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I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

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It's definitely been my personal experience that abuse gets swept under the rug way too often. I know I was guilty of not coming clean, but I was scared and believed the lies that he told me. But, I was just a kid.

As an adult, I know better now. But, hearing everyone's stories, it sounds like it's usually "handled" by the family, which doesn't seem to do any good.

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I'm so sorry to read about all of the people who have been molested, it is a horrible way for a child to grow up. I wish I could reach out and give all of you a big hug :eek:

Now back to MJ, I will always remember his songs, I grew up with his music and it brings back many memories. I don't know about his personal life I was not there, I would venture to guess that he probably was guilty of some of the things he was charged with. For his music I will always have a soft spot in my heart when I hear one of his songs!!


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Did anyone watch the news video I posted about the guy that was the one MJ "paid off". He said that MJ didn't do it and that his father made him say it so they could get money and now they are trying to prosecute the guy and his dad!

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I was molested when I was 10 by an uncle. I never told anyone at the time. When I was 14, I told my boyfriend about it. I found out later that my uncle also molested my sister and many other family members. He is still alive, but barely. He is a worthless drunk. I don't feel sorry for him, and I will be relieved when he dies. I never told anyone mostly because I knew it would kill my Dad and I was afraid of what he might do. Funny thing is, my uncle now lives with my Dad. I would love for everyone to know what he did to me and many others, but my Dad is 72 with heart problems, so there's no way I would tell anyone right now.

I have 2 half sisters and 2 half brothers. Their step father molested them and countless others. He tried to molest me when I was 12. He asked if he could kiss me, and I said no. That was the end of it with me, but I never spent the night there again because I knew it would happen sooner or later if I didn't stay away. Not too long ago, one of the girls he molested (now grown) told on him for molesting her. My sisters told their mom that he had also molested them. Their mom left him for awhile, but she went back to him a few months later. My brothers and sisters act like it is no big deal. They have even left their children alone with him several hundred times. I'm sure he has molested them countless times as well. Now my oldest sister is adding on to her house so he can move in with her. When I heard about that, all I could say was WTF??? She even has small grandchildren. I really don't understand how you could leave children around a man who molested you and countless others. There was another girl that reported him to the police awhile back, but they never even did anything to him.

And patty, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but your son and nephew were probably molested by that man you think needs to be forgiven.

To clarify, my nephew was the one who tried something with my son, but didn't do anything to him, cause he ran from the car. He was the potential abuser, not the victim. My son is 20 years old now and that attempt happened when he was 14. he says his cousin never tried anything with him again, and I believe him, because we kept him out of our lives after that. So, no, he was never abused by anyone, thank God. Also, I don't 'think' he needs to be forgiven, I know that we need to forgive the wrongs of others, no matter how horrible they may be. Like I said before, to forgive is one thing, to allow him no consequence is quite another thing. This nephew lost the fellowship of our WHOLE family, because I didn't keep his attempt quiet. I warned everyone I could of his potential to abuse.

The kids are probably just too afraid to tell you the truth. When I was little, a gilr reported my uncle to the police and they came and ask me if he had ever done anything to me. I lied and told her no. Most kids are too ashamed to admit it. I also think you should have gone to the police. As someone else stated, the police can and will arrest someone just for attempting to molest.

you seem to know alot of children that are in harms way and at risk of being sexually abused. You should let those who have these small children aware of it.

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No you didn't warn everyone you could because you didn't report it to the police....So while "thank god" your son wasn't molested...the same may not be said for his current or next victim...

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sad thing is none of us really know who he is......There is a high price to pay for being so famous

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We don't know who who is...?

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you seem to know alot of children that are in harms way and at risk of being sexually abused. You should let those who have these small children aware of it.

Did you not read what I wrote? My half brothers and sisters who were molested themselves ARE the ones with the children that need to be protected. They KNOW their step father is a child molester, yet they still let their children around him. The police know he is a child molester and did nothing to him when he was reported before. So who exactly am I supposed to notify?

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No you didn't warn everyone you could because you didn't report it to the police....So while "thank god" your son wasn't molested...the same may not be said for his current or next victim...

You're patheitic. I notice that you just kinda ignored Carries post and all the many molesters she's aware of but isn't saying anything to anyone about. All those kids whom she knows for sure are being exposed to a real live child molester and she isn't calling the police. I have a son who almost could have been molested 6 years ago, mind you, and I'm doing the wrong thing?? I truly believe you feel the way you do simply because it's ME. You have a nerve to talk to me about my prolife stand and comparing my stand on abortion with reporting abuse. YOU were molested as a child and know full well what it is like to be unjustly abused, yet YOU have no problem with women abusing babies in the womb!!! And before you go off and call me names for what I just said... when you posted that about my abortion stand back a few posts ago, I just ignored it. But since you feel like bashing me, I'll dish it right back at ya!

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Did you not read what I wrote? My half brothers and sisters who were molested themselves ARE the ones with the children that need to be protected. They KNOW their step father is a child molester, yet they still let their children around him. The police know he is a child molester and did nothing to him when he was reported before. So who exactly am I supposed to notify?

You are supposed to notify the police and tell them that the same man who molested you when you were a child is in contact with your brother's and sister's children. Or, you can talk to your siblings and let them know that you don't think they should allow their chilren to be alone with this man since he molested all of you in the past, and that if they don't start restricting their children from him, that you will have to go to the police to protect their children, since they won't protect them.

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You are supposed to notify the police and tell them that the same man who molested you when you were a child is in contact with your brother's and sister's children. Or, you can talk to your siblings and let them know that you don't think they should allow their chilren to be alone with this man since he molested all of you in the past, and that if they don't start restricting their children from him, that you will have to go to the police to protect their children, since they won't protect them.

DID YOU NOT READ ANYTHING I WROTE?? The police have been notified!! And the same man didn't molest me! Do you pay attention to anything else besides what's in your own head? :eek:

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You're patheitic. I notice that you just kinda ignored Carries post and all the many molesters she's aware of but isn't saying anything to anyone about. All those kids whom she knows for sure are being exposed to a real live child molester and she isn't calling the police. I have a son who almost could have been molested 6 years ago, mind you, and I'm doing the wrong thing?? I truly believe you feel the way you do simply because it's ME. You have a nerve to talk to me about my prolife stand and comparing my stand on abortion with reporting abuse. YOU were molested as a child and know full well what it is like to be unjustly abused, yet YOU have no problem with women abusing babies in the womb!!! And before you go off and call me names for what I just said... when you posted that about my abortion stand back a few posts ago, I just ignored it. But since you feel like bashing me, I'll dish it right back at ya!

Can you please refrain from name calling! I didn't call you one name and I READ what Carrie wrote...he has been reported, but nothing is being done! I reported the men whom have abused me! I was just asking you why you want to protect a fetus you've never met but not your son who is born and alive! I am not bashing you...I was merely asking you questions and saying that you should have gone to the police not only for your son, but for other peoples kids! You of all people know what I am going through right now and you are going to call me pathetic!? You know what I have been going through...what kind of christian treats someone like that!? Especially when that person is having a really rough time! How dare you!!!!

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Just to make it obvious I have nothing against you Patty. I simply do not share your views! I did not call you a name on this thread. I simply shared my view with you. Family or not I would have called the police immediately. In the Bible it says if your right hand offends you cut it off, because it's better to live without the hand then with the sin...it's better to cut him out of your family and report him then to just say ooo we're controlling it within our family and it was just an "almost" thing...nothing happened. If nothing happened there wouldn't be a problem. Men are arrested everyday for even PLANNING to meet with an underaged girl/boy...nothing even has to happen!

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I was molested when I was 10 by an uncle. I never told anyone at the time. When I was 14, I told my boyfriend about it. I found out later that my uncle also molested my sister and many other family members. He is still alive, but barely. He is a worthless drunk. I don't feel sorry for him, and I will be relieved when he dies. I never told anyone mostly because I knew it would kill my Dad and I was afraid of what he might do. Funny thing is, my uncle now lives with my Dad. I would love for everyone to know what he did to me and many others, but my Dad is 72 with heart problems, so there's no way I would tell anyone right now.

In this paragraph, you tell of an uncle who molested you 21 years ago. Why didn't you report it even 10 years ago when you were in your 20s? Or why not 5 years ago? Was the excuse that your dad had heart problems still in effect back then? Come on. Here is an ACTUAL molestation , not at all like my son's 'attempted' one that is going unreported!

I have 2 half sisters and 2 half brothers. Their step father molested them and countless others. He tried to molest me when I was 12. He asked if he could kiss me, and I said no.

The above paragraph is another attempted molestation. Your siblings step father tried to kiss you. Not at all unlike my son's case. My nephew told my son he wanted to teach him to masterbate. No exposure. Just talk. Why aren't you reporting that now?

That was the end of it with me, but I never spent the night there again because I knew it would happen sooner or later if I didn't stay away. Not too long ago, one of the girls he molested (now grown) told on him for molesting her.

I see he was 'told on' in the above statement by you. Did you also speak up at that time to be a second witness to his molestation attempts at you?

My sisters told their mom that he had also molested them. Their mom left him for awhile, but she went back to him a few months later. My brothers and sisters act like it is no big deal. They have even left their children alone with him several hundred times.I'm sure he has molested them countless times as well.

You say here that they leave their children alone with him. YOU know he is a molester. Why haven't you been reporting that children are in his care?

Now my oldest sister is adding on to her house so he can move in with her. When I heard about that, all I could say was WTF??? She even has small grandchildren.

Here in this statement you talk of small grandchildren that will also be around this molester. At the very least, how about warning their father or mother of his attempted molestation on you when you were young. Or report him now.

I really don't understand how you could leave children around a man who molested you and countless others.

Read what you wrote about them here. Yeah carrie, how could you leave children around a man who 'tried' to molest you and whom you KNOW molested others?

There was another girl that reported him to the police awhile back, but they never even did anything to him.

Read what you wrote here. "the police never did anything to him." A child molester who has CLEARLY molested children and nothing is being done by hte police. So, in my sons case, where there was NOTHING done to him by my nephew, they would stop him from being out in the world potentially molesting others?

When I was little, a girl reported my uncle to the police and they came and ask me if he had ever done anything to me. I lied and told her no.

You can go to them now, and tell them the truth. Why wait?

Most kids are too ashamed to admit it. I also think you should have gone to the police.

And I think you should.

As someone else stated, the police can and will arrest someone just for attempting to molest. Didn't he attempt to kiss you?


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Can you please refrain from name calling!

I called you pathetic. It's not a name. It's a condition. Idiot is a name.

I didn't call you one name

And I never said you did.

and I READ what Carrie wrote...he has been reported, but nothing is being done! I reported the men whom have abused me! I was just asking you why you want to protect a fetus you've never met but not your son who is born and alive!

I DID protect my son. You don't know what you're talking about.

I am not bashing you...I was merely asking you questions and saying that you should have gone to the police not only for your son, but for other peoples kids!

I know how it works. Did he touch him? No. Did he hurt him? No. Nothing was done. Nothing can be proven. It was all words. There was no contact, no abuse, no exposure, nothing but words. He 'attempted', but my son left. Do you know how many people are in the world who are potential abusers? But unless they do something, they can't be jailed.

You of all people know what I am going through right now and you are going to call me pathetic!? You know what I have been going through...what kind of christian treats someone like that!? Especially when that person is having a really rough time! How dare you!!!!

I dare, because of the way you treated me. Why do you feel that because you are going through a rough time that everyone needs to be gentle with you, yet you are rough with others? I will admit that I should have ignored your comments about me. I should have let them roll off my shoulder like I usually do. That would have been the 'christian' thing to do. You're right. I apologize if I offended you.


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