both your FACTS in line, AND you need to learn to READ WHAT I SAY, if you are going to comment on it.

So, I’ll repeat: Dumping is a side effect that does NOT HAPPEN IN EVERY BYPASS PATIENT. And when it does, it is VARIABLE in effect. It is NOT an absolute.

That is a MEDICAL FACT. And guess what? To Celebrate that Medical FACT, I’m going to go home and have a nice dish of Rocky Road Ice Cream tonight, BECAUSE I CAN. WITH NO DUMPING.


Here’s a tip for you: Sugar is NEVER your friend, Bypass or not. People should never eat sugary junk. But I CAN if I want. With NO Side effects…..unless I ate a half gallon, and at that point ANYONE would be having a problem, not just a bypass patient. It doesn’t work that way for EVERY Bypass patient. But I didn’t say that it did, now, DID I? Get your facts and your quotes straight before you challenge me.

"You can never have sugar again with bypass. You will experience really bad pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea with the smallest amount. "

You're trying to pass that off as medical FACT? you "WILL" experience that? I'll go beyond saying that's incorrect....that's B******T.


I am pasting your EXACT words here….

“You can never have sugar again with bypass. You will experience really bad pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea with the smallest amount. I needed to feel like a "normal" person.”

You don’t think your words are referring to your opinion of being a Bypass Patient? Huh? Those are YOUR WORDS. No need to twist them. YOUR WORDS. What YOU said. Jeez.


If you and your “ilk” are what is considered “normal”, then I will happily and proudly remain “Abnormal”.

Thanks for watching.


Edited by Headhunter

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I was banded in June of 08 and lost 126 lbs in 11 mos. I've been stuck with 8 or 9 to go for the past 2 months. It was the absolute best choice for me. I didn't choose bypass for some of the reasons previously mentioned, also knew 2 people who regained right away and the idea of keeping restriction with future fills appealed to me. I work out just fine, the only workout restrictions I ever had was during the first few months post op when things were still healing. Also, my reflux was totally gone. It came back for a short period of time when I got my band too tight. A small unfill took care of that. As for the hunger, no I am not hungry if you are talking about physical hunger. However, I do suffer from head hunger sometimes, but then again, I would think, but don't know from personal experience that that could be the case with any type of WLS.

I agree, that's AWESOME.

You clearly made the right decison for YOU!


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Hi, I thanks all of you for your imput on this. I certainley did not want to get others with either surgery all wound up and bad mouthing each other, so i am soory this had happened. I just wanted some one with experience in this to give me their views on the surgery, so lets all just take a step back and remember what brought us all here in the first place, this forum is to be informational for all of us, with both good and bad experiences, so please everyone, remember we are all in the same boat, to improve our health, not to bad mouth each other, thanks

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Thank you Sabertooth for the kind words. However, I must disagree with you on one point. I don't think we are all here for the same reason. I do believe certain people are here with an agenda to harass, belittle and bully women and to stroke their own ego in the process. I believed as you up until a couple days ago that we were all here for the right reasons but I no longer believe that to be the truth. I truly wish you the ease of certainty in making the right decision for yourself.



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Wow- I'm sad for you. I will pray for your lost soul. You are an uninformed negative entity here on this site. I feel bad that your lack of success spills over into bitterness towards everyone else.

Be Well. I will no longer respond to your dribble.


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Wow- I'm sad for you. I will pray for your lost soul. You are an uninformed negative entity here on this site. I feel bad that your lack of success spills over into bitterness towards everyone else.

Be Well. I will no longer respond to your dribble.


You just can't STAND being totally WRONG about something, can you?


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Does anybody here watch The Simpsons? Do you know the character Comic Book Guy? I do believe we have our very own version of Comic Book Guy right here in LBT. LMAO!

If you don't know the character I urge you to Google it.

There really is humor in everything. You just have to look for it.

Have a fabulous day everyone.


Edited by FailureIsntAnOption

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Hi Sabertooth,

I had a band 5 days ago. Maybe that isn't long enough to know for sure but I feel so fortunate to have found surgeons that EXTENSIVELY teach and inform patients on all options. Then they test patients to see if they are "grazers" or eat too much at one time (which is what I always have done).

As someone has already said, depending on what kind of eater you are, then you have to match whether you would do better by being restricted (Band) or malabsorptive surgery. As far as weight loss, my surgeon said the "best" to hope for with any surgery is to loose 75% of your excess weight in one year. The amount of weight loss is multifactoral. My surgeons focus all their attention on your health improvements and not getting "skinny", the added benefit. I worry about you going into this surgery without all the information to make the right decision for you. I pray you will research and talk with professionals that can help you make the right decision.

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Tell me something, Headhunter. Do you skulk around the forums to refute everything everyone says because you think you are some kind of authority on these procedures. What I said is fact, given directly to me by bypass patients, nutritionists, and doctors by the Westchester Medical Group. I'm assuming you think you know more than the doctors. You are not a doctor. You can only give your OPINION, not debate what is medical fact. DUMPING SYNDROME IS WHAT THIS SIDE EFFECT OF BYPASS SURGERY IS AND IT IS A FACT. SUGAR IS NO LONGER YOUR FRIEND ONCE YOU GET BYPASS. DO YOUR RESEARCH.




I know you believe you are correct here but you are not.

Dumping only happens in 35% - 50% of bypass patients. Perhaps instead of bickering and arguing and starting fights you might want to do your research before insisting you know something as fact.

It's not just sugar that can potentially affect a bypass patient, it can be other types of foods as well. But again, dumping does not even happen in a majority of people, half or less at best.

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I know you believe you are correct here but you are not.

Dumping only happens in 35% - 50% of bypass patients. Perhaps instead of bickering and arguing and starting fights you might want to do your research before insisting you know something as fact.

It's not just sugar that can potentially affect a bypass patient, it can be other types of foods as well. But again, dumping does not even happen in a majority of people, half or less at best.

It's still a side effect. Whether it happens in 20% or 80%, it is factually a side effect of bypass. Do you ever hear commercials on TV that say "side effects are rare but generally include..." for certain medications? Don't you want to know what could potentially happen before you take the medicine? On the same note, I think the OP should still be made aware that it can happen. Just like she should also be made aware that chewing til your food turns to cud is a general requirement for lapband. Getting stuck hurts like the dickens, slippage can occur, etc. There are pros and cons of all WLS procedures.

In my experience, there are certain annoyances that have made me consider that I should have gone with the sleeve. I didn't research it - I was one of those people that just flat out said, "Oh, I want a lapband because it's reversible and they don't cut my intestines." I wish I had done more research. I'm not saying I regret my band. I've had good success. I just wish I had been better armed with information, especially since I paid out of pocket. If, however, I ever have complications from the band, I may go to a sleeve.

My advice to the OP, as others have said, is to research what works for you, as an individual. Consider if you have the willpower to make any WLS work. Talk with your doctor. And most importantly, be well informed.

Good luck!

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It's still a side effect. Whether it happens in 20% or 80%, it is factually a side effect of bypass. Do you ever hear commercials on TV that say "side effects are rare but generally include..." for certain medications? Don't you want to know what could potentially happen before you take the medicine? On the same note, I think the OP should still be made aware that it can happen. Just like she should also be made aware that chewing til your food turns to cud is a general requirement for lapband. Getting stuck hurts like the dickens, slippage can occur, etc. There are pros and cons of all WLS procedures.

In my experience, there are certain annoyances that have made me consider that I should have gone with the sleeve. I didn't research it - I was one of those people that just flat out said, "Oh, I want a lapband because it's reversible and they don't cut my intestines." I wish I had done more research. I'm not saying I regret my band. I've had good success. I just wish I had been better armed with information, especially since I paid out of pocket. If, however, I ever have complications from the band, I may go to a sleeve.

My advice to the OP, as others have said, is to research what works for you, as an individual. Consider if you have the willpower to make any WLS work. Talk with your doctor. And most importantly, be well informed.

Good luck!

I'm not so sure it's a bad thing .... dumping. That is exactly why many people opt for bypass, they are hoping they will be one of those that do dump.

I have a friend that eats her 800 calories a day in good food and 5# of candy. Yes, daily. She has the worst true sugar addiction of anyone I have ever met. (She's banded) If she had bypass and dumped that would be a wonderful thing. The reason she isn't getting bypass is because it's not a given she will dump.

When they first realized bypass could lead to dumping it was a concern. Today they don't look at it as a bad thing, they look at it as a benefit and if you talk to most bypass folks with sugar issues they hope and cross their fingers that they will dump.

The issue with the person that claims one will dump with bypass isn't that it was a "potential" complication, it was that she flat out demands and insists bypass folks will have this issue and that simply isn't accurate information. And whether dumping is a complication or a benefit is ... opinion. Personally, I think it's a benefit.

The reason I was banded was not because I really wanted a band, the real reason is that I did not want bypass. There were no United States long term studies on the band or the sleeve. I couldn't even find any long term studies on the sleeve anywhere in the world at the time I was banded. We had no idea what the long term results (regarding weight loss) would be.

So, I got a band. That was one of the biggest mistakes in my case. I've since revised to a sleeve and it's a much MUCH easier journey. Personally, I'd never get another band. I honestly do not believe it is going to last more than 10 years at best in most people.

Newbies want reversible. Once they get to goal they want permanent and forever. ;o)

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Good luck making your decision. I am not sure some of these posts were helpful or called for. I have learned a lot from this board. This is the first, for lack of a better work, hostile post I have come across. Don't let this sour your experience. You just have to do what feels right to you. Good luck

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I can only say one word about this entire thread - "WOW"

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IMO do all the research you can b/4 you make your decision. WASA HAS experience with both the band (not a good option for her as it turned out) and the sleeve. From what I can tell by her posts, she has done a great deal of research on the subject of all WLS. I know she has provided some links on WLS previously and maybe can do the same for you.

As for the band, I have had a great experience but I do know people personally that continually have daily struggles and health threatening issues.

Prior to banding, I was unaware of how the sleeve worked. If I experience any unmanageble complications with my band I will definately look into the sleeve.

Wishing you the best in any decision you make.

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If I experience any unmanageble complications with my band I will definately look into the sleeve.

i feel this way, too, although i was just banded on monday. i am one of those people that do not feel comfortable losing any part of their body and while i could maybe get used to it, for me, i did not feel there was enough time/studies/patients for the sleeve procedure. my surgeon does do that but only started doing it late last year. it still does sound like a pretty great surgery, especially if you have a lot to lose (namely because of the grehlin reduction, as brought up by another poster but in a more harsh/aggressive manner). it just isn't the one for me. hopefully i'll never need to consider it again. :juggle:

i don't have any co-morbidities like a lot of people that have the more invasive WLS have, but i do have a lot of weight to lose. time will tell on what works best for me - and everyone else here. i just hope that i don't have any serious complications from my band (and i hope all of you don't either - whatever your WLS is!).

good luck :lol:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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