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regrets about lapband choice?

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:smile2:I am proceeding with the process of having surgery and feel fairly confident choosing the lapband procedure, but I am wondering if anyone who has had the surgery regrets having it altogether or wishes they had chosen the bypass procedure? This site is a great resource for those of us who are new to the process. Thanks, in advance, for any responses.

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Everyone seems to have a different experience; Which foods work, which don't; weight loss expectations/results; lifestyle changes, etc?.... I've been banded for 2 1/2 years, have no regrets and have reached (more importantly "maintained") goal. This may not be the answer for everyone but it has been for me

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Hi, Pixie, and welcome aboard.

You will certainly find a wide variety of opinions on this board, MOSTLY in favor of the Band. After all, it IS LapBandTalk. :wink:

I might considered one of the "dissenters", although I am fully aware that my experience was unusual.

The question of "regretting the Lap Band" comes up on occasion, so I will copy here a comment (ok, a novel, actually!) that I made on this subject before. See below.

FIRST, though, Since you mentioned the Bypass, I will say first that the Bypass was what ULTIMATELY was right for ME, and it IS the right choice for many, many people.

As I have had BOTH procedures (Lap band and Gastric Bypass), I can speak to this from a bit of experience.

The first thing I’d like to point out is the misconception that the entire Weight Loss Surgery issue is that of a big WLS “Smorgasbord”, and that all you have to do is simply pick the one that tickles your fancy.


They are ALL different, and they are meant for different types of people and bodies. They ALL work (to varying degrees)…..but their long-term (and short-term) efficacy is dependant on some very individual elements. You really need to take the time and the effort to ascertain which WLS is right for you. Some people need restriction. Some people need Malabsorbtion. Some need a combination. And, there are those few people for whom NO WLS is going to be entirely effective, long-term; for them, it's very much a Psychological issue.

Ok, so on to the "lap-Band" regrets portion!:

Do I regret having the Lap Band Installed?

I began to reply to this question with a simple one-word answer: yes.

But that would be a little unfair. The question is simple. For some, though, the answer is not.

On one level, I DEEPLY regret my decision to have the Lap Band installed. For me, it was a life-threatening, mind-numbingingly disgusting experience that consumed several years of my life, left me in poor health for a long period, left me with tons of hospital bills, kept me from working full-time for several years, and the experience almost killed me at least a couple of times..….the list goes on.

However, it’s not as simple as just saying that I regret my Lap Band experience. I regret the Lap-band PORTION of my experience, but it was part of an overall experience that ultimately led me to a much higher level of health and fitness than I would otherwise have had. So, I have come to see it as an ugly side trip on an, overall, beneficial journey. Of course, the side trip was very, very ugly. The Lap band Port popped out of my stomach at one point, left a dripping, oozing hole that would not heal, parts of the band that SHOULD have been removed in a second surgery were not, and ultimately burrowed INSIDE of my colon, requiring more surgery. It was a long and nasty experience, and I won’t recount it all here.

I recognize and acknowledge the fact that my experience with the Lap band was atypical. Most people have a pretty good experience with the Lap Band. It’s not always successful to the degree that people want it to be, but that can be a result of many factors. Many people do NOT follow the protocol laid out by the Surgeon. Some people try and eat the same way they did prior to having the Lap Band installed, and then wonder why the band isn’t working. Some people think that the band will be doing ALL the work – WRONG. Some Surgeon’s office teams don’t provide particularly good instructions. Some Surgeons are inexperienced and simply do a lousy job (mine).

There are plenty of people who have the band installed, get one or two fills, and simply lose the weight they need to, with little or no problem. I am THRILLED for those people. I couldn’t be happier. You will see many of them posting on this board. BUT, some of them make it seem like it works that way for everyone. And it does NOT work that way for everyone. There ARE problems, for many, many people. Some people have died as a result of Lap Band complications. And for some, it just simply does NOT work, for a variety of reasons. The Surgeon who removed my Lap Band told me on several occasions that he felt that the band would be removed from the market within a few years because of increasing problems and complications. He should know, because he specializes in correcting problems with the band. Do I think it will be removed from the market? Probably not, because in spite of the problems that many people have, it has saved many lives, and improved the quality of many others. I do, however, think that some SURGEONS should be removed from the market. J. Also, the Lap Band (and other Weight Loss Surgeries) have become a HUGE business. It’s an INDUSTRY now, putting hundreds of millions of dollars into the pockets of members of the AMA, which is an enormously powerful lobby. No, there’s just too much money involved for it to go away. And, there has been so much benefit to many people.

In my case, I had a hack surgeon: “Dr.” Theodore Kahlili at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles. I know that there are people on this board that have had success with “Dr.” Khalili, but that was NOT my experience. In my case, I believe he was incompetent….SEVERAL times. And when something goes wrong with your band, just watch him run. I would have been better off having the guy that cuts my Sushi install my Lap Band. He was also arrogant…VERY arrogant. I recognize that Surgeons are human, and they can make mistakes. But, they need to stand up and be accountable when they do. That is why when I make a post on this board I will almost ALWAYS make the strong suggestion that you choose your surgeon CAREFULLY….your life may depend on it.

Of course, life is a series of experiences that combine to make us who we are. This means good experiences, bad experiences, wonderful relationships, bad relationships; it all adds up to create a total life experience. My Lap Band experience was one small element of my life that grew to become a very significant part of my life for several years.

So, while the question itself is quite simple (“do you regret having your Lap Band”), the answer (for some) is not. We are all unique. Our physiology is different. Our mental states are all different. We are going to have DIFFERENT outcomes. When I reverse-engineer my entire lap-band experience, I see areas where I could have affected the outcome in a more positive manner. Like choosing a surgeon that was qualified to handle something more than a butter knife. There were other areas in which I made mistakes as well. But, I had never had a lap band before. And frankly, I was not told very much about it by my “Surgeon’s” office. And when I had my band installed, there were not the resources available online that there are today, such as this forum.

So, yes, I regret the Lap Band, and I regret my choice of surgeon, but I do not regret the overall experience that I have had over the last several years. I have learned much about health, nutrition, our Medical system, Insurance companies, lawyers, Human nature, and MYSELF. I wish I did not have to have gone through what I went through, but something tells me that it was for a reason. There were things I needed to learn. And learn I did.

“The Journey is the Reward”.


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No regrets with the band here!!

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Well, you have given me much to digest. Happily for me, I work as a nurse in the same medical complex as the surgeon i have chosen. She is a bariatric specialist as well as a general surgeon. The provider I work for is an Intensivist who has stated that this surgeon's patients never end up in ICU. She has a low infection rate, an important fact that I have investigated. That being said, you have reminded me that this procedure, like anything else is not without risk. The mortality rate for bypass is approx 10x that of the Lapband, so for me, that seems to be the deciding factor. I am 57 with the usual co-morbidities, so I am already at risk submitting to surgery. I only have a desire to retrieve my health and the aesthetic consequenses, while nice, are not my primary reason for choosing WLS. Thanks so much for giving me much to consider and I wish you the best.

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No regrets whatsoever. In fact, I'd say it's the best thing I've ever done for myself :wink:

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Hope it helps you in your decision.

And feel free to ask me anything, publicly or in private, about my experiences. It's a tough decision, and I really don't think that the Bariatric "industry" does a very good job of helping people make the choice.

As I said, my lap band experience was a complete mess. But my Bypass has given me some challenges as well, though not nearly to the degree of the Band. The bypass DID turn out to be what was NEEDED for me, and I think this is KEY.....what it is that YOU, INDIVIDUALLY, need.

Take your time in making this choice. It may be one that will be with you for life, so it's important to take whatever time it takes to do the homework. You didn't become overweight overnight, so you need to devote a proper amount of time in developing YOUR solution.

I know that it's tempting to just dive into it, but you really need to take it one step at a time.

Best of luck to you, we're all here to help!:wink:


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Hi! I got the lap band six months ago, and have lost a total of 10 lbs - ALL in the last three weeks because of diet and exercise.

The first 5 months it was pretty much just like before I got the band. I was able to eat almost anything I wanted. I didn't. I mean I ATE whatever I wanted - just in smaller quantities. And that didn't work for weight loss. Then I finally got...I think my third or fourth fill and for the FIRST time I felt the feeling of something getting STUCK. So then I was more careful, chewed more slowly, and the weight still stayed on. Zero pounds lost.

This past month I've been doing a low carb diet and working out every single day. And training for a 5k run. In three weeks I lost 10lbs. Two days ago I got another fill. And I don't really notice a difference. So I am STILL low carbing it.

I DO notice that I feel fuller faster when eating. But I don't STAY full. It doesn't keep me from being hungry, it just keeps me from OVER eating. And it doesn't keep me from eating slowly and going back for seconds. Or thirds. I was able to eat half a thin crust pizza (first CHEAT DAY in a month!) just last night. Granted it was over the course of a few hours - but I was able to do it.

I think the MOST important thing to remember...and like everyone says...it will work if you WANT it to work and do what the doc says and eat slowly etc...

Honestly, I am technically "full" after 1/2 cup of food. I feel full and satisfied, but in my mind I know that's not enough food. So I push through and eat a whole cup instead. Then maybe another half cup. It doesn't keep you from PHYSICALLY not being able to eat like gastric bypass does. Just for that moment while you're eating the very first few bites, you have to REALLY pay attention because THAT'S where the weight loss happens.

Sorry to ramble. I DO NOT regret it. I just regret that I didn't have the self control to make it work for me in the first few months. It's not a solve-all, for sure. But if you have the desire and the will enough to go on yet another diet...you can do it.

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Hi! I got the lap band six months ago, and have lost a total of 10 lbs - ALL in the last three weeks because of diet and exercise.

The first 5 months it was pretty much just like before I got the band. I was able to eat almost anything I wanted. I didn't. I mean I ATE whatever I wanted - just in smaller quantities. And that didn't work for weight loss. Then I finally got...I think my third or fourth fill and for the FIRST time I felt the feeling of something getting STUCK. So then I was more careful, chewed more slowly, and the weight still stayed on. Zero pounds lost.

This past month I've been doing a low carb diet and working out every single day. And training for a 5k run. In three weeks I lost 10lbs. Two days ago I got another fill. And I don't really notice a difference. So I am STILL low carbing it.

I DO notice that I feel fuller faster when eating. But I don't STAY full. It doesn't keep me from being hungry, it just keeps me from OVER eating. And it doesn't keep me from eating slowly and going back for seconds. Or thirds. I was able to eat half a thin crust pizza (first CHEAT DAY in a month!) just last night. Granted it was over the course of a few hours - but I was able to do it.

I think the MOST important thing to remember...and like everyone says...it will work if you WANT it to work and do what the doc says and eat slowly etc...

Honestly, I am technically "full" after 1/2 cup of food. I feel full and satisfied, but in my mind I know that's not enough food. So I push through and eat a whole cup instead. Then maybe another half cup. It doesn't keep you from PHYSICALLY not being able to eat like gastric bypass does. Just for that moment while you're eating the very first few bites, you have to REALLY pay attention because THAT'S where the weight loss happens.

Sorry to ramble. I DO NOT regret it. I just regret that I didn't have the self control to make it work for me in the first few months. It's not a solve-all, for sure. But if you have the desire and the will enough to go on yet another diet...you can do it.

The Lap Band is MOST successful if you apply the "usual" dieting/exercise logic to it. You HAVE to exercise to be able to lose weight at a satisfying speed. And, you have to be careful about what you eat. It IS very, very easy to "eat around" the band....in fact, you can eat around ALL of the WLS variations.....some more than others.

One of the huge benefits of both the Bypass AND the sleeve is the reduction of Grehlin, which is a hunger-producing hormone. For many people, that IS the answer in itself. The band does not have that ability. SOME people find that their hunger is eventually reduced by the band, but it is not a primary function of the band. The band is purely restriction.....which is enough for SOME people, but not nearly all. THAT is why this is such a PERSONAL decision. One size does NOT fit all.


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I love love love my band. I'd almost rather lose a limb than my band. (note I said almost LOL) Loss was slow slow until I got restriction and then BAM! (it's kind of like when you're young and wonder what it's like to be in love and the "grownups" tell you you'll know...and when you are, you do? Restriction is like that. Once you hit it life is never the same! LOL)

I agree with the other posters who say it's the best thing they've done, wish they could've done it sooner, etc. It's wonderful.

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The band is purely restriction.....which is enough for SOME people, but not nearly all. THAT is why this is such a PERSONAL decision. One size does NOT fit all.


Well,that's somewhat true, but not completely.

It's not only hormones that trigger the "full" feeling.

Receptors for "I'm Full" are in the upper portion of the stomach, which is why the band is placed where it is.

The restriction works because it keeps the food in the upper portion where those receptors are longer, allowing you to feel "full" (not hungry), without altering hormone levels or removing portions of the stomach.

If one eats foods that go through the pouch rapidly, then he or she will get hungry sooner.

Which is why we must work with this particular WLS differently than we would with another form.

As you said, it's all about what one feels he or she can handle.

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