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I hate this, I really do....

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Thank you all for the support and advice...its helps knowing that someone is on my side...even if you dont know me and live who knows how many miles away.....

I managed to eat a little tonight without getting sick....it wasnt much, but it was more than Ive eaten in a while...it just seems like everything is always so hard for me...I know its just me thinking that, and there are people with far worse problems...but I guess its that self-centered feeling you get when your not doing well...

Thank you all again, you have no idea how much it means to me that you arent pointing fingers telling me what I must have done wrong...

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hey there- I haven't had the band yet, but I am so sorry to hear of all your troubles. I live in the Dallas area- the surgeon I will be going to takes on patients that have had bands from other areas and whose docs don't help them (I believe.). maybe check it out and/or call their offic.....Nick Nicholson- at Nicholson Clinic in Plano. I don't know if they can help but it might be worth a shot. I will keep you in my prayers!!!!!

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hey there- I haven't had the band yet, but I am so sorry to hear of all your troubles. I live in the Dallas area- the surgeon I will be going to takes on patients that have had bands from other areas and whose docs don't help them (I believe.). maybe check it out and/or call their offic.....Nick Nicholson- at Nicholson Clinic in Plano. I don't know if they can help but it might be worth a shot. I will keep you in my prayers!!!!!

Thank you, if it comes to having to drive that far I will....thats quite a ways from where I live...but if it comes to it, I will definately consider it. I have decided that no matter how much it costs, if I have one more "fainting spell" this week, Im going to go to the doctor or ER...I guess the worst they can do is ruin my credit?? Im here all by myself, and Im afraid that Im going to injure myself with this falling non-sense, and Im afraid it could happen when Im driving or carrying my daughter....my parents are worried about me because Im out here in the woods all by myself, but Im hesitant to go anyways because Im afraid they will say that nothing is wrong...my neighbor is a nurse I just texted her to see if she has a blood pressure checker (dont know what it is technically called lol)...hopefully she will have one...

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Im going to try to address all the posts at once...lol, its an attempt.

As far as the ER, I cant pay the bill to go.....and I cant handle to bill collectors calling me, or that hit on my already horrible credit.

Oh gosh, Never, you need to go to the hospital and get this taken care of for your child's sake!

It's not worth worrying about the bills and collectors. You need to think about YOU!

I'm sorry you are going through this. Don't let those bullies push you away from getting the care you need.

Also, you mention the Dr. is blacklisting you. You MUST get your records. I am in the medical profession and what he is doing is ILLEGAL and against HIPAA regulations. He should not mention you to ANYONE!!!! That is serious stuff. He & his staff are in big trouble.

Edited by maryrose

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I was just going to update everyone...

I went the the ER yesterday, I went to a city that has bariatric weight loss doctors that could possibly come in and look at my band...

However I was treated like someone who just ate the wrong the thing with a band and got sick...

They pumped me full of fluids and only checked my blood and urine...I asked everyone that came through that door to do an upper GI on me, and they told me that wasnt what they felt was best...

Wasnt what they felt was best!? Ill be back there sooner than later getting more fluids because I can hold much of anything down!! They told me that I was severely dehydrated...and gave me some Darvocet for my headache...like I was in there trying to score some drugs or something!! They treated me like I wasnt important....I mean everyone was very friendly and nice to me, except the doctor (who was a total smartass, and I could read on his face that he was thinking "look what youve done to yourself, its your fault")...

I know this isnt relevant, but it made me so mad....I asked the doctor before he left the room if he could possibly find someone that wasnt as busy as everyone else and ask them to check on my grandparents and daughter who all were in the waiting room...his reply? he said, "I dont know who's busy and who is not, and you will just have to ask a nurse." He shut the door and I started crying, for some reason I just wanted to know that my daughter was doing okay, I wanted them to come tell me some antic she had pulled in the waiting area....but when I nurse finally came, he just unhooked my IV and told me I could get dressed and zipped out of the room before I could ask any questions....I was tired, I was cold, my head hurt, and my stomach was pounding...I sat there and cried because they just treated me for dehydration and didnt even check the cause of it....Told me to go find a GI specialist to do any of those other tests (these people knowing I do not have insurance tell me that) I cried so much in that cold white room, all alone and all of it for nothing.....they wouldnt even recommend one. I explained my problem with finding a doctor, and they basically told me that they didnt believe me, that my doctors notes didnt have anything to do with them not seeing me as a patient....

UUUUGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!This is so irritating I want to scream and I want to cry and scream some more and cry some more.........I felt relief on the way to the ER yesterday, that someone was finally going to care...but they didnt....

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Im going to try to address all the posts at once...lol, its an attempt.

As far as the ER, I cant pay the bill to go.....and I cant handle to bill collectors calling me, or that hit on my already horrible credit.

Oh gosh, Never, you need to go to the hospital and get this taken care of for your child's sake!

It's not worth worrying about the bills and collectors. You need to think about YOU!

I'm sorry you are going through this. Don't let those bullies push you away from getting the care you need.

Also, you mention the Dr. is blacklisting you. You MUST get your records. I am in the medical profession and what he is doing is ILLEGAL and against HIPAA regulations. He should not mention you to ANYONE!!!! That is serious stuff. He & his staff are in big trouble.

Mary, you are correct. This guy is gonna have some problems on his hands.

I have checked out Never's Doctor, and he currently has at least one Malpractice action against him right now. I'm researching him further to find out more.

THIS is one of the reasons why People HAVE to take the time to check out the guy who is slicing you open. There are some real clowns out there, and they are KILLING people with inaction.

But it also sounds like she is being dismissed by her local hospital as well. A BAD situation.

HH :bored:

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Never Again - at the risk of sounding redundant - I and many others posted several suggestions. Most cost nothing but a phone call or an online search. Have you tried any of them? Because one thing is for sure, if you continue to do what you've been doing - you'll continue to get the same results. You have to be an advocate for your health. Stop crying and start making demands and phone calls. shake things up. Keep going up higher and higher at the hospital, then call your state representatives, then your state licensing boards. These people are paid to help you. Get names of everyone you talk to and start keeping a journal of what you have done. The more contacts you make the more likely you will get a response.

I'm not sure what more you expect to get from posting on here. You have many more options. Please take advantage of them.

Then let us know how it went. Good luck to you.

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I have already looked into filing a complaint with the Texas Medical Board...as far as I know thats all I can do at the moment...I dont live in Beaumont, I live in the area (im actually about an hour or so away from there)... I live in a small town, the lawyers dont do pro bono work that involves actual work here because they have basically no competition...there isnt one of them that is suffering for clients I can tell you that since they are the lawyers for several small towns and communities around my own...Im doing what I can right now without trying to be over dramatic, being overdramatic is what got me into this situation...I didnt go to my local hospital, I went to one in another city that is an hour away from me...my local hospital is one you go to if you have a REAL emergency and cant get to another one in another city...(trust me I used to work there, and I dont want any of those people working on me, ignorance is bliss sometimes)..

However, the good news is that although I havent gotten rid of the headache yet....I have been able to eat more today than I have eaten in a very long time, and got some liquid down, so hopefully this will all be behind me until I can get to a doctor...Im going to contact the doctor again that I was trying to see closest to me and see if they have any openings, plead my case again...and see what happens...

And as far as what I expect from posting on here, I expect support, for someone to just say it happened to me, and Im okay and this is what I did....I appreciate all the advice, its what prompted me to go to the hospital yesterday (well and the fact that I was hurting so bad that I was crying from the pain and couldnt see straight).....but I dont think I would have ever gone if it hadnt been for posting on here, so for that I thank everyone..atleast thats one thing that shows in my records that I need help from a doctor....

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It sounds like your favorite word is "can't".

I'm sorry you are having trouble. I hope it is resolved soon for you. If you take the word "can't" out of your vocabulary, perhaps you would have better results. It's hard to pull yourself up sometimes when you are so down, but who else is going to do it but you?

Best wishes.

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I have already looked into filing a complaint with the Texas Medical Board...as far as I know thats all I can do at the moment...I dont live in Beaumont, I live in the area (im actually about an hour or so away from there)... I live in a small town, the lawyers dont do pro bono work that involves actual work here because they have basically no competition...there isnt one of them that is suffering for clients I can tell you that since they are the lawyers for several small towns and communities around my own...Im doing what I can right now without trying to be over dramatic, being overdramatic is what got me into this situation...I didnt go to my local hospital, I went to one in another city that is an hour away from me...my local hospital is one you go to if you have a REAL emergency and cant get to another one in another city...(trust me I used to work there, and I dont want any of those people working on me, ignorance is bliss sometimes)..

However, the good news is that although I havent gotten rid of the headache yet....I have been able to eat more today than I have eaten in a very long time, and got some liquid down, so hopefully this will all be behind me until I can get to a doctor...Im going to contact the doctor again that I was trying to see closest to me and see if they have any openings, plead my case again...and see what happens...

And as far as what I expect from posting on here, I expect support, for someone to just say it happened to me, and Im okay and this is what I did....I appreciate all the advice, its what prompted me to go to the hospital yesterday (well and the fact that I was hurting so bad that I was crying from the pain and couldnt see straight).....but I dont think I would have ever gone if it hadnt been for posting on here, so for that I thank everyone..atleast thats one thing that shows in my records that I need help from a doctor....

You can see that there is a sense of frustration at those who are trying to help and your unwillingness to take that advice. We can't do it for you. You have to become aggressive in your pursuit of getting healthy.

Here are some concrete steps. When you have done them, then post again about the outcome:

1) Get your medical records from your doctor. All of them, including progress notes, all tests performed, nutritional counseling, etc.

2) Call Allergan at 1-800-527-2263 and ask to speak to someone about a medical problem. They have a list of doctors who do lapband surgery. Tell them your story about your doctor and ask for a referrel for another one in your area.

3) Here are two websites that offer free legal advice (there are many more)



You can research others, but it's a start and it's free. You might get some help as to what your options are.

4) Contact the patient advocate at the hospital at which you had your surgery. If you don't get any help, ask to speak to the hospital administrator. Ask if they have a complaint system in place (most do) and use it.

5) Don't just look into filing a complaint with the Texas Medical Board. Do it. This option is likely to take the longest in terms of results, however.

When you have done all or some of these, let us know. In the meantime, I don't think there is much more concrete suggestions or support you can get posting here.

Good luck to you. It is obvious that those who have replied to your posts care about you and your outcome, so please do what you need to in order to get the help your deserve.

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I do have my medical records....

I know the law, and I know what the doctor has done that is illegal....however, I cant afford the lawyer even if its pro bono because theres a 50/50 chance that Im going to lose...and that means I have to pay EVERYONES court costs and I cant take that risk.

And when I have the time, I will sit down and talk on the phone, but theres something unappealing about talking to someone on the phone who has a screaming child in the background.

And when I say Im looking to file a complaint, that means Im in the process of doing it...im sorry for the misunderstanding, I am from the southeast texas, I speak a little differently in terms to what certain phrases mean.

Im sorry I have upset you, I will have Alexandra delete this post and my account this afternoon...all I wanted was support, to say, "this happened to me or my friend, and this is what they did..." or good luck! or something, I wasnt looking at what necessarily I could do, because I already knew that.....

But anyways, I will not burden your lives any further, I will just get back into my hollow shell.......

looks like I cant open up to my friends, family, or strangers.....oh well, back to holding it all in....

&& I honestly have no idea what hospital I was banded at, I know that sounds bad,but I never knew the name...I was never told...I had a pillow with a logo on it,but I cant remember what it said....I couldnt tell you what street the hospital is on or anything, I dont remember, that was four years ago and I let my parents handle everything....

Anyways, goodbye....thanks for the advice, but you have to understand the processes of things and your rung on the ladder...you cant just jump out and act like a fool to get what you want, you have to lie and wait until your opportunity and then get them....

oh well......goodbye........

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It sounds like your favorite word is "can't".

I'm sorry you are having trouble. I hope it is resolved soon for you. If you take the word "can't" out of your vocabulary, perhaps you would have better results. It's hard to pull yourself up sometimes when you are so down, but who else is going to do it but you?

Best wishes.

No one could possibly live their entire lives without saying "can't" or "Can not"....and sometimes you have to realize your place in the world....that the world doesnt revolve around a single person, and that everyone is not going to stop what they are doing to help you when its not in their best interests.....

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sometimes you have to realize your place in the world

Realizing does not equal Accepting. Every person has the power to change their situation.

Perhaps this is your moment to change your situation for the better... or perhaps you are just not ready for that, but it's in your hands.

Take care. Good luck.

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You can see that there is a sense of frustration at those who are trying to help and your unwillingness to take that advice. We can't do it for you. You have to become aggressive in your pursuit of getting healthy.

Here are some concrete steps. When you have done them, then post again about the outcome:

1) Get your medical records from your doctor. All of them, including progress notes, all tests performed, nutritional counseling, etc.

2) Call Allergan at 1-800-527-2263 and ask to speak to someone about a medical problem. They have a list of doctors who do lapband surgery. Tell them your story about your doctor and ask for a referrel for another one in your area.

3) Here are two websites that offer free legal advice (there are many more)



You can research others, but it's a start and it's free. You might get some help as to what your options are.

4) Contact the patient advocate at the hospital at which you had your surgery. If you don't get any help, ask to speak to the hospital administrator. Ask if they have a complaint system in place (most do) and use it.

5) Don't just look into filing a complaint with the Texas Medical Board. Do it. This option is likely to take the longest in terms of results, however.

When you have done all or some of these, let us know. In the meantime, I don't think there is much more concrete suggestions or support you can get posting here.

Good luck to you. It is obvious that those who have replied to your posts care about you and your outcome, so please do what you need to in order to get the help your deserve.

The advice to go to the hospital adminstrator is excellent advice. I dont know about there but I know that I have contacted the hospital administrator (not to do with the lapband but another matter) and I got an immediate call back with immediate action. They dont play around with serious complaints because of the fear of legal action. So if anyone else is having problems like that its an excellent place to start as well as the free legal services you mentioned.

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The advice to go to the hospital adminstrator is excellent advice. I dont know about there but I know that I have contacted the hospital administrator (not to do with the lapband but another matter) and I got an immediate call back with immediate action. They dont play around with serious complaints because of the fear of legal action. So if anyone else is having problems like that its an excellent place to start as well as the free legal services you mentioned.

If you read her response you will see that she doesn't even know the name of the hospital where she got her band. And apparently she can't or won't contact her parents to find out. And she can't make phone calls anyway because apparently her child(ren) cry continuously during normal business hours. And she can't use a pro bono attorney on the chance that she might lose and have to pay court costs, etc.. So, you see she has an answer for every suggestion given here. It appears that she doesn't want help, just pity.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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