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Shrinking Violets Part 4

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Good plan Jane, excellent plan!!! I know that is why I challenged everyone to say something good about themselves that day---just because I don't think we do it very often. And we are really an amazing group of women! We have such diversity among us, and yet we don't just survive in spite of it, we revel in it!! I LOVE being a Violet, and what each of you bring to my life.

Jane, just let me know about the lotion-----YAY!!!

I have not "worked out" per say---I helped Rick mow the lawn----but not much of it! I have been lazy. I did not sleep well. Connor spent the night with us last night, and it takes me a few days to get used to light and sound at night----so it was strange last night, so kept waking me up with his TV and nightlight---which is how he sleeps at home, so trying to keep it easy for him. He will be staying with us some when the baby comes, since she will be in the hospital for a couple of days with the c section. So just getting him into practice!

Meanwhile, it left me dragging today, and it was a wierd day at work---so feelin' kinda drug out and blah....

So on that note....

I am off to bed.....


Edited by Kat817
Goof...Good...they mean the same....don't they???

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Can I tell you how much I HATE my computer? I want somebody to come to my house and fix all that is wrong!! Did I mention that I want it for free???????

Now I can't get on Facebook or youtube or who knows what else.

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Good morning, Vi's~~

I did it yesterday -- exercised (I feel it today) & NO SUGAR! Ta Da! It IS possible!!

My car's in the shop today, so it'll be lots of work & house stuff today... + getting ds ready to leave for ANOTHER soccer camp tomorrow...

Make it a good one!!

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Good morning gals

I am up drinkin my coffee, of course today i get up in enough time to watch the today show, and they are in FL. LOL, oh i love how they always drink on the show, they just made killer margaritas and Al is getting loaded!

I am off to a good start, walked yest am and then my friend said some day she is going to go with me, so i said i'd go after dinner when it cools down, and then dragged her out at 5:30 and went for another 2 1/2 mile walk. what i ate yest

1 Protein Shake

1 cup lettuce

1/2 cup grilled chicken

1/2 cup cheese

1/4 cup grilled zuccini

and the results are in...-3 as of today

how long this is going to last? who knows, but if it lasts long enough for me to get back to onderland (5.5lbs) and I can stay there this time I will be so happy.

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that is a great attitude and is very true. I am so unhappy with the way i look but yet with clothes on, I am not that unhappy, so in a sense i'm content with me enough to not care what i do. I worked out for 1 1/2 years and was happier than i am with myself since January when i had my gall bladder out and lost 20lbs, yet have hardly worked out at all.

it is funny you say your August goal to work on attitude, because just last night while walking i told my friend that i was going to be dry for the next 30 days, I usually have a drink every night to come down and try to sleep. So she told me to be realistic, have a drink once a week... so that is it, i went to bed last night without a sip, and i wanted to munch on something and just went to sleep so i wouldn't.

Jane, wish you were a day trip away, I'd bring the kids and come stay with you and help you get some projects done.... I am on a little 2 week vacation here and then going to take up the floor in the bathroom, i love doing projects that are rewarding!

Edited by Jennifur

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prayers and good thoughts for the job interview. Keep us posted

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Good Morning, Violets..

The sun is shining, it's 72 degrees at 9:14 a.m. and the pool is warmed up from 72 to 84 overnight. It's a pool day today for sure. No Ethan until Thursday so I have all day to swim and exercise today. It's been a long time since I've been able to do that. I have a church meeting at 4:30 and a singing rehearsal at 7 so my evening will be busy.

Jane..hugs to you, sweetie. If our love for you could make you lose weight, you'd be a stick right now. Now get yourself to love you that much and you'll be surprised at the results. We all could benefit from loving ourselves more. We are VIOLETS and we rock!!

I had a half of a Morning Glory muffin for Breakfast. Lots of Fiber, carrots, raisins and dang filling. I took a Water pill yesterday for the first time in a very long time and my rings are spinning this morning so I must have needed it. I'm hoarding them as I only have a few left and don't want to go to the doctor just to have a check up for pills. The script is Bob's and the pills are leftovers since he uses different pills now. I know my doc would prescribe them for me, but he wouldn't do it without seeing me in person first. So I'll wait until it's time for a physical.

Off to get dressed and clean house before I head outside for the day. Everyone make it a great one and BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES!!!!!

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Getting ready to head out the door. It is increasingly hard to make myself leave some mornings. Today is one of those days. The weather is beautiful, it is cool and clear out, and being outside is calling to me LOUD and clear! If I could wait and go in to work when the heat makes it too hot to be outside, I'd be fine! But no.......they want me there during THEIR hours. Pretty inconsiderate wouldn't ya say????

As it stands right now, I am down 3 for the month, but unless I seriously get with it, that will be my final. I should, I KNOW I could do it! But, I just have no gumption!

Will check in with y'all after work....have a great day. I'm off to "look" at people as they "look" at me!

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Well, I am back on the band-wagon officially. I have about 12 pounds to lose to get back to where I was pre-baby. I did have only 10 pounds to lose . . . but a couple of Tagalong Blizzards from DQ (among other things) and I now have 12 to lose. I need to nip the lax behavior before it really starts sticking.

So back to the gym this week, with the baby. I am nervous since she is almost 8 weeks old and still tiny, but they do have free daycare past 6 weeks and I have no excuse not to check it out. My goal is to physically walk into the gym this week.

I want to get back into step classes but I am having bad thoughts about my empty post-pregnancy, post-weight loss lower belly flapping in the wind. I don't wanna hurt anyone, lol.

I misssss my bike . . . that was regular, fun and enjoyable exercise for me before pregnancy but I have a flat tire and the baby shouldn't go on the bike with me until next year, woe is me.

So, how does one start over again? It seems so much easier said than done. I started this journey with ambition galore but now I have a huge helping of complacency weighing me down. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Hello to everyone by the way. I have missed you all. I am officially back at work part-time now.

TracyinKS, Wow that was some note Cody left for you. It is hard to read something so hurtful from someone who was a big part of your life. I hope you enjoy the peace with Robbie.

Laura, Carson must be getting huge and he is absolutely adorable. I luvvv he Margaritaville picture by the way. Ayla is still in preemie (getting small and barely fit)/newborn (comfortable fit) and absolutely is swimming in 0-3 months clothes at almost 2 months in age. I imagine she is probably approaching 8.5 to 9 pounds by now but will know later this week. I can now see why you can't go by the ages since they come in such different sizes :0)

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Good morning Violets!

Jane - we love you so much and I ditto what Jenn said, I wish you were closer so we could spend more time together... Jenn would fix your house stuff and I would watch you try to mess with your computer, LOL. I would suck at fixing stuff but I could watch really good!

Judy - speaking of spinning rings, I hate when my ring spins! I can't geet it sized down because when I am swollen it's tight but that's only half the time....

And speaking of rings I almost got into an accident yesterday because I was staring at my ring, LOL. I was on the freeway stuck in traffic and I had my left hand on the top of my steering wheel. And the sun hit it and made it twinkle into so many colors that I was just mesmerized, LOL. I looked up and the car in front of me was stopped and I had to slam my breaks. I had only been going like 5 miles an hour but still, I would have caused a dent in his little car... No more driving with my left hand...

We went to dinner at my parents house last night and my sister made the most amazing crab cakes and remoulade sauce. It was so YUM. Tonight I'm having her over for dinner and I am stuck on what to make. Maybe Soup? Nah, it's too hot. I'll think of something yummy.

Then tomorrow I am having dinner with a friend who is also getting married soon so we are gonna be talking wedding stuff! And then Thursday we've got an employee appreciation dinner at my mom's company and then Friday dinner at Juan's mom's house. My week is super busy this week...

Water Water water today... But first one cup of coffee!

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Hi Heather! As you can see we are all trying to get back on the band wagon so you can join right along with us. We can all help each other. Heck, just you saying that you have to pack up your child to take her with you to the gym shames me into going! That was such a eye opening statement for me. There is women out there that have to deal with the kids and the this and the that and all I have to do is get up off my ass and get to the gym and I don't. So guess what, you helped me today, LOL...

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Heather - It's so good to hear from you!! Jump on the wagon with us and we'll take her for a spin!

Haydee - your post made me laugh!! No more driving with your left hand!! LOL!! You sound happy! :crying:

Kat - You've lost 21#??!!!?! Man! When did that happen, you little sneak!!? :lol: Congratulations!

I feel SO much better without the carbs!! I really had no idea how much they dragged me down until I stopped eating them. I feel human again. :smile2: Going on Day 3 and feeling strong!

I can't really put my finger on it (maybe I can) but it's like ever since I started working the 12 Steps of Al-Anon and going to the meetings where we learn to focus on ourselves (getting our OWN stuff together) rather than the addict/alcoholic, things are just falling into place suddenly.

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Morning Girls.

I went to bed at 10pm and didn't get up till 8:30 this morning. Boy, that felt good. I went in and took a Water pill and came out and fed the cats.

Jane, Jenn will do stuff at your place, Haydee will look at the computer and you and I can sit and sew. Keep our fingers busy so we are shoving things into our mouths.

I had a talk with hubby yesterday and told him that he needs to find a happy meduim with all that is going on. The last 3 or 4 days he has become very perturbed and has become vocal about his feelings. He shoots out little barbs and than I end up shooting the look at him. The "shut up" look to him. So I told him that this situation is not anything that we all strived for. It just happened and we need to learn to get thru it. This will end soon. But here's the thing. Jack's immediate family don't want anything to do with his problem. They are not willing to help out in any matter. If hubby and I don't help him out, he will be out on the street. If that happens there is a possibility that we could loose him forever. He could end up with the wrong people and end up a real junky or worse. But one thing is that we are dealing with a 20 year old. He has more energy than us old folks and we tend to loose patience with it. He also thinks that you don't have to have responsibilities. Like making your car payment on time, getting up and going to work everyday. It's very frustrating to us.

So I told hubby yesterday that if he had and little jabs that were dying to come out, that he was to call me and say them to me. He was to get in his truck and go up to the bar and have a beer. He was to get on the Harley and ride. That he just needs to get away.

I know at some point Jack will be back on his own and that the 2 others living with us will be gone and it will be back to just hubby and I. I'm just trying to get us all thru it till than.

Ok, Now I'm off to go start my day. Going to get me a bowl of oatmeal and than start my housework.

I'm going to work on the no sugar thing today. Except, I won't count my lifesavers in on that. I will not have like Cookies, cake, ice cream. You know what it all is.

It is CTCD, so everyone work on that.

Make it a good one.

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Haydee, your post cracked me up too... be careful out there!

Terry glad you are feeling better,I have not had a drink in 3 days and I too am feeling better, i'm starving to death but feel better about myself, shoot, i didn't have a drink for 8 months after surgery, then when i did... well i made up for it, so once a week is good

Heather, nice to see you back... love the new pic.... you just had a baby and look at you! in my dreams i could look that good

anyway, coming down from my walk, it is hot out, and going to jump in the pool it is the perfect day


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Suzie - can I make a suggestion about your nephew? Set up firm boundaries and consequences THEN STICK TO THEM. Figure out what you are and are not willing to tolerate, then spell it out in simple language -- write it down and stick it on his wall. Give him ONE warning if you must (shouldn't even need to do that) and then let him know he will be out if he doesn't comply. And yes, you must be ready and able to kick him on the streets if you must. I can't recommend Al-Anon highly enough. Not only will it help you with your nephew but with all the situations you find yourself in lately. (((Hugs)))

BTW, if he's been thru treatment, he already knows all this stuff!! It's time to grow up!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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