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New Bander (HELP NEEDED)

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Hello all,

I’m new to the forum and to the banding world and I have LOTS of questions, I hope to find some answers.


All of my life I’ve been overweight, but lately (in the past 2 years) my weight started to sky rocket. And to add an insult to an injury I started taking anti-anxiety medicines, which made me gain about 40 pounds in 2 months. However, I don’t suffer from any related diseases from being overweight, except the usual stuff, laziness, heaviness, feet and back pain, etc… And I think if I continue gaining weight, I will have lots of serious health problems at some point <O:p</O:p

I have a lot of questions and I hope if I can find some answers from the expert benders around here :-)


1) Doctors web-sites say patients have to qualify, do you think I qualify with 252 pounds, and do I still need to qualify even if I was to self-pay, or is it only for insurance coverages?<O:p

2) Most people on the forum here say, they follow a strict dieting plan, along with exercising routinely. So why get the band if you already going to diet and exercise, isn’t it better to go natural, and avoid the band?


3) I thought the band idea, is to limit your appetite, so you can eat whatever you want (except very high calorie foods of course) and lose weight, since you will eat much lesser quantities. Isn’t that right? If so, then why follow a strict diet and so on? If few bites will fill you up


4) They say the band is meant to be permanent. Is that true?


5) If so, then after you reach your goal weight, do you still have to go the band doctor regularly for the rest of your life, inflating and deflating it? Or you can forget about the band once you get your desired weight and not see the doctor again.


6) Once you get used to the band, do you feel a weird object inside forever (the band), or you get used to it? I mean can you go for a week without thinking about the band?

7) How many fills do you need to lose weight? is there a maximum number you can not exceed? And if yes, then what do you do after you reach your maximum fills?


8) All of my life, I’ve been so hateful to my extra weight, and one of my dreams is to lose weight? So do you think the band is my best bet, or there are any other alternatives you suggest?


Thanks a lot guys for your time and help, and sorry for the extra long email, it is just that I want to lose weight very bad, still I’m very afraid from such a big decision.


Thanks a lot for your help and nice to meet you in advance,


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the band is a tool to help you loose weight, after the healing stage and when you get on regular foods some can eat everything. Many can not. When you eat you eat your Protein first about 4oz then veggies and then carbs if room. Many people can not eat breads, rice, crackers sticky carbs, some can. Others can not eat chicken or beef each person is different. I know people who have a bite of cheese cake once in a while, you dont no matter what diet want to deprive your self but eat foods that are healthy. People who do not plan on changing their food habbits may not loose weight with the band.

At my support group we have a few people who have never had a fill and have lost over 100lbs, each fill is individual so if one gets 1cc and another gets 2cc it means nothing to each person. Once you find your fill spot you may not have to get a fill again each person is different. I will keep in contact with my doctors office, we have 1 year follow up and support meetings.

When you loose weight either with the band or not, you have more energy. Science tells us that diet and exersize is what is needed to keep us health and have strong bones and muscles. You also dont want to look like a bag of bones, so the exersizing helps firm up the sagging skin.

The band in my opinion is a life time little helper. I have been fat since i was born, serious i have pix of my all my life and i never lost that baby fat. Im 1 week out and i dont think of my band except when im drinking and eating. I dont feel anything.

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If you have tried a series of diets and never managed to keep the weight off, then the band is probably right for you.

Let's see:

1) You didn't mention your height, but unless you're quite tall then 252 probably qualifies. It's based on BMI, plug your height and weight into a BMI calculator and see where you're at. If it's 40 or above, you qualify straight up, 35+ with co-morbidities you also qualify.

If your BMI is below 35 and you are here in the US, you may have trouble finding a doc to band you. I hear you can do it in Mexico though.

2) The problem with "going natural" is that most people can't stick with a diet long term. They end up going off the diet, going back to bad eating habits, and regain all their lost weight + some more. While there are ways to get around the band (liquid calories like milkshakes), in general the band will help you not eat too much so even if you stop following the bandster rules (like "protein first, then veggies") you will likely not regain all your lost weight because the restriction is still there. If you get cravings for junk food like chips you can't eat the whole bag. The band dampens that hungry feeling.

3) There are many people who do simply eat "normally" but in smaller portions and lose great amounts of weight without doing the "protein first" thing. It's just a good idea to pay attention to Protein because you don't want to lose muscle mass, you want to lose fat. So it's not a "diet" per say, it's following some basic rules to make the band work best for your weight loss and overall health. Does that make sense?

4) Yes the band is meant to be permanent. If you take it out, you'll likely regain all your lost weight.

5) From what I understand, once you're at goal you need to adjust the band far less often, but you may need to occasionally. It's really important to have aftercare available -- pick a doctor nearby who offers great support and aftercare. Without aftercare the band isn't nearly as effective. If you do go with Mexico, make sure you can afford to fly back there regularly and/or have a local doc willing to take care of the support & fills. From what I understand, a lot of band docs in the US don't like taking on bandsters done in Mexico for the aftercare, so ask first before you get banded.

6) I've only been banded for a couple weeks and I don't feel the band or the port, although the port area was quite sore after surgery. I can feel the port under my skin if I put my fingers on that area but it doesn't hurt anymore. And I notice the band when I eat -- the sensation is up between your breasts. But you don't "feel" the band sitting there on your upper stomach.

7) How many fills varies per person, and it's not really the number of fills as each fill will not be the same size. Depends on your fill doc, the restriction or lack of it that you already have, etc. The "maximum" is only that once the band is completely full you can't really add more. But it's rare to have it completely filled and not have the restriction you need.

8) I don't know of other good alternatives because dieting never worked for me -- I always regained my weight and could never stay consistent with exercise, particularly at my higher weights. There is the RNY but that's quite invasive and I wouldn't personally choose it or recommend it.

Good luck deciding! Have you gone to a lap band seminar given by a local doc? That's a great place to ask questions and get info and a lot of docs require it before allowing you to make an office appt anyway.

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Doctors web-sites say patients have to qualify, do you think I qualify with 252 pounds, and do I still need to qualify even if I was to self-pay, or is it only for insurance coverages?

The doctor has discretion about whether you qualify medically, so if you're self-pay the only person you have to impress is the surgeon. But to avoid a malpractice charge, the doctor is likely to follow the AMA's recognized criteria for bariatric surgery qualification: BMI of 40 or more, OR a BMI of 35 with comorbid conditions. Your weight isn't enough to tell us if you'll qualify, since BMI depends on your height as well. Do you know your BMI number?

Most people on the forum here say, they follow a strict dieting plan, along with exercising routinely. So why get the band if you already going to diet and exercise, isn’t it better to go natural, and avoid the band

Losing weight depends on eating less. If you can eat less by following a diet for the rest of your life then sure, that's safer than surgery. But the band makes eating less POSSIBLE, since for many severely obese people eating the appropriate amount is simply not possible for a variety of reasons. Banding physically limits our capacity so that eating less becomes a way of life.

I thought the band idea, is to limit your appetite, so you can eat whatever you want (except very high calorie foods of course) and lose weight, since you will eat much lesser quantities. Isn’t that right? If so, then why follow a strict diet and so on? If few bites will fill you up

When our capacity is limited in this way, nutrition can become a concern so there are recommended ways of eating (protein first, etc.) to help us be sure we're getting the right nutrients. It's not a "diet" unless you want it to be, and lots of people don't.

They say the band is meant to be permanent. Is that true?


If so, then after you reach your goal weight, do you still have to go the band doctor regularly for the rest of your life, inflating and deflating it? Or you can forget about the band once you get your desired weight and not see the doctor again.

My hope is the latter. Unless there's a need (pregnancy, illness, complications) I don't see any reason to regularly adjust the band once desired weight loss is achieved.

Once you get used to the band, do you feel a weird object inside forever (the band), or you get used to it? I mean can you go for a week without thinking about the band?

I don't feel the band at all, and I'm totally used to the port. I can indeed go long periods without thinking about it except when it restricts my eating.

How many fills do you need to lose weight? is there a maximum number you can not exceed? And if yes, then what do you do after you reach your maximum fills?

The band can be adjusted thousands of times if necessary. And the band can be filled to being completely closed, so it's impossible for anyone to be filled to the "maximum" without having it restrict their intake. If someone is having many adjustments and not feeling restriction, usually it means there's a leak somewhere.

All of my life, I’ve been so hateful to my extra weight, and one of my dreams is to lose weight? So do you think the band is my best bet, or there are any other alternatives you suggest?

It was certainly the best bet for me, and may be for you but only you can decide that. Look at the reasons you're overweight, your behavior and mental state, and decide whether a tool to restrict your intake is really what you need to get your weight under control. That's what the band is, no more, no less.

Keep asking questions! :D

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magic you and i sound identical. my weight was 259 iam 5'4 with no co morbitities just a plain old healthy fat woman. the band was the best thing i have ever done in regards to weight loss, not one time did i ever feel like i was on a diet i lost weight and stil got to enjoy . my favortie food but in less quantity if it were so easy for us to do it on our own there were be no fat people in this world. if it were thateasyyou wouldnt be here asking that question .every bodys fill level is different some may need 2-3 fills to get to goal and some may nedd 4-5 fills to get to goal i had 3 and got to goal.never have i felt my band insideme but i did feel my port. my insurance would not cover me since i was so healthy so i went to mexicoand have not regretted my decision for one single second. sounds like you are ready to take the next step best of luck

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I'm sure it's all been answered, but here's my input. In US you need to be 100 pounds overweight or have a high BMI (I believe the FDS makes that rule.) Since you said you had no-comorbities, that won't play a factor.

2) The band will restrict the amount you can eat, so the average person loses 1/2 of the weight they need to lose. The rest has to come off with diet and exercise (in many cases, like mine.) I'm still obese and need to lose 60 pounds, but I lost 60. Losing 60 gave me life.

3) If you count calories for a day, you'll see that it takes very little food to maintain a normal weight. Normies have better metabolisms and burn stuff away, so they can afford some goodies. With me, my body is so used to being overweight that even a few treats throw me off. It sucks, trust me, I'm living it. In order to lose any more weight, it takes very small healthy meals and very few nibbles of goodies. I haven't been able to do that lately.

4) They say the band is meant to be permanent. Is that true? I'm not sure. I heard on person say their doc is letting them have the band for 4 years, and by then your eating habits are set, and then they take it out, but nobody confirmed it. That was a French band.

5) If so, then after you reach your goal weight, do you still have to go the band doctor regularly for the rest of your life, inflating and deflating it? Or you can forget about the band once you get your desired weight and not see the doctor again. You always need to see a doc ater banded on a regular basis. Even if you feel great, you need to get an annual endoscopy and an occasional Upper GI. There can be no symptoms for erosion. Many people get to the right spot of feeling good restriction, but everyone keeps seeing their band doc for one reason or another.

6) Once you get used to the band, do you feel a weird object inside forever (the band), or you get used to it? I mean can you go for a week without thinking about the band? Hmmm, sometimes I forget it, other times it's always there. You never feel the way you used to. Gurgling noises, different sensations.

7) How many fills do you need to lose weight? is there a maximum number you can not exceed? And if yes, then what do you do after you reach your maximum fills? Everybody is different. Some lost huge amounts before getting a fill. Two people of the same weight can get the same band and the same fill. One will be too tight, the other could add more saline. Don't let anyone tell you differently. All surgeons approach fills differently. Some docs give you a little at a time to sneak up on eventual restriction, others give you a large fill right away.

8) All of my life, I’ve been so hateful to my extra weight, and one of my dreams is to lose weight? So do you think the band is my best bet, or there are any other alternatives you suggest? I suggest diet and exercise first. If you can do it alone, there's no need for surgical intervention. Try OA meetings, try all other means first. Any surgery should be a last resort.

Thanks a lot guys for your time and help, and sorry for the extra long email, it is just that I want to lose weight very bad, still I’m very afraid from such a big decision.

Thanks a lot for your help and nice to meet you in advance,

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Guys you are the best, thank you very much for your thorough and comprehensive answers. Your support means a lot to me, and your positive experiences will only add motivation to me to take this major step.<O:p</O:p

Sorry, but I forgot to mention my height. I’m 5’7 and weight 258. I thought I was 252, but I guess the scale proved that I’m not :) <O:p</O:p

Based on the BMI calculator I found that my BMI is 40.5 So I’m just about right do have the operation done as I understand.


One last question, if we were to go back in time, would you do the operation again or not?


Thanks a lot for your help and support:) <O:p</O:p

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Magic Girlfriend I am trying to get to your size LOL! U look great to me! I am 5'8 and 230lbs is my goal! U make 258 look SWELL! In my opinion to each his own but grilfriend I don't think you need the band, that is just my opinion. If you are not happy and think you need it then that is a decision that only you can make!

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Guys I'm not sure if you are mistaken me for my girlfriend. I'm the Chubby Guy. Actually my gf is skinny and I always wanted her to put some meat on her bones.

But I did not quite understand if you said that me who deoesn't look like 258, or you meant my skinny gf.

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I would definitely do it again, in a heartbeat!! Being banded is one of the best things I've done in my life, only behind my wonderful daughter and meeting my hubby.

They're right though, Magic, you don't look 258. You're a real cutie lol .. and so's your gf :)

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Magic -

I got my surgery and my BMI was 36.6 the day of surgery and I also had no co-morbidities. I have lost 25 lbs. thus far and I would do it again. Just make sure you interview your doc very well and find out in advance his or her philosophy on fills and how often they will consider giving them, etc. Getting a fill has been my biggest struggle with my doc. He won't even consider giving me one except every 3+ months. I think you wear 258 well, but you could feel better about yourself after losing as little as 20 lbs. I am even back to jogging!!!

Good luck!!!

Tricia H

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Thank you very much for your help, and kind words. You really gave me motivation to do the operation and take this major step in my life.

Parvathi: Thank you very much for your kind words:)

momof4: You really got me smiling when I pictured myself back to jogging, jumping and enjoying life, thanks for your support.

Debbydo: Don't worry, I guessed you assumed I was a girl casue the majority are ladies in LBT.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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