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So much ignorance, so little time.


You have absolutely no right to attack me here.”

Of course I do. You were blabbing out nonsense on a subject you clearly know little or nothing about. Not only do I have the RIGHT to call you on it, I more or less have an obligation, because it is a subject that I DO know about. Unlike you.

I simply stated my OPINION and advised sabertooth to do their homework.”

“I am totally against the bypass surgery for the obvious risks associated with it” “and “There are many long term health hazards to be considered if you choose bypass.”

“OBVIOUS” risks? “health Hazards”? Those aren’t “opinions”. You are stating those as though they are Facts. They are NOT.

“You need to take a step back and re-read your post.”

And why exactly would I need to do that? I said what NEEDED to be said. End of story.

“Just because you had a bad experience or are just in a bad mood, whatever the case may be, doesn't give you the right to attack me or anybody else for that matter.”

First of all, yes; I DID have bad experience. A life-threatening experience. That was probably the only correct thing you have had to say. Second, I’m ALWAYS in a bad mood, so that comment doesn’t count.

And the fact that I DID have such an experience damn well gives me the right to help OTHER PEOPLE avoid experiencing what I went through. And sometimes that means putting a cork in the mouth of people like YOU who don’t know what they are talking about.

And in case you didn’t actually READ my post (a likely scenario), I’ll repeat this: I am NOT opposed to anyone getting the Lap band or ANYTHING ELSE if it is what they NEED. Hell, if a Green Titanium Vibrating Butt Plug is what is going to make you lose weight and save your life, I'll give you the batteries for it! If you think I’m opposed to the Band because of my experience, well, you’d be wrong….just like you are on every other point here. If you don’t believe me, look up a recent thread using “agnes” as the search word. You’ll see where I stand.

“Remember, this is a lap band forum so of coarse you are going to hear from people the positive things about lap band.”

Ya think?

“You need to remember what these forums are for.”

I’m not all that sure that I need you or anyone else to remind me what these forums are “for”.

These forums are different things to different people. For some people here, it’s simply a social event. They talk about crap they buy on QVC, recipes, and eye shadow. And that’s fine….every forum needs a community element to it. Others talk about sports. Some engage in banter about unprotected and anal sex. All of that is just fine. I engage in a little bit of that banter myself at times.

But I take my own involvement here a bit more seriously. As a result of some bad decisions on my part, a surgeon who shouldn’t be allowed to clean fish, much less perform surgery, and some plain BAD LUCK, I lost more than SIX YEARS of my life, HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of dollars, and pain and suffering that I could not have imagined prior.

And whether YOU or ANYONE else likes it or not, I’m going to TRY and see that my experience is NOT endured by anyone else. So, you can run on back and chat about unprotected sex. I’ll try and help someone make an important decision.

“Don't come on this forum and belittle and berate me for trying to help. “

You weren’t helping. At ALL. In ANY way…..umm….except you DID help me understand that you know nothing about Gastric Bypass. Thank you for that, by the way.

“I know at least 10 people with HORRIBLE SURGICAL OUTCOMES from BYPASS SURGERY and base my OPINION on this knowledge and research I have done.”

Oh, so it’s TEN people now. I get it. The other 7 slipped your mind, maybe?

“Of course this knowledge made we WARY of the procedure. “

Well, it SHOULDN’T have…..you clearly HAVE no knowledge of it, at all.

“Who wouldn't be wary of it in my position. “

Uh….someone who actually KNEW something about it, perhaps?

“Two people I know have died from complications in the past 10 years,”

Uh, is that in ADDITION to the OTHER 10 (that morphed upward from three)?

another is in liver failure from her bypass 8 years ago and she is only 32,”

LIVER FAILURE??? From her BYPASS??? Of EIGHT YEARS ago?? C’mon, Dr. Kildare. You got some ‘splainin’ to do on THAT one. Liver problems can develop as a side effect of Gall Bladder problems, which are a COMMON side effect of ALL Weight Loss procedures. Sounds like you’ve been doing your Bypass Studies from the back of a box of Corn Flakes, cupcake.

“another has lost all her hair and fingernails from malnutrition”

Ok, so you had an idiot for a friend who did NOT TAKE THEIR supplements. THAT is what causes the malnutrition in OVER 99 percent of the cases. WELL over 99 percent. That is not even an ISSUE. Stupidity happens with ANY procedure. Jeez.

“another is in a convelesant hopital from complications too numerous to list”

You know, I think you know more Gastric Bypass patients than ANYONE on the planet. ANYONE. In various places throughout America, in the past they had these communities for “little people” (they used to be called “Midgets”). They were special little “cities within cities” that were built just for their size issues. I’ll BET that you live in a community like that JUST FOR Gastric Bypass Patients. You’re probably surrounded by them. That’s why you know SO much about them. Really. They seem to encircle you. They must like you.

“I know "three" people who had bypass in the past year and are absolutely fine, the lady who owns the gym I go to had it 4 years ago and is doing fantastic.”

Ok, so that brings the total to THIRTEEN that you know, right? Now, does that include the two that died? Or do we subtract the ORIGINAL three because they were ACTUALLY part of the TEN? But, I think it’s a nice touch for you to add in a few “positive” outcomes to make your “negatives” seem a little more credible. Yep. Nice touch.

“If you don't like what I have to say it doesn't really matter because I live in a country were I am free to state MY OPINION! “

And THAT is where I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT with you. Our great country does indeed give us the right to express our opinions. It also gives us the right to be TOTALLY IGNORANT, and I commend you for practicing that right. It also gives us the right to fabricate numbers/people/situations in order to give support to some ill-conceived rant that you THINK is going to make you appear authoritative. Again, kudos for stepping up to THAT plate.

Of course, I also have the right to identify people who make the mistake of doing so.

Making a decision on what could be a life-changing procedure is very difficult. I mean, look at what SaberTooth’s very first words were in the title:

“Please help”.

This woman asked for HELP in making her decision, not a bunch of crap from someone who knows little or nothing (mostly NOTHING) about a procedure that JUST MIGHT be what she NEEDS. There were some terrific responses here from OTHER people who had the Lap Band, and they articulated nicely what THEIR experience had been, and how/why they thought they had made a good choice. And THAT’s how it should be.

You know, in the period of time I have been on this forum, I have gotten into it with some people (one or two..:thumbup:), and I have come close to “crossing the line” a few times. But I don’t believe that I have EVER come right out and said that someone is full of s**t.

Until now.

MODERATORS: please note: I am NOT attacking the PERSON here. I am attacking the s**t that is INSIDE the HEAD of the person.


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I was banded yesterday. A coworker of mine was banded almost a year ago (in a week it wil have been a year) and she lost 102 lbs with no exercise.

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Everyone, please respect one another and everyone's opinions. It is possible to post without being disrespectful.

Thank you.

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Let's not continue to egg things on please. You all are free to attack the idea, but not the person. Be respectful of one another and the different view points and do not resort to name calling.

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I was banded in July 2007. I lost 38 pounds before surgery. I lost 105 pounds from Surgery to 1st Bandiversary date. I have been wearing a size 12 since then and am very happy with my band. I will probably never achieve 159 which is "healthy" for my bmi because I get a scrawny looking face when I get down to 174, so I can't imagine it at 159.

I do get hungry occasionally now. I didn't at first. When I was first eating food after banding I had to remind myself to eat because if I waited too long between meals I would have "first bite syndrome". First bite syndrome for me was eating too fast and too large of a bite because I got hungry and this would lead to discomfort.

I'm 2 years postop now and my biggest regret is that I didn't get my band alot sooner.

I think one of the keys to band success is thinking about it as a lifetime committment and following up with your doctor to keep adjusted to the right level.

Best wishes to you in whatever you decide.:lol:

I love my band and my new flat tummy!


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I have lost 54 pounds in 3 months since my surgery. I also have first bite syndrome as Sue Magoo described and sometimes struggle to eat but I believe this is because I am too tight. I work very hard and exercise for at least 2 hours everyday to have the results I have. This exercise does include some weights. Good luck to you with making your decision.

Edited by FailureIsntAnOption

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I totally agree with Donna on every point she made. And I stand by my post and Donna's as being insightful and offering personal opinions based on our experience. I have re-read all posts on this thread and it is obvious who's stirring the pot here and shall remain nameless.

Everything I have ever posted on LBT has been FACTS based upon MY OWN PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, nothing more. I have never and would never assume my opinion to be taken for medical advice or as fact, and take offense to those trying to suggest such.

I specifically stated my OPINION based on MY decision based on the question posed by the OP. I also stated to take ALL procedures into consideration and do what's right for you. (frankly got bored reading spouts of rage from someone who obviously needs more than these boards offer)

These forums are created and we subscribe to them based on our own needs, wants, opinions and thoughts; that does not change no matter who tries to alter that purpose.

I will continue to post exactly as I have in the past, with respect and truths I stand by. To those who try to take their bad mood out on the rest of us, find a hobby or anything else that doesn't include berating people for their opinions.

Edited by coloradobanding

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I had my lap band March 2009. I have lost 55 lbs since and have had 3 fills. I am up to 4.5 cc in 15cc band. I do get that hungry feeling once in a while but that lets me know i am ready for a fill. Good Luck to you!

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I was banded June 5th, and have lost 41 lbs. I have only had one fill, and I still do get hungry. So if your looking for quick results, and no hunger the band may not be the right choice for you.

There are pros and cons to all the WLS, I suggest you research them all and decide what is best for you.

I choose Lapband because I wanted a slower weight loss, trying to avoid the extra hanging skin. Also because if I do have complications the band can be removed, and because I thought recovery time was less then the other surgeries. I misunderstood what the recovery time actually is. But that was a minor reason, I still would have gone with Lapband even if I would have understood recovery time was longer. I really considered getting the sleeve, I loved the idea of not being hungry, but hated the idea of having a portion of my stomach taken out. There were other reasons I choose to go with the band, but all in all mainly because it was the surgery I felt most comfortable with.

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I was banded June 5th, and have lost 41 lbs. I have only had one fill, and I still do get hungry. So if your looking for quick results, and no hunger the band may not be the right choice for you.

There are pros and cons to all the WLS, I suggest you research them all and decide what is best for you.

I choose Lapband because I wanted a slower weight loss, trying to avoid the extra hanging skin. Also because if I do have complications the band can be removed, and because I thought recovery time was less then the other surgeries. I misunderstood what the recovery time actually is. But that was a minor reason, I still would have gone with Lapband even if I would have understood recovery time was longer. I really considered getting the sleeve, I loved the idea of not being hungry, but hated the idea of having a portion of my stomach taken out. There were other reasons I choose to go with the band, but all in all mainly because it was the surgery I felt most comfortable with.

Wow! You've lost 41 pounds in one month, Awesome! Congratulations!

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Thanks, its actually been about 8 weeks, 41 lbs including 2 week pre-op.

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I will agree with the comment that was made about the lapband and hunger. It was promoted to me as reducing hunger and appetite. That has always been my biggest problem. I was always hungry and it took a lot of food to satisfy me. I wasn't specific food oriented - i.e. I didn't need to eat big Macs or chocolate or ice cream, etc. If I could just eat enough Cereal or toast to feel satisfied - that was great. So for me it was the feeling of satiety that was important. The band has never worked like that for me. My former doctor overfilled my 4cc band with 3cc and caused a lot of pain, reflux and heartburn. Even being that tight, I never felt satisfied with the small amount of food I could eat. I had a 1cc unfill and changed doctors. I am hungry a lot now and rely on willpower only plus a lot of exercising, including weight machines. I am not losing any significant weight at this point and don't want another fill until the damage from my overfill heals. So, the band has not worked the way that I thought it would for me. That is why it is so important to choose the procedure that addresses your issue with food.

I have lost about 75 pounds but that was with my own dieting, the 6 month pre-op diet, the 2 week pre & post surgical liquid only diet and about 15 pounds since the banding (Sept. 08). So, at this point I feel like I'm on my own with my dieting. And yes, it is a diet with calorie counting, weighing and measuring. Something I thought I was going to avoid with the band.

So, again make sure you are prepared for the type of surgery you choose and good luck.

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Dont listen to that crap. Everyones weight loss success varies. Ive lost 70 pouns so far since October and I havent even been strict. I eat what I want in smaller portions, have Snacks, drink wine, etc. I try to use my treadmill for about 30 mins a day, not everyday. It depends on the person. Good luck.. I chose lapband because I didnt want such invasive surgery like bypass. And,also, I have no co-morbidity issues like high blood pressure or diabetes. I was just fat. You can never have sugar again with bypass. You will experience really bad pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea with the smallest amount. I needed to feel like a "normal" person. But, you have to choose whats right for you.:lol:

i am scheduled for bypass aug 10, but i think i am changing my mind to the band, how much weight can you lose in the first year following the band? my doctors says about 40 lbs in a year, does this sound right? i need to lose 75 lbs to be at goal weight and i think this is acheivable with the band, and not doing bypass. i am so mixed up right now, i want o work out and lift weights and i heard thet lifting weights might pull the band or cause damage, is this true, what are some of your weight loss amounts sofar? and doe the band actually make you think you are full? my problem is i am always hungry, thanks

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Thanks, its actually been about 8 weeks, 41 lbs including 2 week pre-op.


Your results are still fantastic.:lol:

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You can never have sugar again with bypass. You will experience really bad pain, gas, bloating and diarrhea with the smallest amount. :lol:

More Misinformation.

You are speaking this as though it were FACT.

It is NOT. NOT.

It happens to SOME people. It is not an absolute. And those who DO experience it can still have reasonable amounts of sugar without enduring what you have suggested here.

and: "I needed to feel like a normal person" ??

So....people who have Bypass are somehow not "normal"?

Unbelievable. Simply Amazing.


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