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very slow digestive system...has anyone else experienced complications from this

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What he tells me is that, yes, it is. And this is not keep-you-up-all-night kind of pain, just more like a two or three on a scale of ten, at worst, and barely noticeable or one, at best. It's just that I hadn't expected any residual pain after the surgery healed, but it's there, mostly around the height of the band but all across the body, and down into the stomach. Worst when I haven't eaten recently, especially if my stomach is really empty and growling, and bad if I have eaten a fairly good size meal--not a large meal, since I don't do that, obviously. What he says is that now that I have the band, everything is more "tied together", with the band keeping the diaphragm and the stomach more connected, and so that when I'm experiencing is fairly common. He says the pain also can radiate to the shoulder, which I have also experienced. It's similar to the pain I used to get with the hiatal hernia, which was repaired during the operation. When I lay on my side I can really feel the band, it can be very painful, so I have to make sure I don't sleep on my side. He says it is normal--do you really think it isn't? It isn't excruciating pain, more annoying and distracting than disabling. I figured now that he told me that it is "normal" that perhaps I could learn to just ignore it.

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Lompocbander: No, the pain you describe is not normal 5 months after surgery. Everything should be healed. Sometimes with the band it can irritate the diaphram and cause referred pain to the left shoulder. But not the scale of 1-3 pain and not being able to lie on your side. Even worse than your doctor saying pain is normal is the fact that he seems unconcerned. Here is what I would do. Demand that he order an upper GI. Then you get the results on a disk. It is your right to see all test results. If he says everything is okay and you are not filled too tight, then go for a second opinion. Make sure that you go to an experienced doctor preferably in a hospital of excellence. Does your doctor only do bariatric surgery and how experienced is he? How many has he done? How many people would consider having a lapband if at the seminars he said residual pain is normal and you just have to live with it or that it is fairly common. If he thinks that, ask him if he is required to report complication rates with his surgeries and ask to see them and find out how many of his patients have pain like you described. If he won't provide it the hospital is required to keep these records. Find out.

Then take the upper GI disk to your second opinion.

I recently changed doctors from a doctor whose inexperience really showed when he overfilled me and I developed a lot of problems and lied about what kind of band I had. Your health demands that you have great follow up care. It doesn't appear that you are getting that. Good luck.

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I wonder about the fact that we have our follow up care for bands done with our surgeons and not some other type of specialist. It does seem like it would be better to use a doctor that specializes in aftercare, not surgery. Anyway, his "bedside" manner leaves a lot to be desired, but believe me, I researched very carefully before deciding to use him, and his record is very good. And it is a center of excellence. He does only bariatric and does several each day he operates (four on the day he did mine), and he's been doing this for more than five years. I'm not filled to tight--until my fill last week, I had virtually no restriction at all from my band, and now I have moderate restriction.

So, the doctor is good and his results have been excellent for most people, and perhaps they are good for me, too. I think that perhaps I am just extremely sensitive to the band, that my body is not "rejecting" it but is not exactly accepting it happily, either. I don't think that there is anything really "wrong", per se, as this is not acute pain, but more chronic, low level pain/discomfort. And I would guess that there is a bell curve here of levels of comfort, with some people on the happy end, never having any problems (yeah, I've seen them on this board!) most people somewhere in the middle, and then a few of us on the other end of the curve, with chronic discomfort and pains from the band. I think that's where I am.

To me, here's what it feels like: I feel like someone opened me up and wrapped a tight rubber band around the top part of my stomach, and attached that band with stitches to my stomach. And that when I move around, that band kind of digs in and hurts, and when I eat, it restricts me and hurts, and when I lie on my side, my stomach flops over on top of the band a bit and gets dug into by the band, and when I...hey, wait a minute, this IS exactly what's happening...;)

But then, I guess I am still worried, especially when I read posts like the ones above, that there might be something more. I do NOT want to damage myself, no matter what!

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Even though you don't feel like you are too tight the symptoms you describe require further examination. If you continue to stay with this doctor then at least ask for an upper GI and endoscopy to see what is going on. There could be any number of things that have nothing to do with the amount of restriction you feel. You could have a slipped band or the start of erosion or something might be twisted. As your doctor he should be concerned. Ask him if he tells potential patients that they might have to live with low grade pain for the rest of their lives with the band. Call Allergan, the makers of the band and speak to their medical consultants. Ask them if any degree of pain is considered normal. That is what is so troubling to me about your situation. Your doctor is accepting your pain and trying to talk you into doing so also. It doesn't matter if he has other patients who have pain. They shouldn't and you shouldn't. You don't want to do long term damage to your stomach and esophagus and band. All you have to do is read other posts to see that that is possible. Take this matter in your own hands and demand that it get resolved or go to another doctor.

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I saw my family dr yesterday, whom I hadn't seen in 6th months. She seemed very concerned of all my band issues. She said she would do her part to help me. I spoke to her about REGLAN, she said its been around for a long time and used a lot. She said if I was 85 I shouldnt take it, but she felt I would tolerate it ok and that it can be stopped if any side effects occur. It still makes me leary to take it. She ordered all types of bloodtests, which the band surgeon never does. I am to have the following blood tests done: METAB PNL, COMP....TSH....CBC W/AUTOMATED DIFF...B12 LEVEL....and Iron SERUM. I know that TSH is for thyroid issues, which I have and see an endocrinologist for, and B12 and Iron, but does anyone know what the other tests are looking for? My dr mentioned something about potassium too. I told the dr I was getting no nutrition and basically living on dairy, which is about the only thing I dont throw up, and that I have bouts of Constipation, then severe diarrhea, and a lot of dizziness. I am getting very little Protein or Fiber. I have almost constant stomach pain, like a burning, which some others have mentioned here also. I will have to try the pineapple and see what happens. I will have to drink pineappple juice as I doubt pieces of actual pineapple would stay down for me. I see my band surgeon in a few days, but he really hasn't been very helpful. He's a surgeon and knows that part, but doesn't seem to know what do do with issues afterward. I wish he would associate with other dr's to help patients follow through with issues afterward. I feel like most dr's are guessing here. After almost passing out twice at work, I am extremely concerned. I dont know if I almost passed out due to dehydration, or my electrolites and potassium levels are way off.

I'm so sorry to hear you are having so many problems. I'm not banded yet, so you guys are kinda scaring me. I'm an RN, so I will kinda tell you what the blood tests are for. Anyway, the Metab PNL is to check all of your electrolytes, including your Potassium, sodium, Calcium, etc. The CBC is to check you blood count levels such as white blood cells, which will tell them if you have an infection, your red blood cells, and all of the other types of blood cells. They will find out if you are anemic and if you are malnutritioned, and stuff like that from these tests. This is definitely what you need to have done. If you aren't getting enough nutrition, they will find that out from these tests. As far as the Reglan is concerned, I take it myself and have had no side effects from it. I only take it when I need it, but it helps tremendously with nausea. I hope this helps you some. Good luck and keep us informed.


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I was banded in September 07. I also have had problems the entire time. As we speak my stomach burns!!! Last week I had them remove all Fluid in my band. This is the second time I have had them remove all of the fluid. The first time they removed the fluid I felt better very quickly. This time however I still feel crapy. My band does not hurt just the bottom part of my stomach. It burns!!! Currently I am taking Protonix for stomach acid. Generally that has been helping, but now I also take Tums if it really hurts. My stomach has been burning for three weeks now. I can eat a little, but then I want it to come up, so it won't hurt anymore. I'm afraid to eat the pineapple because of all the acid. Anything I try to get down that has a lot of acid is bothering my stomach. I just had blood work done, just in case my stomach is bleeding? I do feel better that I am not the only one going through this. To sum it up, when I was banded I weighed 256. Currently I am 148. Would I do it again? I'm not sure as it has been a bittersweet journey. Sure the weight loss was great, but I have felt like crap about 80% of the time. In fact my husband just said he wouldn't recommend Lap band to his worst enemy!!! Poor guy he hates seeing me in pain all of the time!:thumbup:

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you may have a ulcer because your having the same problems iam having and iam not banded yet. i am having a egd done to check for any ulcers or hernias. that burning filling happens to me on a empty stomach which is a sign of ulcer. but i think you need to get that checked.

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Hi All -

It is interesting in reading your posts. I had surgery August 07 and over the last 6 months or so I have had random spats of really bad stomach cramping and burning sensations. I have read other posts of others having the same problems and those people ending up getting their band removed because no doctors could help them. I went to the gastrologist and he wants to do an endoscopy, but I don't want it. Because I don't think it will find anything.

I really don't think there is a problem with my band - I think it is what you all are saying! Our stomachs have changed the way they digest food, and we are feeling that wrath. I stared taking Fiber pills that others have suggested and that helped a few times.


I started reading about alternative therapies and tried eating pineapple when I start getting the pains. It has helped incredibly to curb the pain! It makes me pass alot of gas, but that is what I think is causing the pain.

I started reading that pineapples have a enzyme called Bromelain that aids in breaking down Protein. I am going to really start paying attention to what is triggering the pain. If it is when I eat Protein, then I will go back to the gastrologist and let him know what I have discovered. I think I maybe on to something.... :crying: (at least I hope so because I DO NOT want to loose my band!)

More info on pineapples: Pineapple - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bromelain: Bromelain - What You Need to Know About Bromelain

If anyone would like to experiment with your stomach issues and pineapple - feel free to share your experiences with it here so we can all know if it is working for all or us or not!

I think soy Proteins cause me lots of gas which would make sense since soy comes from Beans. I often do have the gas build up too along with Constipation. I have the same surgeons you had!!

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I am going to start eating pineapple. I will try anything. I am completely unfilled right now, but I go back next week to be filled. But I know my problems are from gas and I will try anything.

I posted this in another post, but the nurse that unfilled me said what is happening with the gas that it get up into the stomach flat that they use to hold the band in place and it pushes on the band and can change the restriction. Also, since its in that flap its really hard to get rid of.

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Well since my last posting on 05/22/09. I now know what was wrong with me. My lap band had slipped. It just didn't slip a little bit, but I had a major slippage. I went for an upper GI on Friday 05/29/2009 at 7:30 am, and was admitted to the hospital at 11:30am. My doctor said it was an emergency. My doctor showed me pictures of what my slipped lap band looked like after surgery and all I can say is WOW. I had an hour glass looking stomach. Not good at all. But after carefull consideration my doctor took out the old band and replaced it with a new band. Heck yes I'm sore but my underlying stomach problems are gone!!!!!! My advice is if you don't feel right keep on your doctor to keep doing tests until you find out why your not feeling well!!! I'm sure glad I did. Good luck my fellow bandsters. I'll keep posting and letting you know how my second lap band recovery is doing.:)

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Wow, that sounds almost identical to my situation. I too have had numerous tests done (ctscan, upper gi, tube down the throat, xrays, blood work, etc.) and they can't find anything wrong. I had my surgery 7/3/08, and the pains started on 12/18/08. It began feeling like cramps, (no burning) and since I had my monthly guest I thought great after 30 years this is going to start again. But it returned within a couple weeks, and now is an everyday situation. Sometimes I am able to eat and actually have it stay down. Usually about 15 to 30 minutes after eating I will need to get rid of some of what I ate. I think I will try the pineapple thing too. Thanks for all the input.

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I'm interested to know how this all turned out for the OP? I've developed motility issues and its worse since my unfill 8 months ago.

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Well, the pineapple thing makes sense to me because my surgeon told me when I had major "stuck" episodes to drink pineapple juice.

I keep it on hand at all times. Good Luck.

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When I was banded I knew that being banded was hard but I thought that meant hard to lose weight, more effort required. Not so, banding is hard because of what folks are writing here. The fills, unfills, restriction problems, gas, Constipation, pain, esophageal spasms, reflux, pain, all of it. THAT is what is hard about the band.

I realized that I learned to accept this as a way of life, it is what it is.

Then things got worse in a hurry and with an unfilled band I was on liquids for 4 months. That's when I had enough and revised to a sleeve.

I guess my point here is that if you can't get these problems resolved you really need to consider removing the band or getting a revision. I have a sleeve now and a sleeve is like a band that actually works without all the risks and complications. NO STOMA! Just a tiny little stomach. I waited too long and now I have esophageal damage. Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't sit on this, get something done.

Would love your insight on this!

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When I was banded I knew that being banded was hard but I thought that meant hard to lose weight, more effort required. Not so, banding is hard because of what folks are writing here. The fills, unfills, restriction problems, gas, Constipation, pain, esophageal spasms, reflux, pain, all of it. THAT is what is hard about the band.

I realized that I learned to accept this as a way of life, it is what it is.

Then things got worse in a hurry and with an unfilled band I was on liquids for 4 months. That's when I had enough and revised to a sleeve.

I guess my point here is that if you can't get these problems resolved you really need to consider removing the band or getting a revision. I have a sleeve now and a sleeve is like a band that actually works without all the risks and complications. NO STOMA! Just a tiny little stomach. I waited too long and now I have esophageal damage. Don't make the same mistake I did. Don't sit on this, get something done.

Would love your insight on this!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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