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Am I right to be angry and frustrated?

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Hello... I was banded on 3/12/09. I lost 12 lbs in the pre-op phase and since surgery I've lost another 7 lbs. But I really haven't lost any since I added soft foods back into my diet. My anger and frustration is that I still have not had a fill. I have no restriction whatsoever, looking for food a lot. Like someone else said on another thread, if I had the will power I wouldn't need the band. I'm reading about a lot of other bandsters who had their surgery on or about the same time as me and they've already had one fill. I couldn't get in for a fill 4 weeks post-op because my surgeon was going to be out of town so I was pushed back one week (5 weeks post op), then I got a call that my surgeon would be out of the office again so now I'm not scheduled for my first fill until April 27, 6 weeks post op. I called the nutritionist to talk to her about what I should or shouldn't be eating since I feel like I've just been left floundering on my own since I haven't seen the doctor since a few days post-op. She was helpful about food choices, but I'm still upset by this whole experience of lack of support from my surgeon. He only sees patients one day a week and is the only doctor to treat the bariatric patients. I don't feel like they explained bandster hell at all and how once the swelling goes down and until you start to get adjusted that it's a difficult time and what to expect. I'm just feeling very disappointed in myself, the surgeon's office, etc. I'm going to Vegas for my 25th wedding anniversary on May 17th and had hoped I'd be 2 months post-op and much further ahead than I am. I feel like if I had started to get my adjustments when I was truly eligible I wouldn't be so upset. I realize this is a journey but I expected more support than this. I think that if I'm not happy with my next appointment and subsequent scheduling of future appointments, I might switch to another bariatric clinic. This is not what I signed on for. (I realize everyone is entitled to time off, but I sure wish someone would have explained when I had the surgery that I wouldn't be losing weight at this stage.) Has anyone else felt like their surgeon just left them hanging in the wind?

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Lisa, I am sorry you are having such a hard time. It's difficult when we finally make the decision and have the surgery for you have curve balls thrown. I know you are excited about moving forward and anything that stands in your way will be annoying. Get your fill, and if you feel that your needs are not being responded to appropriately by your physician, you may need to make a change. You deserve that support.In the meantime, hang in there, after your fill you will see more results and will move forward. Don't lose faith, be proud of being strong and getting this far. Good Luck, sending you a gentle hug


Banded 2/09

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A new woman///

good morning..I feel your pain because i had the band surgery in august 2007 and because my mother passed away i deviated from the whole thing..i waited until 12.2008 to get back on track..i am down 30 lbs now..i have 8cc in my band..my band holds 14cc..i get stuck sometimes but for the most part i dont eat alot..i drink more to get over my cravings..good luck!

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I know how you feel as well, I was banded on the same day as you, 3/12/09, and am not getting my first fill until 4/24/09. I think that is funny because my surgeon didn't require the 2 week pre-op diet and his post op diet progresses faster than a lot of people that I have heard, so I don't know why he is so conservative in this one area. I too am feeling no restriction whatsoever at this point and relying on what little will-power I have to get through until my first fill, which is frustrating, but I'm going to try and hold on! Good luck to you!

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I could have written that post myself. With exactly the same numbers, except my band-date was 3/23/09. 12lbs preop. 7lbs post-op. Struggling and cant have my first fill until 5/11, as my surgeon requires a 6 week wait before the first fill.I can eat basically anything, but do have occasional problems with some foods getting stuck. Its been really tough. The first couple weeks were great because my stomach was still swollen and I could only eat small amounts and I was full.

Here's what keeps me going: that sensation of feeling full will come back. It might be 1 fill, or 3 fills or 6. It might be 3 weeks or 3 months. But, Im going to be able to eat half a hamburger patty with Tomato, onion and lettuce and be FULL. Im going to be able to put down my fork after eating most of a chicken breast and 4 forkfulls of baked Beans and a taste of coleslaw at a BBQ. Im not going to be the girl who needs to have seconds and thirds at every meal. We will both get there...maybe not in time for your 25th wedding anniversary...but I cant wait to hear how thrilled you are on your 26th!

Much luck to you,


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HI there, I was in the same boat as you. I was banded on 3/11/09. I lost 4 lbs on my pre op-- I was only on it for 5 days. I was losing steadily after surgery til i added the mushy. I actually gained 3lbs and just stayed there for 2 weeks! later I found out this to be the 'bansters hell,'But, I still stick to my 1/2c-3/4c of food, and it's frustrating, Im not going to say I'm not hungry, but i stuck to my guns. My dr hasnt played a big role in my visits either, he always seems in a hurry. But, the weight loss clinic I go to is wonderful, everyone is really nice and helpful.

Do you go to support meetings? They helped me out a lot, especially when the scale wasnt moving. I wish you luck in your jouney.

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It almost sounds like you didn't do much research before jumping in to this. The first 6-8 weeks, IF you lose weight, that's a bonus. At this point it's ALL about healing. Nothing else.

My surgeon doesn't even start fills until at least 6 weeks out. A lot are the same way. After you start getting fills, you still may not feel any difference until after several fills have taken place.

At this point, and until you get enough fills to find your sweet spot, you are in Bandster Hell and basically doing this on your own. In my case, even with no fills or only a few fills, I still was eating A LOT less than I had before surgery.

I'm so sorry you're struggling. I totally understand. Hang in there. Get your fills and follow dr's orders! Best wishes!!

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i think its very common to wait 6 weeks for a fill...it sucks that no one explained to u how hard it is without any restriction...but it does get better...i'm not coming down on u or jumping on my high horse...but a lot of people want to put some blame on the surgeon if their not losing...the surgeon is to perform the surgery and give u fills when needed...i understand u dont feel he is doing that part of his job right now...but u need to take responsibility for ur journey...my surgeon does not call to c if im eating right..exercising or anything else...he is a surgeon...this is up to u...if u want it bad enuff...U WILL do what it takes...good luck....and i KNOW u'll do great!!!!!!!!!!!

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hi i was banded on march 20th of this year and i was told that I would not get a fill for 6 weeks post op. each doctor is different. I am sorry u are feeling ao frustrated. just know that many people gain when they start adding food to their diet, so if ur losing anything that is an extra bonus. Ive been told time and time again that this is the healing phase and any weight loss is awsome. Just stay focused on healing.

good luck


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Here's my Experience

My doc doesn't fill til 8 weeks out.. as they want your stiches to heal and not to put undue stress on the while healing

With banding your aren't going to lose the weight super quickly - and after you do lose those first few weeks very quickly its going to slow down - with lapband 1-2 lbs a week is average - and with the lapband you are only expected to lose 50-60% of your excess weight.. Those are the statistics of the lapband and also it can take up to 2 yrs to lose that 50 to 60 % of your excess weight

Now here is the big one - and you may get upset with me saying it - but it's the truth - and this is comming from someone who as 21 months under her belt.


The band doesn't make your food choices for you even when you are properly restricted - candy ice cream Cookies cakes chips and adult beverages all slip right thru the band.

You band is only a tool - you have to make healthy low fat limited sugar food choices - it's about eating your protien first then veggie and if any room some carb.

Ok so you don't have tons of restriction right now This is what you do - you eat your 4 oz of hard Protein (meats) then follow that with a cup of veggies with I can't beleive its not butter spary and then if you have room 1/4 cup starch and if you are still starving eat some more veggies..

Weigh and measure your foods - track your calories keep them between 800 to 1200 max - vary them daily - eat low fat - limited sugar and carbs -

Get out and get some exercise - as losing weight and maintaning it is all about calories in vs calories burned even with the band.

For me my band doesn't take away my hunger - it makes me feel fuller on a smaller amount of food - I can be phyiscally full and still want to eat (head hunger) and this head hunger manifest its self into physical hunger - and it really does take a while to figure it out what is real hunger verse head hunger

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Over here 6 week post op is the normal time for a first fill. The first 6 weeksare for healing and weight loss is unlikely. I know its hard waiting but you only have a few days to go and then you get your fill, just hang on there. Don't forget you are in this for the long term so another week isn't going to make much difference.

good luck, hope when you get your fill you will be off and losing, but it might take 2 or 3 until you get to the right level of restriction it is a bit of trial and error.

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It kills me that so many people on this forum seem to be misinformed or just do not understand how this band works. It is not a magic bullet that will cure things overnght. As with some other posters have said this is healing time. My Doctor will not do a fill for 6-8 weeks after surgery. This was explained to me very well. I was also told not to even worry about weight for the fist 6-8 weeks and as long as I followed the diet instructions during that time I would be fine. I was banded 4-9-09 and I am still on a clear liquid diet. The soft foods 2 weeks, then some regular foods for two weeks. Then we will talk about fills but it may not happen. During these times you still must limit your intake or you will not heal properly. I have a great Dr. who explained to me in detail how to succeed. It looks like others are not so lucky.

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I think you have the right to angry about scheduling issues but I think you are completely off base about looking for your surgeon to support you. That's not his job, most do have some sort of support group with their practice - you should find out if he has one and go if you need it.

I also think you may have had unrealistic expectations going in - thinking that you would be noticeably different in 10 weeks. The weight didn't come on over night and it isn't going to come off over night.

Please understand, I wish you luck but this is a tool, lifestyle changes have to be made, and Rome wasn't built in a day.

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It kills me that so many people on this forum seem to be misinformed or just do not understand how this band works. It is not a magic bullet that will cure things overnght. As with some other posters have said this is healing time. My Doctor will not do a fill for 6-8 weeks after surgery. This was explained to me very well. I was also told not to even worry about weight for the fist 6-8 weeks and as long as I followed the diet instructions during that time I would be fine. I was banded 4-9-09 and I am still on a clear liquid diet. The soft foods 2 weeks, then some regular foods for two weeks. Then we will talk about fills but it may not happen. During these times you still must limit your intake or you will not heal properly. I have a great Dr. who explained to me in detail how to succeed. It looks like others are not so lucky.

I'm sorry you think I am "mis-informed." I did a great deal of research on the band before my surgery and knew the life style changes that I was committing to. And I never thought the band was a magic bullet (and not sure how I implied that I did). That is one thing my surgeon was very clear about -- it not being a magic bullet. However, what was not explained to me was that during the healing phase you don't have restriction -- plain and simple. Even though I knew you had to get adjustments, I guess I expected that I would have the level of restriction I had after surgery. And I never read that in any research I did prior to surgery about bandster hell. The only place I have read about it is here on these forums. So, yes, I am disappointed that my surgeon did not explain that to me before I was put off an additional 2 weeks. I have read of numerous people on here who have had their first fill at or about 4 weeks.

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I am sorry you are frustrated but right on the lap band website it states:

Your First Adjustment

The first adjustment usually occurs about six weeks after surgery, although the exact time varies from patient to patient. The LAP-BAND® System is designed to help you achieve steady and safe weight loss, so don't be in a hurry. You and your surgeon will decide when the time is right for you to have your first adjustment.

At your first adjustment appointment, you should expect to discuss your eating habits, exercise, and rate of weight loss. This will help determine if it's time for you to have a band adjustment. If it is, you can expect the following:

  • An evaluation of your pouch size and stoma size before adjusting the band (this isn't always done. Your surgeon may or may not evaluate your pouch size and stoma size before the adjustment.)
  • Adjustment of your LAP-BAND® System
  • Evaluation of your pouch size and stoma size after the procedure to confirm that the proper band adjustment has been made.
  • Click here to learn more about adjustments.

Your surgeon may not have told you about that stuff, but did you ask? I was banded one week after you, my surgeon didn't exactly tell me about the fill being 6 weeks post op but he did tell me that this was the time for healing and making sure i stuck to the post op diet.

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