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May 8th Surgery Stories

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Just a quick note to say I'm home. I came home Saturday early afternoon, and started vomiting severely. I ended up back in the hospital via ambulance and had a really rough few days. Extreme nausea and vomiting, and was on nothing-by-mouth for Saturday and most of Sunday. They did the barium test (but it wasn't barium, it was some other kind of liquid stuff) Sunday early afternoon, and that came back normal. But I didn't find that out until I finally asked a nurse about 9pm Sunday night. The doc on call never came back in to let us know.

I was finally able to have liquids again around 9:30pm and have been doing okay so far keeping things down. I've only thrown up once since I've been home. But the pain was nothing like I expected. Really intense pain (and I'm NOT a wimp about pain) and I've been doing a lot of kicking myself for doing this electively.

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Just a quick note to say I'm home. I came home Saturday early afternoon, and started vomiting severely. I ended up back in the hospital via ambulance and had a really rough few days. Extreme nausea and vomiting, and was on nothing-by-mouth for Saturday and most of Sunday. They did the barium test (but it wasn't barium, it was some other kind of liquid stuff) Sunday early afternoon, and that came back normal. But I didn't find that out until I finally asked a nurse about 9pm Sunday night. The doc on call never came back in to let us know.

I was finally able to have liquids again around 9:30pm and have been doing okay so far keeping things down. I've only thrown up once since I've been home. But the pain was nothing like I expected. Really intense pain (and I'm NOT a wimp about pain) and I've been doing a lot of kicking myself for doing this electively.

I'm so sorry you had such a tough time! I also had a lot of pain and was in the hospital for 36 hours. I'm also a bit depressed about doing this electively, but thankfully I'm surrounding by loving, supportive people who continue to tell me that I've done the right thing. Hang in there, and keep your chin up!

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Stick with it, GonnaRide and SpideyMom, you can do it! I'm sorry to hear you had such pain and frustrating complications, but it will be worth it soon. Just remember all of your goals and reasons for having the surgery. And know that you are on the track to having a healthy body!

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Hi Gonna, I am so sorry to hear that you had such a rough go of it. That really stinks! I have had pain off and on, and I too am not a wimp with pain, and I have also wondered why I decided to do this and then I remembered that first of all I was doubting myself because of the pain and second, if I could have done this on my own then I would have been able to. But I have a history a mile long and I know that in a few days, weeks, bathing suit time that this will be well worth it. Hang in there and we are all here to help and support each other through this. Good luck.

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I had surgery yesterday, and afterwards I didn't feel as bad as I thought I might. Somewhat sore, but tolerable. This morning (24 hrs after surg) I feel quite a bit more sore. Anyone else? Is this normal? It's not horribly worse, plus I haven't taken pain med since last night, but it's definately harder to walk than yesterday.


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The complications continue. My port incision is infected, and I've been put on a round of antibiotics. It's really red and inflamed looking, and VERY tender. It's sort of swollen and hard if you touch it.

I've actually taken some pics in case anyone wanted to see what one looks like when it starts to go bad. If you're interested holler and I'll try to figure out how to post it.

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Hey Gonna ride, just wondering how you and your port are doing? I'm sorry that its infected, but thank goodness for pain meds and antibiotics. Good luck, lets us know how you are doing.

Hi Lisa, I was good for the first two days then it hit me, the pain and swelling but that only last a day or so, today, six days out, I feel better good, easier to get up and down, port site is still a little sore, but nothing that I need my pain meds for.

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Thanks for asking Meem. :) It's still really sore and red, and it's really hard underneath. But the redness is starting to go down some, so thankfully it's not getting any worse. I've only had 3 doses of the antibiotics (which smells like hair perming solution btw) so I think that's pretty good for just a day in.

My surgery story: Because I wasn't able to do it before, here it is.

I got to the hospital just before 11:30 am on Friday. I was scheduled for surgery at 1pm. I went straight back, did the pregnancy test, the nurse put me into a little cubicle room and did all the history stuff. I got into the fancy gown, didn't even get to keep my socks, and hopped into bed.

The nurse came back in and started taking blood pressure, etc and then another nurse came over and said "The OR's calling for her." So we fought with getting an IV in, my family came in for a few minutes. Then after about 15 minutes or so, the anesthesiologist came in and talked to me and my surgeon showed up at the same time. So they went over everything.

I did ask where my port was going to go, because I wanted to make sure it was high. He said about 2 inches below my rib cage which was exactly what I wanted to hear! They left and my family headed out to get lunch. About 10 minutes after that, the anesthesiologist nurse came in and gave me a shot of something in the IV.

The next thing I remember is being in a regular room, and seeing my husband and kids in the peripheral of my fog. The nurses were telling me to move over to the bed. Someone said something about bleeding, my husband said "she's having her period" and everything went black again. I believe it was about 4pm then according to my husband.

I woke up later in agonizing pain, my surgeon was standing over me, the nurses were doing something with the IV, and I was crying from the pain. Everything was really fuzzy and surreal for a while, I do remember them asking me if I was hurting. I guess they gave me something more for pain because I drifted back out.

A few hours later, I woke up long enough for my husband to tell me he was going to take the kids home and get them dinner and put them to bed. It was around 7pm. They left and I went back to sleep. I don't really remember much until the next morning at 4am.

I woke up and felt semi-human. The CNA came in and helped me to the bathroom. Then I took a walk down the hall and back, and went back to my room. I had a little bit to drink, Vitamin Water I think, and went straight back to sleep.

After the shift-change, they woke me up again and brought Breakfast, of chicken broth, grape juice and lemon-lime Gatorade. I got more pain meds by mouth, was able to get some liquids down and then went for a walk around the floor. I came back to my room and dozed some.

My husband and children came over a few hours later. The on-call doc came in a while after that and looked me over. He said I looked good enough to go home. The nurse with him said "Well one out of three's not bad." I asked if the other 2 lap-band patients weren't going home, and he said no, they weren't doing as well and they'd be staying another night.

So I was discharged, and got dressed, got everything together and headed home. We stopped to drop off the liquid oxycodone prescription at the pharmacy, and they didn't have any. The pharmacist called every pharmacy within an hour's drive and no one had it. The could order it, but because of the type of meds, they wouldn't have it till the end of the next week! We went back to the hospital to see if they had any suggestions and they were able to find a pharmacy who had it about an hour and a half away. So my husband took me home, I went to bed, and he went to go get the Rx filled.

I don't know how long I slept, maybe an hour. I woke up and was instantly nauseous. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. It was the worst feeling! I was scared of ripping something, I was scared because I was alone, and I was scared to throw up! I threw up anyway, dry heaved a while and went to go call the dr's office answering service.

The doc on call called back really quickly, and I told him what was going on. I then had to tell him to hold on because I started throwing up some more. I told him my husband had gone to fill the Rx and wasn't home. He said to call him and have him get me back to the hospital. He'd leave orders at admitting so they could send me straight up when I got there. I tried my husband's cell phone for half an hour, with no answer. I even tried mine too, because it was still in the car. No luck. Finally I went over to my neighbor's house, no answer there either. So I called 911. THEN! My husband called back. His ringer volume had been turned down. He was the opposite side of the hospital from where we live, so I just told him to meet me there.

The ambulance came, took me in, and then literally dumped me in a wheelchair in the ER waiting room. The ER waiting room staff found my husband who was trying to get me admitted. They couldn't find the doc's orders. The admitting lady was slower than molasses in January. I still had my bracelets on from leaving earlier! After about half an hour - 45 minutes, they took me upstairs and put me in a room.

They tried to get an IV in me, and couldn't. So that nurse went home. My husband and kids had been in the car pretty much all day, it was about 7pm by this point, and I told him just to get them dinner and take them home. So they left. A nurse came in about an hour later to try again for an IV. No luck. Nurse #3 came in and got it finally. The nurses didn't have the doctor's orders, so I was without any pain meds, without any nausea meds, nothing to drink, and just getting worse. About half an hour later, they gave me something for the nausea which knocked me out. I woke up at 9:30pm and asked if I could have something for pain yet. They gave me something in the IV, and I slept until early morning.

They brought me breakfast, chicken broth, orange Gatorade and cranberry juice. I sipped some Gatorade and still was feeling nauseous. They gave me more meds and I slept off an on until early afternoon. My husband and children came in with roses for Mother's Day, and hung out while I slept.

Just before lunch, the doc made me nothing-by-mouth and they came in and took everything away. Around 3:30 they took me down for the x-ray thing. Which was awful. The radiologist wanted me to lay on my stomach for one of them, and I flat out told him, no way! They improvised. I threw up more afterward, and they took me back upstairs. I got more meds for the nausea and was mostly asleep for the rest of the day. My husband went home around dinner time, which I really don't remember. I woke up between 8:30 and 9pm and realized I hadn't seen the doctor to find out the results of the test.

I called a nurse, who came in and told me it was normal and that I could have liquids again. They brought me some ice chips and some Gatorade. I sat up until about 11pm and sipped on them and watched tv. I got another dose of pain meds and went to sleep.

Monday morning, I was told my surgeon was there and making rounds, so I should see him shortly. My family came back in about 9, and still no doc. So I called to see if he was still in the hospital. Yep, but in surgery. He'd totally not come to see me! My husband went out and got a little testy with them, told them we hadn't even gotten the results of the test, my NPO orders hadn't been lifted when they were given, and we'd like to know what was going on. They said they'd get ahold of Dr Johnson between surgeries and would find out.

They came over a little while later and said he'd reviewed everything and it looked good, and he'd be up around noon to discharge me. He came in at noon, just as my husband was showing back up with lunch for him and the kids. The doc said I looked okay, and the blood work and test and been okay and I could go home, just to take it easy. The nausea had seemed to pass, so I was ready to go home. They got the IV out, and discharged me and we went home. I got nauseous on the drive home, and did some dry-heaving but it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been Saturday.

The pain is still pretty bad. I'm not sure if it's because of the surgery, or the infection, or both. But it's definitely not good yet. I'm still taking the pain meds every 4 hours pretty much around the clock. I'm really kicking myself that I did this electively, and I hope that this is worth it. Because right now, it sure doesn't seem like it.

I can't get through the day without falling asleep in the middle of something. I get to the point I just can't stay awake and have to go take a nap. Walking is extremely painful, and I can't go from lying down to sitting up by myself, I have to have my husband pull me up. I can't sleep on either side yet, it feels like my stomach is going to rip open.

I'm so, so glad that everyone has had a much easier surgery and recovery than this. It really has been pretty much awful.

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GonnaRide, I'm glad you're well enough to post on here. I wish only the best for you and am sending healing and healthy vibes your way. Stick with it, and you know you have all of us here to support you. Especially when you need to vent!

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GonnaRide, I'm so, so sorry that you've had such a tough time!!! :hurray: I had a really rough time and was in terrible pain, but your story is awful! Just keep thinking about riding that horse! Keep your mind on that goal. I know that I was doubting my decision to have this done electively after all the pain I went through, but now that it's been a week and the pain is subsiding (still there, but getting better each day), I'm not feeling as bad about my decision anymore. Trust that that will happen to you, also. So keep your mind on your dream, lean on your dh and kids for support, and come here to vent as often as you need! We're here for you!!!! :grouphug:

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Thanks so much guys. Ann, I feel like we're taking-the-hard-road buddies, lol! I've really been leaning on my dh, he's been fabulous. He had to go back to work yesterday and today, which have been hard on me. I actually sat down and cried to my 5-year-old because she and her little brother wouldn't behave yesterday. There was no crying from mama today so it was slightly better. I'm sure glad he's off for the weekend though.

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Thanks so much guys. Ann, I feel like we're taking-the-hard-road buddies, lol! I've really been leaning on my dh, he's been fabulous. He had to go back to work yesterday and today, which have been hard on me. I actually sat down and cried to my 5-year-old because she and her little brother wouldn't behave yesterday. There was no crying from mama today so it was slightly better. I'm sure glad he's off for the weekend though.

Oh, boy, do I hear ya... and feel for you!! I have a 4 1/2 year old son who is very hyperactive, and I had a mini meltdown the other day because he just wore me out! My dh has been fabulous also, but he has to work tomorrow, so I have to take my ds to tae kwon do and a birthday party. Then all of us have to go to a graduation party. It's going to be a tough day. I'm going to sleep all through Sunday, I think! LOL

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Ann, we spent most of Wednesday in the car and in various doctor's offices. It definitely wasn't easy. Learn from my mistake: bring your meds with you! And bring something that you can eat. I only thought we'd be gone a few hours. We left at 8am and ended up getting home at 4:30pm. It was a SUPER long day!

Lotsabirds, Dr. John (Ted) Johnson from Carteret Surgical did my surgery. He did my gallbladder in Feb, too. I really don't feel that the complications were his fault. I think I'm just not recovering well for whatever reason. Best of luck to you next week!

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