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Lets put my PCOS and IR out of my thoughts. The way I see it is that this is a huge life change it is the tool that most of us need to make losing weight and keeping it off a reality. For me this is what I not only want but need I have tried all the diets and it worked for a while and then I fail I don't want that yo yo diet anymore I want to be successful in this not only for me but for my family.

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I think you've really got this figured out and you are right to give it one last non-surgical try, but there is one more thing you ought to know....I love my sweets and junk food as much as anyone, the thing that makes the band so wonderful for me is, for some reason, I don't crave the bad foods as much as I used to. I, like Restless, am a good dieter. I'd always lose lots of weight and then for some reason or another, I'd get sick of the process and go right back to eating whatever I wanted. Then I'd gain all the weight back and another 20 lbs. With the band, lots of my favorites (like Pasta and bread) aren't as appealling. Even cake and donuts, they just don't feel the same way in my stomach and I don't even want them anymore. Don't get me wrong, I will always prefer Cookies to salad, but this is liberating. I don't feel like I'm controlled by the food around me. I have not found a food that I can't eat with the band, but my usual menu has changed radically, and I'm alot happier because of it.


I think the explanation to this is that with the LapBand, you're no longer hungry all the time. When you're hungry, you crave the worst of foods. Have you ever gone to the grocery store while starving vs. going while you were full? Obviously, the types of food you buy will be greatly affected by your hunger level. I think I can simulate a similar sensation of always feeling satiated by eating constantly throughout the day, snacking on healthy foods alone. Or 3 moderately sized meals a day with a healthy snack in between each meal and a very light snack after dinner. I may not be "full" all the time like you are with a LapBand, but at least I will never feel hungry, and will never feel compelled to resort to sweets and junk food. And when presented with the temptation of eating junk food or sweets on Tuesday, I can easily resist knowing that I have a cheat day where I can eat ice cream and apple pie on Friday. All I have to do is eat every 2 or 3 hours (even if I'm not hungry) and never eat to completely fill my stomach again. That will be difficult because I ALWAYS eat until I am full, always eat unhealthy food (fast food sometimes 2 or 3 times a day), and always wait to eat until I am very hungry...but it's something I just have to do. So in sum, I think I can achieve the advantages you speak of without having to resort to getting a LapBand.

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I think you've done a lot of research and thought into this decision. Il have lost significant weight previously (more than 70lbs each time-twice-only to gain it back).

That said,

YES I believe anyone CAN achieve the same results as the band if they follow the band guidelines. And I would highly suggest you give it your best effort to try to do it that way!

However, MOST obese people cannot KEEP it off.

Here are some things you can't explain until you've had the surgery (my opinion here).

1. Your eating habits change drastically (for the better!). I crave foods I've never craved before and some of my old favorites don't appeal to me in any way shape or form. I don't know how that happens, but I've read it over and over and it has happened to me.

2. food does not control your day/life. I don't wake up in the morning thinking about food or when I'm going to eat next. It truly is a "mission" for me to get all my Protein in, nothing more. I TOTALLY didn't expect that and that is one of the BIGGEST benefits to my surgery.

3. Having the physical limitation of food intake is another huge benefit of the band. When I get the feeling like I want to eat McDonald's and an entire chocolate cake. My mind says "yeah baby, let's eat". But my stomach isn't too excited about letting that happen. Therefore, when I do feel like binging, I'm physically limited to what I can eat which is priceless!

4. For whatever reason, knowing the band is "on my side" it kind of "keeps me in check" and keeps me motivated. Just knowing it's there and everything I did to get it there, keeps me going.

I love my band, and KNOW there is no way I could be where I am right now (not to mention my end goal) without it.

HOWEVER, if you can do all the things you need to do, long term, then forego the surgery. Most can't which is why they choose the band in the first place. Good luck to you!!

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I'm thinking about getting a lap band but I'm having a difficult time figuring out the answer to this question:

To lose weight "normally" (non-surgically) you need to make life changes, i.e., reducing portions/changing the types of food you eat and exercising almost daily.

If you get the lap band, you have to do much of the same: reduce the amount of food you eat and exercise almost daily.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Losing weight normally or getting a lap band are both hard work! Either way, to lose weight you must undergo drastic life changes for the rest of your life to keep the weight off. So what's the point of getting a lap band?

Please help me out with this. I'm 20 years old, weigh 245 pounds (I'm 5'8'') and have been overweight my entire life. My brother has juvenile diabetes, and my grandfathers on both sides of my family have diabetes. I also have high blood pressure in the family and other health problems. Healthwise, I'm heading towards an early doom at this rate. But more importantly, I can no longer stand the emotional turmoil that comes with being fat--I have been miserable for far too long. I want to look good in clothes like all my friends, and I want to be able to go to the beach or pool without feeling ashamed. I don't know if I'm going to get the band or not, but something needs to be done.

I am right there with you, I totally understand what you are saying! I am 22 and have also been overweight my entire life! The only thing the band does, is restrict the amount of food you can actually fit into your stomach. You can eat around it if you want too, eat all the icecream you want and you will gain weight even with the band.

From what it sounds like, you don't really want to change what you eat, if that is the case, the gastric might be better

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OK what Im about to say may offend some people and I apologize in advance.

I've been overweight since I was old enough to microwave my own food (4 years old). I have had the lap band for one year and 2 days. I've lost 145 lbs and I have about 45 lbs more to go.

It was easy. It was insanely easy. Of course as they say, the band is a tool and it's a decision I made quite consciously and after months of research. But the weight has fallen off. I still work every day at it- I still tell my self, "No you can't have that chocolate. No, you dont get McDonalds for lunch..." But there is a difference now.

Before the band, all I had was my common sense to stop me from overeating. Obviously that never did any good. Now I have my common sense, my drive (motivation), my pocket book (BIG motivation - why pay $6 to eat two chicken nuggets?? seriously... it makes me cringe), and a big rubber band around my stomach that tells me, "FYI YOU ARE FULL- STOP EATING!"

You see- this band is a two step process for me. 1) it stops you from over eating. 2) it forces you to chew thoroughly and eat very slowly. These put together produce the result of "I am pleasantly full and know that if I take one more bite, I'll become uncomfortable." That's not an area I knew anything about before the band. I can stop eating now!! I can stare down at my food and think, "I really REALLY want more, but I doubt there is room so I won't try."

I think the biggest cause of failure in lap band would probably be to not listen to your body. You shouldn't be PBing like ever really. You shouldn't be able to eat however much you want. You shouldn't be living on mashed potatoes because nothing else will go down. you WILL want to exercise (trust me- exercise is easier as you lose weight). If you are willing to make a commitment to yourself to LISTEN to your doctor and follow his or her guidelines about successful weightloss with the band, you will probably be ok.

Just make sure you know exactly what you are getting into.

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Also the band can be a tricky thing and not everyone has the same experience with the band. Read up as much as you can before you choose to have weight loss surgery, when it works it's great when it doesn't it's not so great. I had the lap band and also had it removed after 14 months and am now in the process of revising to gastric bypass. There are some good books out there like Weightloss Surgery for Dummies.

Make sure you know all the good and bad about lap band and weight loss surgery in general and make sure you discuss this with a doctor you trust and possibly rule out some physical reasons why you have a weight issue.

I wish there was a way to tell which procedure would work for each person but there isn't really plus you never know what complications could occur afterward. So much to think about before you make this major decision. I wish you luck! Nancy.

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I'm thinking about getting a lap band but I'm having a difficult time figuring out the answer to this question:

To lose weight "normally" (non-surgically) you need to make life changes, i.e., reducing portions/changing the types of food you eat and exercising almost daily.

If you get the lap band, you have to do much of the same: reduce the amount of food you eat and exercise almost daily.

Do you see what I'm getting at? Losing weight normally or getting a lap band are both hard work! Either way, to lose weight you must undergo drastic life changes for the rest of your life to keep the weight off. So what's the point of getting a lap band?

That is the point exactly! The lapband will force reduction in the amount of food someone consumes- PERIOD. And it can be done without exercise.

There are many who can simply stop eating so much and do just fine.

But thank goodness someone invented the lapband to help me do it.

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So in sum, I think I can achieve the advantages you speak of without having to resort to getting a LapBand.

Kimo, I think this statement by itself indicates that you are not ready for bariatric surgery. I think that when you are ready to make a life-long commitment to eating right and maintaining a healthy weight then the surgery won't seem like something you have to "resort" to, it will be what you will decide is the best decision for your life. If you do decide to persue surgery, then make the committment to follow the doctor's instructions, stick with a program that they provide for you, and if you can't make the changes in your life, you will not be sucessful with a band.

I really hope you find something that works for you and will allow you to take the weight off and keep it off.

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equation is simple:

Lapband + diet + exercise = goal weight

No tricks

No secret

No magic

Edited by maddy

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I have not been banded yet, I am working on that but.... I think the whole point to the band is to HELP you lose the weight and more importantly, HELP you keep it off. By having the band, you CANT go back to eating the same amount you used to because you will get sick. It is a nice reminder to stick with it.... Also, Even if you could continue eating all the junk food you love, there is a difference between being thin and being healthy. One does not equal the other.

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This is such a good debate...but no matter what anybody says, you will be fat tomorrow. You will be fat next week. Don't wait anymore and expect to just wake up thin. Give it another chance now while you are trying to figure it out for yourself. There's no harm in that...don't wait until you've decided which way to go to start making changes. A good head start is never a bad thing.

You will have to make changes anyway...so keep looking for your answers, but start right now to make better choices.

Now, personally for me, I had the same problem... lack of discipline and fear of failure...also unrealistic portion consumption. I love sweets too.

So here's what the band has done for me so far:

1. I'm not hungry.

2. If I get bored or want to avoid doing something and start to feel the refrigerator calling me, I actually can tell it NO for a change.

3. I still go out to eat with my family. I occasionally get fast food. But now my dollar goes further! That plate of ribs and baked potato from my favorite steakhouse now lasts me for two more meals.

4. I don't feel deprived.

5. I can't eat too much, so I don't feel like a loser an hour lately, nor do I beat myself up if I can't get back on the wagon tomorrow...because now there is no wagon that I'm worried about falling off of.

6. I easily choose better foods without thinking. I was really surprised by this one...but yes, it just happens now... I naturally grab the better choices.

7. I have control to put the fork down. That extra bite is not worth the pain it could bring.

8. My idea of the ideal weight has changed. If I stopped losing weight right now and just stayed here at 245, I would be happy with that. When I was 300, I thought I'd only be happy at 150...but let me tell you...when you go from not walking and feeling like crap to being able to exercise and fit on a roller coaster again, and you look good in your clothing...who cares about a number? I feel 100% better already! Even better....I'm not going to be 300 pounds ever again. That was my problem...I would lose it, and get cocky about it, and be fatter than before within no time.

I hope you will quickly find the decision within yourself. Only you know what is best for you...but don't sell yourself short... you can do anything if you just decide to do it. So I wish you the best in figuring this all out...but please, please...don't just sit there...do something already so that next year at this time you are not like I used to be...sitting there wondering how a year passed but you lost no weight.

Good luck!!! You can do it!!!

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I understand what you mean Kimo, I'm like well, I can do these changes without the band, so why bother? But I then saw the band as a "tool" instead as an answer to my obesity. Before, I would go straight to the store from work buy junk food especially Icecream and go home, have dinner and eat a pint of icecream with whip cream right after dinner lol... I can't do that now... My problem is PORTAIN control.. I knew that band would help me with that. Of course, I have other emotional eating problems but I'm seeking therepy for that and it helps, I'm not perfect but I know that the band is going to lead me to the right direction. You have to do what works for you and there's no easy way when you're battling to losing weight.

Goodluck on your journey.


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We live in a world that wants a quick fix and and easy answer for EVERYTHING....we all want to have everything thing we want, give up nothing, and look and feel fantastic.

Well guess what....that only happens in fairy tails and in the movies...here in real life we have to work to make things happen, the band is no exception to that.

If there were a magic pill we could take that would let us eat any and everything we wanted and never gain an ounce then we would all look like runway models.

It has been said over and over THE BAND IS A TOOL....and like any other tool it requires an operator to make it work.

Good luck in your decision making process, in the end only you can decide what is best for you.

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Very good talks all the way around!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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