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my surgeon was about an hour behind...I finally made it into the OR at 3 35pm...in recovery at 5 20pm

slight burning discomfort at the port site. got .5 of dilaulid and and ice pack and that helped. I got to my room at

6 30pm...got my vitals taken, got a popsicle and sent time talking with bff and updating my friends via facebook...

I dont have Wi Fi so, using my Palm for updates...will write more once on my lap top...thanks for all the well wishes and prayers...hope every is as comfortable as I am.

Hugs Regina

Wooohoo! congrats!!! Much success to you!

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Banded yesterday (7/1) and everything went just like clockwork..

Overall it was a very good experience. The hospital staff were all exceptionally pleasant. Everything was so serene, that it was almost sorta kinda like a spa atmosphere (but not as luxuious).

Congrats! Im looking forward to reading about your success! Glad its over for you! Welcome to your new life!

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I was banded on july 1st as well and my question is how often is everyone drinking liquids and how much

I was discharged at 12n and had been getting IVF so, I counted the 48 oz of saline I recieved in my overal Fluid needs for yesterday...because, I only got in 18 oz by mouth and only 10 grams of Protein. I think it's to be expected the first day of so...but, so far today I've had 10 grams of Protein, and a total of 6 oz's...so, I think I'm going to make my goals today for Fluid and protein.

Keep us posted on how you are making out.

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phew. finally made it back online.

my surgery was scheduled for 7:15 on wednesday. i checked in at 5:15, signed all my consents, and got blood drawn. my heart rate was kind of low, and they asked if it was usually that low, which it's not.

i was taken to the holding area, and waited there for quite awhile for the anesthesiologist to come. he started my i.v. and my doctor talked to me a little while.

they wheeled me into the o.r. and had me slide over to the other table. the anesthesiologist had me take some deep breaths with a mask on, to fill my lungs with air, he said. then he said he was going to give me something to relax, and a few seconds later i started feeling woozy. after about a minute, i was out.

i woke up and remember not being able to talk because my mouth was so dry and my throat was sore. they said something about going to x-ray, and i was on the move.

they took me to x-ray and asked if i felt okay to move myself over to the x-ray table. i said no, so they slid me over. i had to drink some barium, and they took an x-ray, then raised the table so i was practically standing, and did it again.

then i was taken to my room. they wouldn't give me anything to drink, no ice, so i finally just said can i have a wet washcloth, anything to wet my mouth. she brought me some of those little sponges on sticks, and i was able to wipe my mouth out. THAT felt sooooo good!

i ended up staying in the hospital until thursday evening because the anesthesia and/or the pain meds gave me Migraines, and they wanted me to have the migraines under control before i left. also, i had the same problem as tessiekay about my oxygen levels dropping, and my heart rate dropping while i was sleeping, so they had me wear a heart monitor.

they did give me medicine for nausea, and that helped, and i did take one shot of morphine, and some hydrocodone/tylenol, but they just made my headache worse, so i stopped taking the morphine and only took the other when i really needed it.

i had lots of gas pain, in my left shoulder, and later in my lower abdomen, but once i got up walking, i was able to burp, and that made me feel better.

i did have sharp pains where the port incision was, and it would get pretty bad every now and then.

i came home last night, and went to sleep pretty soon after. i pretty much slept all night, and woke up this morning with some pain, but it's tolerable. i made some veggie broth and put some Protein powder in it, but i'm really not interested in eating anything. i've been sipping Water and seem content with that.

when i was in the hospital, they were giving me broth, frozen fruit flavored stuff, tea, and juice. i would usually drink all the broth and eat the frozen stuff, but it took me about 2 hours each time. if i drank too much at once, it sort of felt like pressure in the area of my left lung. i was pretty much only eating a medicine cup of food (1 ounce) at a time, and that was enough to fill me.

okay, i think that's about it.

i'm glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well! i think my recovery from this surgery is going much better than my gallbladder surgery *knocks on wood* so i'm pleased. :)

oh, one other thing, while i was lying in bed after the surgery, i had a lot of thoughts about "why did i do this?" and felt bad about having had the surgery, and feeling like i had failed at losing weight by myself. but now i'm feeling much better. i just wanted to mention it, in case anyone else has the same feelings, you'll know you're not the only one...

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Yikes Juniper,

You had a bumpy few hours but, glad you are home and getting in fluids and Protein. I just feel sore, but, no real pain. Keep posting and so we know how you are doing.



phew. finally made it back online.

my surgery was scheduled for 7:15 on wednesday. i checked in at 5:15, signed all my consents, and got blood drawn. my heart rate was kind of low, and they asked if it was usually that low, which it's not.

i was taken to the holding area, and waited there for quite awhile for the anesthesiologist to come. he started my i.v. and my doctor talked to me a little while.

they wheeled me into the o.r. and had me slide over to the other table. the anesthesiologist had me take some deep breaths with a mask on, to fill my lungs with air, he said. then he said he was going to give me something to relax, and a few seconds later i started feeling woozy. after about a minute, i was out.

i woke up and remember not being able to talk because my mouth was so dry and my throat was sore. they said something about going to x-ray, and i was on the move.

they took me to x-ray and asked if i felt okay to move myself over to the x-ray table. i said no, so they slid me over. i had to drink some barium, and they took an x-ray, then raised the table so i was practically standing, and did it again.

then i was taken to my room. they wouldn't give me anything to drink, no ice, so i finally just said can i have a wet washcloth, anything to wet my mouth. she brought me some of those little sponges on sticks, and i was able to wipe my mouth out. THAT felt sooooo good!

i ended up staying in the hospital until thursday evening because the anesthesia and/or the pain meds gave me Migraines, and they wanted me to have the migraines under control before i left. also, i had the same problem as tessiekay about my oxygen levels dropping, and my heart rate dropping while i was sleeping, so they had me wear a heart monitor.

they did give me medicine for nausea, and that helped, and i did take one shot of morphine, and some hydrocodone/tylenol, but they just made my headache worse, so i stopped taking the morphine and only took the other when i really needed it.

i had lots of gas pain, in my left shoulder, and later in my lower abdomen, but once i got up walking, i was able to burp, and that made me feel better.

i did have sharp pains where the port incision was, and it would get pretty bad every now and then.

i came home last night, and went to sleep pretty soon after. i pretty much slept all night, and woke up this morning with some pain, but it's tolerable. i made some veggie broth and put some Protein powder in it, but i'm really not interested in eating anything. i've been sipping Water and seem content with that.

when i was in the hospital, they were giving me broth, frozen fruit flavored stuff, tea, and juice. i would usually drink all the broth and eat the frozen stuff, but it took me about 2 hours each time. if i drank too much at once, it sort of felt like pressure in the area of my left lung. i was pretty much only eating a medicine cup of food (1 ounce) at a time, and that was enough to fill me.

okay, i think that's about it.

i'm glad to hear everyone is doing pretty well! i think my recovery from this surgery is going much better than my gallbladder surgery *knocks on wood* so i'm pleased. :)

oh, one other thing, while i was lying in bed after the surgery, i had a lot of thoughts about "why did i do this?" and felt bad about having had the surgery, and feeling like i had failed at losing weight by myself. but now i'm feeling much better. i just wanted to mention it, in case anyone else has the same feelings, you'll know you're not the only one...

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Last night was my first night home, I'm a belly and side sleeper...so, I thought I was going to sleep on my chaise lounge beside the bed seemed so hard to get out of ...but, I could do it...I'm not a back sleeper and I wanted my comfy bed. So, I got the heating pad and a pillow and propped myself on those and was able to sleep on my side for about 3 hours. Got up had 4 oz of Isopure and emailed and posted on facebook...then back to bed for 2 more hours of rest.

I weighed myself just a bit ago and I am down 2.6 lbs since Wednesday, surgery day. I'm happy with that...I'm not hungry physically, not even really thirty but, drinking. I'm on full liquids today so, I had 4 oz of a Protein shake and will do some cream Soup for lunch.

I'll check in later this evening :)

Hoping my fellow July 1st and 2nd bandster are going well.

Hip hip hooray...it's the 3rd...how's getting banded today? I need to find out...

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Hope you continue to feel better Juniper (and all my other July 1st buddies!)

To answer about the fluids, etc. I didn't even begin to worry about it the day of surgery. I know that I was given at least 4 bags of IV fluids...(and I believe it ....peed like a crazy women for the next 12 hours!!!).

Yesterday (1st post-op day) I felt like I sipped (Clear Liquids only) constantly and at the end of the day managed only about 44 grams of Protein and about 50 oz of liquid. But I was never nauseous or received any kind of internal "warnings" that I was overdoing it. A little scary - I was sure that I was going to have to be very very careful to not upset and that was not the case. I think what might have helped the most is that I am using the Playtex toddler size sippie cups. They hold about 9 oz of liquid, are insulated, and are plain so they look like anyone elses thermos mug. I remove the inner plug that makes it totally spill-proof (have to suck too much to get liquid) and without that it is just perfect for getting small sips. I feel like that really helped slow me down while I was so desperately thirsty. I also bought a package of toddler spoons for eating....I practiced a lot with those pre-op.

Today I'm onto full liquids and I'm shooting for the full 80 grams of Protein and 64 oz of liquid. It will be difficult because my instructions are also to start with 4oz per hour. Heck...I can suck down 4 oz in about 2 minutes, so I'm really going to have to watch it :).

Pain wise.....my last dose of anything was yesterday at noon. I still feel a good bit of pressure in my upper chest and especially the left shoulder . I've had a headache pretty much on my left side of my head since surgery, but it never gets any worse (my Migraines are alway on the left side), so I'm thinking it must just be pressure from the gas??? Does that make any sense?

My taste tip for the day: Luigis Italian Ices (sugar-free). I am partial to lemon, but they have strawberry as well.

Hang in there everyone....we're on our way now :)

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phew. finally made it back online.

oh, one other thing, while i was lying in bed after the surgery, i had a lot of thoughts about "why did i do this?" and felt bad about having had the surgery, and feeling like i had failed at losing weight by myself. but now i'm feeling much better. i just wanted to mention it, in case anyone else has the same feelings, you'll know you're not the only one...

I think its probably a feeling we all have--the "why couldnt i have lost the weight on my own"...but..it is what it is and we've at least chosen to do this, be healthier and in the long run, be happier.

I was thinking..maybe there should be a thread of weekly weigh ins to see everyone's progress? Just a "week one ___" ???

It would be nice to know that your not alone on weeks you dont move...and nice to cheer on weeks you do lose...

Just a thought. In the meantime - take care!!!

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Day three...yippeee, I'm down 2.6 lbs. I got all of my Fluid and Protein in which is difficult. I sleep in bed without much discomfort. I'm climbing the walls those...I have to get out today. I think I'll mall walk for a bit. I'll let you know how that does....the whole driving thing. I have a MINI Cooper S which is low to the ground...so, not sure how easy it's going to be getting in and out...but, I'm soon going to find out :smile2:

Hope everyone is staying hydrated and moving.

Happy 4th of July


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last night i went to the grocery store and walked around some, but i didn't drive myself. it was very nice to get out! and i bought some of those italian ice things, too! the strawberry is the one i've tried so far, and it was okay, but it wasn't as good as what they gave me in the hospital! hehe

my discharge papers said i could slowly transition from Clear Liquids to thicker liquids, so i tried some pudding today, and it went down fine. i am just eating/drinking everything super slow, one tiny baby spoon at a time.

i've had some incision site pain where my port is, but haven't had to take any pain or nausea meds all day. my port is right about where my jeans hit my waist before so i'll have to wear my pants lower, probably.

all in all, doing okay, and eating okay. way better than i expected.

funny thing... i actually had a moment earlier where i understood why people would take something like a cheeseburger and blend it. that always seemed so disgusting to me, but now i get it. :smile2:

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Day three...yippeee, I'm down 2.6 lbs. I got all of my Fluid and Protein in which is difficult. I sleep in bed without much discomfort. I'm climbing the walls those...I have to get out today. I think I'll mall walk for a bit. I'll let you know how that does....the whole driving thing. I have a MINI Cooper S which is low to the ground...so, not sure how easy it's going to be getting in and out...but, I'm soon going to find out :)

Hope everyone is staying hydrated and moving.

Happy 4th of July


Hey Regina,

Let me know how it goes with getting into your mini-cooper...I drive a VW Beetle and its also low to the ground. I was wondering the same thing...hope you are doing well today and congrats on the -2.6lb loss.

I have 2 more sleeps and then its my turn. I have been soooo good on my pre-op diet but today I fell off the wagon a bit. Was at a Canada Day/Strawberry festival and had some strawberries, a butter tart and about 4 nacho chips with guacamole....oh and 1/2 glass of wine. :smile2: Ahhhh...I hope my liver doesn't balloon in size. Tomorrow I'm going to be a good girl.

Bye for now,


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Day 3 done....No pain meds since yesterday afternoon...only the port incision is still tender, but I'm amazed at the improvement in movement in just 24 hours. I feel as if I've done NOTHING but sip sip sip for 3 days and still having a problem getting quite all of the protein/liquid that I should. No problems with getting/keeping anything down though.

No problems getting in and out of my Honda Accord today.

My biggest problem so far is figuring out how to get rid of all that gunky yellow stuff they paint you with. I feel like I'm scraping skin off !!!!!

Last night I slept well, but dreamed all night that I had either just inadvertently swallowed something solid or was just about to, or was worried that I might have and had to stop and review everything that had gone into my mouth. Very busy night.

I'm very optimistic about getting back to work next Tuesday.:smile2:

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Oh yes... I meant to report that I weighed myself the morning of surgery and every morning after. Day 1 I had gained 5 lbs (all fluid). Down 3 lbs on Day 2 and on Day 3 I am back to my surgery day weight. Looking forward to many more losing days :smile2:

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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