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I was called a “babe” when I was in high school. I WANT THAT BACK!!! I want to wear Lilly again.

Okay, I just have to ask. What is Lilly? I also noticed it in your signature. You make Lilly sound great, and I think I want it too! LOL!

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WOW! Lots of responses! Thanks for sharing! It is nice to 'meet' you all. It will be an honor to go through this journey with you! I know we are all going to be healthy and HOT!! :tongue:

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Hi Everyone!

My name is Sara and I am 28 yrs old. My journey to WLS has been like this. When I was 15yrs old I got sick and went for weeks on end sleeping all the time. I was soon after diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and was placed on meds. Since then it's fluctuated and just got stable. Well since then I've been through a horrible marriage with abuse and have gained 130lbs.

I got divorced and said to myself it was time for a change. I met a great guy (only down fall he lived in Canada) Lost 40lbs for the first time in my life and got pregnant. But now that I have my son I wouldn't change anything. Since I've had him I've gained back all those 40lbs I lost with 10 more added to it making this my all time high of 317lbs.

I am so ready for this change. I want to not just be healthy but be here for my son too! With the perks of getting my self esteem and confidence back and looking so much better than I do now. I am very thankful for my supportive husband and I am more thankful that I've moved to Canada and he's helping me with the money to pay for the band being that I am self pay. I wouldn't be getting this done if it weren't for him helping me out!

Okay I've written a book but that's my basics! I'm being banded in TJ,MX on July 20th and I can't wait! Thanks for listening.


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I posted this on the wrong thread. Now it's where it's supposed to be.

I have been "big" all my known life. I remember people commenting how the fact that I was a big girl as far back as the age of 5. I look back at those pictures and I was not a "big" girl, I wasn't fat, I just wasn't a little lithe stick person. I was active when I was young and ran around like crazy, fat and all. I weighed 120 pounds in 6th grade. The lowest I weighed in high school was 138 and that was for about 2 minutes. I graduated from high school somewhere at around 170-180.

My lowest weight in my adult life was 158, and once again, it was for about 2 minutes. I went over the 200 pound range in the late 80's or very early 90's. I've never been lower.

Of course I've been dieting since high school. Down and up and down and up, over and over again. Yes, I've tried almost everything except the Jenny Craig stuff or the pay for meals ones because I don't want to spend that money.

I joined eDiets a couple of times and lost the most weight on the Zone diet. I still think it's one of the best nutritional and most workable diet out there, but I just don't have the sticking power for the long haul. I lost over 30 pounds on the Zone, but after 4 months, I started slipping back a little.

In 2004-2005 I had some emotional upheaval with the death of my parents and associated problems and gained all the weight back over the next two years. Then in 2007 I took a job that added to my stress in very bad ways and gained an additional bunch of weight. I have changed jobs again and I'm in one that is very good and I enjoy but I still haven't been able to stick to anything and lose weight.

This is my path to the lap-band. I started looking at this last year, but I was afraid of not being able to eat oranges, asparagus, beef, etc. ever again. Also, my insurance won't pay for anything related to weight loss. Stupid on the insurance companies part. They would save a ton of money on the health related issues. I digress, I saw a program on TV and this lady about my size and close to my age went through weight loss surgery and she seemed content afterwards. Not craving, not edgy for what she couldn't have. I decided to start looking into it and here I am.

Good luck to everyone here and I'm looking forward to following our journey through WLS.

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Hello everyone,

I have been yo-yo dieting for as long as I can remember between episodes of not carring and eating without restraint. I wont bore you with the details but I have been 230 and gone down to 165 and gained all the weight back. My highest weight was 270 and lowest adult weight was 130. At 5'7" I feel good about myself when I am 145 and great at 135.

My surgery is 7-3-2009 and I am so excited I can't think of anything else. The pre-op diet is going pretty well, very boring and I am still hungry but I want this surgery to be a sucess so I am trying to be strong!!

I am going to Mexico to have the surgery and am a little worried about the trip back. I return 2 days after the surgery. I just pray I stay strong!

My sugery is self pay...insurance wouldn't cover it. Thus the trip to Mexico. I feel like I am out of options and want my life back.

It helps to see all the stories of banders who have lost the weight and are keeping it off!



Good luck to all of us!!

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Here's my short and sweet story...

I'm 33 yrs old, the mother of 2 year old BGB triplets - they are perfect in every way! They deserve a healthy mama and they are going to get it!!!

I started high school a size 8 at around 145. Slowly but surely gained throughout graduating around 190. Within a couple months of graduation I went to 235. I havent been under 200 since high school - 15 yrs ago!

I've dieted with exercise and lost but always gained something back. My high was 275. At my wedding to my high school sweetheart I was 265 - it hurts to look at the pics cause of that. I'm currently 240.

Can't wait until my surgery July 20!!! My goal weight with my doc is 150-155. I'd take skinnier if I can get it :(

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My story is very similar to others. I was actually extremely thin as a child. I think I learned a lot of bad eating habits then because everyone kept telling me how skinny I was. I hit puberty, we moved to a rural community where I did not feel like I fit in and the weight began to go up. I graduated high school weighing 160 and 5'6". I went away to college where I was way less physically active and ordered in too many pizzas. By the end of my freshman year I was over 200 lbs and have been pretty much since then.

I have done weight watchers numerous times only to regain the weight as soon as I wasn't super vigilant.

I got married in 2000 and my husband and I started seeing a nutritionist. I was down to 199 lbs. Then I got pregnant with a set of twin boys. After pregnancy my weight was about 220. When they were a year old I joined weight watchers again and was back down to 200 lbs. Then another unplanned pregnancy with twins again!! I actually lost the weight right away after this pregnancy. It was the year at home with 4 kids under the age of 4 while my husband was deployed that put on the 55 lbs. I also developed high blood pressure during my last pregnancy that has not gone away. I am so ready to be healthy and not taking medication anymore. I finally started seeing a therapist, being treated for depression, have a great job, and want the outside to match the way I feel inside for good.

I told my husband I don't even know what style of clothing I would choose if I could pick from anything in the store. I have been in plus sizes so long I can't remember what it is like to shop in regular sizes.

So my surgery is scheduled for July 6. I am nervous not about the surgery itself but about screwing up and not losing weight after putting myself and family through major surgery!!


July 6

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Hi There

I am 52 years young, and 5'9", weighing in at 272. I am scared, nervous, excited and can't "weight" to get back to a normal size. I work at a gym for heavens sake. What kind of an example am I? I have been married for 32 years to a great guy, have 3 wonderful children and 5 grandchildren.

I have been up and down so many times it would make your head spin. I have tried everything. They all work, and then comes the truth. You can't do it forever. I need help.

My surgery is scheduled for July 14, in TJ, Mexico. I am self pay. I live in Alberta, Canada.

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Can't believe I just found this thread!

I am 43 years old, and I have a wonderful husband (most of the time) and 3 children - 14, 15, & 20. I was normal weight with a few slightly heavy years until I had my second child. I quit smoking (did with #1 also, but started again) and gained 75 pounds. Didn't lose it before #3 and gained a 25 more. Then just let loose and didn't really try hard at anything for a few years. I tried several diets, but never could lose enough weight to stay interested, or if I did, I would put it back on as soon as I eased up on myself.

I opened a catering business 1 1/2 years ago, and I have been introduced to the world of physically challenging work. I went from a desk every day to 60+ hours a week on my feet on a concrete floor. My body started to really hurt! Additionally, the cholesterol and BP were creeping up, so it was time. I attended a seminar in Nov 08, did all the other testing, and here I am, scheduled for July 7. I think many of us have the same date! I am so very ready to start this journey and also to LIVE IT for the rest of my life. No more dieting then feasting for me. It's not worth it!:)

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Hello All,

I was a normal weight all through childhood. Graduated high school at 125 lbs, joined the Army after high school. Stationed in Hawaii, met my now ex-husband...had two children in three years and my weight was about a 150lbs. I didn't mind I had some curves and a little more booty. Now, fast forward 6 yrs and I'm divorcing, involved with a custody battle, my maternal grandparents deaths within 18 months of each other, I relocated 1000 miles away...all those events lead to extreme emotional eating and my body changed forever...I was 220lbs in 2yrs...at 242lbs found Phen Phen and lost 42 lbs and felt comfortable at 200 lbs and a size 16. Phen Phen is off the market and the weight is once again creeping up. My highest weight was 297.6 on the day of my surgical consult. I've lost 16 lbs on my 6 month supervised diet and I'm proud of myself...that's the first time I've lost weight without pills. I followed the 1500 kcal diet and exercised, which makes me hopeful that I will be sucessful with the band as a tool. I'll be banded on July 1st....just three days away....I'm so happy I'm floating above cloud 9!

Good luck everyone and thanks for sharing your stories.

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Hi everyone,

I couldn't help but think that we're all singing from the same song sheet. I too have done the yo-yo diet thing for most of my adult life. I'm 45 yrs old and call myself the "Oprah" of Toronto! :-) Bless her for making me feel less of a failure because if she struggles with her weight (with her money and support that she can afford) - I don't feel as bad.

Anyway...I'm 5'9" and in 2002 I was down to 190 after losing 105 lbs with Dr. Bernstein's diet (not sure if he is down in the States or not). Its a very low cal, low carb diet with vit B6 & B12 injections. I lost it fast - in about 7 months. Then my gall bladder freaked out (ouch) and out it came. After that I treated myself for awhile because for about 2 months (while I waited to get it out) I couldn't eat much otherwise I'd have an attack. Anyway...needless to say it all piled back on although it did take about 5 years to do that.

So, I spiked at over 320lbs (oh God, that hurts to write it) and want to be around 185 (180 - 190), I can live with that and will fit nicely into a size 14-16...good enough. I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter through the magic of adoption and I want to be around to watch her grow up.

All the best to everyone! My surgery is one week today. I'm excited for it and dreading it at the same time!

Take care everyone,


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Hi everyone,

Anyway...I'm 5'9" and in 2002 I was down to 190 after losing 105 lbs with Dr. Bernstein's diet (not sure if he is down in the States or not). Its a very low cal, low carb diet with vit B6 & B12 injections. I lost it fast - in about 7 months. Then my gall bladder freaked out (ouch) and out it came.

...I have a beautiful 6 year old daughter through the magic of adoption and I want to be around to watch her grow up.

All the best to everyone! My surgery is one week today. I'm excited for it and dreading it at the same time!

Take care everyone,


Omg Mary! We're so similar! I did a vit injection diet years ago (Lindora) and lost alot, only to gain back plus. I also had gallbladder surgery following a Nutri System diet years ago....

Oh, and i have 2 daughters 7 and 13 through the miracle of adoption as well!

My goal right now is set at 170, which at 5'7" will be good on me - while lower would be good, i am not ever imagining i could go lower than that!

My band is 7/7 - we'll all do this together - good luck to you!

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Hey Bobbie,

Yes, our stories are very similar! Gotta say it brings me confort to read everyone's bios...doesn't it make us feel that we aren't some freak of nature? I know we aren't but my God, sometimes I beat myself up because I just can't understand why I have struggled so much. We are in this together and I think the support thru this site is great.

Keep in touch Bobbie.


Omg Mary! We're so similar! I did a vit injection diet years ago (Lindora) and lost alot, only to gain back plus. I also had gallbladder surgery following a Nutri System diet years ago....

Oh, and i have 2 daughters 7 and 13 through the miracle of adoption as well!

My goal right now is set at 170, which at 5'7" will be good on me - while lower would be good, i am not ever imagining i could go lower than that!

My band is 7/7 - we'll all do this together - good luck to you!

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I'm 53 almost 54 :tongue2:! I weighed 150 at 18 when I got married. Weigh 261 now, my highest. I'm 5'7". Haven't weighed under 200 in 30 years. It's been so long since I've been able to wear non-plus clothes I've no idea how much I'd have to lose to be able to DO that.

I've been married 35 years in July, have a 17 yr old son and 5 Border Terriers. I also have Type II Diabetes. My first goal is to get off my meds, honestly after that is all 'gravy'.

Like most of us, I'm excited and scared at the same time. My surgery date is July 16th, I know with the help and support of my family and the folks I meet on this site I'll be successful! We ALL will be! :cursing:


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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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