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The bible and all it says and all it does is clear hypocrisy. I believe in God, but God didn't write the bible. Man wrote the bible after he interpreted beliefs, so anybody that reads the bible is reading what some other guy wrote. I think it's great when people find a good book they believe in, but the fact is, anyone that follows the bible is following man's words, not a higher power. Higher Powers can't write. Never could.

With that said, the bible is nothing but a mass of hypocritical mumbo jumbo. Anyone that thinks sex is only for man between women isn't reading carefully enough. God created all. Jesus is creater of things seen and unseen on Heaven and Earth. Jesus created homosexuality. He created vibrators, he invented anal penetration.

Blessed be, yada yada. One of my best friends is a Jesus pusher, and we just laugh at each other. I think she sounds like a goofball giving Jesus credit for the wonderful things he blesses her with. An auto accident took away her ability to walk for years. Then she gave Christ all the credit after doctors and scientist developed surgeries, drugs and implants that got her walking again, but she never prayed to the surgeons and lab technicians, hosptials, scientists - the brilliant people that used scientific evidence to figure out how to make her walk. Nope, it certainly wasn't them that got her back on her feet, it was God. Thanks be to Jesus Christ for getting her in that car accident to begin with. It baffles me since doctors and science is 100% real. It's right here, right now and can be proved with fact. The marvels of science are overlooked so people can give credit to some dude that wrote a book and called it the bible based on how he interpreted things.

When was the bible written, like eons ago, right? So today's Jesus believers hold their faith in what people believed many moons ago. Heck, they also believed the world was flat and that witches and vampires lived among us.

The bible was written by politicians to control society. The wanted to scare people and make them behave. I can recommend a book with facts that prove God was made up. There's proof God doesn't exist but there's no proof he does. I'll take evidence over fiction any day.

My bible pushing friend talks about the many ways God blesses her each day. I guess he really unblessed those folks in New Orleans. He really unblessed all the dying children at the cancer center this morning. He really unblessed all the little kittens that are put in sacks with rocks and tossed over bridges and dogs that are kicked and left in the heat with no food and Water.

God created deformities – he created people born with both a vagina and a penis, and he called them hermaphrodites. God sure does make a lot of mistakes for as perfect as he’s supposed to be. But I don’t believe he’s perfect. I believe he screws up all the time. Homosexuality is not a choice. I was adopted by two gay men as a young teenager who were better mothers and sisters to me than my own. I lived among the gay community and learned enough about homosexuality to know they were born that way. They were wearing Mommy’s shoes and putting on lipstick instead of breaking Tonka Trucks like heterosexual boys. My lesbian girlfriend held her breath till she fainted as a child when her mother tried putting a dress on her. It’s not a choice, it’s their birthright.

Sex is not just for men and women. Does that mean hermaphrodites aren’t allowed to have sex because they have a vagina and a penis, or does the church and bible say they need surgical intervention to correct God’s mistake before they are allowed to have an orgasm? Should the church decide which sex organ they can use? Should women that are disgusted by the thought of a penis live a celibate life and deny herself her own God-given sexuality when she really wants to play with another vagina? Not because she’s a pervert, but because she has uncontrollable sexual urges just like heterosexuals? What about people that look for love but never find it? My sister is several years older than me but is still searching for Mr. Right. She's never been married because our faith believes that marriages are promises in front of God and our friends that only death shall part us. Since she hasn't found a husband, does she have to live a life of celibacy and deny herself sexual gratification? My gosh, the gir is a raving bitch as it is, let her have her orgasms! What a horrible thing to deny somebody. God or no God, no human should ignore being horny because it's not healthy. Orgasms (Vines, help me here) IMPROVE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. They release endorphines and keep us healthy. Does the bible say unmarried people should become sick with unhealthy immune systems and bad skin and road rage and anger and irritablity? If that's the case, why would otherwise loving and compassionate person care about that book? Put the silly book down and buy your single girlfriend a vibrator.

One of my favorite debates is over the bible. Man wrote it. If God were real and he told his story and his guidelines to 100 men and asked them to write a book, each book would be different.

I love my friends like Kathy, Kelly and Paula because their belief systems make them beautiful people. I just let any God speak go in one ear and out the other because I don’t put faith in man. I prayed this morning and was told to write this.

Way back when the earth was flat and the village was out of order and witches were being born at the stake and Indians were dancing around to make the rain come, some powerful men got together and devised a system to keep order in the village. They invented God and began writing the fairytale. People believed it, because back then they had nothing better to believe in. They had no scientific proof of why lightening strikes, so they were told God was doing it, and it was good. Every time someone questioned why the earth moved, or why butterflies bloom, they were corn holed into believing this great God was in charge, and if you don’t believe in God, you will go to a fiery place called hell for all eternity. Mind you, nobody had ever been to Heaven or Hell, but the people believed it because it made sense.

Now the government had peaceful people, and all was good. But before Grandpa died, he explained all he knew about this God character to his sons. When the sons taught their daughters, they added in a few extra myths to make sure their girls were too afraid to let boys touch them, and the girls were scared, so they prayed to God, too. Eventually the entire hypocritical bible went in print. But then one day someone didn’t like that book, so then invented and wrote another book and renamed it. Soon we had Jews, Mormons, Catholics, Buddhists and DeLarlaists. We just make stuff up and people buy it. I love it!

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And now I have to log off and re-order my supply of vibrators. I sold over $1000 worth of sex toys over the weekend, so at least I'll have lots of friends in Hell!

See ya'll there!

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You brought up alot of good points here. But this one, I need to defend for just a second...

There's proof God doesn't exist but there's no proof he does.

My son had emergency brain surgery 3 years ago. He was only 6 yrs old.

When he woke up, he told us that he saw the Face of God during his surgery. For many weeks post surgery, he would see 2 angels following him everywhere he would go.

This isnt in a book, this was from an innocent child. My child.

I believe him. I believe he saw the Face of Father God. He knew who he saw from the moment he opened his eyes from the surgery. He didnt see Batman, he didnt see his baseball coach, he didnt see grampa jones that died before he was born... he saw God.

This is one of the many reasons why I believe in God... and how I know He is real. Not from a book. Not from a story told to me by gramp's. But from personal experiences.

Now, lets get back to the xxx stuff! Youre making me think too hard. :)

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I have read everything posted on this thread and everyone here is very well spoken and the posts are very intelligent. I frimly beleive in God as my savior and can only say that I cannot look at the beautiful full moon..the leaves in the fall...the sunset over an ocean...or my children's faces and not have all the proof I need that HE is REAL. I echo everyone's sentiments that you are entitled to beleive in whatever and whomever you choose but to me the mystery of God is part of the beauty of him. I would hate to imagine my life without that strength to guide me and that hope to cling to.



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Paula, I've had very profound and similar experience as your son, which is why I believe in God. I've also had vivid experiences with ghosts, so I am quite sure there is some sort of afterlife. But God is God, ghosts are ghosts, and the bible and all the preaching mumbo jumbo is another story altogether.

Many people are brought back to life by the marvels of medicine and talk about seeing God, light, angels, etc. I think it's marvelous that someone can find that peace and know something amazing is on the other side. However, I also know that people dream vivid dreams and have data in their subconscious, so I can only believe what I've seen in my waking hours. My mother in law "went to the other side" but was revived back to life. I asked her countless questions, and she told me there's nothing there. "It's just empty and gone" was her best description.

The whole point to this thread was not to beat down religion. This thread is about liberty, justice and the American way. Freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom to choose how we want to live our lives with a side of female empowerment.

The point is we are allowed to post whatever we want. Religious banter on a weighloss support board is extremely offensive to me, but that doesn't keep me from fully enjoying the support here. Screen names that include Lord, God, or Jesus offend me. However, the fact that a small portion of my business includes selling devices to assist people in achieving orgasms offends people who think it should be a banned discussion here, although some of them are afraid to come here and say it in front of the whole board.

The topic is simple: If you think LBT should ban sex, vibrators, homosexuality, fellatio or any other sexually related topic, then LBT also has to ban religion. It's that simple.

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I have to say that any adult no matter what belief system they follow should be grown up enough to pass over anything they don't want to see. Unless you belong to a convent/monastary there are always going to be things in the general public that you may not agree with. If you don't want to look....don't. If you do....great. We are adults and God especially instituted free will.

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Lisa, I swear I've verbalized those exact words to folks many a time in my life. I too believe in a higher power, I am very spiritual and caring, but I don't feel I need a bible, a church or a pastor. When I need spiritual guidance, I skip the middleman.

I think the reason there are so many different religious groups relates to man's different interpretations of the bible. Instead of deciding who's right among them, I skip it, and go straight to the top. I pray often for others, I know when I've made a mistake, and try to do a fair repentance, to make up for it. I try to live fair and be kind to the earth, it's animals and people.

I agree that God will forgive me my sins, and it's up to him to decide what sins I've made. I do not disrepect the religion or religious beliefs of others. They may be right, and I may well be wrong, but I am comfortable in my heart with what I feel. I also teach my children to follow right and wrong with their hearts. I jump when someone needs help. I'm going to New Orleans to help rebuild hospitals in the spring, at my own expense... and I'm not rich.

I love sex, I'm a scorpion, guided by the house of sex, and am very sexually intense. My husband appreciates that. Toys are an enhancement, not an affair.

If something insults me, I either respectfully offer my side of the argument, or reasons for feeling that way, or skip it as not my business. Likewise here... there have been many arguments on LBT that are none of my business, and I like to keep it that way, by clicking on to something else, or taking a break from the site while it fades away.

I believe that personal attacks are the act of ones ignorance and it shows. I believe that love makes people happy, and GOOD sex keeps couples together. Everyone of you have every right to believe something different.

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I just changed my entire religious belief system. From now on I shall pray to the Godess Pam.

Nurse, well-written from from the Book of DeLarlaism, page one. I would like to retract everything I've said and just copy what Pam wrote. Bingo, exact, brilliant, perfect.

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Now THAT made me laugh out loud! I am definitely a goddess in my own mind. If only I could convince my husband to treat me the way I see me...

I've been reading from the book of Delarlaism for over a year and am always intrigued and delighted by your insight, as well as your spit and vinegar... Never ever delete your posts, we love them! Your husband must be awesome, patient, and strong because I just don't see you taking any guff you didn't deserve from anyone, and I admire that in a fellow sister!

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Funny you should mention hubby. The day I met his parents (1.5 decades ago) was a nightmare from hell. His dad was watching the way I spent my own money and told Chris to cut me off. I told his dad to F off. Not that exact word, but close enough. His tiny late mom approached me with fire in her eyes and announced, "Nobody talks to George that way!" I looked two feet down, and breathed firey words into her face, "Nobody talks to ME that way." She huffed off and I smiled and played some poker. Poor Chris didn't know what to do with any of us, so we went home and left them at the hotel.

The next morning, his mom called. After sleeping on it, the first thing she said is, "Chris, I like that girl. She's got sand!" She actually admired me for telling her husband off because he's a real bloop bleep blip bloop.

I have the best husband in the world. We've hit lots of rough Patches since he's not the sharpest tool in the shed. But since I started my own business, my whole aura changed. I have a project, a goal, ambition, drive, determination. I'm not all wigged out or worried about our future. I found the answer I've been struggling for all these years, and it's worked magic on my marriage. And he has a great butt. Oh, and he gives "_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _."

Send me a PM if you can fill in those blanks!

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De Larla please please please write a book, it would be absolutely brilliant. You have me in stitches. You are so funny.


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Well, well, well. This hot little thread has 1288 hits in just a few days. I was looking at some other old threads - the Fall Weight Loss Challenge thread only got 1459 hits so far. What that tells me is that people come here for all types of support, laughter, friendship, advice, knowledge, controversy, a good laugh, and SEX.

I don't know how this became a religious debate, and for that I apologize. I get loud messages out of the blue, I get attacked by sudden impulses, I have powerful intuitive skills and I'm guided by a force that I explain as God. He comes from my heart and soul, and he tells me to give till it hurts and live life to its fullest because the only guarantee I have is that I'm alive - right here, right now.

Could someone else please start a religion thread? I promise, I won't go there for debate. I'll respect it, just as ya'll have respected me.

Still, not one single peep from even one of the people who are so offended by my new career or my vagina.


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Thank you, Gaynor! I have several books started but I can't finish them while working as a paralegal. My writing comes to me in the form of God, which are messages sent to me from powerful and unexplainable voices that I interpret as God. Those voices tell me not to believe what man has written or spoken unless I first give it a personal and thorough analysis. I come to my own conclusions based on messages and intuition. I'm guided to be cautious, guarded and cynical until I have proof. Like I'll be doing something and suddenly lights come on, and Bingo, there's what I'm supposed to tell people.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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