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Group- 5 day Pouch Test

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YEA!!!! I am so thankful to the 5day PT. I made it to fill time and lost those pesky pounds I had gained by eating by the band over the holidays and time out of town taking care of grandma. With my fill yesterday he put in enough to finally feel restriction!!! SO THIS IS WHAT IT IT SUPPOSE TO FEEL LIKE! YES, with the band properly adjusted what a difference. I have been able to eat about 1/4 cup! THIS IS SO AWESOME! .....KICKING THAT HUNGER!!!!!

What a relief for food, and what I cant eat to be NOT the top thing on my mind! It is like I can live life around Life not food! All that time I was spending tracking calories and measuring,,,now I just eat with the family and chew well. YEA!!!!!!! PRAISE GOD FOR THE INVENTION OF THE LAPBAND!!!! It is like being freed from constant gluttony!!!! I couldnt be happier! and guilt free! FINALLY!! You know the work says if your eye offends the cut it out, THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE LAPBAND HAS HELPPED ME OVERCOME! What a GREAT tool! This was my first fill that didnt result in surgery (re: flipped port) It is nioce to have everything working good.

by the way my fill level is now 2.75 cc's in a 4 cc band. We tried 3 cc but it felt too tight. I think we found a good spot. I hope it lasts atleast a couple of months. I have heard alot about the band loosening, but we have it pretty full so we CHOULD be good for a while.

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You guys are so encouraging...I am planning on starting tomorrow with the pouch test. The last two days I have been trying to limit my carbs so that Mon and Tues may not be so bad. Yep, have the "carb withdrawl headache today" not fun!! I have an appoint with my surgeon on Tues hoping to get a fill, but no guarantee. I have had only 3 fills and had my surgery Sept of 08. I was kind of hoping to have some good restriction by now, kinda getting discouraged. So far I haven't had good restriction since the swelling went down from surgery. He almost didn't give me a fill last time and I only had 2.6cc (in a 10cc band) in the band at that time (3.5cc now). The last time I had a fill I had good restriction for about 2 weeks them not much again. He only schedules me every three months...I have been VERY hungry lately!

Anyway, I am thinking that if he does give me a fill then I am on a good start (since I have 48 hours of liquids after anyway) and if I don't get the fill maybe I can start re-training myself. I am open for any advice you guys have!

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HEY EVERYONE, Im BACK!!! Ok I know bad LEAH..... I just havent had time to get on here for a while.

I am sorry.... And a little update. I got good restriction after my fill which took me to 2.75 in a 4cc band.(2nd fill) but yes lasted only a couple of weeks and now I am back in the same boots! here we go again!!!!! I just cant aford another fill. I am down to 215lbs but it is going super slow. I had to stop walking because my track around the grain bins have been loaded with trucks. Not so safe for the little ones. But now that harvest is slowing down I am starting to walk again just this morning. I didnt realize how I started huffing and puffing after only a little bit.

My biggest problem is I have had the MAJOR MUNCHIES. GRAZING ALL DAY LONG. YUCK. and not on good stuff either. It was nice to have restriction because I could eatwhat I wanted but because it was just a couple of bites I wasnt causing any damage. But now I can eat more again and I just cant afford a fill. NO MONEY! so I need to get back to work on my eating habits. BAD HABITS> MMMM LOTS OF CARBS!!!!!! So I am going shopping this week and going to get all of the food stuff high protien and get back on the wagon.


lets team up!!!! we can make a meal plan with ingred. and map out this 5 day pt to the T!!!!!!!!

Follow all the rules and together see some awesome success. so lets use this time to plan.

who has some favorite meals for days 1&2???????

we can all post our plans then go shopping to get everything we need!

I know I am not the only one who needs some help kickin' that carb monster! AND GRAZING YUCK!!! We really need to get that bad habit licked.

Hey who likes otter pops????? MEEEEEE!!!


OK I will come bact tomarrow with a favorite rec. for each day meeting each days guidlines. WHOS WITH ME?????!!!!!!!!

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HEY EVERYONE, Im BACK!!! Ok I know bad LEAH..... I just havent had time to get on here for a while.

I am sorry.... And a little update. I got good restriction after my fill which took me to 2.75 in a 4cc band.(2nd fill) but yes lasted only a couple of weeks and now I am back in the same boots! here we go again!!!!! I just cant aford another fill. I am down to 215lbs but it is going super slow. I had to stop walking because my track around the grain bins have been loaded with trucks. Not so safe for the little ones. But now that harvest is slowing down I am starting to walk again just this morning. I didnt realize how I started huffing and puffing after only a little bit.

My biggest problem is I have had the MAJOR MUNCHIES. GRAZING ALL DAY LONG. YUCK. and not on good stuff either. It was nice to have restriction because I could eatwhat I wanted but because it was just a couple of bites I wasnt causing any damage. But now I can eat more again and I just cant afford a fill. NO MONEY! so I need to get back to work on my eating habits. BAD HABITS> MMMM LOTS OF CARBS!!!!!! So I am going shopping this week and going to get all of the food stuff high protien and get back on the wagon.


lets team up!!!! we can make a meal plan with ingred. and map out this 5 day pt to the T!!!!!!!!

Follow all the rules and together see some awesome success. so lets use this time to plan.

who has some favorite meals for days 1&2???????

we can all post our plans then go shopping to get everything we need!

I know I am not the only one who needs some help kickin' that carb monster! AND GRAZING YUCK!!! We really need to get that bad habit licked.

Hey who likes otter pops????? MEEEEEE!!!


OK I will come bact tomarrow with a favorite rec. for each day meeting each days guidlines. WHOS WITH ME?????!!!!!!!!


Glad to have an update on you--I know what you mean about getting back in the same boots again. I have had a Migraine every day for two weeks, and have had inner ear problems so bad for the last week that I can hardly stand without falling over. I get so tired of being sick--like someone (who is supposed to love me :hurray: said yesterday, "with you it always seems to be something"--well, thanks a bunch!! People act like you choose to be sick :), especially those who are hardly ever sick--but when they are, baby look out--the whining never stops. This person who complained about my "always being sick", actually wanted me to take her to the ER when she got a splinter in her finger!! Anyway, needless to say I have not been able to eat properly, exercise, or do anything else productive--I just want these Migraines to stop!! I finally got an appt for today with my local dr, so maybe he can help. Sorry, for the blah, blah, blah--but with this headache I can't sleep, or evidently focus!! Wishing you the best with your new ideas; as soon as I can function I will join you. Stay in touch:thumbup:


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Migranes are terrible. I am sorry. Yu didnt choose to be sick Sometimes I think people can be so harsh.

Ok, some 5 day pt food ideas......

For the drink stage I like plenty of home made raw soy milk with a tbs of my favorite coffee Creamer for flavoring.

carrot juice is a great pick me up

and something savory....

saute WELL chopped onions add one can of cream of chicked Soup mix blend until smooth. add 1/2 gal chicken stock and bring to boil. Beat in 2 eggs.

This is great when I feel like I need to eat something. This is as close as it gets. Good protien with the eggs.< /p>

Here is one of my favorite toppings for cottage cheese.

I call it

Sunny Zuccini Jam (I have had alot of zuccini ripe. LOL )

grate 2 lg Zuccini and mix with 1 can of crushed pinnapple, 1 cup of sugar and 2 cups of Water. boil minutes and turn off burner than add 2 pkgs of orange or peach Jello powder. mix and pour into hot clean jars.

fill and flip, let rest until cool.

this is a yummy treat on top of MANY things. But cottage cheese is healthier than toast which it is also good on. lol

on stage one we can blend almost any kind of your favorite fruits together and it is good.

put some of the fruit juice into the icecream maker and have a yummy summer time treat.

just some Ideas.

I find having my body fed right helps with my headaches after it is done withdrawaling from its addictions. :( Buy my body is different than anyone elses.

good luck time to get an actual meal plan written out. I will post it here when I get it done. But I need to get my little guy down for a nap.

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Lipton Tea has this great Cranberry-Pomegranat tea. It's tasty and has a kick of caffeine too. I am in with you guys for Monday. Scout47, I get Migraine headaches pretty bad too. It usually happens when the weather changes from cool to warm or warm to cool. It also happens when I am around bright lights a lot. THere are all kinds of triggers for us migrain sufferers. I recently was prescribed a medicine by my doctor called Amerge that gets rid of those headaches. But it is pretty expensive. Relpax isn't as pricy, and also works. But sometimes I have to take a second dose. Go see your doc. Good luck to you cos I know what you are going through and it aint fun! I think we will all feel better when we get going on the 5dpt. We will clean out our systems of all the crap we put in us. Good luck to us all!

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Oh wow do I need you guys!

I have fallen into some bad habits and had decided to do the 5 day PT to get back on track.

Count me in!


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Weight loss is not the intent of the 5 Day Pouch Test


This is the link to the thread where we are doing a group pouch test starting Monday 24th.

Here is the link that tells what the 5 DPT is exactly.

http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ THERE ARE SOME GREAT recipes ON THIS SITE!

You must drink a minimum of 64 ounces of Water each day.

Days 1 & 2: Liquid Protein

low-carb Protein shakes, broth, clear or cream soups, sugar-free Gelatin and pudding.< /em>

Day 3: Soft Proteins

Recipes for Day 3

The next three days you get to eat as much as you want as often as you want! Ahhh, but there's a catch: it has to be solid protein and you only get 15 minutes each time you sit down to eat. No drinking 30 minutes before or after meals and no drinking with your food. A dry pouch will hold your soft protein longer helping your to feel full and fed longer.

Protein Recommendations: canned fish (tuna or salmon) mixed with lemon and seasoned with salt and pepper, eggs cooked as desired seasoned with salt pepper and/or salsa, fresh soft fish (tilapia, sole, orange roughy), baked or grilled, and lightly seasoned.

Cottage cheese is a good protein and you can include it on Day 3

Day 4: Firm Protein

Recipes for Day 4

Protein Recommendations: ground meat (beef, turkey, lamb) cooked dry and lightly seasoned, shellfish, scallops, lobster steamed and seasoned only with lemon, salmon or halibut steaks, grilled and lightly seasoned.

By now you should be experiencing that familiar tightness that will reassure you that your pouch is working. Remember to drink plenty of water between meals. Take some time to meditate and rediscover the wonder of your pouch.

Day 5: Solid Protein

Protein Recommendations: white meat poultry cooked dry and lightly seasoned, beef steak (if tolerated) grilled or broiled.

Day 5 Recipes

Remember to chew chew chew. Measure your portion (4-6 ounces) and eat only until you feel your pouch tighten. Remember, only 15 minutes per meal, so you'll have to work fast to chew your food completely. By now you should be out of any carb cycle you were in and perhaps you have lost a pound or two. You will have new confidence in your pouch and your ability to work the tool for your health and emotional well being.

Day 5 Poultry Recipes

Don't go hungry! Remember, you can eat as often as you want as long as it is solid protein, consumed without liquids and measured in 4-6 ounce portions.

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here is my plan

Days 1 & 2: Liquid Protein

6am- 8 oz water

7am- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

8- 8 oz Water or carrot/ cucumber juice

9- cream of sautéed onion soup

10-8 oz water

11- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

12- 8 oz water

1- cream of sautéed onion Soup w/ egg

2- 8 oz water

3- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

4- 8 oz water

5- cream of sautéed onion soup

6- 8 oz water

7pm- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

8pm- 8 oz water

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here is what I have for the second half of the pt meals

Day 3: Soft Proteins

6am- 8 oz water

7am- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

8- 8 oz Water or carrot/ cucumber juice

9- 1/4 cup diced zucchini scrambled w/ 1 egg

10-8 oz water

11- 1 can of tuna w/ finely diced zucchini and just enough juice to mix

12- 8 oz water

1- cream of sautéed onion Soup w/ 2 eggs

2- 8 oz water

3- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

4- 8 oz water

5- 2 doubled eggs, ½ cup cottage cheese

6- 8 oz water

7pm- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

8pm- 8 oz water

Day 4: Firm Protein

6am- 8 oz water

7am- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

8- 8 oz water or carrot/ cucumber juice

9- 1/4 cup diced zucchini scrambled w/ 1 egg

10-8 oz water

11- 3oz of baked cod w/ sliced onions

12- 8 oz water

1- cream of sautéed onion soup w/ 2 eggs

2- 8 oz water

3- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

4- 8 oz water

5- ½ cup Taco meat, ½ cup cottage cheese

6- 8 oz water

7pm- 8oz soy milk, 2 TBS Creamer

8pm- 8 oz water

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Lovinglapband, thanks for all the great ideas. I am going to make sure today that I have what I need for tomorrow. Hopefully this will help me so that I don't blow it on day 1. Do you know if Peanut Butter is allowed? Like if I put some in my chocolate Protein Shake ? Well, good luck to us all, lap band friends. Tomorrow is the day we start cleaning out our systems and get back on track. We CAN do this.

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Weight loss is not the intent of the 5 Day Pouch Test


This is the link to the thread where we are doing a group pouch test starting Monday 24th.

Here is the link that tells what the 5 DPT is exactly.

http://www.5daypouchtest.com/ THERE ARE SOME GREAT recipes ON THIS SITE!

You must drink a minimum of 64 ounces of Water each day.

Days 1 & 2: liquid Protein

low-carb protein shakes, broth, clear or cream soups, sugar-free Gelatin and pudding.< /em>

Day 3: Soft Proteins

Recipes for Day 3

The next three days you get to eat as much as you want as often as you want! Ahhh, but there's a catch: it has to be solid protein and you only get 15 minutes each time you sit down to eat. No drinking 30 minutes before or after meals and no drinking with your food. A dry pouch will hold your soft protein longer helping your to feel full and fed longer.

Protein Recommendations: canned fish (tuna or salmon) mixed with lemon and seasoned with salt and pepper, eggs cooked as desired seasoned with salt pepper and/or salsa, fresh soft fish (tilapia, sole, orange roughy), baked or grilled, and lightly seasoned.

Cottage cheese is a good protein and you can include it on Day 3

Day 4: Firm Protein

Recipes for Day 4

Protein Recommendations: ground meat (beef, turkey, lamb) cooked dry and lightly seasoned, shellfish, scallops, lobster steamed and seasoned only with lemon, salmon or halibut steaks, grilled and lightly seasoned.

By now you should be experiencing that familiar tightness that will reassure you that your pouch is working. Remember to drink plenty of water between meals. Take some time to meditate and rediscover the wonder of your pouch.

Day 5: Solid Protein

Protein Recommendations: white meat poultry cooked dry and lightly seasoned, beef steak (if tolerated) grilled or broiled.

Day 5 Recipes

Remember to chew chew chew. Measure your portion (4-6 ounces) and eat only until you feel your pouch tighten. Remember, only 15 minutes per meal, so you'll have to work fast to chew your food completely. By now you should be out of any carb cycle you were in and perhaps you have lost a pound or two. You will have new confidence in your pouch and your ability to work the tool for your health and emotional well being.

Day 5 Poultry Recipes

Don't go hungry! Remember, you can eat as often as you want as long as it is solid protein, consumed without liquids and measured in 4-6 ounce portions.

OK, LovingLBL,

I'm in! I have tried the 5DPT several times before but never seem to get past the first day, but I REALLY need this--I am in a bad carb cycle. Seems like the only food I can keep down any more are bad carbs and we all know what that leads to--more bad carbs and no w8 loss :rolleyes:. But I feel like I can make it with the support of you all. I've got to get out of this limbo of no lost w8. I deluded myself into to thinking the weight would continue to just drop off like it did the first two months post-op, but that idea has really been shot down by my not using my band to help me. Like I said, I really need this--please keep in touch. Go 8/24 Team!:unsure:


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Good morning everybody. Are you all starting the 5DPT today? I've already had tea and now a chocolate Protein Shake with a serving of Benefiber added in it. It is going to be hard today. But WE CAN DO IT! We just need to remember that we want to get out of that horrible bad carb cycle (chocolate and fried potatoes) we've been stuck in. I was really bad but now I am going to stop that. Have a great day everybody.

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Good morning everybody. Are you all starting the 5DPT today? I've already had tea and now a chocolate Protein Shake with a serving of Benefiber added in it. It is going to be hard today. But WE CAN DO IT! We just need to remember that we want to get out of that horrible bad carb cycle (chocolate and fried potatoes) we've been stuck in. I was really bad but now I am going to stop that. Have a great day everybody.


:thumbup:I'm ready! Just had a Myoplex Carb Control Protein Drink (25g Protein, only 5g carbs, with 2g Fiber. I am ashamed to even tell you what bad carbs I've been eating--but as you said, WE CAN DO THIS! Thanks for the morning encouragement!!

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I am starving! I am sick of Protein Shakes. But I am already almost through the first day. Anybody have any encouragement because I sure could use some right about now.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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