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"You weren't that big?!?!"

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See, in comparison to Jachut, my loose skin situation was a nightmare. I have had 4 kids and with each kid, my skin would get terrible stretch marks, my skin would blow out, and after having the baby, it would never bounce back.

By the time I'd had number 4, it had been so stretched all out of shape that I know I had no hope of returning to what it looked like before. And it wasn't about time either. My 3rd and 4th kids have 12 years between them, so my skin had loads of time to bounce back but never did. It was pretty much stuffed long before I ever lost an ounce.

By the time I had PS, I had hit goal and had a 'skirt' of skin that hung around my entire body, overhanging my pubis, my hips, my backside. It was not simply 'unattractive', it looked abnormal. I looked like I had been melted from the waist down.

I started with a low BMI too (37) but I could have been thin all my life and my skin still would have looked terrible as a result of having babies. Maybe not AS terrible as having babies AND losing weight, but even after my first kid, when I was still a size 12, I didn't have a stomache like Jachut's.

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If they're jerks about it, be a jerk right back. Come up with a slew of ridiculous things about how it saves the rainforest or slows global warming or fights terrorism...

I'm losing weight in memory of Farrah Fawcett . . . that would shut'em up

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I'm conserving by eating less food which in turn frees up the strain on our farmers, saves waste from packaging, saves gas for food transport, ect. I'm totally joking, but the best is when people don't understand that I'm joking. That one really throws them for a loop. It's true though, so they can't really come up with a good response.

haha i've said something similar to this as well and their facial expressions are priceless

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I am gettin banded on July 2nd, yippers!! I am currently 220 lbs and 5'6", BMI at 35. I also carry my weight well (if you can carry that much weight well :lol:) Anyway . . . I know I will have many comments like "YOU COULD HAVE EXERCISED AND GOT THAT OFF!" or "OH, YOU HAD SURGERY??" or "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT" etc, etc, etc.

I need some good comebacks to all of these comments, yall have any????? THANKS! :)

That is exactly why I only told a few select people. Even some of my closest friends and family because of lack of knowledge would say things like that. I was 205 and 5'3 when I started seeing the lapband Dr. However, my health called for me to lose weight. I was having several health issues that I haven't shared with everybody. Also, just cause you wouldn't do it doesn't mean I shouldn't. The things too is the lap band will not do it all. If you don't do what you need to you will not lose weight.

Now that I'm down 30lbs, people are asking me all the time what I did. It's really starting to get on my nerves; however, I start with the hard stuff first. If you can't push away from the table there is no point in me sharing the surgery part.

I do sometimes feel like I'm lieing though.

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Yeah I definate know what you mean burniegal. I have lost 16 lbs and no one has really ask me yet but when they start asking, I think I will feel bad by not telling them what I did. I am wavering back and forth about telling people. Right now my sisters, sister-in-law, and mom know. I feel safe keeping it with that but when I start losing and some of my heavy friends come to me and say, "How are losing?", I'm afraid I will feel terrible not telling. On the other hand tho, I don't want ignorant people making judgments and talking about me behind my back.

I guess I'll deal with it somehow, whatever I choose to do.

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Well...only my mom, best girlfriend and my significant other know I had surgery. For everyone else I tell "the truth"...they ask what I'm doing and I say "eating right"....or if I'm inclined for more detail I tell them that I started by cutting out the soda and drinking more Water and that I'm sticking to a low cal, low carb, higher Protein, moderate fat meal plan- eaten SLOWLY in very modest portions. What part of THAT isn't true???

I laid groundwork with the only coworker who would be likely to notice a change in eating habits as well as any weight loss. About 2 weeks before surgery I had already lost >20 lbs and I made sure she noticed and we talked about it. As she wants to lose a few lbs herself we have "bonded" on the healthy eating wavelength. It is great motivation for me to stick to the plan. If anyone asks her about me she will tell them what she knows...that I'm working very hard at eating correctly. I also let everyone who asks know that I have been working at this for several months and the weight came off slowly, but it seems I've finally hit the magical amount where it is obvious.

As far as I'm concerned I'm losing weight by doing the same things everyone else who wants to lose weight should be doing. I've lost 40 lbs so far without any kind of fill, but I know that sooner rather than later I'm going to need the help the tool provides to stick with what is working so far. Not telling others about that is just a "little white lie of admission", but really none of their business. It's just a little more extensive and persuasive tool for motivation than a weight loss group membership :wink:

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Well...only my mom, best girlfriend and my significant other know I had surgery. For everyone else I tell "the truth"...they ask what I'm doing and I say "eating right"....or if I'm inclined for more detail I tell them that I started by cutting out the soda and drinking more Water and that I'm sticking to a low cal, low carb, higher Protein, moderate fat meal plan- eaten SLOWLY in very modest portions. What part of THAT isn't true???

I laid groundwork with the only coworker who would be likely to notice a change in eating habits as well as any weight loss. About 2 weeks before surgery I had already lost >20 lbs and I made sure she noticed and we talked about it. As she wants to lose a few lbs herself we have "bonded" on the healthy eating wavelength. It is great motivation for me to stick to the plan. If anyone asks her about me she will tell them what she knows...that I'm working very hard at eating correctly. I also let everyone who asks know that I have been working at this for several months and the weight came off slowly, but it seems I've finally hit the magical amount where it is obvious.

As far as I'm concerned I'm losing weight by doing the same things everyone else who wants to lose weight should be doing. I've lost 40 lbs so far without any kind of fill, but I know that sooner rather than later I'm going to need the help the tool provides to stick with what is working so far. Not telling others about that is just a "little white lie of admission", but really none of their business. It's just a little more extensive and persuasive tool for motivation than a weight loss group membership :wink2:

Well put. Wow you've done GREAT. I haven't had a fill yet either but I had surgery in May and have lost @32lbs. I live near a very rural area and folks are so nosey. They are doing everything they can to figure me out. It's really frustrating because I just don't care about other folks business like that but oh well.

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I have a bmi of 35 and have sleep apnea, tryglicerides of 800, cholesterol of 340, bad plantar fasciitis for the last year. I hope that my insurance will cover me. My dr is sending in request next week. No one but my husband knows I am doing this. I have been having a rough time with dieting the last 10 years and I am over it! I don't want to hear one more person tell me that I just need more will power. Nor will I be telling anyone that I had it done. It's my business!

Edited by LastChance4Me
left out bmi

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I have a bmi of 35 and have sleep apnea, tryglicerides of 800, cholesterol of 340, bad plantar fasciitis for the last year. I hope that my insurance will cover me. My dr is sending in request next week. No one but my husband knows I am doing this. I have been having a rough time with dieting the last 10 years and I am over it! I don't want to hear one more person tell me that I just need more will power. Nor will I be telling anyone that I had it done. It's my business!

Good luck to you, I hope you get approved soon. I am in the same boat, high cholesterol, high bp, plantar fasciitis, family history of diabetes and heart disease. About a year ago I had a BMI in the 30s (with all the same issues), but managed to "diet" my way up to BMI 40. I am paying for surgery since my insurance does not cover WLS at all.

I still fit in size 16/18s, which I guess some people consider "not that big", but my health issues demonstrate that it is WAY too big for me.

I live in the land of the ultra-fit, with every single one of my friends quite thin and in very good shape. Honestly, the only fat people you see in our town are tourists! So although I have less to lose than some, I am painfully aware of that weight every waking moment. I too have been dieting since I was 12, and although I could lose, I could never keep it off. This has gotten more and more difficult now that I have hit the 40s.

I am still planning my strategy for keeping what I consider a private medical concern private. I have told my DH, kids, and mom. That is it.

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I am so glad someone put the "low BMI" group on the home page. I will have surgery on Aug 26th. I can't wait to see me and all the surgery dates close to mine have their little BMI tickers go down, down, down! I am telling everyone about the surgery. It's not like they haven't seen me struggle to diet the conventional way for years. If they talk about me behind my back, I guess they are laying off of someone else. I look at it as even more accountability. I just pray I am not one of those poor souls that have it done and still can't drop any weight. I would be mortified since I have chosen to shout it from the rooftop. Good luck to all.

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Ok, I will admit, when I first came to this site I was shocked when I saw how "little" people weighed who were considering WLS and thought it was outrageous. Then I thought back through my years of weightloss struggle. I was 230lbs in high school! I starved my way to around 205 or so to join the drill team (the only fat girl on it and damn good at that) and ever since then I have loss and gained so much weight I can't even count. Almost 10 years later I found myself at 347lbs :biggrin: So had I been given the choice and maturity back then, I think I would have done it. Not only to prevent or treat health problems (which, thankfully at this weight I have managed to not have serious problems), but to save myself 10 years of heartache, hardwork and failure. I think it's sad that I can remember my weights for the past 10 years because it was a wasted obsession. So if you can, are willing, I'd say do it!

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Good luck to you, I hope you get approved soon. I am in the same boat, high cholesterol, high bp, plantar fasciitis, family history of diabetes and heart disease. About a year ago I had a BMI in the 30s (with all the same issues), but managed to "diet" my way up to BMI 40. I am paying for surgery since my insurance does not cover WLS at all.

I still fit in size 16/18s, which I guess some people consider "not that big", but my health issues demonstrate that it is WAY too big for me.

I live in the land of the ultra-fit, with every single one of my friends quite thin and in very good shape. Honestly, the only fat people you see in our town are tourists! So although I have less to lose than some, I am painfully aware of that weight every waking moment. I too have been dieting since I was 12, and although I could lose, I could never keep it off. This has gotten more and more difficult now that I have hit the 40s.

I am still planning my strategy for keeping what I consider a private medical concern private. I have told my DH, kids, and mom. That is it.

Hi ColoradoMom,

August 20th.

Thanks for your thoughts. I hope you can have your surgery soon. I just found out today that I was approved for surgery by my insurance company. :confused: I'm sure the insurance company looked at my records for the last year and can see that they have paid out $$$$ for my many visits to PT, Chiropractor and my Cardiologist. I know the 800 range of my tryglicerides amazed my cardiologist so I'm sure the insurance company saw it too. I also have a family history of diabetes, heart attacks etc. My dad passed away at 66! My approval came just in time as I was at my orthopedic doctors today as my knee has been hurting and swelling. I have had two previous knee meniscus surgeries and I am hoping that I don't have to have another surgery. He gave me a cortison shot - another reason I need to drop some weight. I also live in the land of the slim and fit in Southern California. I almost told my daughter today but then decided not to. She's in her thirties and weighs a mere 112 pounds! She has been lucky so far as she takes after her fathers side of the family. I might tell her the night before I go in for surgery - but then again I just might keep it private. I'm sorry you don't have insurance to cover your surgery. I know I would have found the money if I had to as I can not deal any more. I have heard the price can be anywhere from 10,000 to 15,000 here in Southern California. BTW As I told you I was just approved today. But last month my insurance covered all of my other testing. sleep Apnea test, blood work, Upper GI test, some swallow test, cardio pulmonary test etc. So hopefully your insurance will cover some of the other expenses that aren't necessarily for pre lapband surgery. I didn't realize that even if you are paying for the surgery yourself that you have to have a BMI of 40? Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

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I am gettin banded on July 2nd, yippers!! I am currently 220 lbs and 5'6", BMI at 35. I also carry my weight well (if you can carry that much weight well :drool:) Anyway . . . I know I will have many comments like "YOU COULD HAVE EXERCISED AND GOT THAT OFF!" or "OH, YOU HAD SURGERY??" or "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT" etc, etc, etc.

I need some good comebacks to all of these comments, yall have any????? THANKS! :confused:

Im 5'4 and i was 225 when banded. I too carried my weight well. I can't count the number of times i heard "just work out a few times a week" or "you dont need surgery you aren't that fat" meanwhile my BP was out of control, my knees were killing me and i felt like crap all the time. Not to mention i was probably on my way to being a whole lot heavier. I finally started asking people if they thought i should have waited til i weighed 300 pounds and could'nt see my own feet? Thst shut a few people up.

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I finally started asking people if they thought i should have waited til i weighed 300 pounds and could'nt see my own feet? Thst shut a few people up.

That is SOOO true! I will definately use that one :( I feel the same way as you. I am choosing to change my life BEFORE I become morbidly or super obese. How can that be wrong??? I have been steady gaining for years so I know that i would keep going up and up.

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So glad to see this thread. I, too, am 5'7" and 225. I carry my weight well because I am so tall, but it still takes a toll on how I feel. I was recently diagnosed with diabetes and that's what 'woke' me up to what I was doing to myself. My banding in Aug 25th (bundle of nerves here). But your posts have certainly laid a lot of my fears to rest. I am really looking forward to my diabetes going into remission. I already feel better by being on the pre-op diet. I'm having to eat healthy and am have no problem with the shakes. I actually have more energy! Can't wait to drop the pounds!

I have told all my family (my dtrs are nurses) and the people I work with. Everyone is so supportive. I have heard the "you're not big enough" comment on a few occasions. I just ask them how big I need to get to get acceptance for banding? They usually don't have an answer.

Anyway, I love this site and am really glad I ran into you guys. You are definitely what I needed! :(

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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