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Loosing Weight without fills.

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Ok heres my question. Is it possible to loose without getting fills. The reason i ask is ive lost a fair amount of weight since my post up diet. I have never had a problem loosing, just keeping it off. Im pretty motivated to start exexrcising and getting in shape. The band so far has gave me a great start. I just dont see the point in getting fills if you are loosing and can keep loosing comfortably. I know its there if i need it and i know i will need it to keep the weight off, but not so much to take it off

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I too never had a problem pre banding in losing weight but always fell off the wagon at some point and regained it all back and more.

The difference I have found since having my band is that I don't feel as hungry, before on weight watchers and other 'diet' plans I was always hungry. With my band although there a quite a few foods I can't eat, I don't have to be on a diet as I can only eat small portions.

I was banded last November and am only 13lbs from my target weight. If I hadn't had my band filled I would have probably lapsed by now and put some weight back on. I doubt that I would have got to this weight loss so quickly through dieting.

There isn't much point in having a band if you are not wanting to have restriction to control your portion size. I do keep my band fairly loose as I like to be able to eat 3 meals a day, including fruit and vegetables but if it weren't filled, I couldn't see much point in it being there.

You have done really well so far, good luck for the future if you don''t think you need a fill, don't get one until your weight loss has stopped and needs a kick start.


Edited by suepro

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I am in the same boat, was banded on 7-7-09 as well, and I am still losing. Shoot me a PM when you decide to get a fill, and where you are at. I too was going to wait till the weight lost slowed down or stopped.

Good Luck

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Wow 32lbs. Are you exercising? I have tried to do a little more then walk, but my energy levels are at 0. I know once i hit mushies hopefully more energy more exrcise.

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My Dr. is a little less conservative I think. I started with mushies after 4 days. As long as I don't drink while eating, or wait 30 minutes after eating, I still get full pretty quick. I have been walking alot. Went to the gym 2 days ago, and did 10 minutes of light cardio, elliptical (no pulling with arms). Although would have been nice to use as an excuse for about 6 weeks, even ventured out and did some yard work, in the 100 degree So Cal climate.

Definately loving so far, just hop I am not pushing it too fast, was planning on trying some golf tomorrow.

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I have struggled with and dealt with the exact same scenario. Here is my suggestion.

If you think you don't need a fill, DON'T get one! I had 2 fills that went just fine, and then I got the third (just thought that was what I was suppose to do) and it REALLY sucked! I couldn't eat anything. My days consisted of eating an egg, puking it back up then working out. I decided to have a complete unfill because I was so miserable. Had I just "left it alone" I would likely be at my "sweet spot."

And YES it is TOTALLY possible to lose weight without a fill. I know several people in my support group that have never had a fill and lose just like everyone else.

I disagree to a point with the PP about "why have the band if it isn't filled" (or something to that affect). The band is a tool. And if you use the "tool" to change the way your brain thinks, then it works.

For me personally, I didn't have much trouble with pigging out or whatever. It was my food choices. Once I had my band and it "played with my head" and my food choices, it worked for me. I am going back to get a small fill next week to again "mess with my head" and get my weight loss "kick started." But I could also easily see being unfilled forever if I continue doing what I'm doing.

You may want to wait a month or two without a fill and see if you continue losing weight and re-evaluate then. The great thing about having the band is the ability to work it the way you thing is best for you. Don't do what I did and get one just because everyone else does or that's the way it should be done. Do it because you know that's what you need or don't if you're doing ok!

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Sounds like you are doing great PGA. I started in the garden working after a few days. I knew if I walked through the garden and saw weeds I would have the impulse to start pulling...and I did. I was careful though. I think as long as it doesn't hurt and you are not straining your tummy you should be okay. I bet you will have to take it easy playing golf though.

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I think it's different for everyone of course, but personally I agree. If I am losing weight I would not get a fill just because it is marked on the calendar to do so. The band could easily work psycologically as well as physically on individuals. The idea is to lose weight, and if you are losing, consider yourself blessed and go with it until it stops or slows down and it probably will sooner or later. But then you will be ahead in the game and maybe a tiny fill will be enough to carry you through for another good long time. That would be great! Best wishes towards your goal!

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So here's my 2 cents.....

Placing a band around your stomach and creating a pouch for your food IS GOING TO CHANGE THE AMOUNT OF food YOU CAN EAT!!!!

Having a fill is going to reduce the rate at which that food filters down outta your stoma and into the rest of the digest track, but I really don't understand how a person could continue to eat as if never banded.

I believe you need to listen to your body, it will let you know when it's time for a fill. If you are able to maintain protion control (band working), control snacking between meals (band working), and make wiser food choices (mind working) then there is no need to run out a get a fill because of a date on the calender.

When you are hunger after eating small portions, snacking all the time, and no longer lossing any weight THEN it is time for a fill.

I am a firm believer that the band works from the time it is put in place, not just once enough saline is added to give you a tiny opening for food to pass through.

Now I'm sure there are posters here that will disagree with me, and that's fine because everyone is entilited to their own opinion, but now you have mine.

Good luck and congrats on your sucess so far!!


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Dont get fills you dont need, there's no point. The more you can eat and the more variety you can eat whilst still losing weight, the better nourished you will be. And the looser your band, the less likely you are to have issues with it like reflux, things getting stuck, pb's etc. So whilst you are still losing, keep doing whatever you're doing - its working!

However, the weight loss will probably come to a halt sooner or later. As you loose fat around your stomach, the band will get looser, your calorie needs will drop and you will need to eat less to have the same deficit per day and at some point, you may find you need to fill for that bit of extra help.

But dont do it before you have to!

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So here's my 2 cents.....

Placing a band around your stomach and creating a pouch for your food IS GOING TO CHANGE THE AMOUNT OF food YOU CAN EAT!!!!

Having a fill is going to reduce the rate at which that food filters down outta your stoma and into the rest of the digest track, but I really don't understand how a person could continue to eat as if never banded.

I believe you need to listen to your body, it will let you know when it's time for a fill. If you are able to maintain protion control (band working), control snacking between meals (band working), and make wiser food choices (mind working) then there is no need to run out a get a fill because of a date on the calender.

When you are hunger after eating small portions, snacking all the time, and no longer lossing any weight THEN it is time for a fill.

I am a firm believer that the band works from the time it is put in place, not just once enough saline is added to give you a tiny opening for food to pass through.

Now I'm sure there are posters here that will disagree with me, and that's fine because everyone is entilited to their own opinion, but now you have mine.

Good luck and congrats on your sucess so far!!


Great post and I totally agree!

Even though I've had a complete unfill, I still had a stuck episode (although brief and not as dramatic as when I was filled). I also still can't eat a sandwich with 2 pieces of bread, and other notable things. Everyone works the band differently, if you can do it without a fill, by all means keep doing it!

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ok heres my question. Is it possible to loose without getting fills. The reason i ask is ive lost a fair amount of weight since my post up diet. I have never had a problem loosing, just keeping it off. Im pretty motivated to start exexrcising and getting in shape. The band so far has gave me a great start. I just dont see the point in getting fills if you are loosing and can keep loosing comfortably. I know its there if i need it and i know i will need it to keep the weight off, but not so much to take it off
i have struggled with and dealt with the exact same scenario. Here is my suggestion.

if you think you don't need a fill, don't get one! i had 2 fills that went just fine, and then i got the third (just thought that was what i was suppose to do) and it really sucked! I couldn't eat anything. My days consisted of eating an egg, puking it back up then working out. I decided to have a complete unfill because i was so miserable. Had i just "left it alone" i would likely be at my "sweet spot."

and yes it is totally possible to lose weight without a fill. i know several people in my support group that have never had a fill and lose just like everyone else.

i disagree to a point with the pp about "why have the band if it isn't filled" (or something to that affect). the band is a tool. And if you use the "tool" to change the way your brain thinks, then it works.

For me personally, i didn't have much trouble with pigging out or whatever. It was my food choices. Once i had my band and it "played with my head" and my food choices, it worked for me. I am going back to get a small fill next week to again "mess with my head" and get my weight loss "kick started." but i could also easily see being unfilled forever if i continue doing what i'm doing.

You may want to wait a month or two without a fill and see if you continue losing weight and re-evaluate then. The great thing about having the band is the ability to work it the way you thing is best for you. don't do what i did and get one just because everyone else does or that's the way it should be done. Do it because you know that's what you need or don't if you're doing ok!


dont get fills you dont need, there's no point. The more you can eat and the more variety you can eat whilst still losing weight, the better nourished you will be. And the looser your band, the less likely you are to have issues with it like reflux, things getting stuck, pb's etc. So whilst you are still losing, keep doing whatever you're doing - its working!

however, the weight loss will probably come to a halt sooner or later. As you loose fat around your stomach, the band will get looser, your calorie needs will drop and you will need to eat less to have the same deficit per day and at some point, you may find you need to fill for that bit of extra help.

but dont do it before you have to!

ditto!! Ditto!!

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I was banded on the same day...7/7/09...and as of right now my doc is planning on doing a fill at about 5 weeks post op. I also am just dropping pounds every single day and LOVING IT:thumbup:

But your doc should tell you that it depends on the person! We're all different...that's one of the topics we had at our support group night. Two women from the group were banded by the same doctor on the same day. One has had 11 fills..the other just had her 4th...it totally depends on you and how YOUR BAND is working for you. Another woman in our group has never needed a fill...her band just happenes to sit on her "sweet spot" and she's continued to lose...quickly too. It all depends. WHEN YOU STOP LOSING WEIGHT/START GAINING WEIGHT and are VERY hungry, it's time for a fill..and if that doesn't happen to you until you are 6 months post op, so be it! Just tell your surgeon about your concerns at your post op appointment.

Wait until you are further along in your healing process...about 4-5 weeks. See how you feel then...goodluck! :)


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I was banded on 10/13/08 and still have not had a fill. Believe me when I say I have restriction. There are foods that I still can not tolerate that I had trouble eating in moderation before .. lol (pasta, rice and bread just to name a few). I have tried them all now and after just a small bite I can feel them in my chest. The pressure can be unbelievable so I just don't eat them.

To date I have averaged 12 pounds a month lost. My doctor originally felt I needed a fill until he saw that I still continued to lose at the same rate without one. His feeling is as long as I don't feel hungry (which I don't) and have at least a 5 pound loss a month (which I do) then there is no reason for a fill.

I love my band because it keeps me on track. In the past I would always go off my diet by either eating more than I should or things that I should not eat. The band (even without a fill) does not allow me to over eat. If I eat too much believe me I know it. I ate a 7 ounce hamburger about 2 weeks ago (without a bun just some salsa) and couldn't eat another thing for 19 hours (did drink Water though). In the past I could have eaten that burger on the bun with a load of french fries and a diet soda and then had another meal 4 or 5 hours later.

We are all different and don't know what our insides look like. Sometimes just the placement of the band around your stomach is enough to give you the restriction you need. Listen to your body, if you are getting hungry (not head hunger but real hunger), eating more than you should, snacking and/or not losing like your doctor feels you should then you need a fill. Don't upset yourself about it because you will know when you need one. Good luck on your journey.

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I have been banded for 5 months without a fill. I have lost a total of 92 lbs., 70 of it without a fill. It is possible, I have been lucky, the band has worked without a fill.

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