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May 7th Surgery Stories

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Hoping to hear from you all soon!

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Hi, Hallelujah Girl. Your stats are similar to mine... I want to lose about the same amount. My family thought I was crazy because they didn't think I was "big" enough. But I've struggled with gaining and losing (and I'm talking 50-60 pound gains and losses), and I am ready for a PERMANENT solution!

I'm not in too much pain right now, but the gas pain is still there. I'm enjoying the pain meds a little too much, I must say. I get to escape the hubby and 3 kids and go lie down in my peaceful, toasty bed. :-) This has all been good so far!!!

What are you "eating" in these post op days?rolleyes.gif

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Heyyy guys!!

Sorry it took soo long for me to finally post how my surgery went!

So on Thursday I arrived at the outpatient center at about 10:00 and was pulled back to prep at 10:30 -- My surgeon then came in and told me they were running behind so instead of going in at 12:30, I was going in at 1. Which was fine.. haha.. I was having fun with my best friend and my mom waiting in the pre-op area. Well then they took me back and I only remember them strapping me down and then I woke up in recovery. I could barely see a thing and had no idea what was going on and then the nurse came out of no where and was like we cant find your mom.. and I started having an anxiety attack and my blood pressure went up.. haha.. I didnt like that feeling and then they found her thank goodness.

So after about an hour in recovery they moved me to my room and I was released to go home at about 9 pm after they controlled my nausea -- that was exciting.. I wasnt having any pain other than from the gas -- wow that really hurt for me....

I went home and had some broth and took some pain medicine and passed out for the night.. When I woke up I had a lot of pain from the gas and pretty much walked allll day.

Now today the 3rd day .. I feel great!! I have little discomfort at the port site and all my other incisions havent even hurt one bit.. and the gas is subsiding-- woohoo! I decided not to take any of the pain medicine today i just took some liquid tylenol which helped with the discomfort and I am saving the prescribed pain medicine for sleepy time:wink2:

Well I think thats it.. if I remember anything else I will let you know!! :tt2:

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Hi all. My day didn't go as well as I expected, but surgery is done never-the-less. I was told to report to the hospital at 9am for an 11am surgery. My doctor got called to an emergency, so I ended up in pre-op until almost 7pm. I had already been IV'd and everything. I had a bit of a meltdown at around 4pm and started crying and almost said to hell with it, I'm out of here. But I talked (and prayed) myself through it and stayed. I tried to tell myself that the long wait was a sign that I didn't need the surgery and to RUN!

The nurses let my husband come back with me due to the meltdown and he helped a lot too. The doctor finally came in at around 6:30pm and thanked me for staying. Then he said something like, okay, lets do this! I was pumped up from then on.

I was taken to surgery at around 7pm and was out by 8pm. I even got up and went to the bathroom while in recovery! The nurse was quite impressed. My best friend is an RN at the hospital and had told her RN buddies that I was coming. They were totally awesome and took great care of me. I felt pretty good while in the hospital.

I'm not doing as well with pain as what you all have described. My port site is really sore and my gas was pretty bad until I started to take Gas-X. Sorry to be graphic, but let's just say I have the extreme opposite to Constipation. Trying to stay hydrated, but I haven't felt much like drinking. I've had plenty of Water today and just finished some broth. But I couldn't each much of that.

I'm hoping the pain decreases as each day passes. All said, I'm glad I didn't run for the hills and am looking forward to an awesome road ahead. I wish the same for each of you!

Edited by Bempowered

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It's finally great to hear some stories and welcome to the other side! You are all doing great! The pain does get better each day and I haven't been real hungry, but I do have to admit my head hunger has been horrible. Just trying to get through 1 day at a time. We can do this though! Good luck!

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Hi, everyone! Well, despite my cold and a slight temp, they went ahead and did my surgery on Thursday, the 7th, as planned. It's all a bit of a blur for me, though, because I was in a lot of pain. Before you freak out about the pain, please realize that I have fibromyalgia, which is a chronic pain condition, so I wasn't surprised that my pain was intense. Most people don't have pain like I do. Anyhow, I stayed in for 36 hours, hooked up to morphine and dilaudid. That's why it was all a blur. I got home Friday night and have been doing a lot of sleeping since then. I'm not very hungry and haven't been eating much of anything. I don't have intense pain like I did -- thank God! -- but my incisions are still sore (especially where the port is), and I can feel something inside everytime I swallow. That's just the swelling, I'm told. Hopefully that will go away soon.

The weird thing is, I keep having dreams that I ate something I'm not supposed to, and that I ruin the band! Anyone else experiencing that?

Am also feeling a bit depressed for some reason. Hoping that will lift once all my pain is gone.

Hope everyone else is doing well! I've been thinking of all of you! :frown:

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Ann, not sure if this will help you feel any better or not, but this is in my post-op information from my doc's office.

"Some patients will feel tired, depressed, tearful, irritable and not like their normal self following surgery. They may also have problems with sleeping at night. These things are normal following surgery. They are related to you receiving anesthesia and medications that your body is not use to receiving. It will take several weeks for you to start feeling more like yourself."

*hugs* You're definitely not alone there.

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First of all, I am glad we heard from you that you got to go ahead with surgery!

Second of all - YES I had those dreams too!!!!!!! The first few nights after surgery I'd dream that I was eating some big fat hamburger or something! How weird is that? It's funny that you had them too.

I got a little depressed as well, but they also warned me that the anesthesia would cause that. I cried in the hospital when I saw my face after I drank that chalky stuff (my mouth was chalky thick white as were my teeth and it was so gross looking) and a nurse warned my mom and boyfriend that I might have more upsets or whatever. It does get better though!

I wonder if it also has to do with the fact that we're mourning our old lifestyle? I think that's pretty hard to give up. We've been living this life of eating whatever whenever, and now all of the sudden we are completely restricted and can't depend on our "crutch" - I know for example, I am a reward eater and so it was pretty sad yesterday when I couldn't go out for dinner with friends for Mother's Day.

Anyways, keep your chin up! We are all in the same position you are and we're here for you! :frown:

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I wonder if it also has to do with the fact that we're mourning our old lifestyle? I think that's pretty hard to give up. We've been living this life of eating whatever whenever, and now all of the sudden we are completely restricted and can't depend on our "crutch" - I know for example, I am a reward eater and so it was pretty sad yesterday when I couldn't go out for dinner with friends for Mother's Day.

Anyways, keep your chin up! We are all in the same position you are and we're here for you! :frown:

It's great to finally hear form you! I think Amy is right on. Even though I had mentally prepared myself for all this, it wasn't until I had the surgery that it became 100% real, no backing out, changing my mind or anything and I think everyone or most of us anyway go through a bit of morning period. I feel beth mentally and physically better each day!

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I've had some pretty weird dreams over the last couple of days too. I just related it to being in mourning from not being able to eat what I want. My surgery book calls it "Putting out the fire." That has been very useful to me. I even got up today and made my family a spaghetti dinner! I felt like I needed to face this thing head on.

I feel a little weiry now and again too and have even shed a tear, but I see it as my process to advance to my new life. Look for the positive in every dream, every conversation and every dissapointment. It will only make you stronger.

And as the others have said, We've got your back!!!

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Ann, it is so good to hear from you! Oh gosh, I am sorry for what you had to go through. Morphine *and* dilaudid?! Thank God that the most painful part is behind you now. Please keep us posted. Don't forget to walk as much as you can manage!

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I'm still preop but just wanted to thank you for your post...gives me a little more control the more I'm aware of what *can* happen...thank you and I wish you a speedy recovery!

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I went in at 5:30 am scheduled to be operated at 7:30 am, all was going well till my blood sugar shot through the roof, I thought I was toast and it would be cancelled, but a few insulin shots and I was ready. They rolled me back and I was getting high after a shot, then I was gone. Woke up from my procedure and was in some pain, especially my left shoulder. My operation included treating a Hiatal Hernia. My Surgeon said she had to put some mesh around it along with the band, she said the band would hold up better. I'm feeling alright, taking Hydrocodone which really helps with the pain. The hunger pains are the worst but getting through it. I have lost 15 lbs (not a typo, sure it is mostly Water weight), I am taking my liquid diet very serious. Consists of Water, chix and beef broth, Protein shakes, SF fruit bars, and crystal light.

I do have a question, I bought whey Protein powder and I noticed it has Creatine, is this bad?

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Wow, I'm overwhelmed by all the wonderful support you all have given me! Thank you so much! I didn't realize that depression could come after surgery. I had actually been thinking that I was mourning the loss of my old life and that there was no backing out now. I really appreciate all the kind words and support. This is such a great group! :( And, it is getting a little better each day. Thanks, everyone! :mad2: Oh, and btw, SailorChristy, yes, I was on both morphine and dilaudid and it caused me to itch like crazy, especially my nose and scalp, so then they gave me Benedryl also. I was a true zombie. LOL

Ramg66, congrats on your successful surgery and weight loss! I haven't lost anything yet. I was also supposed to have hiatal hernia repair, but when they got in there, the hernia wasn't there! It had been diagnosed two years ago, but I guess it got better on its own. Strange. BTW, I think creatine is fine. Best wishes for continued success! :D

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Hi Everybody! I love having a group of people who are exactly where I am. I had surgery May 7th, too. It was the easiest surgery and recovery I've had, all except for one thing. I couldn't pee for anything. That kept me in the hospital until 7 pm (and my surgery was at 11:30 am). Turns out that I was so dehydrated, all my fluids (3 bags of IV Fluid and lots of drinks) were going to my tissues and not my bladder. I took a diuretic, and managed to pee a bit, so I was ready to go home at that point.

The only real pain has been gas pain, and it is sometimes so painful that I take my prescription narcotic (Loertab liquid) to take the edge off. I also take Prilosec otc and GasX tabs (dissolve on your mouth type), and they keep the pain under control. Ah, and one more TMI piece of info: I was constipated, so I take Miralax and it really helped. I hated the idea of straining with these stitches in me.

I woke up this morning with very little pain though. Everybody says that a full week after surgery you do notice a difference, and since we're coming up on Thursday, maybe that's why I feel better. A friend of mine had the sleeve on the same day, and she feels like a truck ran over her. It was laparoscopic, but we just all respond differently to pain. Here's a good thing to think about: if you're in pain, you're probably not hungry. If you're not hungry, you're probably losing weight!!!! I have been hungry, unfortunately.

I developed a disgust for those milky Protein shakes, so I went to GNC yesterday and bought PROSlam Energy bullet thingies. They taste like concentrated Syrup, so I filled a glass with ice, poured in the drink, then added Water. Stirred up, and it tasted like grape coolaid!!! It was a wonderful way to get 40 g of Protein.

Another cool food idea: this morning I felt starved, so I cooked some cream of wheat (3 T of Cereal to 1 c water--Tried milk first, but it scalded and was gross). I then put the cooked Cereal in a bowl and added 1/2 scoop of protein powder--vanilla flavor. I added splenda, a bit of heart smart promise butter (or whatever they call that stuff) and enough skim milk to make it all liquid. It was UNBELIEVABLY GOOD! :mad2: It was so good, that I actually prefer it to the way I usually eat Cream of Wheat (thick).

One more good food idea to try. My mom made me some delicious beef broth. She cooked a roast, drained off the juice, took off the fat, added some wine and seasonings and salt. Man, it tasted like liquid roast! Then I made some instant mashed potatoes. I put them in a bowl and poured some broth over them. I'd stir a little potato and broth together until they were liquid consistency. Very, very good!!! :tt1:I think I can survive 2 weeks on liquids now that I've found these foods.

Btw, I have the Realize band. I've read that it doesn't have any fill in it when it's implanted. I think that's why I'm so hungry. Do any of you others have that band?

One more thing: if you want some before and after pics for inspiration, go to obesityhelp.com and you can find a section of pics. They're incredible!!!

Hang in there, May friends! --Lisa (aka, Venus)

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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