BJean 16 Posted July 4, 2009 Patty: if you don't understand the distinction between what I said and what you said, then no wonder you would misquote me. I have no problem with you dragging what I really said over, but don't put quotes around something I didn't say. And don't say that I said that you were happy that the doctor was killed. I said that you sound like someone who could justify killing someone if they are going against God's will. Meaning that your rant on that subject was sounding scary. I didn't state as fact that you are someone who would kill in the name of God and I didn't insinuate that you would go kill somone. I'd go find it and post it here, but I think everyone who reads this stuff knows what I'm talking about. Patty you keep speaking to your claim that those teenagers were asked to leave by the hospital administrator because they said "Jesus" and you didn't say anything about how the children reacted. Could you please give us some backup data? Everyone always insists that I have back up data. Your turn. Find the book or the newspaper or wherever you read it and show us who reported it and exactly how it was reported and when the event occurred. Please. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pattygreen 5 Posted July 5, 2009 An author named Daniel E. Johnson wrote a book called Come Home America. I told the short clip just as he told it in his book. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bre's Biggest Fan 0 Posted July 5, 2009 You are fulfilling biblical prophecy with those words and you don't even know it. God has said that before his return to this earth to set up his Kingdom, the people would reject those that are his and everything that is right in his eyes would be considered wrong by the people of the world and everything that was wrong in his eyes they would consider right. You quote so much, but what about the people that are in the news that are in church every Sunday, then go out and "break" so many of the commandments. Thou shalt not steal..Thou shalt not kill..Thou shalt now covent thy neighbors wife.. One example that I can think of right now, is fresh in the news, and also is connected to something that you mentioned..John Ensign, who is a prominate member of the promise keepers, has had, in his own admission, multiple affairs. And he is a "Christian". I know many people that are true to their families, community, and the United States, that do not go to church every Sunday. In many people's eyes, this labels them as non-christians, because they do not attend a "church". These may only be a couple of examples, but when people start touting that anything but "Chistianity" is what is causing the problems in America, when the founding fathers came here to escape "RELIGIOUS OPRESSION", just doesn't make sense. But as always, this is a free country, and EVERYONE has the right to their own opinions and beliefs. Sorry so long, just my .02. Thanks and Have a Great 4th of July Weekend!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pattygreen 5 Posted July 5, 2009 You quote so much, but what about the people that are in the news that are in church every Sunday, then go out and "break" so many of the commandments. Thou shalt not steal..Thou shalt not kill..Thou shalt now covent thy neighbors wife.. Just because you go to church doesn't mean you're one of God's children. (A believer). Man looks at the appearance of others, but God looks at the heart. Alot of people go to church because they think it's the right thing to do. Some even feel that it will help them go to heaven if they do. This is not the case. What we do has no bearing on where we will spend our eternity. One example that I can think of right now, is fresh in the news, and also is connected to something that you mentioned..John Ensign, who is a prominate member of the promise keepers, has had, in his own admission, multiple affairs. And he is a "Christian". Even people who are christians sin. All mankind sins. If they say they don't, then they are sinning. The difference between a believer in God who sins and an unbeliever is this: When an believer sins, they can talk to God and he will not only forgive them, but he will forget about it forever. So, after repentance, (and most christians ask God for forgiveness from their wrongs daily), they are seen by God just as if they never sinned. The unbeliever, on the other hand, has noone to turn to to free them from their sins, because they don't believe in the one whom God sent, Jesus. Therefore, when God sees them, they are steeped in sin. This is the wonderful thing about being one of God's children. His wonderful grace that he pours out on us. I know many people that are true to their families, community, and the United States, that do not go to church every Sunday. In many people's eyes, this labels them as non-christians, because they do not attend a "church". Attending church is not a requirement of christianity. If a church leader tells you that you MUST attend, he is wrong. A christian is anyone who believes that Jesus is the Savior and accepts his free gift of adoption by his Father. These may only be a couple of examples, but when people start touting that anything but "Chistianity" is what is causing the problems in America, when the founding fathers came here to escape "RELIGIOUS OPRESSION", just doesn't make sense. Our founding Fathers came here to set up a christian nation WITHOUT the oppression of any one particular denomination (mainly the Catholic denomination in Europe) hounding them to obey it's man made rules, doctrines, and theology. They wanted to found a nation on the biblical precepts, that they were finally allowed to read for themselves, in the Holy Bible. This is what they did. It started to unravel when those that they allowed to live here and have the freedom to worship whom they chose, decided that they didn't want the bible to be the rule of the land. You didn't see any Allah, Satan, Mother Earth, or Buddah worshippers coming over with the founders, did you? No. They were Christians. Little by little, the laws of the land started to change in their favor, and humanistic rule is becaming the norm. It is still changing today. Prayer was taken out of the schools and before you know it "In God we trust" will be off our currency. You wait and see. This is the first President to ever publicly state that America is NOT a Christian Nation. Who would have ever thought we'd see the day? No other president would ever say that. We are slowly turning away from God and rejecting all that is righteous. But as always, this is a free country, and EVERYONE has the right to their own opinions and beliefs. Free, indeed. But not for too long. You can thank the Christians who founded this country for you, and you can thank all the worshippers of self who will wreck it. Sorry so long, just my .02. Thanks and Have a Great 4th of July Weekend!! .................................................................... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites