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Dr. Huacuz and Tijuana safety?

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Hi Everyone,

After reading many other forums from this site, I decided to go ahead and schedule my surgery date for the band...

I will be getting the band on May 5th, in Tijuana, with Dr. Huacuz. Has anyone here had their band done by him recently?

Im starting to freak out a little, one reason, I'm not having it done here in the States, ( I have no insurance, and when I did, they turned me down, surprise surprisecool.gif).

Second, all the violence recently in Tijuana with the drug cartels and the amount of civilians getting caught in the crossfires....

I would love any feedback from anyone who was there recently and can let me know what it was like, good and bad, all welcome.


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Dr. Huacuz was my surgeon and I had textbook results. Just look at my ticker.

I was concerned about going to Mexico (this was 2 years ago) and I took my sister who is a nurse and a guy I knew from years ago as a bodyguard of sorts.

So silly, I should have just went alone. It was no big deal. And now with all the trouble brewing down there....it's really scary.

But Dr. Huacuz will ensure you are not alone from San Diego to his clinic and they lock the doors at the clinic and have overnight staff. Then when you go back to San Diego you will have a driver.

So, it's okay.

[when I did my initial research on surgeons I found the ones in the US near me weren't as experienced as Dr. Huacuz or others in other countries. But Mexico was closest and Dr. Huacuz had great references. And now, I'm one of them]

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Hi Everyone,

After reading many other forums from this site, I decided to go ahead and schedule my surgery date for the band...

I will be getting the band on May 5th, in Tijuana, with Dr. Huacuz. Has anyone here had their band done by him recently?

Im starting to freak out a little, one reason, I'm not having it done here in the States, ( I have no insurance, and when I did, they turned me down, surprise surprisecool.gif).

Second, all the violence recently in Tijuana with the drug cartels and the amount of civilians getting caught in the crossfires....

I would love any feedback from anyone who was there recently and can let me know what it was like, good and bad, all welcome.


I live in Oregon and flew into San Diego airport on 12/13/2008. The driver for Dr Huacuz picked my husband and I up from the airport and drove us over to the hospital in Tijuana. We got out and went straight up stairs. After surgery we ventured out (just my husband and me). We went to some stores that are close by. The staff there was very nice and told us exactly where it was safe and where to stay away from. We went out for a few hours and bought some liquor (so cheap over there we just had to do it). It was nice to get out. Then the doctor took us the next day to get our first fill. When I was ready to go home the driver took us back to the San Diego airport. It was very nice to have them do all the driving. They are so friendly.

There was another couple that came with us that drove. They meet us at the airport and followed the driver. They were shown where to park and told not to leave anything valuable in car. Then they moved the car to a safer location for night time. The staff is very aware of all the things going on in the local area and wants the patients to be safe. They will do anything to make you stay better.

I took somewhat of a stab in the dark with this doctor and now I can not say enough nice things about him and his staff. I am so glad everything went smoothly and the other 3 girls that were there (2 from day before and the 1 that followed us from airport) all said the same. I would totally do it over again if I knew then what I know now and with the same doctor. The price is right and him and his staff earns every cent of that money.

Good Luck!

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i had surgery w/ dr huacuz in 2007. i cant say anything about the safety due to recent events. but i can say that i am so happy i had it done! he was nice as was his staff. i dont know any spanish so communicating with the nurses was soso, but not bad. i had it done thursday and was back to work monday! the only time i was really really uncomfortable and would have taken some was the trip home. we had the the drive to San Diego, the flight home, and then the drive home. it was a very long day and i was pretty dang sore. i was glad i had some at home from something else.

i had that same freaky feeling about going to Mexico. i made a pact with my mom, who went with me, if we get there and things just dont feel right or its scary- no surgery and we go home. it was both of ours first time in mexico. while things are different from home, it wasnt bad. i did freak out a little and start bawling my eyes out when i got in the or and on the table. he talked to me, reassured me, made sure i was ok. they gassed me a little, and then my feet were moving with the music they had playin. thats all i remember and i woke up in my room.

i know if you search his name here there are tons of posts about him. some good, some not. its such a touchy thing, trying to find a doctor. i did basically no research. i knew a lady that had it done w/ him. she loved him. her friend and the friends entire family had used him. after looking at their before and after pictures, i was sold. and i have no regrets.

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I drive through various parts of TJ every month, sometimes more. I also know people that live there and also go through there regularly.

Stay out of the party zones and keep your eyes open and you'll be fine. The peek of the violance in TJ was late 2008. They have fired half the policia, the army is there (nice kids), and they even have a special squad that are the only ones allowed to ticket tourists (rosarito area anyway).

There has been no confirmed deaths of Americans by Cartel violance or crossfire in TJ. With the exception of an american that was living there and selling drugs.

I am speaking to the recent media surge in Cartel related violance. You have nothing to worry about as far as that goes and that is what the media is talking about. There are a million people there just trying to survive. Statistically your odds are higher of dying on the drive to San Deigo.

Now, as for TJ and general crime, thats another topic. You do need to be careful and consiouce and do your homework about where you are going and all the arrangements. It sucks driving in TJ..people are crazy. Make sure you have your Mex insurance (mexadventure.com) at least for liability.

I feel more safe in TJ than I do in parts of Compton or South Central. But like all big poor cities you have to be careful.

If you can arrange to be picked up and dropped off I can assure you it will be smoother plus you dont take on the liability of driving there.

But to directly answer your question, don't worry about the reports. Just do your thing..

Hi Everyone,

After reading many other forums from this site, I decided to go ahead and schedule my surgery date for the band...

I will be getting the band on May 5th, in Tijuana, with Dr. Huacuz. Has anyone here had their band done by him recently?

Im starting to freak out a little, one reason, I'm not having it done here in the States, ( I have no insurance, and when I did, they turned me down, surprise surprisecool.gif).

Second, all the violence recently in Tijuana with the drug cartels and the amount of civilians getting caught in the crossfires....

I would love any feedback from anyone who was there recently and can let me know what it was like, good and bad, all welcome.


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Thank you everyone for your words of wisdom!

Steph...Im also from Oregon, going with my mom...my husband read your post and hates that he can't go, but it reassured him since he's a bit more worried than I am:bored:.

Lapbandtalker/Grace, I believe you also responded to my other post, and asked about the rhinoplasty? I will try my best to ask them about it..I've tried to research testimonials regarding that, and also couldn't find anything.

Want_so_Bad: I also didn't do much research. My mom had hers done overseas...while going with her to get a fill with her doctor here, a nice older couple and two other ladies also waiting happened to mention him to me and had nothing but great things to say.

As far as the safety aspect...it sounds like we're going to be just fine! Especially since Im being driven to and from. I even expressed my concerns last week, when speaking with Rocio, his patient coordinator and she reassured me....Then to my surprise Dr. Haucuz himself called me this morning to see if I had all my questions answered and if I had any more that he could help with. Not once have I had a doctor here even give me a second glance when I had concerns, so that was great.

Thanks again everyone and good luck on your journeys as well!

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I would never have surgery outside the u.s. and especially in a clinic. I would want to have it in a hospital that has and ICU just in case. Many times we don't think that anything can happen to us - but guess what- it can. Will you be prepared?

Think twice- Money? Well sometimes you'll save and sometimes you could loose big time -- like your life.

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I would never have surgery outside the u.s. and especially in a clinic. I would want to have it in a hospital that has and ICU just in case. Many times we don't think that anything can happen to us - but guess what- it can. Will you be prepared?

Think twice- Money? Well sometimes you'll save and sometimes you could loose big time -- like your life.

Many people are very uneducated about the world outside the US.

While I fully agree with you about having surgery in a clinic, it is not something I would do. Just because a surgeon is in the US doesn't make him good and just because a surgeon is outside the US doesn't make him bad.

The doc in question here... yeah, that's a danger. But he does not represent all non-US docs.

Consider this, a doctor in a hospital in Mexico may cover the costs of complications while in Mexico. A doctor and hospital in the US is going to require payment for complications even for self pay.

Research and education are good things!

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please research other doctors before him! my father went to have surgery done by this man and never returned home and now we are all suffering . he doesnt have the right machine in case of an emergency yes he is nice but do you want someone nice or someone who know what they are doing?!!! it is malpractice and he needs to be shut down ASAP! this is my mission in life if you are reading this and i am sure you are. i am going to make your life as miserable as mine is now !!!!!!!! how do you put a oxygen mask attached to a pump on someone who is not able to breath !> not even attached to an oxygen tank ? he was in major pain the entire time after the surgery complained of all sorts of issues . so they took him into surgery a second time to cut and make more holes where they weren't supposed to be! i am left with out my father my younger brother my mother family and friends all suffer from some idiot who doesn't know what he is doing .

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please research other doctors before him! my father went to have surgery done by this man and never returned home and now we are all suffering . he doesnt have the right machine in case of an emergency yes he is nice but do you want someone nice or someone who know what they are doing?!!! it is malpractice and he needs to be shut down ASAP! this is my mission in life if you are reading this and i am sure you are. i am going to make your life as miserable as mine is now !!!!!!!! how do you put a oxygen mask attached to a pump on someone who is not able to breath !> not even attached to an oxygen tank ? he was in major pain the entire time after the surgery complained of all sorts of issues . so they took him into surgery a second time to cut and make more holes where they weren't supposed to be! i am left with out my father my younger brother my mother family and friends all suffer from some idiot who doesn't know what he is doing .


I am sooo sorry for your loss! I can't imagine how it feels to lose your father. May I ask what procedure he had done and what complications he had after?

I appreciate everyone else's comments and concerns to my posts. I just returned home last night from San Diego. Dr Huacuz banded me on Tuesday, so now Im happy to say Im on my way to a new me!

To be honest, I didn't have any issues with Dr. Huacuz or his staff, (except for one nurse who I didn't think was as great as the others, so she stayed away). I think I was worrying for nothing. They were all professional, extrememly attentive, and the Dr. addressed any and every concern we had before the procedure.

The clinic was very clean, and I felt safe there. They did have the overnight staff as someone else had mentioned, as well as a full alarm system with cameras everywhere...just very reassuring.

I'm sorry others didn't have the same experience as I did. But this is what this forum's about, giving everyone your experience and letting them decide with the information given. In my case, I had a lot more positive than negative. I won't ever say to someone YOU HAVE TO GO TO DR HUACUZ...HE'S THE BEST.....DONT GO ANYWHERE ELSE.....No. I will give tell what happened to me, good and bad, and that person should decide. Every Dr has horror stories under their belt, I think everyone's taking a chance, regardless of who you go to.

Anyway, that's all for now, thanks everyone!~;)

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please research other doctors before him! my father went to have surgery done by this man and never returned home and now we are all suffering . he doesnt have the right machine in case of an emergency yes he is nice but do you want someone nice or someone who know what they are doing?!!! it is malpractice and he needs to be shut down ASAP! this is my mission in life if you are reading this and i am sure you are. i am going to make your life as miserable as mine is now !!!!!!!! how do you put a oxygen mask attached to a pump on someone who is not able to breath !> not even attached to an oxygen tank ? he was in major pain the entire time after the surgery complained of all sorts of issues . so they took him into surgery a second time to cut and make more holes where they weren't supposed to be! i am left with out my father my younger brother my mother family and friends all suffer from some idiot who doesn't know what he is doing .

What procedure did your father have? Would you please provide more details?

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Every Dr has horror stories under their belt,

No, every doctor doesn't have horror stories under their belt. They all have patients with complications, but that isn't the same thing as horror stories.

My surgeon, for example, has never lost a patient. Ever. And he's done thousands of surgeries including the complicated DS which he does laparoscopically. Dr. Huacuz has lost at least a handful that I know about and who knows how many more that I haven't heard about.

I'm glad you had a good experience with Dr. Huacuz, but that doesn't make him a good doctor. He's a butcher and the only reason he doesn't kill more people is that these surgeries are pretty safe overall.

But if I had a choice to go to a doctor with a mortality rate of 1 in 200 or one with a mortality rate of 0%, I'm going to go with the one who has a 0% rate.

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Hi Everyone,

After reading many other forums from this site, I decided to go ahead and schedule my surgery date for the band...

I will be getting the band on May 5th, in Tijuana, with Dr. Huacuz. Has anyone here had their band done by him recently?

Im starting to freak out a little, one reason, I'm not having it done here in the States, ( I have no insurance, and when I did, they turned me down, surprise surprisecool.gif).

Second, all the violence recently in Tijuana with the drug cartels and the amount of civilians getting caught in the crossfires....

I would love any feedback from anyone who was there recently and can let me know what it was like, good and bad, all welcome.


How was you surgery outcome? Did everything go well?


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How was you surgery outcome? Did everything go well?


Hi Kaci,

Yeah everything went great. Surgery went smooth, the level of service I received was better then any I've had here. I made my concern for safety and the level of expertise known to all there and they addressed all of them and made sure my mom and I were 100% satisfied. I was very pleased, I've lost 13 lbs so far....now....just waiting for my second fill, I can't wait! =)

Thanks for asking!

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