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Lapband's dirty little secret

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I just want to thank everybody for your words of encouragement. You are all a great support for those of us having issues.

Well, after seeing the general surgeon/friend it was determined that I have a slight slippage of my band with irritation to my GI tract and that I have major swelling around the band along with diverticulitis (I had told him that there was one day when the only thing that would go down was gatorade and popcorn-yea I know i shouldn't have eaten it but I was desperate). Between the 2 of us and several other nurses who were helping the surgeon, I was able to talk him through how to do an unfill in case it needed to be done while I was still under the influence of the sedation from the exam. He did end up doing an unfill. Said he couldn't see any erosion but that didn't mean that there wasn't the start of one since it was really swollen and he was having trouble seeing. He elected not to do a back view exam (looking up from underneath the band while in the area) which I knew in advance he wouldn't do as he is not a lap band surgeon and was feeling uncomfortable even doing what he was doing.

Hopefully, this unfill will correct the slight slippage. It will also buy me time to continue to hopefully heal the diverticulitis and then either get a lapband surgeon who will see me or go to Mexico and see Dr. Aceves as there are several nurses I am familiar with who have used him and have nothing but high praise for him.

I will definately try to convert to a sleeve as soon as possible as I never want to have to feel like I owe my entire well being to an a.. hole again. At this point in time, I am not proud to even admit that I am part of the medical profession.


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I couldn't agree more with this statement. When my former surgeon overfilled me and I developed pain, reflux and heartburn he had an answer (blame me) for every complaint.

I couldn't take my pill in the morning - the Water would come back up - then don't take the pill then.

I had trouble eating a salisbury steak diet frozen dinner - then don't eat that.

Fluid comes up at night - then don't drink after 9 PM.

You get the picture - blame the patient instead of listening to them. All this happened right after my second fill (overfill). An experienced doctor would have connected the two dots and suggested an unfill. At the time I thought I had a 10cc band and didn't think 3cc's would cause me to be overfilled. It was only after I found out that I had a 4cc band that it made sense.

I can't emphasize enough to be your own advocate. Get copies of all test results. Ask questions. Keep a personal health file with all your information. Your doctor does not care as much about your health as you do. So take charge.

Good luck to you.

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I flew to Denver and had my surgery with a wonderful surgeon (Dr. Kirshenbaum). He has a huge thread on this site. I did, however, make sure I had a surgeon locally who would do my aftercare. He is wonderful. He also only charges me for an office visit to get my fills and they are only $54.00!! I have had a great lapband experience. I hope you find

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Millie, considering that your surgeon is a jackass and was already censured once for not listening to a patient, I hope you file a complaint on him as well. People need to know about bad surgeons out there, no matter who they are.

This post makes me appreciate my surgeon's office all the more. Though I never see my surgeon anymore (unless he's in the office), his PA is THE most fantastic guy you could ever meet. He's sweet, caring, ready with a hug when you show up and as you leave, he's very encouraging, and he truly TRULY listens to you. They are the best I could have hoped for.

Good luck in your search.

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Cleo's Mom...I know you had a horrific experience. I THINK I was even one of the posters who encouraged you to get a 2nd opinion! What happened to you shouldn't happen to a dog!

BUT All surgeons don't treat their patients like your first one did. You know this, right? They don't all treat patients like they are stupid (and honestly some ARE kind of behind the ball! No one here, but it happens). You're just so unhappy; I hope things look up for you soon!

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I couldn't agree more with this statement. When my former surgeon overfilled me and I developed pain, reflux and heartburn he had an answer (blame me) for every complaint.

I couldn't take my pill in the morning - the Water would come back up - then don't take the pill then.

I had trouble eating a salisbury steak diet frozen dinner - then don't eat that.

Fluid comes up at night - then don't drink after 9 PM.

That is so wrong... :thumbdown:

I just had an issue this week with my band. Went and had a fill on Monday, and as of that evening at bedtime, I was having acid reflux. Kept me up all night. Called the nurse at 6:45 Tuesday morning and told her, and she said to just wait the one day, call her on Wednesday, but to gauge what I eat carefully. It was hard to tell if I was too tight or I had irritated myself by what I ate (I had had a number of Altoids on Monday, some Tomato Soup for lunch, and a very late bowl of cheese Soup and then went to bed). No blame, just a let's-not-jump-the-gun-just-yet. I was told if I felt worse to for sure call back and somebody would be there for me.

Wednesday I called to update her -- felt better, but not completely gone. Got some sleep the night before, but it wasn't restful. Am I getting better, and should I just let it run its course? No, she said, come in, we'll fit you in at noon.

I went in and long story short, my PA thought he had gotten me from 4.6 to 5.2cc, but he took OUT 5.8! So I got a 1.2cc fill on Monday and was simply too tight.

Had I been told it was all me, I'd STILL be misesrable and possibly causing major issues with my band because of al the irritation.

If your doctor's office doesn't jump through hoops for you, then they are the wrong doctor's office.

My PA is a hoot. He says to call him at ANY time for ANYthing. Day or night, weekday or weekend. But don't call him, he says, you drop a hammer on your toe. UNLESS you think the band made you do it. :laugh:

I love my PA Paul!! He's the best!

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This is a big part of why I chose the company I went with. And they really have been very good with the aftercare. Even if someone retires or moves, they are big enough that I won't have to start searching for a new person.

They also take on other peoples patients.

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Sorry to hear about your issues but happy to hear that you found a Dr that would take you seriously and do the tests that needed to be done before any worse damage could be done. I'm hopeful that your un-fill and a rest for your esophogus will solve your problems.

Unfortunately this problem is seen fairly often. I chair a monthly support group in Vancouver BC and when we get new people that are looking into getting the band the 1 thing I stress as 1 of ~THE~ most important thing is after care !!! I agree with the poster that commented on how some of us focus on 'the band' once we are to the stage of having surgery and we tend to not worry so much on the other things, assuming that it will all work itself out in the end. Sadly, that is why we end up with posters on here looking for fill Dr's or new surgeons to do their after care. I always tell the newbies that they should expect to have a life-long relationship with their surgeon and his staff, that they need to ask a million questions about aftercare ~before~ they get their bands !! Not only do you need to feel comfortable with how things will be handled thru your banded life, you also need to have some level of respect/friendship/conectedness with the people who you will be dealing with.

I was lucky to have chosen a wonderful surgeon at an exceptional clinic. Altho my specific surgeon has moved there are still 3 surgeons and numerous support/fill staff that I have access to at all times.




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Well I found this to be true UNTIL>>>> I moved from Pittsburgh area in October of 2008 and could not find a fill doctor to touch me because I had my surgery at West Penn Bariactric Center of Excellence ( Dr Urbandt) he is wonderful ... I miss them ...BUT I have since found here in Arizonia a doctor at the AZ Weight LOSS SOLUTIONS ... DR. DON HEFFEL9480-419-2280 he is fablous the whole team is. It was so stressful finding a doctor to take you if you did not have surgery done by them. I do believe we should be told these things. I have not had any problems so far my surgery was done April 2008 and to date I have lost 65 lbs maybe slow but it has made a world of difference in my health ... NO diabetes and almost done with blood pressure ...I take maybe a 1/2 pill every other day... I am so glad I did the LAPBAND. Good Luck to all!:thumbdown:

Has anyone been told before having your lapband implantation surgery that no other lap band surgeon will touch you if you move, have problems, have a surgeon who will not listen to you when you are having issues, live in one state part of the year and another state for part of the year, etc? Am I wrong in feeling as though this should be brought up in the "seminars" that you go to prior to the surgeon accepting you as a patient?

I had my band placed in May 2008. In Feb of this year I developed problems, had surgery for lysis of adhesions. I have been slowly getting my band refilled. Have not even gotten to the fill level I had before surgery. Now having the same issues as pre surgery. Went to my surgeon. He would not even listen to my symptoms. Just demanded I put my purse down and get up on the table to have an unfill as he was making the statement that I should be happy that I have lost 85 lbs (didn't even bother to look at my barium swallow with follow through that my family physician had ordered until after he had taken 1 ml out of my band-which by the way did show that I was not too tight).

That was almost 2 weeks ago. I continue to have the same problems (severe pain with eating, several days a week not even able to get Protein shakes down, etc) only now much worse. I also have severe burinig throughout my abdominal area tht isn't relieved by Previcid in the AM, Pepcid in the PM and drinking Mylanta every 2 hours. I have tried to get an appointment with 5 different lap band surgeons for a second opinion as I NEVER, NEVER, NEVER want to go back to my original surgeon. Oh, I forgot to mention that the lap band surgeon I saw was just currently censured by the state board of medical examiners for not apparently listening to a patient in the past.

I am a Director of Nursing at an outpatient surgical center. I was finally able to call in a few favors and will be seeing one of the general surgeons that works in our facility (I was hoping to not have to do this as I think it is unprofessional to "call in favors") today as he thinks I have an erosion and the diffuse abdominal pain is caused by leakage of the stomach contents into my abdomen.

My point is....... All potential lap band patients should be informed before they commit to having surgery that once they have chosen their surgeon, they will basically never be able to see a different lap band surgeon. If I knew then what I know now, I would never have had the lap band done and would have instead chosen to have the sleeve.

Thanks to all for listening to my rant...........Wish me luck for today. Thanks.

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Actually, by my experince this is not true. I had my lapband done in Mexico. My sugreon excepts all lapband patients for follow ups and fills. He ALWAYS uses FLURO which is like a live exray so he can check the whole lapband system to make sure is on track. It costs $200 for the fill and fluro. The plane ticket varies but it is worth it because here in oregon they want 165 to fill plus 350 for the fluro. Also, there is Fill Centers USA and they have centers in most of the different states. also, I did some looking at the obesity help site and found a urgeon who does fills only 1.5 hour away. So they are out there and if you need any help finding one please email me. I have been getting pretty familiar with the online help websites. LOL :thumbdown: I hope this helps

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Actually, by my experince this is not true. I had my lapband done in Mexico. My sugreon excepts all lapband patients for follow ups and fills. He ALWAYS uses FLURO which is like a live exray so he can check the whole lapband system to make sure is on track. It costs $200 for the fill and fluro. The plane ticket varies but it is worth it because here in oregon they want 165 to fill plus 350 for the fluro. Also, there is Fill Centers USA and they have centers in most of the different states. also, I did some looking at the obesity help site and found a urgeon who does fills only 1.5 hour away. So they are out there and if you need any help finding one please email me. I have been getting pretty familiar with the online help websites. LOL :thumbdown: I hope this helps


How many IDs do you have girl? Doesn't this one make at least three?


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well, I forgot the password for the first one. The second one someone got mad and reported me. said I was spaming. Which I didnt mean to do. SO I have learned some lessons and am here just to share, network, get some support since I have ALMOST NONE here at home. I dont want any trouble so I try not to offend. I just look and learn from people very valuable experiences. and share some of mine if they can help anyone.

After you told me I was a coordinator I had to ask my DR. what a Coordinator does. And now it makes since why you were mad. But like I said I dont want trouble. I hope we are of like mind.

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well, I forgot the password for the first one. The second one someone got mad and reported me. said I was spaming. Which I didnt mean to do. SO I have learned some lessons and am here just to share, network, get some support since I have ALMOST NONE here at home. I dont want any trouble so I try not to offend. I just look and learn from people very valuable experiences. and share some of mine if they can help anyone.

After you told me I was a coordinator I had to ask my DR. what a Coordinator does. And now it makes since why you were mad. But like I said I dont want trouble. I hope we are of like mind.

Nawww, not working. Your doctor told ME that you are trading services. You are redoing his website AND recruiting new patients in trade for your surgery bill.

People do not typically forget their password and if they do they merely click on "forgot password" and the system emails it to you.

You make money from recruiting noobs to your doctor. You just do a better job of trying to hide it today. Not a lot better, just a little.

So please, don't go that direction. It was not your doctor that had to tell you what a coordinator is. You discovered that when you cut a deal with your doctor and let us not forget, it was YOUR doctor that gave ME this information.

Your "blonde and I don't know what I am doing" routine doesn't wash. You were suspended under one of your IDs for advertising on the forum. If you can't comprehend what that means, your doc won't be able to explain it in better detail.

*I* am not the one that reported you. I did not know about it until after the fact. A variety of people reported you for using support boards to recruit newbies in an effort to pay your surgery bill.

Honestly, I am not the one to try this manipulative crappola with. I will confront you in public each and every time.

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I am really sorry for your experience with your surgeon. It sounds horrible :confused:

However, I do want to just briefly, and respectfully point out, that it is not all surgeons who are like that. There are definitely bad ones, but not all are bad. My surgeon has been really wonderful. I am having my surgery in a big city hospital, which is also a teaching hospital. Most doctors in these types of facilities don't even have time to see their patients face-to-face. My surgeon called me personally two days in a row to work out some confusions with a test I had done (he also apologized profusely for the confusion), and additionally, I was having some issues with the billing department in the hospital and my doctor called the billing department personally to ask them what is going on (almost all doctors, big city hospital or private practice, delegate this to a secretary or researcher). I am so sorry for your horrible experience, but its important not to imply that that is the case with all bariatric surgeons. And if I move from Philadelphia (which I may in about a year), I know my surgical team will help me to get a referral to a new, equally excellent surgeon in whatever area I move to.

Good luck with your search for a new surgeon (you should definitely report the old one) and I hope that you don't have any really serious medical complications as a result of your band!

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im sorry to seee you having this problem. but please dont think all the surgeons are this way. for instance my surgron will see anyone thqat has had the lap band done. i talked and listen to 10 surgrons before deciding on the one for me. and i believe i have one of the best if not the best one in the state of alabama. he is dr. miles. he has seat and listen to all my question when he really didnt have time. and after my surgery he personal called me at home to check on me.

i hope you get everything fixed and soon be back on tract of your new life of weight loss.

jason r

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      I know most of the answers are no, not forever. It might be worse after for a while, then get better. I know it's a more of a mental challenge than physical after the first couple weeks of healing. I get all of that. But I'm starting to feel scared about losing myself afterwards. 
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      And this liquid diet can bite me. 
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      1. NickelChip

        Fear is normal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm 4.5 months post-op and the pre-op diet was by far the hardest part of the whole process. There will be challenges and a lot of new things to learn, but I can honestly say at this point I feel so much more "back to normal" and was even able to go on a week-long vacation with my kids without stressing over it. It's so worthwhile.

      2. OhMyGawdItzKla

        @NickelChip This actually does make me feel better! Thank you so much! After the onslaught of Covid, we've all had to deal with a "new normal", so I know it's possible. It's just the fear and frustration in this moment that makes me question if I can find another "new normal" afterwards. The thought of just a few more months seems daunting some times, but I really do appreciate input and real experience. I'll use that to get me through for a few more hours! LOL. Thank you so much! And I'm glad everything is going so well for you! ❤️

    • mamabear30106

      I started my 10 day pre op diet yesterday I need flavor!! I'm not big on the chocolate protein shakes so I just got to use up what I have was thinking about freezing it to make it like a ice cream so its something I can chew a little. Idk this is hard but I know I can do it just need to find new things to try 
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      1. JennyBeez

        You can try. I've read other people have had good results with protein-shake popsicles, etc. My personal experience with it? Sucked.

        I tried making 'fudgesicles' with a couple different flavors of a premade shake, as well as a protein powder I blended myself and all of them came out revolting? The powder ones, all the protein sunk to the middle; the premade shakes, the popsicle had a disgusting texture and the protein seemed to leave a weird fluffy film on the outside? I couldn't stomach it.

        Maybe look into flavoring additives? I was able to have sugar-free coffee /soda syrup flavorings, sugar-free drink flavorings and baking additives like almond, rum or pepperment extract. The extracts helped me the most as they added no extra sweetener.

        On the other hand, if you can get your hands on an unflavored/unsweetened protein powder, the syrup flavorings are perfect. I love to use Boost "Just Protein" (which is unflavored) with milk and a Chai-flavored sugarfree syrup.

        Good luck!

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