Mariposa Bella 3 Posted September 16, 2005 Delarla, last night I was watching 30 minute meals with Rachel Ray (love her) and she had this huge cucumber for her salad, and the first thing that came to my mind--was you. It was so funny.. I read this post yesterday, so I probably had xxx on my mind.. he, heee... By the way pm, I want to see your catalog. Estela Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nickie456 0 Posted September 16, 2005 darn you got me to. I thought you had posted the XXX pic. from the vegas bash. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeLarla 22 Posted September 16, 2005 Michelle, thank you for doing my homework. I wanted to see how many people snuck in and read this post but were too chicken to admit it. Hypocrisy, it's overwhelming. But Karen, these are the words that were stuck in my very angry head that I tried saying, so I bow right back at you: Karen said, "People telling you to act like a lady. What? In whose definition!?!?!?! For how long have women been told to be quiet, be subservient, to be what someone else told them to be? I don't believe my suffragette sisters worked so gall durn hard so that in 2005 I could be told what acting like a lady means. To be FORCED to conform to someone else's idea of being a ANOTHER WOMAN no less. All I can do is shake my head." Bravo. You hit the nail on the head. That has been the driving force between any controversial thread I've either started, participated, or debated in. Too all you peeping Tomettes who check out my dirty little thread in disgust, let's take a look back in history. It wasn't long ago that women weren't allowed to vote. Should we stop voting, too? I hurl at the thought of a government run only by men. Before women had rights, they kept their mouths shut and let men make all the decisions, which left our world a chaotic, depressed, terrorisitic, and violent mess. Male politician dealing with violence: Solution - invent weapons of mass destruction and kill mass quantities of people. Yeah, let's let men tell us how to act! My Grandma & Great Grandma & their sisters fought like hell. Some were killed, many were jailed, countless were shunned from society. Our "Suffragette Sisters," as so eloquently put, put their lives on the line for us. Didn't Christ die on the cross for us? Does anyone have proof? If anyone cares to visit their local library, there's proof that woman made human sacrifices for real! They sacrificed their own lives just so we ladies alive today would be treated as equals. So, after all these years of trying to figure out who God really is, she was apparently a braless chick who died with her ankle chained to a courthouse with a "WOMEN'S RIGHTS" poster in her hand. GOD REALLY IS A GIRL! So why is it acceptable that men scratch their balls in public, oogle at boobs, and get an erection when they see a short skirt, while DeLarla can't talk about self-pleasure? I think this thread answered my alcohol problem. I drink over hypocrisy, and I'm surrounded by it. And I said I'd stay sober for 6 months, but I'm dry heaving over the disgust that there are still women sitting cross-legged in a corner waiting to be told what to do and how to act, and actually obeying. Obey this! **censored censored censored censored!** Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReneBean 3 Posted September 16, 2005 Just a note - lots of hits on this thread because some of us are following closely to see what everyone has to say - even though we have already blabbed. Speak on Sisters & Brothers (um, guys? Nothing to say? Butch wins the Guts & Glory prize on this one. We love you Butch.) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeLarla 22 Posted September 16, 2005 Rene, stay away from Butch. He's mine! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeLarla 22 Posted September 16, 2005 I'm doing a hostess party tonight and needed a game to play. I think I'll stop and buy cucumbers and condoms to see who can put one on fastest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ReneBean 3 Posted September 16, 2005 What, you want Butch AND John? That's just Greedy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DeLarla 22 Posted September 16, 2005 Rene, have you seen even one single post by me claiming I'm not greedy? Hands off. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Penni60 45 Posted September 16, 2005 We did this at my daughter's Bridal shower. We were blindfolded and had to put the condom on the cucumber the fastest. Mine went flying across the room. It popped off. LOL!! Hence I have 4 children. LOOL!!!!! I'm doing a hostess party tonight and needed a game to play. I think I'll stop and buy cucumbers and condoms to see who can put one on fastest. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cnicholl 0 Posted September 16, 2005 Make sure the condoms are flavored and do it with you mouth!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DevilMayKare 1 Posted September 17, 2005 AHem...among Miss Dahlin's tirade... So why is it acceptable that men scratch their balls in public...? ... It's acceptable that men scratch their balls in public??? Not to ME! Did their mothers never tell them to stop playing with themselves? Seriously, Michael J & the rest of the ball-scratching, dick-stroking performers look totally ridiculous to me. Just had to get that off my chest. Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dylansmom 27 Posted September 17, 2005 Jacilyn - Do not be sorry about anything! I am openly a Christian as well! I have been healed of Lupus and Pericarditis and it is well known on here, as well as everywhere else, that I give God/Jesus/Holy Spirit all of the glory, honor, and praise for that!!! I know that HE healed me, because those things don't just take care of and heal themselves. I am also saddened that not everyone believes in Him, and have personally seen and experienced waaaaay too much to know that He is indeed real. But on the other hand, I also know that I cannot push my beliefs on others, and I respectfully live it (walk the walk) instead of cramming it down other people's throats. (Not saying anyone is doing that here, just saying what I try to live.) I try to not judge others, and to love them for who they are and where they are at. (Not saying anyone here judges others, just saying what I personally try to do/not do.) I will quit now while I'm ahead. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dylansmom 27 Posted September 17, 2005 On the other hand........and in all fairness to the initial topic of this thread.......... I remember a long time ago going to my Pastor's wife and asking her if she thought that masturbation is wrong. She thought for a moment and didn't speak right away. She then looked me in the eye and said, "I don't believe that it's wrong if you are doing it out of necessity. If people do it out of addiction, then it's wrong, as is any addiction. But if someone needs a release, then I don't see how it is wrong." And in all fairness to what Paula said about sex supposed to be between a husband and wife to enjoy.....I totally agree. That is what SEX is for. But beyond that, I believe that if a husband or wife is so horny and wound up when their partner isn't around, that it is better for them to pleasure themselves, then to go to someone else outside of the marriage. That's just my opinion. I know that I would personally rather see my husband take care of his own needs when I'm not here to do that for him, then to go to another woman to have his needs met. To flip side of that.....I had better be taking care of his needs, and he mine, when we ARE together. That's part of the marriage package. Alright. I'll get off of MY soapbox now. Peace out. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vinesqueen 2 Posted September 17, 2005 I just think it odd that you go to your pastor's wife. Unless she went to divinity school, how is she any more or less qualified to give you advice on religious matters? Would you got to your plumer's SO for advice about a clogged drain? I suppose in some instances that it might be worth going to the SO... my DH has a good understanding of Computer Security, but I know nothing about Fiber channel storage issues. Funny how she went right away to addiction though. Funny how she didn't mention mutual masterbation. But of course, mutual masterbation is considered be sodomy. But then, when you examine the definition of sodomy, It pretty much covers anything but strict intercorse. sodomy: Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Old French sodomie, from Late Latin Sodoma Sodom; from the homosexual proclivities of the men of the city in Gen 19:1-11 1 : copulation with a member of the same sex or with an animal 2 : noncoital and especially anal or oral copulation with a member of the opposite sex Copulation: to engage in sexual intercourse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dylansmom 27 Posted September 17, 2005 I refuse to get into an argument over this. She is a counselor and is also an ordained "Pastor" but doesn't Pastor. And I don't have to defend my decision to go to her and ask her that either. You can see things your way, and I'll respectfully see things mine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites