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HELP!!! Someone please reassure me!!!

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PS...wasnt talking about you NurseMelly... however telling me to get my head check, wasnt very nice :(

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everyone is entitled to there opinion, even if I dont agree with it! Its just sad to see how some members on here are just down right mean! :(

I hope you do not think I'm being mean. I really am a very nice person. I just wouldn't want you to pay for a band and then 4 months down the road need a re-operation(port revision is a pretty common one) and not have the money for that. There have been so many posts on here from people who have wiped their savings, taken out loans, borrowed from friends and family, and then had no money when complications crept up. If you're financially set for any complications that may arise, I say go for it. I really do wish you the best of luck!

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PS...wasnt talking about you NurseMelly... however telling me to get my head check, wasnt very nice :(

I didn't say that. I think that was another person =(

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I was wondering how you know she is ONLY 30 or so lbs over weight? I know you keep saying that over and over in your posts.


I keep saying that because it's true based on her own statements about her weight and height.

I am 5'1" -- I KNOW what size/weight I'm "supposed" to be.

She is at BEST 30 pounds overweight, and pleeze, she tried TWICE and regained?! Really ?! TWICE?

What, did she lose 10 pounds then give up?

Seriously, I have all the sympathy and empathy in the world for people who are truly struggling with painful and life-threatening weight loss issues.

I spent the majority of my life at 160 or thereabouts at 5'1". I did the IMPROPER types of dieting that lead me to obesity.

It wasn't the 160 and being a mere 30 or so overweight that did me in. It was years of trying to find "quick fixes" through crash diets, and fad diets and all the things that we do to ourselves. NOT trying to lose TWICE!

Should I have had the surgery at 160? Way back 20 or 30 years ago?

Hardly. I should have had the patience and intelligence and self-awareness to control my weight the RIGHT way.

I should have accepted that I was not going to be a 100-pound size 2 or 3 or 4. It was my constant desire to be something that was unattainable that did me in. I thought 140 was fat. I thought 120 was fat. So I dieted and dieted and lost and regained -- over a 30-year period. To achieve something that was desirable, but, frankly, unattainable. and I was in the military for a good portion of that time period. Certainly I was getting enough exercise!

Once I dieted myself into obesity, there is no easy way out. And, surprise surprise, the lap band is NOT an "easy way."

It's going to be very difficult and require a great deal of discipline and as well as a drastic lifestyle change.

Basically, what I SHOULD have done 30 years ago WITHOUT surgery.


So, again, sorry. She WANTS to be 50 pounds lighter. She doesn't NEED to be. To be within the bounds of a reasonable weight for her height, 30 would work. And for someone to get a lap band for 30 pounds, especially with NO co-moribunds and no history of weight loss problems is just not something I can support.

So, frankly, I can't "reassure" her that she is doing the right thing.

I can hope for her that she would get some decent therapy and join a reputable weight loss program that can help her with her weight loss journey.

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I didn't say that. I think that was another person =(

MY bad! sorry about that!

NO! and I wasnt talking about you when I said people can be mean!

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I totally understand with you being a self pay, how worried you are. That's a lot of money to spend and then you not being sure if it's worth it or not, well that only adds to it.

Luckily I am one of the lucky ones that my insurance covered all of the surgery except for $500.00. If my insurance had not paid, I would probably not have had the lapband.

A few key things to remember.

1. While the band is a tool, it is not a magic tool. It will work, but you have to help it work. You have to totally change your lifestyle, from eating healthy to exercising.

2. The band will not work over night. It takes time to lose weight. Just remember, you did not gain all this weight overnight and you wont lose it overnight. Hard work and determination will pay off.

3. Never compare yourself to someone else who has the band. We all lose at different speeds. You may be one of the ones who loses fast, then again, you may be one of the ones that loses slow. If you lose slow, don't let it get you down, SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE!

There's more I could say to you, but to me, those 3 are the most important ones. I wish you all the success in the world, and trust me, as long as you do as you are suppose to, you wont regret spending the first dime for your lapband.


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I keep saying that because it's true based on her own statements about her weight and height.

I am 5'1" -- I KNOW what size/weight I'm "supposed" to be.

She is at BEST 30 pounds overweight, and pleeze, she tried TWICE and regained?! Really ?! TWICE?

What, did she lose 10 pounds then give up?

Seriously, I have all the sympathy and empathy in the world for people who are truly struggling with painful and life-threatening weight loss issues.

I spent the majority of my life at 160 or thereabouts at 5'1". I did the IMPROPER types of dieting that lead me to obesity.

It wasn't the 160 and being a mere 30 or so overweight that did me in. It was years of trying to find "quick fixes" through crash diets, and fad diets and all the things that we do to ourselves. NOT trying to lose TWICE!

Should I have had the surgery at 160? Way back 20 or 30 years ago?

Hardly. I should have had the patience and intelligence and self-awareness to control my weight the RIGHT way.

I should have accepted that I was not going to be a 100-pound size 2 or 3 or 4. It was my constant desire to be something that was unattainable that did me in. I thought 140 was fat. I thought 120 was fat. So I dieted and dieted and lost and regained -- over a 30-year period. To achieve something that was desirable, but, frankly, unattainable. and I was in the military for a good portion of that time period. Certainly I was getting enough exercise!

Once I dieted myself into obesity, there is no easy way out. And, surprise surprise, the lap band is NOT an "easy way."

It's going to be very difficult and require a great deal of discipline and as well as a drastic lifestyle change.

Basically, what I SHOULD have done 30 years ago WITHOUT surgery.


So, again, sorry. She WANTS to be 50 pounds lighter. She doesn't NEED to be. To be within the bounds of a reasonable weight for her height, 30 would work. And for someone to get a lap band for 30 pounds, especially with NO co-moribunds and no history of weight loss problems is just not something I can support.

So, frankly, I can't "reassure" her that she is doing the right thing.

I can hope for her that she would get some decent therapy and join a reputable weight loss program that can help her with her weight loss journey.


Are you done??!!

I have gained and lost weight all of my life, NOT TWICE.

you are not in my shoes and DO NOT know the things I have gone through to lose the weight. I am by no means looking for YOUR approval.. It is YOUR opinion that I only need to lost 30 pounds! You are forgetting that each person is a different build... petite, medium and large frame. A 5'1 medium/large frame female may be "normal/thin" at 130-135, however NOT a petite 5-5'1 female. So your argument should be with my PCP and cardiologist who indicate i should be at 115-118.

I know you SO BADLY want to be right in this situation, but you are NOT.

"especially with NO co-moribunds and no history of weight loss problems is just not something I can support." ...oh..i am sorry!? Are you my doctor? ..that you know my entire history? I guess you missed the posts where I said I am on High Blood Pressure, Cholesterol meds, as well as Chronics Asthma and a heartattack at 26? Thats right, you are just choosing what you want to read to make yourself fell better.

Can you please go annoy someone else!!!!!!! :biggrin:

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I totally understand with you being a self pay, how worried you are. That's a lot of money to spend and then you not being sure if it's worth it or not, well that only adds to it.

Luckily I am one of the lucky ones that my insurance covered all of the surgery except for $500.00. If my insurance had not paid, I would probably not have had the lapband.

A few key things to remember.

1. While the band is a tool, it is not a magic tool. It will work, but you have to help it work. You have to totally change your lifestyle, from eating healthy to exercising.

2. The band will not work over night. It takes time to lose weight. Just remember, you did not gain all this weight overnight and you wont lose it overnight. Hard work and determination will pay off.

3. Never compare yourself to someone else who has the band. We all lose at different speeds. You may be one of the ones who loses fast, then again, you may be one of the ones that loses slow. If you lose slow, don't let it get you down, SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE!

There's more I could say to you, but to me, those 3 are the most important ones. I wish you all the success in the world, and trust me, as long as you do as you are suppose to, you wont regret spending the first dime for your lapband.


Thank you!

I have been eating healthy and watching Portion Control for several years, so that part wont be a shock. But I know it will not by any means be easy or a quick fix! I think thats why it all has been beyond frustrating bc i make all the right food choices, bust my butt in the gym, count calories..and the scale hasnt budged in 2 years! (only up! ;(

So this will def be a great TOOL for me!

Thank you!

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Sometimes we all need an extra push in order to lose what weight we want and need to lose. The band is exactly the push that I needed and it has worked wonderfully for me.

Whoever this lady is that is giving you down the road about getting banded. Just ignore her! She isn't in your shoes and does not know what you have gone through. You may not be as heavy as some of us started out being, but if your PCP and other Doctors think you will benefit from having this done, and you also think you will benefit, that is all you need.

Some ppl just want to get up in your business and put their two cents in when it isnt wanted. Man, I thought this was suppose to be a support site for ppl wanting the band and for ppl who have already gotten the band.

If you ever need someone to talk to that is on your side, send me a private message.

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Sometimes we all need an extra push in order to lose what weight we want and need to lose. The band is exactly the push that I needed and it has worked wonderfully for me.

Whoever this lady is that is giving you down the road about getting banded. Just ignore her! She isn't in your shoes and does not know what you have gone through. You may not be as heavy as some of us started out being, but if your PCP and other Doctors think you will benefit from having this done, and you also think you will benefit, that is all you need.

Some ppl just want to get up in your business and put their two cents in when it isnt wanted. Man, I thought this was suppose to be a support site for ppl wanting the band and for ppl who have already gotten the band.

If you ever need someone to talk to that is on your side, send me a private message.

I know right! People like that dont belong on this site!

But then there are SO many people like you and others that are so sweet and helpful! I respect someones opinions and dont expect to agree..however i hate when someone thinks they know me and they know NOTHING!

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Looks like there are a lot of good inputs on this thread...I do have to say though that some people on here are being down right mean/rude.

This is a site for people to get information and support regarding Lap Band. Like the last person who posted stated and as all of you have said this is a lifestyle change. From eating, to working out, to how you chew your food.

For someone to say she is 30 lbs over weight and is doing it for a quick fix or whatever the reason is rude and uncalled for.

I think people who are overweight or obese have had to deal with being treated different their whole life, making them feel like they're not welcome. Making them feel like there are out of place.

I would think that this would be a site where you would not expect that. A site where you could get help and understanding.

That being said, offer your opinion, give your ideas, tell people your thoughts. But keep the rude comments to yourself. There is no need to kick someone when they are down to make you feel better about yourself.

EVERYONE IS ON HERE TO CHANGE THERE LIFE! And I respect each and every one of you for doing so. This is not a decision that is easy to make especially when you are paying for it yourself.

Good luck

Edited by Enote

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Hang in there Agnes. It's true you get out of it what you put into it. I had my surgery June 19th and by following the liquid plan afterward, I've already lost 7 lbs. On May 7th I was 250, today 232 = 18lbs. so far. It is a lifestyle change, but you've taken the first step.

Remember think SKINNY!

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hey.. had mine done May 22 and have lost 20 lbs. go on chat and talk to folks right then and there. most have lost 50-60 lbs in the first 6 months. Have my first fill July 10th. I was scared by what I read too but some of them are really old blogs.

Good luck. My hubby supportive too. Got a good one there girl.

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Agnes - I dont think anyone here is trying to discourage you from doing something to make you healthier and happier (myself included), but your original post sounded very much like you thought this was the easy button and that you just have surgery and boom the weight falls off quickly and without effort. That is not the case.

There are risks with all surgeries and the concerns that have been raised are concerns for you and your well being, not people trying to be mean other than the "head case" comment. LOL.

If you have really researched your options and you can be committed to a long term weight loss program than I say go for it, but just understand that it takes a lot of work. Also, your follow up care concerns me, many doctors will not see Mexico paitients, and therefore if you have a problem or complication you may find yourself having to get on a plane to get medical care and that scares the beegeebies out of me for you. I wish it was not that way and that the costs were equitable regardless of location but that is just not where we are with WLS at this point. It is a big $ business and not all doctors who do it, do it for the right reasons. I am very fortunate, my doctor has a true desire to help people be happier and healthier but not all doctors are like that. Good luck to you in whatever you choose, just make sure you are well informed and understand the process fully and you will make the right decision.

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It sounds like you have some very serious medical issues that can be controlled by weight loss - high blood pressure, high colesterol and a heart attack at 26. These should certainly weigh in heavy in your insurance company's approval. Have you tried appealing their decision?

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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    • Teriesa

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