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That is something to talk to Alex the owner about. He is the only one that could set that up.

I purposely not participated nor commented on this type of posting due to my own personal reasons. But when we are at risk of losing a member from this I am now going to say a few words.

I will preface my comments here saying I don't begrudge ANYONE using, selling, profiting from, etc the adult sex toy industry. I used to own one years ago. The only thing that bothers me about this whole talk is that we seem to have taken over almost every thread now with some kind of this talk. I as a moderator would like to see this stopped. Keep the talk where it belongs on the ONE thread.

If you want to discuss this issue at length then start a Message Board like Alex did for weight loss. Or set up a chat room in Yahoo or something like that. The business would certainly grow then.

Just my thoughts.

Penni, is there any way we can have an Adult Board that people must subscribe to and be approved before they are allowed to access it? This board won't be visible to people / kids just surfing. It would only be visible to those who subscribed to it. I've seen this done on another site. People would have to PM you to get access.

Just an idea :)

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I backed out of this one but have occasionally followed along. I'm a grown up and I know what this thread is about and I can choose not to participate and I can choose not to read.

However...I don't like the thought of offending, or offering out adult conversation to teens, no matter how parents "should" be monitoring. If I had a teen I knew was logged on to LBT, you can bet I wouldn't be worrying about whether or not she was reading this type of adult conversation. I would assume she wasn't, right? And I can guarantee you I would NOT be wanting my teen to read these things. I don't care at what age kids start exploring.

Plus, it's posted in General Discussion (ie: regarding Lap Band) and really should be in the Lounge. We are all banded and all areas of life, especially our sexuality, are affected by our banded states, BUT, it's a Lounge topic, nonetheless. Even there, though, any teen could read it.

Perhaps Kare could Edit her first post to add "Warning: adult topics discussed on this thread. If you don't approve, please move on and do not read further". Or something to that effect. That way adults who are not comfortable have been warned. That doesn't stop the teens issue.

What to do? This issue is now being discussed at length. Where do these folks go? It's a great topic...just adult in nature and not appropriate now that it's being discussed "at length".

My opinion. And don't you know I have one :)

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I read this post on behalf of Sandie and I agree that this is probably not the place to discuss this kind of topic. Yes, it may be relevent to discuss for some people but why couldn't you go on the Chat feature where the comments are not stored. Just a thought. I would hate to lose Sandie as a member as she has been a wonderful supporter to me though my band journey. Sandie please reconsider as I feel that Penni has addressed your concern.

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I Broke My Arm 6 Wks Ago & In Cast. My Son Goes On Here Everynite & Sit By Him & He Types My Responses For Me . That Is The Reason This Was Even Drawn To My Attention. He Was Like What Is This? You Know Why To Much Information For A 15 Yr Old Boy When He Is On His Momas Web Site. Sandie

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I've heard about those "Blank-er-Ware" parties, too, and many people think that's what I do. My company is nothing like the smut parties people have been to in the past. Using the "F" word to describe any type of intimacy is vulgar, unladylike and unacceptable in my line of work. Those other parties can be fun with enough liquor, but I don't want anyone to confuse those companies with mine.

We approach women's sexuality with respect and dignity by teaching women how to embrace their sexuality instead of making fun of it. I'm very proud of what I do, and I hope to help gals from 18 to 88 by teaching them that sex is not dirty or vulgar. The woman's body is an amazing machine, and with the right techniques can bring us enormous, healthy, energetic pleasures beyond belief (uh, see Kare and Jenna's reaction to what a woman's body is capable of.)

For anyone offended by this thread, ask Kare if she wants to delete it (hahah, I doubt it!) I had no idea she was going to post something. I'm not really a mail-order business since I'll have a website where people can order direct from by October 1st, but I have received countless e-mails and PMs asking me to RUSH catalogs to people from Arizona to New York. I actually blushed and hid under my desk when I saw this thread, but then as I read it I felt more empowered and remarkable.

Slumber Parties was founded by a woman specifically to empower women. The owner has been extremely generous and gracious for sharing her organization with women who will never have to rely on men, food stamps or welfare. A 23 year old in Vegas is making over $60,000 a year by working only 67 days, and she's only been with the company for a 1.5 years. I'm certainly not offended by those numbers! Those numbers scream that women are interested in the products and services I offer. I didn't invent them, I didn't intend to sell them, but the numbers are phenomenal.

I'm a full time paralegal with a real estate license. I worked in a real estate office for free last summer, took on part time work in a retail store, make and sell purses and welding caps, and earn a generous salary at my law firm. But the money I've made in one single month has me making up to $250.00 per hour at times.

I don't cater to prostitutes or criminals. My clients are ladies in the living room and lovers in the bedroom. Hot, sexy, sensual and in control.

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I don't think anyone begrudges empowering women. That is why I am taking classes to further my career. It is the sometimes overly enthusiastic posts about the enjoyment from the products that might be the issue.

This is a site for Weight Loss Support. Alex might need to set up a separate forum for just this type of support that is password protected so the teenagers under the age of 18 aren't exposed to it.

Not all parents want their teenagers exposed to this type of discussions. Some might be thinking or even saying, "but this is healthy sexual discussions and there is nothing wrong with it." I would have to agree. But it is of a sexual nature and we could set up Alex for something major down the line by exposing teenagers to this type of discussions without setting up some kind of failsafe to make sure they do not read it.

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Whoaa... I never realized this was in the "General" Forum. I apologize for not recognizing that it wasn't in the Lounge, but I was kinda shocked and giggling so I didn't pay enough attention. Can a moderator please move it to the Lounge? I'm sure Kare won't mind.

This has gotten quite controversial, and you all know I live for controversy. Let's start by addressing the fact that in January, Penni, as moderator, started a "Do You Swallow" thread (applaud applaud, I still vote it the best thread LBT has ever had.") However, that thread went into the Lounge, where it belonged. Adult toys offensive but swallowing acceptable?

However, as far as asking that this topic be eliminated from LBT, that has me agitated, and I've been on good behavior lately. I asked a moderator a few days ago to open up a special marketing forum based on countless complaints I receive. (When you have a big mouth like me, people file complaints because they know you'll pass them on.)

There's marketing at many different levels at LBT, some as blatant as links or advertisements. I deleted a post yesterday about Katrina disaster comments because a moderator added a link to her boyfriend's website, which I thought was highly inappropriate. A doctor's link takes you straight to where you can purchase his liquid vitamins; products offered as gifts with a link to the company site, lists of services, herbs, body cleansing parlors, e-bay items. Marketing can be cleverly disguised, but it's still marketing.

I specifically avoided bringing my new business to LBT till my friends insisted. I've been (happily) bombarded with demands that I post my website, which I originally refused to do. But after enough convincing, I simply added my e-mail address to my signature. If this topic got so hot, it's only because people want and need a service that I happen to provide. I didn't start it, and I'm baffled by the overwhelming responses.

So before anyone passes judgment or decides to quit LBT, please hang around long enough for a moderator to move this post to the Lounge. However, anyone concerned with what their children read should avoid the lounge altogether, because sex is discussed from time to time. If the topic of vibrators is disturbing, then I'm sure you don't want your son reading about swallowing semen.

Now please, let's get this thing moved to the Lounge! Thanks, and sorry again for not noticing sooner. Yikes!

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One thing we can immediately do is change the name of this thread. We'll talk about starting a separate area for adult topics (which I don't particularly think is a good idea, but I'm open to discussing it). But I DO think we should take care to label threads appropriately, so those who don't want adult discussion can avoid it.

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Alex, I agree 100%. Even when I posted pictures of my open wound, I started the subject with a WARNING. Can't a moderator change the title and the Forum? I really don't think Kare would mind... live and learn. Thanks!

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I have complete respect for Delarla's new business. I don't think it's inappropriate. I don't think Kare's first post was inappropriate...not in how she said it, not in the fact that she pointed to DeLarla for others interested in what she has to offer. I cracked up laughing when I read her first post. I don't have a problem with anyone letting other LBT members know where they can purchase intimate merchandise, or any merchandise! For me, personally, it's getting close to the proverbial line when comments are posted about HOW VERY wonderful...well, you get the idea, and on and on. In addition to that, the nature and details, however masked with innuendo, of adult sexual relationships is wrong for this particular Forum (LBT). Not wrong to discuss, just not appropriate here where the younger bandsters are exposed to topics that are decidedly adult.

I have no doubt that DeLarla's business is legitimate, tasteful, well-managed, and empowering. Looks who is running it. But Sandie's son shouldn't have to run across this type of adult discussion. Nor should any of our teen bandsters.

I'm all in suport of the topic being discussed if there is a way to do it discreetly, as with a password protected forum or something of the like.

Okay, that's my opinion again.

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I moved it into the LOUNGE area.

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Thanks, Penni. Now that this is in the lounge, I disagree with Jenna about the age of kids masturbating. I guess I was much more curious because I was playing "doctor" as early as 7. All the kids in my neighborhood were.

Most of you know that I am very close to children and teens in my neighborhood. When I started this adult-themed business, I knew I had to talk to parents. When my four special teens asked if they could spend the day at my house swimming and eating junk food, I told them how sorry I am that they wouldn't be allowed in my house any more without parental consent and only AFTER their parents had been to one of my parties or at least investigated my new home store. The girls were shocked and asked, "Why." So I told them I'm selling adult lingerie now, and that requires parental consent. They were 14 and 15, and their FIRST response was, "LISA'S SELLING THE RABBIT PEARL VIBRATOR!" Uh, we were at the movies, and they yelled the names of toys so loud that I sunk in my chair.

Jenna is spot-on. Teens know more than I do about my own product. They watch Sex in the City and see cunnalingus, felatio and masturbation. They know the NAMES of their parent's sex toys. I was more than stunned. I was a complete fraud before Slumber Parties because I'm really not as sexually oriented as I lead on to believe (unless I'm drinking, ergo DeLarla.)

Last night a Slumber Sister announced that her 13 year old teenage son stole a "Super Stretch" boy-toy from her inventory. She was shocked, but I think she handled it remarkably well by giving him some lubricant. Just think, her son is taking care of his needs at home, so she doesn't have to worry about him contracting sexual disease or getting girls pregnant. It's human nature. Babies explore their fun parts and only get more curious as they age. I have first-hand knowledge that all (well, most) teens that aren't masturbating are sexually active by 14-17. I'd rather give my 13 year old daughter a Beginner's Bunny and explain how to use it than to see her giving a guy oral satisfaction because she thinks it will "keep her a virgin." If the world would open it's eyes, teenage vibrators would hit 7-11s by next week. No more pregnant teens. Is that a bad thing?

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For those of you that are unaware, there's a huge flux of little girls giving men oral sex in schools - under the bleachers, in cars, in bathrooms. They want to keep their boyfriends, but they want to remain virgins. These girls think giving oral sex allows them to stay virgins. The teens in my life happen to be the cute cheerleaders of my local highschool. They are very popular, and they tell me everything. I hate what they tell me, and I'm grateful I'm not a parent to a teenage girl - that's all I have to say!

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If you look on AOL they are selling them and not advertising it as Adult Themed but something other. And kids of all ages can access that site.. Just an FYI

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Lisa, "little girls" are not giving men oral sex in... Young women are doing this to/for young men.

Big difference. I'm deeply saddened by this. Kids are engaging in all sorts of risky behavior without realizing that it is risky. They don't want to have sex, but they do want to have sex and they are engaging in sexual activities. ... Young men and women have been engaging in sexual activities since... oh the dawn young men and women. I think they need to have complete and total access to knowledge and honest information to keep themselves and their partner safe and happy.

Masterbation is part of human sexuality, and I think the vast majoryt of young children touch themselves. I just always told my son that was something that needed to be done in privacy.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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