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Dr. Terry Simpson - Banded by Dr. Simpson

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Hi Mari, yes I was in the morning like maybe by ten or ten thirty, I was supposed to be there at 8:00 checked in and then went in and did the bloodwork and IV, seemed to take forever but everyone was nice so it was fine. It was kinda wierd when I went into the room and theres men patients in there and the nurse tells you to get undressed , felt wierd. Anyway, I love the tea and the broth they give you. What room were you in? I was on the right hand like on the side of the nurse station, not the one right next to it but the second. I'm sure I looked horrid. I wasntdoing so good and he was not too happy cause he knew I was eating too much and too fast, so i got a fill and its so much better, i'm losing slowly everyday now and therefore I'm more motivated and eating better, that is what I was counting on and it is working. Ok well I will talk to you later. Take care.

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Thanks for posting about your Friday appt. I think since surgery (May 12) I've lost about 10-12 lbs depending on the scale). I had lost 6 by my post-op and it seems to be about another 5 or 6 since, but my weight has stayed up and down by a pound the last week and a half.

So you've lost 23 since surg? That's great! I'm not sure if he'll give me a fill, but I hope so. I try very hard to stick to the recommended types and amounts of food. I feel hungry after 1 1/2 hours sometimes and 2 or 3 hours other times.

As for tortillas you mentioned-- I"m pretty sure the nutritionist at Simpson's office said we can have an occasional corn tortilla-- just in case you didn't know. I never cared much for them, but lately I have had them on occasion with some vegetarian refried beans/salsa. Another good thing about them is that they are small!

Thanks for posting some of your foods- it's helpful to me.

I'm going to try having some lettuce wraps.

Question to all of you-- do you just have your 3 meals, or do you have a small snack or 2 throughout the day? Some of the literature we received from Simpson's office says not to snack between meals. Other things say you can have a small snack if you're hungry?!

Sometimes I get hungry too fast so I do have a snack-- fruit or veggies.

I am careful to get my Protein in first as recommended. Not sure why I get hungry too fast.

Once I'm allowed to bump up my exercise a bit (I'm still on walking only for now) then I think it will help some with appetite suppressing.


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Hi Mari, no I was 228 at my consult after surgery I lost 7.5 pounds during the first month I gained a couple but after the fill last Monday I have lost them back and then some, I think i'm just under 220 like 218 , I may have put the wrong number on my post it was very late last night. I don't compare to others and I didnt do pre op diet so i'm going slow. The first month is not to lose weight, don't obsess over it, plus keep in mind sometimes you lose in inches but you dont see it on the scale, I fit so much better into my pants that I could barely tolerate before. I think you should probably not weigh in everyday, try once a week or even til you get a fill, I didnt buy a scale til after the first fill. Trust me you will lose after the first fill, but I think i'll need one more at least, til I get to my green zone.The scale at Dr. S office is probably more accurate, mine is a couple of pounds off because I weighed myself at home after they weigh me at the office. Part of the reason you're not losing is because you need a fill, sounds like you're doing way better than I was with my diet, he says I am eating too fast so just try to take 20 to 30 minutes to eat, what i'm going to start trying is maybe have a couple of bites then go and do something like wash some dishes start cleaning the kitchen and then come take another bite or two and so one , what i'm finding out and I hear alot of people say is that it takes a while to feel the fullness so you tend to eat more than you need to feel satisfied to by the time it kicks in you feel way too full and the point is to not get feel full , but satisfied. He said to get used to leaving food on your plate. well I can eat bread or tortillas fine, I have a wheat toast for Breakfast if i dont have time for anything else, I try to change it up, I like and egg with a couple bacon strips, or i'll make scrambled eggs , i sautee some of those frozen peppers and onion mix they sell in frozen section, and add bacon bits for flavor and eggs and tp it with cheese. bacon is pretty good if you make it in the microwave. all the fat comes off. I dont know if youve ever done it but in case just get a plate and put down like three paper towels and add your bacon slices then add another three towels over them , for each slice is usually a minute sometimes if the bacon is thin I do a minute less cause it will get really cooked and hard to chew, so it depends on your micro. I do it alot during the week before work it gets me through the morning. And yes they say not to snack between, I dont get that. Its easy for me not to snack when im at work i dont have time to think about it, but on the weekends i do. A good thing about having had the surgery now is summertime fruits and veggies are cheaper! Another thing I do for anytime, quaker microwave oatmeal, they have a weight control on ( i got banana bread) and lower sugar with lots of good flavors. Also I saw on the lapband.com website that you can have regular corn flakes like the kellogs. Go to lapband.com the site is informative , alot you already know but I found stuff i didnt . They also have a cool way to keep track of your progress and write down goals . At work I have always had smart ones or healthy choice meals, lately I ahve not been eating the whole thing, of course eat the meat first then the veggies and then desert. very filling. Its hard for me not to drink but I am just drinking a glass before i eat . I really need to excercise that is hard for me to do, I walk some thats about it. Send me a private message and ill send you my email, i go for a while without coming on the site. Ok well i will talk to you later and keep doing what youre doing.

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Hey everyone, I'm April and I am being banded by Dr Simpson on Wednesday June 17th! I'm getting pretty excited. I'm glad there is another place to talk with other bandsters, it just seems like only 4 people use Dr Simpsons message board.

I look forward to chatting with all of you!



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That's great April! I"m so excited for you! I think he's a great doc and the surgery really is worth it. I'm only a month out, but I am already so happy I did it. I've got my next appt on June 18th, day after your surg.

Do you live in Phx, or do you travel to see him as well. I live in Yuma, but I go to Phx for Dr. Simpson because of all I've read/heard about him-- I think he's the best.


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I live in Mesa, so about 30-45min away? I guess that makes me pretty lucky. I have heard Dr Simpson for years, he is one of Phoenix Top Docs, and I work in the medical field here so I have used that to research him further, and I was impressed!

Can I ask you what your first 2 weeks post-op were like? What did you eat, and do you have any recommendations? They said they may still have me stay the night, what was that like?

I'm all full of questions, hahaha. I have been devouring this website since yesterday. :tongue_smilie:

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I had surg on a Tues. I took a week off work. I did not spend the night at the hospital, but I stayed at my aunt's house in Scottsdale for a day. The doc had recommended staying in the area, or spending the night, since I live out of town. I opted to stay at my aunt's because I thought I'd be more comfortable. However, the hospital staff was great, so I don't think it would have mattered if I had just stayed there.

On the day of surgery, immediately after I felt pretty icky from the anesthesia, but that icky feeling wore off after about 2 hours. It just made me groggy and slightly nauseous, but they gave me medicine to get rid of nausea. Mostly, I was just so happy to have had the surgery finally! I was excited, and didn't let the it get to me too much.

I was sore, but that's to be expected. It was tolerable, and not as bad as I had thought it would be. The NEXT day was a little harder. This may be because the meds from the hospital had worn off, plus I hadn't slept in my own bed. (Actually, for the first few days, the most comfortable position for me was to be in a recliner). . .

I was given pain med from Dr. Simpson, but I only took half doses, because I don't like the idea of pain med. But also because the pain wasn't too bad. The hardest part was when I had to get up and down out of a chair to walk around. Using my stomach muscles was kinda difficult. Dr. Simpson told me to only take the pain medicine if I felt like I needed it- he also recommended liquid Tylenol, which I ended up taking more than the heavier stuff he prescribed. By day 3 I was only taking the liquid Tylenol (liquid is easier to swallow), and by day 4 or 5 I wasn't taking any medicine.

The doc requires you to get up and walk around for 10 min every hour after surg. This helps with the gas pains. It's gas from the surgery-- because during surgery they fill your stomach with air to be able to see everything. It takes a few days for this to all dissipate. I took a heating pad with me to the hospital-- per recommendations from others, though didn't use it that much. You may want to bring one just in case. I also took LOOSE clothing- and flip flops. You won't want to bend over much, or wear anything too tight.

After surgery I found myself burping here and there, which did make me feel better. I never used to be one to burp much, but since being banded I do sometimes. I assume air gets trapped as water/food goes down?? No one had mentioned this to me prior to surgery, so I wanted to let you know. It' s not like I do it a lot or anything, but usually once after eating, or walking around. . .

By the 3rd day I felt pretty much back to normal, though I was still sore when I moved certain ways for the following 1-2 weeks. I think it was mostly from the port incision-- because they sew the port to your muscle (I think).

On the 3rd day I went shopping for a short time with my mom-- just to get out of the house. So, I must have been feeling pretty good! I didn't want to carry anything though-- for example I didn't want to lift my purse, because it put strain on my sore stomach.

Just be prepared to take it easy for a few days, but all things considered, I thought Dr. Simpson did a great job.

Have you ever had any surgery before?

Also, I had mostly Protein shakes, Jello, Keifer, yogurt, and Tomato or bullion Soup for the first week or so. Prior to surgery I had powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury Protein Shakes, Jello, sugar free pudding, and fresh veggies.


Edited by bevanfranks
typos- plus added something

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Wow, thanks for all the info! I was real worried about the first week. I have been getting conflicting info, so I thought only Clear liquids, but Keifer, Protein, and Jello sounds good.

I have had 2 prior laparascopic procedures for other conditions, so I know all about the ups and downs with the gas. One surgery I didnt even notice, but another one hurt immensely, I had to sleep sitting propped straight up!

I will definitely look into liquid tylenol, didn't even think of that!

So did you take any Multivitamins during the first week? I will be taking a week off after surgery to allow for healing, thank goodness, because at first I was thinking to myself, 1 week? Who needs it! but maybe I will!

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I'm sure you'll do just fine. I was nervous too, not sure what to expect. I think it's different for everyone, but I think Dr. Simpson is a pro- and that makes it go smoothly, easily. Just think-- not long and you'll be on the losing side!!!

Are you on pre-op diet now?

I'm sure Doc S or his nutritionist will or has given you a packet about eating? It shows what you can eat at each stage after surgery?

Well, As I remember, the first day or two are FULL liquids, at that time you cannot have Keifer, Tomato Soup etc. I think it's just the first day, but I wasn't hungry that first day anyway. . . but then after a day or two, Dr. Simpson includes kefier, etc. in his definition of liquid diet.

I had a bit of a nauseated feeling in the morning for the first 2 or 3 days. It was not really bad, but I e-maild Dr. S just in case, and he told me to try taking the Keifer w/my pills, Maybe my stomach was too empty.

Yes, I did take my Multivitamin. I bought Centrum chewables, which is great- easy to swallow! I used to take some liquid Vitamins, but the nutritionist at Dr. S's office recommended to take these Centrum chewables, because the liquid brand I was taking may not be complete.

When you're on restricted (liquid) diet, you definately want to get all your Vitamins in-- plus it probably helps us heal better.

Ask me any questions you have-- I don't mind. I was really anxious before surgery, and wished I'd had someone to ask! I have 2 banded friends, but they had different doctors, so their experiences varied slightly.

By the way, any questions I had, I usually asked Darcie-- she was great.

A few days before surg I got my period-- I was so nervous about that/embarassed, but the nurses didn't think anything of it. Darcie assured me that it's no biggie. She also told me that the nurses prep you- and Dr. Simpson only sees a portion of your stomach through a paper/sheet,etc.

The staff that that surgical center are so great/happy, etc. and I felt very comfortable with them.

I'm excited for you, and I know it'll go smoothly and you'll be so happy.

I haven't had any fills yet, but I already can tell that this band is really going to help me change my lifestyle for the better.


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Thanks again so much. Seriously, up until the last day or so, this has been quite a lonely adventure. All my friends are skinny, and my husband is one of those 6.5 beanpole types, lol. Its very lonely not having anyone who understands to talk to. I am really glad I found this website.

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Good luck on your surgery tomorrow! I wish you all the best. I'm sure you'll do just fine. You'll be losing weight in no time! Take care,


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Thanks Lisa! I'm pretty excited now. I will update you as soon as I am able to!

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Hi April, hope everything went well with the surgery! Let us know how things went. take care. Sonya

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I had my first fill today! I'm now on liquids for 24 hours, so I'm kinda hungry, but not too bad though.

The fill went really quickly and easily. I'm hoping it will really help me in the weeks to come.

Charms, did you have your appointment today too?


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Hey guys, surgery went well. I'm still pretty sore in the shoulders and I have a gnarly Migraine, but my incisions are doing well. I cant wait to get rid of the gas pain. I have been drinking enough Water to drown a camel and I'm dizzy from walking around the house. I have also been using a heating pad. Does anyone else have any ideas?

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