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Looking for support in bc

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:rolleyes2:hi all. is there anyone out there in computer land that is getting or has had band surgery by dr woodhead deltal bc. i have an initial appointment may 29 and would like to get some feedback and help with questions. hope to hear from someone soon thanks. deb

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Hi Deb :thumbup:

Hopefully someone will reply to you and be able to answer questions specifically about Dr. Woodhead....I know there are a few on this board that have had him do their surgery.

I facilitate a support group every month in North Vancouver and I know a couple of the ladies (and gentlemen!!) that attend the meeting had surgery with him. Doddie, whom you may see posting here, had her surgery in Ontario but goes to Dr. W for her fills and thinks very highly of him.

I have never personally met him so can not offer any insight for you. However I would certainly like to extend a welcome to LBT and also let you know that if you are in the lower mainland and would like to attend our support meeting, please feel free !!! We meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month (you just missed this month!!) at Lion's Gate Hospital in North Vancouver. It is a very casual meeting, lots of chatting and discussing issues and people are more than welcome to come and ask questions prior to banding....sometimes it is very reassuring to talk to people who have gone before you and that can relate to your fears etc.

If you have any questions that I might be able to help you with, please don't hesitate to drop me a note, either thru this site or at canadagirl33@hotmail.com

All the best !!


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Hi Debbie. Yes I go to Dr. Woodhead (referred to by my clinic) and hopefully a few of his patients will respond to your post. I like him very much.

Dr. W. does not have a clinic but he does his surgery at the Delta hospital. I find him very supportive.

Here is a list of questions prepared by a successful bandster. I had my band in Toronto, but the distance is so far away that I cannot take advantage of the support so I pay for my fills. I get my support from Dr. W. and the Support group that meets at the Lions Gate Hospital and from the Slimband website.

These are just a few of the questions that come to mind that are important in helping to make a decision in deciding which band surgeon and/or clinic to go with:

· Is there a fee for consultation?

· Are any of your staff at the clinic banded?

· What other staff are available to patients such as dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists?

o Is there a cost for their services?

· Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band potential patients to access?

· What percentage of your bariatric clinic is devoted to lap band patients?

· What is your medical education?

· What experience in term of years and number of procedures do you have in lap band surgeries?

· What experience do you have in performing revisions?

· If you are a revision, what tests will you need to have done ahead of time to be sure you can have a lap band?

· Do you have any statistics regarding your lap band practice and number of patients who have had slippages, band erosions or other complications?

· What type of warranty comes with your lap band surgery?

· What type of bands do they use and how do they determine the type and size?

· Is there a pre-op diet you need to follow?

o If so is there a cost involved? How much?

· If I don't follow the pre op diet perfectly am I still allowed to get the surgery?

· What tests and paperwork do I need to have done prior to being accepted for banding?

o Is there any charge? How much?

o What is the time span?

· Is the surgery performed in the clinic or at the hospital?

· In case of an emergency what is the procedure that is followed?

· How soon after surgery can I go home?

· What type of accreditation does your clinic have?

· How do your operating rooms compare to those in a hospital if surgery is performed at the clinic?

· Can you give me references from other patients I may talk to, especially those who are a revision from past weight loss surgery?

· How long am I required to be in town before my surgery?

· Is there a hotel that is recommended?

o If so, is there a preferred rate at this hotel?

o Is there a shuttle available from this hotel to clinic and back and how much does this cost?

· Are my family members allowed to remain in the waiting room while I am in surgery or are they asked to leave until I am in the recovery room?

· How long after I wake up can I go home?

· What special medications will I need to purchase before hand?

o Gas-x? liquid Calcium? chewable multi Vitamins? ....

· How long would you recommend I take off work after surgery?

· If I have a hernia do you fix this?

o Is there an extra cost associated?

· How long do I have to have a caregiver with me after surgery?

· Is there someone I can hire to be my caregiver if I come alone?

· Do you use latex?

· Is there a deposit I have to pay to hold my surgery?

o How much?

o Is it refundable if I change my mind?

· How must my final payment be made -- money order/visa/cheque?

o Does it have to be in before my surgery or do I bring it with me on my surgery day?

· If I have further questions may I contact you or your clinic with them?

Even more important is follow up care:

· What type of aftercare program does their clinic have?

· What is covered in the cost of your surgery in regards to aftercare?

· Is there an after hour phone number in case of an emergency or concern you encounter outside of normal business hours?

o Is he/she available on call to answer or return your call?

o Who responds to calls?

· Do you have support groups available locally and in my area?

· Is there a fee for any aftercare services?

· How soon after surgery is your first fill usually?

· What hours am I able to come in for fills and days?

· How often between fills are you eligible for your next one?

· How are the fills performed and are they with or without fluoroscopy?

· Do you have to pay for your fills or are they covered in your surgery fee?

o If they are not covered what is the fee?

· If you live far away from the band clinic, do they have anyone local or closer to your home who is trained by the clinic to do your fills?

o If so do you pay a fee to them and if so how much?

· In case of complications post op, if you had a slippage or worse case scenario band erosion is any further surgery to remove the band covered or would you have to pay?

· In case of a defective port or leak is the surgery to replace it covered in the lap band surgery cost?

· In case of a defective lap band is it replaced at no cost to you the patient?

· If you needed a new band for any reason such as the above or band leak, etc., is it replaced free of charge to you?

o If not what type of cost would you be responsible for?

· At the clinic does the surgeon do your follow up fills or fill nurses?

o If nurses, what training do they have and can you meet them before committing to this surgery?

· What criteria do they base your needing a fill or defill?

· How long does it take when calling to book a fill does it take to get an appointment?

· How much time is the fill nurse allotted to spend with you answering any questions or concerns also?

· Are any of your staff at the clinic banded?

· What other staff are available to help patients, i.e., dieticians, nutritionists, psychologists?

o Is there a cost for their services?

· Does the clinic have a website and a messageboard and or chatroom available for Lap Band patients to access?

Pick out the ones may help you to make a decision.

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Had my lap-band done in Mexico. Does anyone know who does the fills in BC? I know that I will have to pay for this service.

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Where in BC do you live? Did the Mexico clinic not give you a contact?

There is a Dr. Arsneau at St Pauls that will do fills for a fee. Or will your family doctor do the fill?

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I live in Maple Ridge. I was given Dr. Arsenau's name but don't have any other info on him. My dr. is not informed on this topic.

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who in mexico did you see? how long wait to have all done? If you dont mind what did you have to pay? Did you think it went well with dr and facility?

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Hi Matty,

Dr. Arseneau prefers the first contact with him be done thru email. You can reach him at richarda@interchange.ubc.ca and let him know you are interested in seeing him for a fill. He can usually fit you in within a week or 2 (depending on his schedule of course). If you choose to see him, the first visit will include a full medical check-up where he will get some medical history on you and your family etc. He'll do blood pressure, listen to your chest, etc. He will also discuss your band, your eating habits, your exercise, your mindset....and then you'll get a fill. He charges $150 per visit and you can see him again within a 2 week period for another fill or defill if needed. He is very pleasant and easy to talk to....I saw him for my last fill and enjoyed talking to him. He is also banded himself so he can relate to our issues.

Debbie, from things I have read and hear getting your band done in Mexico can cost anywhere from $5-10,000 and can be done pretty much immediately. There are 5 or 6 that attend our support meeting in North Vancouver that have been to Mexico for their surgeries and most, if not all, have raved about their surgeons, the facilities and the care they recieved. Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana immediately comes to mind but I know there are plenty of them. You need to start reading their websites and maybe emailing for info on what is included in prices etc. The ~biggest~ issue with living with a lapband (in my opinion of course) is the aftercare, so make sure you know exactly what they will do for you down the road if there are any issues, and figure out if you will be travelling back to Mexico for your fills etc of having them done here in BC. Living in the Lower Mainland we are lucky to have Dr. Arseneau that will do fills for out-of-country patients, other than him it can be very difficult finding anyone to do our fills.

All the best,


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canadagirl, Thank you so much for that info. I will get on that. it is good to know someone else who knows this dr. May I ask where you are from?

Debbie, I had mine done in Tijuana at the Emmanuel Medical Center. The care we received was wonderful. My cost was $6200. US and our hotel was included. I can put you in touch with our canadian coordinator who travels down and meets you at the airport. You are very secure with staff and hosts. I understand that they do it once a month as a coordinated group and so the wait is not long. You do have to fill medical forms etc. before going down. All I can say is the care was great!! I know if I need any more after care, I can return to them for that. Do some research and see what is best for you.

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I'm glad I could help Matty...I know of quite a few people who have seen Dr. Arseneau for fills and consults.

I live in the Whistler area and travel down to North Van once a month for our suport meetings, hopefully you will be able to join us in the future.


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I would like to know more about the support meetings. Where, when, time.

Am sure it would be beneficial for me to know more and to meet others that have been banded.

Have a great weekend..

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We meet at 7pm on the 3rd Wednesday of every month (next meeting will be June 17th) in North Vancouver at Lions Gate Hospital, Conference room A.

There is another message board called 'Vancouver Area Bandsters', you might want to read thru parts of it, lots of us have posted there. Every month I post on that message board to remind people of the meeting and I also send out a group email. If you would like to be on my email list for the meeting reminder send me a quick note to canadagirl33@hotmail.com and I will add you to my list.


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Had my lap-band done in Mexico. Does anyone know who does the fills in BC? I know that I will have to pay for this service.


I found a new fill doctor after being turned away from Dr. Leung (surgeon).

Instead i was referred to Dr. Raman Manchanda, MD to get my lap band filled. He was excellent, a very caring doctor. I have a tilted port and he was able to get it in the first attempt. He is great with needles, and seems to have excellent clinical skills. I felt no pain. Apparently, he has done lots of fills. I recommend Dr. Manchanda highly. Dr. Manchanda charges $100 for fills / defills.

His contact is:

Dr. Manchanda

15160 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, B.C. V3R 3P1

Tel: (604) 580-5541 Fax 604-580-5542



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Hi Matty,

Dr. Arseneau prefers the first contact with him be done thru email. You can reach him at richarda@interchange.ubc.ca and let him know you are interested in seeing him for a fill. He can usually fit you in within a week or 2 (depending on his schedule of course). If you choose to see him, the first visit will include a full medical check-up where he will get some medical history on you and your family etc. He'll do blood pressure, listen to your chest, etc. He will also discuss your band, your eating habits, your exercise, your mindset....and then you'll get a fill. He charges $150 per visit and you can see him again within a 2 week period for another fill or defill if needed. He is very pleasant and easy to talk to....I saw him for my last fill and enjoyed talking to him. He is also banded himself so he can relate to our issues.

Debbie, from things I have read and hear getting your band done in Mexico can cost anywhere from $5-10,000 and can be done pretty much immediately. There are 5 or 6 that attend our support meeting in North Vancouver that have been to Mexico for their surgeries and most, if not all, have raved about their surgeons, the facilities and the care they recieved. Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana immediately comes to mind but I know there are plenty of them. You need to start reading their websites and maybe emailing for info on what is included in prices etc. The ~biggest~ issue with living with a lapband (in my opinion of course) is the aftercare, so make sure you know exactly what they will do for you down the road if there are any issues, and figure out if you will be travelling back to Mexico for your fills etc of having them done here in BC. Living in the Lower Mainland we are lucky to have Dr. Arseneau that will do fills for out-of-country patients, other than him it can be very difficult finding anyone to do our fills.

All the best,



I found a new fill doctor after being turned away from Dr. Leung (surgeon).

Instead i was referred to Dr. Raman Manchanda, MD to get my lap band filled. He was excellent, a very caring doctor. I have a tilted port and he was able to get it in the first attempt. He is great with needles, and seems to have excellent clinical skills. I felt no pain. Apparently, he has done lots of fills. I recommend Dr. Manchanda highly. Dr. Manchanda charges $100 for fills / defills.

His contact is:

Dr. Manchanda

15160 Fraser Hwy, Surrey, B.C. V3R 3P1

Tel: (604) 580-5541 Fax 604-580-5542



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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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