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Can't control the hunger

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Hi everyone

I find forums like this so hepful, but to be honest I usually try to stay away from posting on them as I know that posts like the one I am about to write can lead to a torrent of critisism. I am going to be very honest in this post as I want help not judgement.

For several years I have had a serious addiction to food. I eat to the point that I can barely move and feel reall sick. As soon as this feeing SLIGHTLY subsides and I feel as if I can sqeeze in another morsel of food to top myself up again, thats exactly what i do. If I make myself 6 rounds of toast, as soon as I start to eat the second sice, I begain to panic that this will not be enough to satisfy me and therefore put more bread in the toaster. I am terrified of being even slightly hungry, I plan my life arounf eating and i even wake up in the middle of the night to eat. I have a huge appetite and I eat like a pig by stuffing food into my mouth like a savage. I hate the feeling of being too full up but at the same time I seem to crave it.

I have tried lots of various diets both sensible and crazy.

Anyway, to cut to the real reason for posting, I had a lap band fitted 2 weeks ago today. I was doing ok until yesterday when I was so starvingthat I had a cheeseburger and fries. I know how bad this is and nobody forced me to do it but I didn't care, I just lost control and ate it.:bored:

Please no judgements, I just want to know am I alone in not being able to stick to the post op diet ?

Thanks for reading this

Mrs Axl Rose

Edited by mrsaxlrose

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I wont rip you and I know many others have done something they shouldn't have right after surgery.

Since you recognize a real problem with food and the band isn't going to make that relationship any better, maybe you could consider seeing a counselor. Ask your surgeons office for some names, I'm certain you aren't the first.

Be honest with your surgeon and they will be able to help you.

PS---please tell Axl to get rid of the cornrows--thx!


Mrs. Dave Grohl!

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Honestly no you're not alone. I've seen other people post the same type of thing. However, that said, the post op diet isn't for losing weight it's for healing. Having your stomach move to digest solid foods can lead to problems with the band now or 6 months from now or a year from now. You should definitely call your surgeon and tell them what you ate and see if they want to run tests or anything. Also, have you considered talking to a therapist about the food addiction? You may very well find out why you have that addiction and ways to stop yourself from stuffing yourself. I really hope everything works out for you! Good luck!

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Hi Mrs Axl Rose, nice to meet you I'm Annie. I myself know how you feel... I was banded on the 11th of May 09 and food be it was my choice of drug so too speak. I have never smoked, drunk alcohol or done anything else. But food has been my addiction. Every waking moment food ruled what I was doing, when and how it was done. I would get to a point where I felt full and just like you said as soon as the full feeling did subside hey let's have something else.. It's just crazy it takes over. Wow and I even had horrible mood swings if i didn't get it when I wanted it...

The thing is we made that important descion to take control of our lives instead of allowing food to continue to control our lives. Which has to be commended. It is not going to be fixed overnight and I do believe we will all have our moment of guilt when our cravings take over...But with saying this we need to pick ourselves up and get back on track. The band is a tool and it is not going to change a life time of bad habits...It will help but we have to work on our mindset and retrain ourselves with the help that the doctors offer us and the advice that they give us to follow. I'm pretty sure know one told me it was going to be easy and I know I've had my slips since being banded, so please know you are not alone in this fight to stay on the straight and narrow. Just pick yourself up and tomorrow is another day to the rest of your life...Don't be afraid to ask for help, and posting on here is great it really does help to be able to vent ask questions or to just read and feel that we are not alone....

Good luck Annie

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Those of us who are banded have admitted that food has been a problem or an addiction. For me, food was my drug of choice. I had someone tell me once that an alcoholic craves liquid sugar and a food addict craves solid sugar. Makes sense to me. You have taken a hugh step, and should be extremely proud of yourself. I am finding that changing my mindset to food is harder than sticking to the band rules. It's something I constantly have to work on. This forum offers so much hope, real life feelings, experiences, that it will guide you through. My doctor's office offers counseling for anyone that needs that extra help in controlling those feelings of no control. It would be wise to seek out help. You will be successful. You have taken the first hugh step to a healthy life. Now, for the next steps... I'll be praying for you. God Bless You!!:bored:

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Hi everyone

I find forums like this so hepful, but to be honest I usually try to stay away from posting on them as I know that posts like the one I am about to write can lead to a torrent of critisism. I am going to be very honest in this post as I want help not judgement.

For several years I have had a serious addiction to food. I eat to the point that I can barely move and feel reall sick. As soon as this feeing SLIGHTLY subsides and I feel as if I can sqeeze in another morsel of food to top myself up again, thats exactly what i do. If I make myself 6 rounds of toast, as soon as I start to eat the second sice, I begain to panic that this will not be enough to satisfy me and therefore put more bread in the toaster. I am terrified of being even slightly hungry, I plan my life arounf eating and i even wake up in the middle of the night to eat. I have a huge appetite and I eat like a pig by stuffing food into my mouth like a savage. I hate the feeling of being too full up but at the same time I seem to crave it.

I have tried lots of various diets both sensible and crazy.

Anyway, to cut to the real reason for posting, I had a lap band fitted 2 weeks ago today. I was doing ok until yesterday when I was so starvingthat I had a cheeseburger and fries. I know how bad this is and nobody forced me to do it but I didn't care, I just lost control and ate it.:bored:

Please no judgements, I just want to know am I alone in not being able to stick to the post op diet ?

Thanks for reading this

Mrs Axl Rose

Like any other addiction this is not about being hungry, just like alcoholism isn't about being thirsty. Just as the other people have posted, I think your will need professional couseling. They can help you address your need to constantly eat because of your fear of hunger. I read the advice of Geneen Roth in Good Housekeeping every month and find her advice very telling and appropriate. You can find her on www.geneenroth.com. She addresses emotional eating and has written books on the subject. Maybe they could help.

Did you discuss this with your surgeon, nutritionist or counselor before your surgery? If so, what did they say? You need to call them and get their advice. Tell them what you ate and ask what you should be eating at this point in your post-surgery recovery.

You are in bandster hell right now, too, since you haven't been restricted to your sweet spot. That being said, some never find their sweet spot, and even when they do the satiety they find is different that pre-band. The feeling of "fullness" is different. You need to be prepared for that.

I hope you get the help your need. And ignore any mean posts you get. There are those who think it is their job to be judgmental and "tell it like it is". Good luck.

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Wow I am really interested in your story I would like to know what your Doctor tells you (if I'm not being to nosy). This time post op has been really hard for me too. I keep freaking out is it time to be on pureed or mushies and keep e-mailing the RN where I had my surgery done. So keep in touch.

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I'm not going to rip into you either, your post really worries me in fact.

I really think its VITAL that you shore yourself up some support now. You probably will find that you get appetite control with your band as you get filled, but I seriously suspsect its not going to be enough. I think you've probably established a relationship with food that's not based solely on physical appetite and the anxiety that you describe about the possibility of being hungry - personally I think you're going to have a really tough time looking at the few morsels on your plate and accepting that that's going to be all you are going to fit in.

You can tell when someone just really doesnt want to bother getting with the program (and those people do cop a lot of criticism, not entirely fairly) but you sound a bit more worried about it than that.

For now, you're recovering, you wont have a lot of restriction, this isnt how its always going to be. So you ate a cheeseburger and fries, put it behind you and move on as best you can.

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I was banded on 8th June, and I've been a good girl and stuck to my mushies diet religiously....

However... I wasn't prepared for the "head hunger" I would have to deal with.... you know what I mean - tummy says full, head says not...

So - I've purposely not had cash in my purse, and I've filled the fridge with fat free yoghurts, bananas etc and whenever I've had an urge I can't resist - I've reached for something fat free, or fruit.< /p>

I would, however, suggets you try get some counselling... I know I am....

Remember that the band is only a tool to help you with your weightloss - it won't do it for you!

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Hi everyone

I find forums like this so hepful, but to be honest I usually try to stay away from posting on them as I know that posts like the one I am about to write can lead to a torrent of critisism. I am going to be very honest in this post as I want help not judgement.

For several years I have had a serious addiction to food. I eat to the point that I can barely move and feel reall sick. As soon as this feeing SLIGHTLY subsides and I feel as if I can sqeeze in another morsel of food to top myself up again, thats exactly what i do. If I make myself 6 rounds of toast, as soon as I start to eat the second sice, I begain to panic that this will not be enough to satisfy me and therefore put more bread in the toaster. I am terrified of being even slightly hungry, I plan my life arounf eating and i even wake up in the middle of the night to eat. I have a huge appetite and I eat like a pig by stuffing food into my mouth like a savage. I hate the feeling of being too full up but at the same time I seem to crave it.

I have tried lots of various diets both sensible and crazy.

Anyway, to cut to the real reason for posting, I had a lap band fitted 2 weeks ago today. I was doing ok until yesterday when I was so starvingthat I had a cheeseburger and fries. I know how bad this is and nobody forced me to do it but I didn't care, I just lost control and ate it.:thumbup:

Please no judgements, I just want to know am I alone in not being able to stick to the post op diet ?

Thanks for reading this

Mrs Axl Rose


All of us here have or do have a problem with food or stuffing ourselves to some point. I will be getting the band on July 7th. I feel that having surgery is my only chance at becoming a normal weight.

I, for one, am thankful for your honesty, because I have many, many times ran through this very situation in my mind. I have always stuffed myself as well at one point or another, not for fear of being hungry later or anything, but just for the mere love of the taste of whatever I was eating. IN 2001, I lost a significant amount of weight by cutting out all carbs and doing high Protein that my trainer had me on. I lost weight fast, loved the way I was looking and then became pregnant. As soon as I started eating the carbs again, I felt like a drug addict. I could'nt stop eating mainly sweets. So, I am finding more and more in order for me to avoid this type of behavior, I am a person who HAS to stay away from those foods. For me, one little taste has proven to be a HUGE downfall.

You have a long, long time to work through certain issues you may or may not have. Don't beat yourself up about it, get up and ride again. :confused:)

Take care and good luck with your band.

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If you think you have an eating disorder and can get help for it and be able to work with the band that would be the perfect scenerio. I didn't consider myself to have an eating disorder but after a month or two on the band I began eating through the band, the sliders trying to "fill up" as I had a diffiult time getting in food and certain foods would go right through. After 14 months of dealing with this and then GERD the band was removed and I've moved onto a procedure that I should have done from the start, the RNY. I have "real" restriction and a loss of appetite something I never had with the band. I hope you can work the band and get some help if you think that's what you need but sometimes mistakes happen and we do pick the wrong one. Good luck to you, and no one here should bash you!! Nancy.

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I totally understand, unlike others I had to do liquid for a week then mushy for another then to soft. I haven't followed the soft, but I make it soft in my mouth I chew and chew. I have started really walking and more exercise I can do for now. I get low blood sugar, so I am sticking to higher in Protein. My surgeon said don't worry about calories but I do, but the amount I can eat. The first week I barely ate, wasn't hungry. Lost those nice 6lbs too. Now, hungry. Yet, unlike others I am full after much less then I used to be able to eat. Tonight, black Beans 1/2 cup. One small soft taco, I had little cheese salsa even lettuce but chew chew chew. I did found if you try to eat more it hurts! I just want to see the scale move like everyone else. I also don't want food to control me. I have to be careful because I get the low blood sugar that doesn't feel well. I got that the first week because I wasn't eating enough, but wasn't hungry so forced my self with those Protein Shakes. I do think counseling and journaling is helpful. I think getting the band has made me look long and hard at my self, health, body and where I am and where I want to be. It is not going to come off so quick, like all of us wish it could. I know I got work at this, make the band work for me. Make me work out as much as I can with my crazy life. The weight will come off in time. I just know it. I also make sure you eat often enough you don't get so darn hungry you try to over eat, I did that so so much before the band.

So be positive and do some deep looking at your love for food. I have ever since I started this process. It is a work in progress, I am in a work in progress. Today, I feel I failed I looked at my calories and because of bad choice not so much amount I feel Ididn't do well. I did walk for more then one hour, then went roller skating for one hour. I am a little sore and tired, but I want to be active and move and not be so hard. I put my self through this surgery I had to take alot time off from work, I want it so bad to lose the weight and the love of food. I don't want food to control me, but be able to eat those things I want but so so much less and feel fine about eating so much less. So, as I spill out my heart I hope it helps anyone else on here going through this same process.

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Welcome -

thank you so much for coming and being open and honest - all of you! I agree with all the other posters --- all of us have had a warped relationship with food to be where we needed the band (or other WLS). I highly encourage you to seek professional counseling. I am going thru a few books on emotional eating ---- but live, one-on-one, counseling/therapy would be so much better! I'm not as desperate as you describe, but only because I have stood up and taken a step for my health earlier than you did.

You CAN do this, but do please be honest and open with your surgeon and seek professional help.

Please keep us updated too

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Hello Mrs. Axl Rose,

Were you on a diet pre op?? I was put on liquids 2 wks before surgery at which time I had to really deal with my food addiction. I was shaking, sweating, and feeling crazy the first 3 days and was ready to give up. I felt I needed to eat to enjoy life so why not enjoy life with food rather than do this diet. My family was very supportive and today I am greatful for that. Through this experience, I am taking control of my life and food choices. I am on mushies (and not being filled with the small amount of food I am given now) but will stop eating when I know it has been enough food. I am taking control and not letting food take control of me. You need to decide who is going to win- you or your desire to eat!!! Maybe go to just liquids for 2 wks and then start slowly to see if the addiction can be overcome. Best of luck to you


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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