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i am scheduled for bypass aug 10, but i think i am changing my mind to the band, how much weight can you lose in the first year following the band? my doctors says about 40 lbs in a year, does this sound right? i need to lose 75 lbs to be at goal weight and i think this is acheivable with the band, and not doing bypass. i am so mixed up right now, i want o work out and lift weights and i heard thet lifting weights might pull the band or cause damage, is this true, what are some of your weight loss amounts sofar? and doe the band actually make you think you are full? my problem is i am always hungry, thanks

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I just made 11 months with my band and I've lost 64 lbs. My doc sd the goal for the first year is 50 lbs. I haven't done any weight lifting, just walking and the occasional moving of furniture. I haven't had any real problems. I have a co-worker who had bypass and she's really happy with it. She's maintained her weight loss really well. She runs.

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I was banded in January and from the 2 week preop diet to now I've lost a little over 50 lbs and that's without much exercise. Probably would have lost more if I'd exercised more often.

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Hi, Saber;

As someone who has had both the Band AND the Bypass, I can speak from some experience.

I discovered after having the band fail on me (for a lot of reasons) that the band had been the WRONG choice for me.

You need to view this whole issue a little differently; It's not how much weight you can lose in a specified period, it's whether or not the band is RIGHT for YOU.

I’d like to point out the misconception that the entire Weight Loss Surgery issue is that of a big WLS “Smorgasbord”, and that all you have to do is simply pick the one that tickles your fancy.


They are ALL different, and they are meant for different types of people and bodies. They ALL work (to varying degrees)…..but their long-term (and short-term) efficacy is dependant on some very individual elements. You really need to take the time and the effort to ascertain which WLS is right for you.

In other words, Your Doctor does NOT choose your Surgery. YOU do NOT choose your surgery.

The SURGERY chooses YOU.

You really need to do the research, ask a LOT of questions, speak to knowledgable Doctors, and go into it really KNOWING that you have chosen the RIGHT procedure.

If your Doctors are letting YOU make the decision without a lot of input from them, then I'd question whether I want that Doctor putting a knife into me.

They are both ENTIRELY different procedures. And, you should be aware that there are OTHER procedures available as well, in particular what is known as the "Sleeve". It is becoming very popular now as well.

I would strongly advise you to take the time, do the research, and make sure you make the right choice. The band has worked wonders for many people. But, so has the Bypass. AND the Sleeve. You just need to find out what will work best for YOU.

If you have questions, feel free to ask....that's why we're all hanging out here!


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I was banded on March 27, 09 and I am down about 37 lbs with only 3.5 cc's in a 10 cc band. I have seen a lot of people on here that have lost 50 - 75 lbs or more in a year, i think it depends on how much you weigh to begin with, obviously the more you weigh the more you seem to lose in the beginning. If you are in a hurry I don't think the band is right for you. I struggle with that, wanting it to come off faster and it seems extremely slow to me. But then I have learned to eat better thru the process. Good luck.

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Hi, just thought I would let you know, my surgeon doesnt consider bypass until your BMI is around 60. I was banded July 2, 2009, and have lost 25 pounds, already. I weighed 234 at 5'1" and would only consider the band, but that is everyone's own personal choice. Please look around at different Doctors, many have free seminars to ask questions, meet them and avoid an office visit fee. I hope this helps! Good luck

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Also, I am one of the few who have restriction with no fill. They say you should lose 1-2 pounds a week. If you drop down below this, you probably need a fill. So it is totally adjustable. hope this helps

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I struggled with this decision as well, and it's not easy. I also suggest doing a lot of research on all WLS procedures, including the sleeve (don't know much about it personally but seems to be gaining in popularity).

I personally chose the band because it was less invasive than bypass and had a much quicker recovery time. I also chose it because it is reversible (depending on which one you have of course, they're not all reversible).

I also know 3 people who have gained every pound they lost after having bypass. With the band, if you start gaining you can have a fill and get the same results you had at the beginning of the journey. With the bypass, the stomach can and does stretch out to it's original size (if you do back to old eating habits) and you are "where you are" no adjustments.

It sounds like you don't have as much to lose as a lot of other people (100lbs or less) which works well with the band. However, if your main expectation is to lose the weight fast, then the band may not be for you.

My personal experience has been fantastic and I am THRILLED I chose the band over bypass. Do you homework, and when you KNOW for SURE which one is the one you want, you won't worry! Good luck!

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I have been on every diet known to man and woman and they all work except I was always hungry and always thinking about my next meal or point or whatever.

I had lapband done on May 22, 2009. I have lost 20 lbs.. not alot but have also lost 2 inches off my waist, 1.5 off hips, chest etc. Slow is always better when dieting. Am losing about 1-2 lbs per week. I feel great and now I can walk 2 - 3 miles a day which I had to stop because I would lose my breath.

Lapband isn't right for everyone..but I definitely no longer feel hungry. Sometime we eat because we are bored.. I just have to learn not to and will do even better.

Hope this helps.:bored:

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I am totally against the bypass surgery for the obvious risks associated with it. You really need to make your own decision by researching, comparing the pros and cons and your level of commitment. The band is only a tool to help you to eat less. You will still have to work very hard to loose the weight. I know several people who have had bypass surgery and regret it. You are forever altered with bypass. There are many long term health hazards to be considered if you choose bypass.

I choose the band because I felt that it was less invasive then bypass and the health risks were minimal by comparison to that of the bypass. With bypass you will loose your weight faster but you may also suffer from malnutrition. Please, please, do your homework. Don't feel like you have to go through with the bypass unless it is what YOU want. I have absolutely no regrets about having lap band surgery. I still have a long way to go to make my goal but what I am learning about eating healthier and living with my band is really going to help me to maintain my goal weight.

Good luck to you!

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I am totally against the bypass surgery for the obvious risks associated with it. You really need to make your own decision by researching, comparing the pros and cons and your level of commitment. The band is only a tool to help you to eat less. You will still have to work very hard to loose the weight. I know several people who have had bypass surgery and regret it. You are forever altered with bypass. There are many long term health hazards to be considered if you choose bypass.

I choose the band because I felt that it was less invasive then bypass and the health risks were minimal by comparison to that of the bypass. With bypass you will loose your weight faster but you may also suffer from malnutrition. Please, please, do your homework. Don't feel like you have to go through with the bypass unless it is what YOU want. I have absolutely no regrets about having lap band surgery. I still have a long way to go to make my goal but what I am learning about eating healthier and living with my band is really going to help me to maintain my goal weight.

Good luck to you!

I struggled with this decision as well, and it's not easy. I also suggest doing a lot of research on all WLS procedures, including the sleeve (don't know much about it personally but seems to be gaining in popularity).

I personally chose the band because it was less invasive than bypass and had a much quicker recovery time. I also chose it because it is reversible (depending on which one you have of course, they're not all reversible).

I also know 3 people who have gained every pound they lost after having bypass. With the band, if you start gaining you can have a fill and get the same results you had at the beginning of the journey. With the bypass, the stomach can and does stretch out to it's original size (if you do back to old eating habits) and you are "where you are" no adjustments.

It sounds like you don't have as much to lose as a lot of other people (100lbs or less) which works well with the band. However, if your main expectation is to lose the weight fast, then the band may not be for you.

My personal experience has been fantastic and I am THRILLED I chose the band over bypass. Do you homework, and when you KNOW for SURE which one is the one you want, you won't worry! Good luck!

Sometimes I think that the only reason some people post here is so they can take shots at the surgery they DIDN'T have.

When are people actually going to begin to UNDERSTAND the very, very SIMPLE (for SOME people) FACT that different procedures work for different people?

Huh? When are you gonna actually GET that?

I see people spouting the same crap here day after day. It’s amazing.

The way some people talk about bypass you’d think it was on the same level as having unprotected sex with a heroin mainliner. Or Christina Aguilera.

It Not. It’s still considered the “gold standard” for WLS, and while SOME idiots are able to screw it up by NOT doing what the Doctor TOLD them to do, it’s a remarkably effective, safe procedure that has been performed on hundreds of thousands of people for the last HALF CENTURY.

So do everyone a favor and stop trying to justify YOUR choice of procedures to YOURSELF by bad-mouthing OTHER procedures. The band worked for you. That’s swell. I’m simply thrilled by that. But it DOESN’T work for everyone. You really need to GET that.

And by bad-mouthing a procedure you know little or nothing about (other than your “three people”) you might be influencing a patient AGAINST having a procedure that might very well save their life.

Note: Whenever I see that someone knows people that have had a bad Bypass outcome, they almost always say its “three people”. Wonder why. :thumbup:

Potential WLS patients need to look at all the options, discuss those options with multiple doctors, have some psychotherapy with a therapist that specializes in bariatric disorders, and then decide what is right for them. It’s not an easy or fast process. It’s not a matter of going on forums like this and seeing what everyone else has to say and just picking "something".

When I first researched WLS, I pretty quickly dismissed Gastric Bypass as an option for most of the reasons that people have stated here: High mortality rate (wrong), potential regain (very rare), the “invasive” factor(don't get me started), blah, blah, blah. Of course, I didn’t get my information on this from any RELIABLE sources,…just stuff that was posted around the internet. . Kind of like how most people HERE get their information. And that information was WRONG. It took a life-threatening experience with the lap band, several years of bad health and Multiple Surgeries for me to discover that I should have had the Bypass to BEGIN with. It was what worked for ME. Some people need restriction. Some people need malabsorbtion. Some people need a combination. And for SOME people, NOTHING will work.

Let be VERY clear about this for those of you who are ignoring most of what I’m saying here:

I am NOT advocating the Gastric Bypass. I am NOT Advocating the Lap Band. OR the Sleeve. And I am not OPPOSED to ANY of them. I am advocating what is CORRECT for the patient. And guess what: YOU don’t know what that IS. And neither do I.

There is an increasing number of people who had one type of WLS surgery, and discovered that it was wrong for them. And they ended up having another surgery, often as a self-pay because many insurance providers won’t cover a revision.

You need to get it right the FIRST time. Don't dismiss the bypass because someone here decided not have it. :thumbup:

Don't base this important, life-changing decision on what a few people who don't know what they're talking about have to say. It's fine to get information from people about the surgery that THEY have had, but when they start blathering about stuff they haven't experienced, that's when you need to turn the page.

Get the FACTS from professionals, and base your decisons on that. And that ALONE.


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To answer your question, I had my lap band surgery on Nov. 20, 2008 and thus far I have lost 40 lbs. Recently, I started lifting weights and I have not had any problems. My doctor encourages resistance training. Also, I rarely ever feel hungry. Since getting banded, I don't remember feeling hungry???

Anyway, I hope I addressed your specific questions. I am pleased with my decision. Had I not made a decision for medical intervention, there is no telling how much more weight I would have gained.

I wish you well with whatever intervention you choose. Good luck!

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One other thing I wanted to comment on, and the previous poster did so as well. It's the hunger issue.

The Lap band does NOT always deal with that issue. The Band CAN have appetite reducing characteristics, although they are not NEARLY as pronounced as those in the other procedures. And the appetite reduction originates from an entirely different source from the other surgeries, when it happens at all. Massive appetite reduction with the band is the EXCEPTION rather than the rule. So I would not count on the Band to do that for you, even though some people do experience it.

As far as appetite reduction, The Bypass and the Sleeve are more appropriate options. It has to do with Grehlin. In the case of the Sleeve, the portion of the stomach that is removed during the Sleeve procedure contains the FUNDUS, which secretes Grehlin.

Grehlin is a Hormone that stimulates HUNGER. It’s a complicated issue, but it’s an important distinction to make. Reduction of Ghrelin in the nervous system does not eliminate hunger entirely….but it DRAMATICALLY reduces it, and that is KEY to understanding why the Sleeve works. The combination of Grehlin reduction and restriction makes the Sleeve a very, very attractive option…an option that needs to be considered by anyone considering WLS.

The very same mechanism produces a similar effect in Bypass patients. The Fundus is NOT removed in the Bypass, but it is ISOLATED and does not allow Grehlin to enter the nervous system from that location. Hence, a DRAMATIC reduction of the appetite.

Again, get your info from Professional Sources, but if continual hunger is a very big issue for you, that could signal a "no" for the band, in favor of one of the other procedures. And I'll repeat where I said that SOME people experience appetite reduction with the band, but it is NOT the rule.


Edited by Headhunter

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You have absolutely no right to attack me here. I simply stated my OPINION and advised sabertooth to do their homework. You need to take a step back and re-read your post. Just because you had a bad experience or are just in a bad mood, whatever the case may be, doesn't give you the right to attack me or anybody else for that matter. Remember, this is a lap band forum so of coarse you are going to hear from people the positive things about lap band. If you go to a bypass forum you will likely encounter the people who praise bypass. You need to remember what these forums are for. They are to advise from personal experience and help people with questions. Don't come on this forum and belittle and berate me for trying to help. I know at least 10 people with HORRIBLE SURGICAL OUTCOMES from BYPASS SURGERY and base my OPINION on this knowledge and research I have done. Of course this knowledge made we WARY of the procedure. Who wouldn't be wary of it in my position. Two people I know have died from complications in the past 10 years, another is in liver failure from her bypass 8 years ago and she is only 32, another has lost all her hair and fingernails from malnutrition, another is in a convelesant hospital from complications too numerous to list, I know "three" people who had bypass in the past year and are absolutely fine, the lady who owns the gym I go to had it 4 years ago and is doing fantastic. This procedure wasn't for me, doesn't mean somebody else shouldn't do it. As I said before Sabertooth, please don't feel you have to go through with it because you are already scheduled. There are as I said before, pros and cons to both proceedures and should be fully investigated before you proceed and decide which proceedure is right for you. Feel free to postpone your surgery until you make the decision best for you.

If you don't like what I have to say it doesn't really matter because I live in a country were I am free to state MY OPINION!

Edited by FailureIsntAnOption

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Stating opinions and debate is fine but let's not get personal and hurl accusations.

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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