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I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

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i knew you would go there. to auctually think you know more based soley on age is ludicrous.

and im not saying hes innocent of dangling a baby over the edge of the building.even if it was during my "goo goo gah gah" days as you say.

and guess what, the news isnt always reliable either. but who am i to know, i am only a "child"!

p.s. dont be pissed at me because your the same age as my mother!

She wasn't saying she knows more because of her age. She is saying that at the time that those things were in the news you were too young to understand/read them. The balcony incident wasn't during your "goo goo gah gah" days either. She didn't say you were a child now...she was refering to your age at the time...also I don't think we need to take shots at others age. My parents are in their fiftys and they do know more than me in some things...and some things (like computer stuff) I know more. Age has nothing to do with this argument (unless discussing that you weren't old enough at the time he was turning to "Wacko Jacko"). Let's not take stabs at peoples age...I mean come on..someday you're going to be old too :rolleyes2:

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i knew you would go there. to auctually think you know more based soley on age is ludicrous.

No, I know more about this because I was there and saw the news reports, including what HE said.

and im not saying hes innocent of dangling a baby over the edge of the building.even if it was during my "goo goo gah gah" days as you say.

That's not what I said, but okay...

and guess what, the news isnt always reliable either. but who am i to know, i am only a "child"!

You're not a child, but I'm only basing that on your age, not your maturity level. However, again, I saw what HE even said on the news, what the kids said, how they described very intimate parts of his anatomy, the rooms that were found in his home that were questionable and had alarms and cameras to let him know if anybody was coming, and the fact that even HE said he slept with boys who were not his children.

p.s. dont be pissed at me because your the same age as my mother!

I won't if you won't be pissed at me for finding you to be as ignorant and immature as my daughter, who is your age. And it's "you're," honey, not "your." :rolleyes2:

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:thumbup:i do try!

and if you would read some of her post to rodriguez, you would know where im comming from.

You're COMING (proper spelling) from left field. But if you can't carry on mature dialogue, maybe you should not be on message boards for mature individuals such as myself. :rolleyes2:

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She wasn't saying she knows more because of her age. She is saying that at the time that those things were in the news you were too young to understand/read them. The balcony incident wasn't during your "goo goo gah gah" days either. She didn't say you were a child now...she was refering to your age at the time...also I don't think we need to take shots at others age. My parents are in their fiftys and they do know more than me in some things...and some things (like computer stuff) I know more. Age has nothing to do with this argument (unless discussing that you weren't old enough at the time he was turning to "Wacko Jacko"). Let's not take stabs at peoples age...I mean come on..someday you're going to be old too :rolleyes2:

Thanks, Rodriguez. And yes, that was exactly my point -- I was a grown adult when all this stuff came out and I saw it firsthand. And even if y'all were old enough to see the stories and understand what was being talked about, y'all were still looking at it through the eyes of children rather than the eyes of adults who don't see innocence in anything anymore. That's why kids are raised by adults, because kids don't see what we do, they don't comprehend it, they don't come to the same conclusions because kids' minds are innocent and still developing.

It's hard for us too, who grew up watching him go from being a little boy to this weird creature. Many people want to hold onto the young Michael and can't get their minds around what he turned into. It's understandable that they can't go there, but at the very least, Michael showed a MAJOR lack of judgment. At worst, he molested those kids.

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Don't go into the light! It's trying to suck you in!

Girlfriend, you have a right to post your opinion without being subjected to personal attacks. Sometimes you just have to ignore it. They'll find another target or stick up for each other's posts.

It still amazes me that as a group of people that have been ridiculed or discriminated against because of our weight, there are some among us that have the audacity to be hateful towards others.

The mere fact that some on this rant think that another person's death is good makes me want to pb and start sliming.

I guess the band restricts the stomach and not the asshole.:tongue2:

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Don't go into the light! It's trying to suck you in!

Girlfriend, you have a right to post your opinion without being subjected to personal attacks. Sometimes you just have to ignore it. They'll find another target or stick up for each other's posts.

Chantel's very first post here was this, and WAS a personal attack, drawing first blood:

"i think youre an idiot and a royal ass. and to post untrue remarks about a person when they're dead shows the type of person you are. im 23, never bought his music and probally never would, but i'll be damned if i would ever talk ill of the dead.

by the way, we all make mistakes with our kids. to condemmend someone beacuse of their mistakes, shows just how little of a person you are.

you got your attention, i hope youre happy!

p.s this is intended to the original poster... "

That's not acceptable "opinion" around here.

I guess the band restricts the stomach and not the asshole.:cursing:

You're right. Too many "assholes" coming on with personal attacks against other posters because they don't like what's being said, even though the title says what it's going to be about. :tongue2: If only those "assholes" could choose to pick better threads to post on, there wouldn't be the problems.

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Hm. I wouldn't say a thing, but I keep receiving emails everytime someone posts a new comment on this thread.... ha ha :tongue2:

Honestly, you can pick apart a person's comment 1,000 times.. they're not going to see things your way. [And this isn't to anyone specific].

Agree to disagree? Or can we think of another 100 ways to explain

"Of course he molested kids! He's a nut job!"

...."No no, screw you, he's a good person."

blah blah blah

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Also I'm pretty sure it was Chantel that took a stab at the age of someone...Can't we just keep this discussion civil lol!!! :tongue2:

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It is going to HAVE to be kept civil, and simply argue the points, and quit calling names and attacking one another individually, or the thread will simply be closed.....

While that will not stop the strong opinions, it will stop them from happening here.

There are other threads dealing with MJ, everyone can either stay here and debate his issues, and quit the attacks, or I can guarantee someone with more clout than I will shut it down.

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Originally Posted by BethFromVA

I'm glad I waited a second and saw your post below hers because I was gonna let fly with some very colorful language that would not be anywhere as delicate and proper as yours is... words pertaining to the stupidity and absurdity of youth today, for a start.

"choose that are choosing to be foolish and ignorant"

i say one thing about poor beths age and im the foolish one? according to her im stupid, absurd, foolish, and ignorant!

and i never said "old" you all said that! i simply made a referance to her age, just as she did to me.

also, last time i checked this wasnt a spelling contest. so i'll spell comming how ever i want. if you have a problem with my spelling take your own advice and press "next"

you told rodriguez that she always wants to be the center of attention, but i think thats what you truly want. my original post was to the one who started this thread.not beth. its obvious from her other posts that she wants drama and im sure in her real life shes full of it. i on the other hand am not. i said what i needed too and im done. i have better things to do than argue with a grown woman who should know better.

p.s. thanks april.

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She was refering to me in those posts...not you. I'm pretty sure you weren't complimenting her age when you said oh and by the way your the age of my mom. She was just pointing out that at the time the things with MJ were going on (in the 90s) you and I were still young and innocent...I don't think she was attacking you for your age, but you were clearly taking a shot at hers!

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Originally Posted by BethFromVA

I'm glad I waited a second and saw your post below hers because I was gonna let fly with some very colorful language that would not be anywhere as delicate and proper as yours is... words pertaining to the stupidity and absurdity of youth today, for a start.

"choose that are choosing to be foolish and ignorant"

i say one thing about poor beths age and im the foolish one? according to her im stupid, absurd, foolish, and ignorant!

and i never said "old" you all said that! i simply made a referance to her age, just as she did to me.

also, last time i checked this wasnt a spelling contest. so i'll spell comming how ever i want. if you have a problem with my spelling take your own advice and press "next"

you told rodriguez that she always wants to be the center of attention, but i think thats what you truly want. my original post was to the one who started this thread.not beth. its obvious from her other posts that she wants drama and im sure in her real life shes full of it. i on the other hand am not. i said what i needed too and im done. i have better things to do than argue with a grown woman who should know better.

p.s. thanks april.

Chantel, grow up and move on. And quit proving my point.

I don't care who you came on here to attack, you started immediately by being very personal towards a poster here, and there was absolutely no reason for that.

Edited by BethFromVA

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i think youre an idiot and a royal ass.

Please do not personally attack people. It's against the rules.

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It seemed to me like he had body dismorphic disorder...he was a handsome man :thumbup:

He was a cutie! I remember his thriller album cover...CAYOOT!

My DD saw the pictures from when he ws her age and she said, "He was cute!!!"

But, outside isn't always reflected in - and vice versa.

I just had a quick question...Why is it okay for a rap star to grab his junk and tell people to suck it and whatnot, but Michael dances with his hand NEAR his crotch and people flip out?

My opinion, which is SO popular, is that neither is okay. I really don't like to see it anywhere.

Okay, anywhere in public.

Okay, anywhere in public that I didn't pay for.

I don't think your prayer's were answered...


Michael Jackson can go to hell. Oh wait... :thumbup:


Because people had an image of him at the time of a little boy (from the Jackson 5). That's my opinion anyway.

Good point. Maybe that's why I'm so disgusted by it. I loved him for a short time when I was a little girl, and then when I grew up and could see the freak-a-zoid he'd become, my heart broke a little.

Then, he molested children and I am anti-molestation, personally, so that ended ANY sympathy I may have had.

I think both are reprehenisble and disgusting. Then again, I can't stand rappers. Feel most of 'em are the scum of the earth and have NO talent.

Agree with the first part! As a fan of all music, I like it all. There are some lyrics that go to far, and I wish would no longer be a part of mainstream society, but I don't see that happening.

i think youre an idiot and a royal ass. .


and to post untrue remarks about a person when they're dead shows the type of person you are.

Sooo...calling someone names when they're alive is better?

Personally, I think covering up someone's sins because they're dead is worse than calling that person a bastard when they're alive AND dead. I'm not inconsistent or hypocritical. I believed what I said about MJ last month, last year, the last decade. I'll believe it tomorrow,and next week as well.

Again, I began this thread in order to voice my opinion - that he was a molester, a freak, he endangered children's lives, and all he ever was WAS AN ENTERTAINER.

He sang. He danced.

Big whoop.

im 23, never bought his music and probally never would, but i'll be damned if i would ever talk ill of the dead.

Why? Why does being dead change the acts they did while alive? (i.e. - Hitler...?)

by the way, we all make mistakes with our kids. to condemmend someone beacuse of their mistakes, shows just how little of a person you are.

you got your attention, i hope youre happy!

p.s this is intended to the original poster...

I'm not an attention whore. I don't normally post things like this. I appreciate your judging me, though, because it shows how hypocritical the MJ lovers are. Of course, that's just redundant...

My daughter was never dangled over a balcony, never slept in a strange man's bed, never has been blinded by famous people. He was just another man, that's what she was taught.

People die every second of every day. This man wasn't any more special than the other famous-four that died this week.

You know nothing about me except for the following:

- I talked smack about a dead guy

- I don't like child molesters

- I believe kids should be put first,

- I do not think celebrity status has any bearing on decency

- I was/am fat

- I have a daughter

- my age (if it's in my sig...is it?)

- ??? am I missing anything?

Point is, based on the list above, you think I'm a small person, an idiot and an ass? Even if the list above represented the entirety of who I am as a person, I would still say someone with those beliefs would be a good person.

and how do you know its true?

have any of you personaly asked him? no!

you get all your facts from tabloids and then make remakrs you know nothing about. innocent til proven guilty, remember?

The list of grievances that I have against MJ came from his own mouth, not tabloids. I don't read those - that was an assumption on your part.

IMO, he proved himself guilty when he paid 22 million to keep the family quiet.

There is video of him dangling his child over the balcony and it was played over and over again. MJ's own statements in interviews is where a lot of our opinions come from. No sane/normal person sleeps in bed with children that are not theirs and those same children can describe their genitalia in accurate detail. It is not "innocent." It is perverted and wrong. He may have been a great artist (personal opinions), he may have been a great philanthropist (fact), but it doesn't take away from the perception/fact (who knows) that he hurt children. I liked his music 20 years ago, but once he became "Whacko Jacko" I couldn't in good conscience like his music, let alone buy it. To do so would be to support what he was doing and condone it.

Perfect...worth repeating.

Well, THAT was a snarky, stupid remark.

Certainly did help to advance the dialogue here....:cursing:


:thumbup: Again, worth repeating.

She wasn't saying she knows more because of her age. She is saying that at the time that those things were in the news you were too young to understand/read them. The balcony incident wasn't during your "goo goo gah gah" days either. She didn't say you were a child now...she was refering to your age at the time...also I don't think we need to take shots at others age. My parents are in their fiftys and they do know more than me in some things...and some things (like computer stuff) I know more. Age has nothing to do with this argument (unless discussing that you weren't old enough at the time he was turning to "Wacko Jacko"). Let's not take stabs at peoples age...I mean come on..someday you're going to be old too :thumbup:

LOL at the old part.

Thanks, Rodriguez. And yes, that was exactly my point -- I was a grown adult when all this stuff came out and I saw it firsthand. And even if y'all were old enough to see the stories and understand what was being talked about, y'all were still looking at it through the eyes of children rather than the eyes of adults who don't see innocence in anything anymore. That's why kids are raised by adults, because kids don't see what we do, they don't comprehend it, they don't come to the same conclusions because kids' minds are innocent and still developing.

It's hard for us too, who grew up watching him go from being a little boy to this weird creature. Many people want to hold onto the young Michael and can't get their minds around what he turned into. It's understandable that they can't go there, but at the very least, Michael showed a MAJOR lack of judgment. At worst, he molested those kids.

Yes...again, I really do think that's why many of us are upset.

Also, we saw the potential for greatness and he disappointed. It was a sad transition, but certainly not worth the glowing adoration the media is STILL on and on about.

And, now I heard that there are people who comitted suicide? Really?


Don't go into the light! It's trying to suck you in!

Girlfriend, you have a right to post your opinion without being subjected to personal attacks. Sometimes you just have to ignore it. They'll find another target or stick up for each other's posts.

It still amazes me that as a group of people that have been ridiculed or discriminated against because of our weight, there are some among us that have the audacity to be hateful towards others.

The mere fact that some on this rant think that another person's death is good makes me want to pb and start sliming.

True that opinions are important and absolutely EVERYONE has the right to express it. (Or maybe just the ones that agree with YOU?)

I have been hateful towards MJ. A performer whom I didn't like when he was alive, and I don't like better because he died. I don't glorify death, or anyone because of it.

What I'm not getting, or understanding, is the personal attacks ya'll are making on ME?

You don't like what I said, and you call me names, and bash my words.

I don't like that MJ dangled his baby, but IT'S OKAY FOR HIM, because everyone makes those kinds of mistakes.

I don't like that he slept with small boys. BUT IT'S OKAY FOR HIM, because we don't really know that true - even though he admitted to it.

Why are you making excuses for an entertainer that you didn't know, and bashing a fellow bandster that you have more potential to know?

I guess the band restricts the stomach and not the asshole.:thumbup:

:thumbup: That's funny.

Hm. I wouldn't say a thing, but I keep receiving emails everytime someone posts a new comment on this thread.... ha ha :tongue2:

Honestly, you can pick apart a person's comment 1,000 times.. they're not going to see things your way. [And this isn't to anyone specific].

Agree to disagree? Or can we think of another 100 ways to explain

"Of course he molested kids! He's a nut job!"

...."No no, screw you, he's a good person."

blah blah blah

I haven't gotten the emails! It's usually hit or miss with my service.

And, I agree...I can agree to disagree, but as long as the love-fest continues, I still need an outlet to vent to.

Chantel, grow up and move on. And quit proving my point.

I don't care who you came on here to attack, you started immediately by being very personal towards a poster here, and there was absolutely no reason for that.

:smile2: Worth repeating...thank you.

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How'd I miss this thread that last couple of days? Thanks to OP for starting.

I would have NEVER left my two sons alone with freaky guy for any amount of time whether they were 2 yrs old or 17.

If, in fact, he did molest children (pretty clear he did just by his statements alone to the media) I am hoping he rots in hell (this is a case where you HOPE there is a hell).

I just don't get this "glorifying the dead" syndrome. My first reaction when I heard the news of his death was "Hmmm...happy to say he'll go to hell". The continuous media coverage of this mentally ill person is just sick. What the hell kind of message does that send?

Nope....just can't pull up any respect for this dead, freaky, child abusing person. Yep, MJ WAS an entertainer IMO until he ruined it for himself.

And to think he could restart his career? It would be like reviving the nose on his face!

Edited by Apples2

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