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NO MORE Fat Lazy Slug For Me!

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I'm 5'8" so if I can get to a 12 or even back to a 10 I'll be THRILLED. I'm not big boned, just tall, although I do have broad shoulders and big feet ... so does my sister and she's only 5'2-1/2" but have never had a weight problem -- she's too hyper and nervous all the time I think she burns it off -- that and she doesn't eat very much or very often .. I don't strive for her size (a 1 or a 3) ... however I do strive to get out of womens (or WIDE as my friend calls it) and into misses. Thank goodness I enjoy exercising. I don't generally have head hunger either ... I truly find eating to be a chore, an necessary evil so to speak, so I am hoping the sleeve will give me the Portion Control I need as I don't eat bad, just once I get started, I eat too much.

If it's not too personal, why do you have to go back and see Dr. Aceves so often? Does he require follow-up visits?

I'm 5'9" and I'm big boned. At this point, I'll be happy to wear my size 16 clothes right now.

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Instead of hand weights, you could try a back pack, like you were going hikeing. That would increase your workout also.

You know, I think that might be an answer to something I was just thinking about. I *just* finished running 2 miles. Not quite as easy as walking/running/walking/running. I found myself kinda hunched over just a little bit. It was bothering my back. If I put some weight on my back so it pulled my shoulders back a bit I think that might help.

I had really good posture when I stopped running 4 months before my sleeve but I see I have bad habits I need to break once again. ;o)

Thank you!

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Also for a better lack of place to put this, I have lost 13 lbs in just over 2 weeks. It's great now. I have no desire to eat. I can move to mushies soon but I am perfectly content with my Protein shakes. It's WAY better than clear liquid. Besides, I have all this Protein Powder I bought I need to use up.

Congrats! Feels good, eh?


Hi Wasa,

You bring up an issue I've been wanting to ask for a while for suggestions. As I've mentioned, I had to move my sleeve date from June 28 to AUGUST 7. It seems so far away. I find myself wanting to pig out between now and then and eat everything I can because its the last time I'll be able to eat like a hog. I know this is probably not a good way to think. I should probably exercise and eat better and try to shed some pounds before my surgery. Anyone else go through this before your surgery?

It's called Last Meal Syndrome, very normal but very bad. ;o) We all go through it, or most of us do anyway. You can do that but it's just going to be more pounds to take off after surgery. :rolleyes2:/

Just try to cut back. Remember, you'll be able to eat all the same foods later, just not massive quantities.

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Congrats! Feels good, eh?

Yes, it feels fabulous. It doesn't really even bother me to watch my bf sit and eat. I just don't feel like eating.

Like I said, I don't know what I am going to do when my brother expects me to go out to eat with him. I really encouraged him to only go for the weekend so I don't have to deal with it for long.

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Yes, it feels fabulous. It doesn't really even bother me to watch my bf sit and eat. I just don't feel like eating.

Like I said, I don't know what I am going to do when my brother expects me to go out to eat with him. I really encouraged him to only go for the weekend so I don't have to deal with it for long.

Just tell him you're not that hungry, or that you're trying to lose weight -- if you're like me, everyone knows I'm always on a diet so when I don't eat much or eat weird stuff, no one even comments on it anymore.

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Right, but he has never seen me since I was banded. Last time he saw me I was a size 24 and I am a 12 now. I got the revision because I hated the band, not to lose weight.By the time I see him, I will have lost everything I gained back when I had to get an unfill. I gained 15 and I have already lost most of it.

He's going to have a hard time believing I am dieting, as little as I will be able to eat with a sleeve, that I am on that strict of a diet. I am just going to tell him I already ate since we will be staying at different places.

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I don't have to go back anymore. When I was banded I was there all the darn time. Fills, unfills, try this drug, try that technique. I've been sleeved almost a year (6/3/08) and I've only been there once in the last year and that is when I went with a friend for her band fill. I did go with a friend for her plastic surgery but I didn't go to the hospital.

I'm going there the end of the month for my 3 month check up. ;o))) I just want to get a barium swallow to see how things are going.

Holy crap, I just realized that I'll be sleeved on your 1 year mark. . .

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Holy crap, I just realized that I'll be sleeved on your 1 year mark. . .

6/3/09? HA! It's a GOOD date! That date has been very good to me. I'll pass on some good 6/3/09 vibes. ;o)

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I need to talk to Jacqui to see how I can increase calories burned on my treadmill. I'm thinking of using 10# weights for my hands, with an incline, and a pretty good speed. Not sure how else I can do it.

I hate weight training, hate it with a passion but I don't mind my treadmill much at all. I really felt good yesterday and as Denise says, I've really noticed a difference in my mood with just one session. I feel good this morning, much better than the past few weeks.

not just hand weights, but ankle weights as well - they're relatively inexpensive and adding those weights to your ankles as well as steeping the incline will help :rolleyes2:

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not just hand weights, but ankle weights as well - they're relatively inexpensive and adding those weights to your ankles as well as steeping the incline will help :thumbup:

I have 2# to lose to get to my "I am in the safe range" body weight and 7# to get back to 120.

I know I am OCD about this but I let it get out of hand once before and was 252#. :rolleyes2:( I have to be on top of this.

I'm going to pick up some ankle weights too. ;o)

Pretty soon I won't be able to step up on the treadmill! HAHA

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I absolutely hate exercise and I think gyms are akin to torture chambers. LOL. In June, I am seeing an ortho surgeon and will be scheduling both knees for total joint replacements. Cortisione injections are no longer working so, the time I dreaded has arrived, and two total knee replacements are inevitable.

For anyone doing joint replacements, they tell you that the easiest post-op rehabilitation occurs when you do pre-op strength training. For the past 6 months I have been doing just that with a personal trainer who comes to my house for an hour twice a week. I can't put any weight on my knees (kneeling is out) but he works around my limitations and succeeds in killing me. LOL.

I wish I could like exercise and am hoping that once I get new knees and am out of the pain I live with on a daily basis, I'll start to like it more. Until then, I'll continue to pay for torture sessions with the trainer. There is NO way I would do it if left to my own devices. LOL.

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In June, I am seeing an ortho surgeon and will be scheduling both knees for total joint replacements. Cortisione injections are no longer working so, the time I dreaded has arrived, and two total knee replacements are inevitable.QUOTE]

Elisabeth - It sounds as though I am in the same boat as you -- I have bilateral degenerative arthritis in both knees and my doctor hopes to be able to get me to 55 before having to do knee replacements ... right now the cortisone is working for me; however the time in between the injections is shorter ... actually started out at 3 years (to the day), then one year and now about every 6 months ...I, too, cannot kneel. I'd be interested in knowing what type of exercises your torturer, eh, trainer, has you doing ... I don't mind exercising, I just don't like the pain in my knees. Plus, I have two compressed dsics (L4-L5, L5-S1) which doesn't cause me pain all the time, but can be very painful. What State do you live? I've been told by my original orthopod, who recently retired, damn him and several ortho experts we use that my doc is one of the best for knees. Got that going for me anyway.

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In June, I am seeing an ortho surgeon and will be scheduling both knees for total joint replacements. Cortisione injections are no longer working so, the time I dreaded has arrived, and two total knee replacements are inevitable.QUOTE]

Elisabeth - It sounds as though I am in the same boat as you -- I have bilateral degenerative arthritis in both knees and my doctor hopes to be able to get me to 55 before having to do knee replacements

With the new replacements, age is not so much a factor anymore. They are getting 25-35 years out of them

... right now the cortisone is working for me; however the time in between the injections is shorter ... actually started out at 3 years (to the day), then one year and now about every 6 months

Have you tried the hyalgan injections? It's also called synvisc and they do 3-5 weekly injections into the joint. The idea is to replace the synovial Fluid that cushions the knee. i tried it but the damage was too severe so it did not work. Other people say it makes a big difference and buys you more time.

...I, too, cannot kneel. I'd be interested in knowing what type of exercises your torturer, eh, trainer, has you doing ...

I do leg lifts, squats (as low as I can go) holding an 8 lb medicine ball out in front of me and bringing it up as I come up out of the squat, inner and outer thighs using resistance bands, and then work on the other muscle groups including core. He devised a way for me to do mat (floor) exercises. He puts the mat on the floor at the top of the stairs so I can stand 2 steps from the mat, turn around, and then sit down and scrunch myself up. When the floor exercises are done, I scrunch down, place my feet on the stair, and stand up... no weight on the knees.

I don't mind exercising, I just don't like the pain in my knees.

Aleve (naprosen) is my friend. I take one in the AM with Breakfast and one in the PM with dinner. It gets me through work and allows me to sleep with less pain. I have tons of vicodin but never take it.

Plus, I have two compressed dsics (L4-L5, L5-S1) which doesn't cause me pain all the time, but can be very painful. What State do you live?

New York.

I've been told by my original orthopod, who recently retired, damn him and several ortho experts we use that my doc is one of the best for knees. Got that going for me anyway.

The surgeon makes all the difference. I made an appointment 4 months ago with mine and June is the earliest I could get. I'm looking at early Sept. for the surgery. :-(

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You know, I hated exercising when I started it 5 years ago.

I did it because I really wanted to lose weight. I was already in the habit when I got my band. I found over time, I felt so much better when I was done, that I was able to talk myself into going every morning. Some mornings I would think " I just don't want to go" But then I remembered how good I feel when I am done.I started not letting those thoughts go to far. It was just my routine, to get up in the morning and put my gym clothes on. Now, I am really resentful when anything interferes with my gym time.

I learned to love weight training when I started seeing muscles where there used to be flab. One day a guy at the gym asked me how I got my legs so toned. I was so shocked that anyone would say that to me.

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Personally, I'd introduce some interval training :-)

Contrary to popular belief, running or jogging burns more than walking because you have to clear the ground, so jogging the same distance v walking will give you a slightly higher calorie burn. Then of course, there's the fact that you cover more distance in the same time frame, so of course bye bye to more calories.

Interval training is thought to really ramp up your calorie burn for a good 24 hours. After even a brisk walk, your body reverts to normal within an hour or two. After pushing yourself till you chuck your body will take much longer to cool down and burn energy at its normal rate. And that's why interval training burns more calories - its the afterburn. There's all sorts of scientific mumbo jumbo about fatty acid releast and human growth hormone etc which is not entirely proven but I just know it really works for me.

Light weights will help but they wont up the burn by a huge amount. And you have to be very careful not to injure yourself. Ramping up the incline helps heaps too.

I loathe weight training as well. So I sneak it in in snippets - I do the BARE minimum because I only want the benefits such as nice tone, stronger bones and a higher metabolism, I dont particularly aspire to looking muscular. I might run a bit, jump off, do 40 really hard deep fast squats, run a bit more, jump off and do pushups, run a bit more, jump off and do dips, run a bit more, jump off and do crunches and then run a bit more. It makes a gentle treadmill jog into a much more intense workout which of course means more calories burned and it gets that nasty muscle building stuff over and done with. And of course that stuff gives you a good afterburn too.

It all sounds hard core and it is, and by no means is it necessary to do it that way to lose weight or keep yourself healthy, but if you really want to up the burn,that's how you do it.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

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