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May 6th Surgery Stories

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Don't worry about the hospital part, everyone there was soooo nice! If you get the same bariatric coordinator though, tell her sorry for almost falling asleep during her speech. Hehe.

But seriously, the hospital was a good experience. They were ALL friendly, and they joked around with me a lot - even the recovery nurse. I asked her 3 or 4 times what time it was, and then I felt sort of bad for bugging her about it so I said "So....... it's very weird to lose time when you're in the OR, because 5 minutes ago it was 7am and I was just going into surgery" and we had this big conversation about that, and I said "so .... I say all that to ask you yet again, what time is it?" and she laughed really hard and said I was a good spinner, and what kind of work did I do? I said marketing and she said, perhaps you should think of becomming a nurse with the way you spin things to get what you need. LOL

So, I couldn't say enough good things about the hospital... It's just the surgery itself, I thought I had read up enough on it, but I really had no idea about the gas pain and how much it would really hurt.

I am sure you will do great, and you will probably even get to go home earlier than me. I had to wait for longer because the coordinator lady was at lunch.

I am crossing my fingers for you, and for everyone else in the Bandito group! :)

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Ooops, posted this in the wrong place. Let's try again!

Well, yesterday was my surgery. It went very well. DH and I got up at 4:30am in order to get there at 5:30. About 7:30am they wheeled me into the surgery room. The last thing I truly remember was the oxygen mask being placed over my face. Next thing I knew they were calling my name and telling me I was in recovery and everything had gone fabulously. I looked at the clock and it was about 8:45am. They brought DH in to say ‘hi’ before making him go back to the waiting room but let him in because it would be a while before they had a bed for me. In fact it was after 1pm by the time they got me settled into a room.

They gave me some pain meds, I think morphine, before taking me to my room. I didn’t need to ask for any more until about 5pm when they gave me my 4oz of broth and 2 oz of juice. I didn’t get nauseous but my stomach ached a little as if sore from using the muscles. I finally got up to use the bathroom. After another dose of meds and a nap, we walked around the floor. After my walk, they came by with a meter for me to take deep breaths and then cough. That caused me some pain so it was another dose of meds and a bit of napping.

I had the choice of staying overnight or going home. It really didn’t matter that much to me but DH wouldn’t have slept a wink if he went home without me so we left around 8:30pm. We stopped for my liquid hydrocodone and headed home. I noticed that one of my incisions was aggravated by my pants but I’m keeping an eye in it. I was all tucked up in my bed by 11pm. Woke in the middle of the night with a headache which they explained I could get from the gas.

Today I’m only in pain when I shift from lying to sitting to standing and vise versa. Not hungry at all and have only managed one Protein shake so far. I’m on full liquids today and move to pureed foods tomorrow. I’m not walking as much as I’d intended but this is a time for healing so that is what I am going to focus on.

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I go in tomorrow for my band, and I am soooo nervous. Thank you all for posting and letting us know what is truly in store for us. Hope today you are feeling better and I hope to post my story on Saturday, I have to stay overnight. Good luck.

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Well, Welcome home May 6 bandsters.. As I read through everyone's stories, I am feeling maybe I shouldn't tell mine.

But maybe it will help someone.

I got to the Hospital at 5:25 for check in by 6 am I was called and went and got weighted. I was at 315 so I had lost 14 pounds in 10 days from the pre-op diet. they took me to the prep-room and took all my blood work and then started my IV. They were slow at first but OR came to get me and they were running around with there heads chopped off. They then gave me a heprin shot in my arm (and that one hurt.. it stung like a bee). Then the OR came and got me at about 7:30 and then I spoke to the OR nurse and Anesthesiologists. I have a few allergies so they explained what precautions they would be taking. He then gave me some meds in my IV and rolled me into the OR. I slid over to the OR bed and they started prep me and I was out before I knew it.

I then woke up about 9:15 in recovery and I felt pretty good. They said that I should be able to go home later in the afternoon. They sent me to my room where my husband was waiting for me. They got me some Water and gave me a pain med shot. Over all I felt pretty good pain was manageable. mostly felt like bad cramps. After I was in my room for about an hour I needed to go tot he bathroom so I got up and went to the bathroom. While I was going to the bathroom I stood up and felt really dizzy and I walked to the sink and noticed that there was blood on the front of my gown and I called my husband, he came in and pulled my gown away and my port incision had broke open and was gushing blood he grabbed a towel and pulled the emergancy tag. I had 4 nurses in the room in less then 2 min's and they got me back into bed and cleaned up my incision and sealed it back up. I was also having a problem with my breathing. even with oxygen I was still only at 90 % so they brought in lung therapist and I had to start doing breathing exercises.

Well, I was doing pretty good I could drink Water and keep in down and I did have a couple sips of broth and Jello but I was full and couldn't eat anything else. But because of my bleeding episode and my breathing issues they made me stay over night. and I got home today around 11:30 am. This morning O got up and was able to walk down the long hall and back to my room. I am doing better today.. not as dizzy and my incision has not bled either. I still have a bit of a pain when I swallow still, but I think it will go away soon. I am moving really slow and trying to make sure I don't bust open again.

anyway. so far so good, but as you can read my stay was abit longer and a bit more drama... Leave it to me to have drama.

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congrats to everyone, it really helps to hear everything everyone is going through. It really seems like everyone's case is different and it all depends how your body is going to react to everything. Well mine is tomorrow at 1030 and I will post back as soon as I can.

Again congrats to all and good luck to everyone!!

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Hi Everyone,

My surgery was pretty much like everyone esle's getting there and getting settled in. The only thing I had issues with was severe nausea that lasted until today. I had three bouts of dry heaving which each lasted about 5min each, let me tell you that pain was about a 9, but it subsided. Today I am sore and I am sure a lot of it is from the dry heaving from yesterday as well as the surgery. I've been able to drink and sip about 2-4 ounces at a time and walking does help dissipate the gas. I'm also not too hungry, I drank more than 4 ounces over 20min and it did make me feel very full. I am also having the most tenderness where my port is, or where I think it is. I'm a bit concered with where it is because as I feel it and look at it, it's right on my pant waistline. I'll have to talk to the doctor about that at my post op in two weeks. I'm going to go try to drink down some more Protein now.

congrats to everyone else, we are on our way!!!

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So glad to finally hear from other may 6thers. Glad to hear everyone is surviving.

I remember the one thing I was really flipping out over was the things on my legs. WOW. I was hot and sweating all over, and these things on my legs that they put on during surgery were pressing all over the place and they kept tightening and loosening and they felt plastic.

I was told these where to keep the blood circulating which helps prevent blood clots.

I just wanted to give you all an update.

But first I am curious as to where everyone's port is located because that is the only place I am sore and I wonder how that might effect gas, and how well you are able to get around.

Mine is located about 2 inches under my breast bone. This is making it difficult to sit up or lye down but once in position I am fine. It is also painful to burp.

I mentioned earlier that I am a wuss :) when it comes to pain, so I have been taking my Lortab elixir every 4 hours. I was unable to sleep lying down so I slept in a recliner last night. Had a heating pad on my incision mostly all night. I basically get up from my recliner every 2 hours to go to the bathroom and walk around a bit. I haven't walked around the block or anything, but I do go out side and walk around the yard a bit and then come back in. Will probably go for a short walk later this evening. I have been able to drink liquids and have had 3 Protein shakes today and 3 12oz bottles of Water only sipping a little bit at a time. Have not gotten nauseous thank God because it would be excruciating :unsure: to throw up! I haven't had any gas pains in my shoulder but have had it in my lower abdomen (still painful) and I must say music to my ears once I pass it!

I went into surgery about 9:15 and left the hospital by 12:30

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But first I am curious as to where everyone's port is located because that is the only place I am sore and I wonder how that might effect gas, and how well you are able to get around.

Mine is located about 2 inches under my breast bone. This is making it difficult to sit up or lye down but once in position I am fine.

My port is right where my waistband marks are on my stomach under my left breast. I have no trouble lying down or sitting. Its when I stand that it seems to ache as if everything is being dragged down. I can't imagine leaving the hospital as quickly as you did. The nurses kept urging me to stay overnight but I was glad to be home in my own bed last night.

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Congrats to all May 6th Banditos~

I'm a 3 days out and feel really good. Having problems with meeting my Protein quota.

I'm not sure where my port incision is but I am assuming it is my biggest incision if so it is about 1 inch from waistline on left side but I can't feel it at all.

Good luck to all.

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Congrats to all May 6th Banditos~

I'm a 3 days out and feel really good. Having problems with meeting my Protein quota.

I'm not sure where my port incision is but I am assuming it is my biggest incision if so it is about 1 inch from waistline on left side but I can't feel it at all.

Good luck to all.

Thank you! I agree. The Protein is the hardest. I'm not that hungry and managed one Protein shake and am working on a second. The port bothers me when I stand. Other than that, things are good.

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I am SO glad that you all are doing well and are healing at home. Some common themes that I'm picking up on are (and excuse my language, please):

heparin shot -- sucks

port incision -- sucks

gas pain -- sucks

nausea -- sucks

having the actual surgery part over with -- ROCKS!

To be honest, I wasn't afraid at all before, but I am pretty wigged out now. :) I won't waver from my decision, though. It's flat out 'what needs to be done.' I like to think about what it will be like on June 1st, with our supportive little group continuing the journey together and celebrating the life-changing event we each experienced during the month of May. (And to be quite candid, I also like to think about prancing around in front of my ex at the docks later this summer.) :unsure:

KareBare, sounds like you and DH are to be commended for reacting so quickly and intelligently to the incision issue!

Keep up the good work, everyone! We are nearly 25% of the way through May!

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Thank you so much for all the stories! Even the less pleasant ones. I think that really helps to give a realistic idea of what can happen. I also didn't know about the shot first, so this at least prepares me for that.

One thing I've definitely learned from reading all these posts is that I'm going to ask for a high port. I do not want it on my waistline. I live in jeans, and I can just see that being completely irritating, especially while horseback riding.

I'm starting to feel a little nervous, and I'm hungry! But I know it's because I "can't" eat anything lol.

Congrats to all of you for doing so well and for being so strong!

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So do we all think the biggest incision is where the port is? I thought that as well. Mine is RIGHT in the middle of my stomach, maybe slightly to the right I guess. It's not on my waistline.

I wonder why he did it right there in the middle? I pressed on it a little bit to see if I could feel it but I couldn't. (it doesn't really hurt)

I feel tons better today though. I haven't been able to really eat, I haven't been hungry at ALL until this morning. My stomach was actually rumbling! I am slowly eating yogurt with a half a scoop of Protein powder in it, it doesn't taste very good but I hope it helps me get some energy up. I have done great with the walking even though it leaves me completely exhausted, but I haven't been as good about drinking as I wanted to be. I will work on that today though.

For those that haven't gone yet, just know that 48 hours post-op I feel soooo much better that I can actually say that I don't regret my decision. Not that I ever did regret it, but I was pretty upset right after I had the surgery. I just think I wasn't fully prepared for the pain and I didn't know what to expect. Had someone told me, "You will feel like CRAP, but it WILL get better and you WILL feel better after a couple of days" then I think I would have been in better spirits for these past couple of days. Live and learn, though. Hopefully someone can learn from my oversight! ;)

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Hey TXAmy07,

Sorry you felt like crap. I'm happy that you're feeling better now. I'm glad things have gone as well as they have for me. Just sore when I stand. And can't seem to get down more than two Protein Shakes. Maybe I'll do better today.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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