Nickicola 0 Posted July 12, 2009 Hello everyone! I just had surgery on friday, and i am having trouble trying to get lots of liquids in. (including water) I know i am suppose to be drinking 64oz..well sipping that much a day. But i am not close at all. I really cant drink more than a couple spoonfuls of broth before it feels...tight? Anyone else having this? Is this normal? ( i havent been able to get my Proteins in either :frown: ) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
imaluckydog 0 Posted July 12, 2009 I had a hard time getting that much in. Drink slow listen to your body do not force more in or it will come up. It did for me. Sip SLOWLY. Drink Protein slow. I ran back to Dr. after two days and they wanted to take the primer fill out I said no. They offered me another type of protein and said if I can keep it down they will not take any out. I have 10cc band with a prime of 2cc Everyone is different. If you are not able to keep any liquids down at all GO or CALL DR. that is very important. I went and that is what happened to me. Just wanted to share. I am 2 weeks post op. imaluckydog Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
josephine 1 Posted July 12, 2009 I was a spoonful person also for a month. Not that anyone else will experience this either. Do not force anything as you are healing at this time. Just try to get nutritious things down you and don't worry too much on the negative calorie liquids. You will get weak but it will be okay. Even try cream Soups. If it is Soups you can only get down then they have powder Protein you can throw in there. You will be fine. It is very soon for you to be worrying. Give yourself some time. Josephine Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ocotillo 0 Posted July 12, 2009 Your stomach is swollen and it will take a few days for that to go down. Don't force it but keep sipping liquids as much as you can so you stay as hydrated as you can. I couldn't drink 64oz at first, I barely got down 20, but it will slowly get better. I wouldn't do anything but Clear Liquids right now because you've just had surgery. If it doesn't improve, contact your surgeon/doctor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RestlessMonkey 7 Posted July 12, 2009 If you still can't drink by tomorrow morning, call your doc, ok? It MAY be swelling from the surgery, or s/he MAY have filled you some and it's too tight (that happens a lot). The point right now is to heal and you do NOT need to suffer with the band to lose, ok? Well, the post op healing diet is vile but other than that! LOL Dehydration is a big concern. Just do what you can, and call tomorrow if it isn't much easier to get your required fluids in. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dev03 0 Posted July 13, 2009 I am 5 days post surgery. I have not experienced any tightening, but I do feel like I have spasms in my chest. Do you have this to? Also, my stomach won't stop growling. Is this normal? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RestlessMonkey 7 Posted July 13, 2009 DEV03...Your growling stomach is normal, and most likely so are the "spasms" in your chest. The top of your stomach is almost right between where your breasts are (roughly) so it makes sense you'll feel a little discomfort there. Your "innards" (great scientific term! LOL) aren't used to being moved around and bothered with and they're still complaining. You'll heal and settle down. If you are in pain, though, and worried, call your doc tomorrow! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites