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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Speaking of getting back on track, does anyone log their food intake these days? I haven't since last year, but started today (fitday.com). If so, do you restrict your carb intake? What's a normal carb intake?

I guess WW would solve that issue, right? I'm seriously considering it! Points would be so much easier to track than calories, fat, carbs, Protein....ay yi yi.

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Hey gals..

Sounds like we're all on the same roller coaster! Now that I've healed from my band replacement, the scale has fluctuated. It sucked seeing my weight go up from my goal #..but then again I was on liquids and I knew it would probably creep up once I started solid food again. I'm not going to be a slave to my scale! It will just drive me nuts!! I have to hit the gym..which of course I've been procrastinating, but I'm not going to beat myself up or sabotage myself with self-loathing thoughts. I'm still completely unfilled, and will probably stay that way for a few more weeks. Just gotta ease back into things....you know what they say.."one day at a time".

Shiny-hang in there, keep blogging...you're doing great

Tap- good to see you back here..sorry you were having a rough one

LilMiss-CONGRATS on the 2 inches. You're doing awesome with WW..keep it up girl!

tskelli-you bring up a great point about tracking food! I REALLY need to do that again. Thanks for reminding me about fitday.com. I'm going to log on now!!

St.LouisGal--I'm thinking about you!! How did your tests go?

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Hi all.

Tap, so glad to see you back!

Nicole, congrats on that huge milestone of 100 lbs lost!

You know what struck me as we are all posting about our trials? That in seeking out support, we are more likely to succeed. So I think even though we are (most of us) struggling, we are still hanging onto the support that will help us make it through.

I had a couple of great days, a couple of mediocre days and then a pretty crappy day. All in all I'm back up about 10 pounds from my lowest. I'm at 198--within two pounds of seeing that dreaded 200 again. So angry with myself. Definitely not going to weight at the end of the day! Eeek!

So, today I began the Body For Life program. (That's why I had such an out of control day yesterday. Last supper mentality.) My sister and I are doing it together. I've even got my hubby doing it with me. The eating program has you eating a portion of Protein and carbs 6 times a day. Of course my portions are pretty small compared to others, but it helped me today. I didn't find myself snacking and snacking. I still need to get my workout done. It's weight lifting which I haven't ever done before. This should be pretty interesting!

For Breakfast today I had Cream of Wheat with a scoop of Protein powder in my one serving. Added a few chopped toasted almonds and some Splenda and milk. It was pretty good.

It's starting to feel like fall around here. I love fall. I just hope it sticks around for a while.

Keep on Keeping on, Guys!

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My tests are tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30, yuck, that means I have to be on the road by 6:45. I'll post again as soon as I am awake enough to blog. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I'm a little scared but I guess that won't help any. The total unfill has cut down a little on the pain.

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As a friend so accurately described it, I think this is what the entrance to heaven must look like:


The finish line at the Spirit of Columbus Half Marathon.

My chronic hip trouble started at mile 3 (usually it's good for 7 or so), which made the last 10 miles not so fun, but... I DID IT! (Note the pink arrow pointing at me :P)

The most beautiful sight I'd ever seen was that finish line. I started crying the moment I saw it, was sobbing by the time I crossed it, and still get teary eyed remembering it.

This was by far the hardest thing I've ever done. It required a tremendous amount of determination, perseverance and just plain work. But, I recommend it to anyone. Nothing has been as rewarding as that finish was. :frown: (and yes, that clock says 2 hours, 53 minutes. I was very close to last, and 3 hours is a long damn time to run. just sayin. lol)

My full marathon training starts today, so I'm about to make an appointment for another unfill. I had a hard time eating enough to keep up with the training for the half, so there's no way I'm going to even try training for a full with this much restriction.

2 years ago I couldn't even walk from my car to the door at the school to pick my son up from Kindergarten without getting winded.

It's almost unbelievable to realize how far I've come. I still have about 30 pounds to lose, but I don't even care anymore. I weigh myself and whatever it says it says. I know I'm in great shape, and that I'm getting healthy, and although I don't love my jiggly middle, I know it will go away eventually.

Hooray for successes... be them big or small!

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SLG - Sending you lots and lots of well wishes. I know it will all go well and you will be back on track very soon. Don't push yourself to heal too fast though. Awaiting your post op check in.

Tap - It's so vey good to see you posting again. Welcome back. You have definitely been missed. The traitorous mood beast will not get the better of us.

Angie - Wow! I'm so filled with admiration for you. The burst of emotion and pride I got from seeing that picture and reading your words gave me just a small idea of what you must have felt. Wow, just WOW.

I'm going to voice a couple things here today. They have been floating in my head but I've been trying to deny them. A big part of the way I lost the weight right after surgery was constant vigilance and cutting out a lot of carbs, not all but keeping it under 100g a day. Well, I don't know how I thought I was gonna lose weight if I didn't log my food. I've attempted to log again but always slip up and quit. Well, it's the only way I'm going to get back on the losing track again. So, as of this morning I'm back to being vigilant with watching my food intake. Please, please help to me to remain on track for a few weeks until it becomes habit again. Thanks guys. Have a great day.

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Wow! It's great to read all the positive posts! I'm so glad everyone seems to be holding their own and doing what it takes to get over the hurdles. All of your posts were really inspirational! Let's do this!!! :frown:

Logging my food again...day 2. Day 1 sucked BIG time. I'm ashamed to tell you the amount of calories, fat, and carbs I packed into yesterday. And I didn't eat all day long, just ate a lot of the wrong things. I think logging my food is going to be the key for me as well. Awareness is a great place to start. I WILL do better today.

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Yes! WW whole concept is based around logging food. I never knew how important that was either until I started to do it. :frown: I've never been happier to do it.

I have been doing so great, I'm actually fitting into my pants from my smallest last year! Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!! <3

Hugs to all my VV Sisters.. it's soooo difficult - I know. I'm just so glad I was able to find something that streamlined what I'm supposed to do. I fall off, I get right back on with a new day.

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Wow! It's great to read all the positive posts! I'm so glad everyone seems to be holding their own and doing what it takes to get over the hurdles. All of your posts were really inspirational! Let's do this!!! :P

Logging my food again...day 2. Day 1 sucked BIG time. I'm ashamed to tell you the amount of calories, fat, and carbs I packed into yesterday. And I didn't eat all day long, just ate a lot of the wrong things. I think logging my food is going to be the key for me as well. Awareness is a great place to start. I WILL do better today.

www.weightwatchers.com in case you're interested. It's 55 dollars for the first three months I think (at least it was when I signed on). I go to the weekly meetings too, I just plop my big booty on a chair and listen in. I might consider going on full board and paying the monthly pass so I can help keep track with weigh in and whatnot - but for now I'm pretty comfy in what I'm doing.

The Daily plate is a good one too. I actually steal alot of the nut facts from that website to put into my tracker!!! :frown:

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Speaking of getting back on track, does anyone log their food intake these days? I haven't since last year, but started today (fitday.com). If so, do you restrict your carb intake? What's a normal carb intake?

I may have to restart that. I haven't in a long while, but probably should. I won't start it right away though, I am just easing back into the lap life...today I walked for the first time in about a month. Such a long climb back to where I was...

I'm not going to be a slave to my scale! It will just drive me nuts!! Just gotta ease back into things....you know what they say.."one day at a time".

I know exactly what you mean

Shiny-hang in there, keep blogging...you're doing great

Yes indeed.

Tap- good to see you back here..sorry you were having a rough one

Thanks. I missed my VVs, and am delighted to see some of the MIA back into the fold!

LilMiss-CONGRATS on the 2 inches. You're doing awesome with WW..keep it up girl!

yes indeed!

St.LouisGal--I'm thinking about you!! How did your tests go?

Yes St. Louis. Hope things went well today!

Hi all.

Tap, so glad to see you back!

You know what struck me as we are all posting about our trials? That in seeking out support, we are more likely to succeed. So I think even though we are (most of us) struggling, we are still hanging onto the support that will help us make it through.

It's starting to feel like fall around here. I love fall. I just hope it sticks around for a while.

Keep on Keeping on, Guys!

Thanks Shiny! And yes, it does seem that many of us are struglling - good thing we each are struggling at different times though - there's always someone here to help. I hope I can be that support for someone else!

I love fall as well - although the weather here sucked all summer - like a perpetual raining spring. I have hopes for the fall!

My tests are tomorrow. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30, yuck, that means I have to be on the road by 6:45. I'll post again as soon as I am awake enough to blog. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers. I'm a little scared but I guess that won't help any. The total unfill has cut down a little on the pain.

fingers are crossed!

As a friend so accurately described it, I think this is what the entrance to heaven must look like:


I DID IT! (Note the pink arrow pointing at me :blink:)

The most beautiful sight I'd ever seen was that finish line. I started crying the moment I saw it, was sobbing by the time I crossed it, and still get teary eyed remembering it.

2 years ago I couldn't even walk from my car to the door at the school to pick my son up from Kindergarten without getting winded.

It's almost unbelievable to realize how far I've come. I still have about 30 pounds to lose, but I don't even care anymore. I weigh myself and whatever it says it says. I know I'm in great shape, and that I'm getting healthy, and although I don't love my jiggly middle, I know it will go away eventually.

Hooray for successes... be them big or small!

WOW, what a fabulous achievement, what a fabulous post! You are my new hero! You have such a great can-do attitude, and you are so positive! YAY you!

Angie - Wow! I'm so filled with admiration for you. The burst of emotion and pride I got from seeing that picture and reading your words gave me just a small idea of what you must have felt. Wow, just WOW.

I'm going to voice a couple things here today. They have been floating in my head but I've been trying to deny them. A big part of the way I lost the weight right after surgery was constant vigilance and cutting out a lot of carbs, not all but keeping it under 100g a day. Well, I don't know how I thought I was gonna lose weight if I didn't log my food. I've attempted to log again but always slip up and quit. Well, it's the only way I'm going to get back on the losing track again. So, as of this morning I'm back to being vigilant with watching my food intake. Please, please help to me to remain on track for a few weeks until it becomes habit again. .

Note to self: nag Ezma! :P:lol:

Wow! It's great to read all the positive posts! I'm so glad everyone seems to be holding their own and doing what it takes to get over the hurdles. All of your posts were really inspirational! Let's do this!!! :frown:

Awareness is a great place to start. I WILL do better today.

We can do this; we are stronger than our cravings, our bad habits!!!

I have been doing so great, I'm actually fitting into my pants from my smallest last year! Yipeeeee!!!!!!!!! <3

YAY to you, Lil Miss! Congrats on the NSV!

So, where is Lori? Where is RSG?

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First of all (((tap))), I hope you seen my PM??? AND DON'T YOU RUN OFF ON US LIKE THAT AGAIN!!!!

I may have to restart that. I haven't in a long while, but probably should. I won't start it right away though, I am just easing back into the lap life...today I walked for the first time in about a month. Such a long climb back to where I was...

ITunderstand. I had to take a vacation from the lapband for a minute too. Both here and IRL. I went backwards, but I think I was healed and I'm so much better for it.. and so much more ready to see it out now. It's a shock this whole new lifestyle thing, but TG it's there. When we do get back into it, at least we didn't gain ALL our weight back! You'll be just fine, :cheers2: Take your time and know we are here to support you in ups AND downs!

Again, join FB!!!! ;o) I've found it really takes my mind on a whole other trip. I don't think about food, and I get that same excitement I get in anticipation of eating. I love to play around on there. There is so much to do!

Yes St. Louis. Hope things went well today!

Absolutely, please let us know!

Thanks Shiny! And yes, it does seem that many of us are struglling - good thing we each are struggling at different times though - there's always someone here to help. I hope I can be that support for someone else!

Yes, so much. I waned alot a few months ago, and even though I wasn't here very much it was such a wonderful blessing to know everyone here was still cheering me on in the mean time. It really was, so to my sisterS I say -- THANK YOU!!!!

I love fall as well - although the weather here sucked all summer - like a perpetual raining spring. I have hopes for the fall!

Awww taps, weather still stinky?? Wow, maybe the lack of Vitamin D might be a little factor? It is a real phenom. Drink more milk!! :frown:

fingers are crossed!

WOW, what a fabulous achievement, what a fabulous post! You are my new hero! You have such a great can-do attitude, and you are so positive! YAY you!


Note to self: nag Ezma! :shocked::lol:

Hey, I'm good at that too. :grouphug:

We can do this; we are stronger than our cravings, our bad habits!!!

YAY to you, Lil Miss! Congrats on the NSV!

So, where is Lori? Where is RSG?

Thanks soo much! It's been so difficult to get back what I'd lost somewhere. I"m just so glad I did. I seriously was scared to death that I was going to gain all my weight back and what a failure I'd be.

No matter what now I know that would NEVER be the truth. I'm a winner in just the simple fact that I kept it in the back of my mind of all the accomplishments I'd had. I wanted that back so I TOOK IT DANGIT!!!!!

Lori and RSG have been in and out from x2x. Wish they'd stay (and I really hope they see this...)


What's for lunch everyone?

I'm having a Teriyaki chicken breast salad... oh yum.. mouths watering just thinking about it.

Oh one more thing. Tap, DONT YOU LEAVE (ONCE AGAIN). Do you know how loved you are??? If not, I think you know now. :blink:

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What's for lunch everyone?

I'm having a Teriyaki chicken breast salad... oh yum.. mouths watering just thinking about it.


For lunch I went out with a coworker to a Mexican restaurant. Had 1 steak quesadilla, a few chips with salsa, and a few with queso. Haven't logged it yet, so not sure of the damage. Teriyaki chicken breast salad sounds yummy!

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www.weightwatchers.com in case you're interested. It's 55 dollars for the first three months I think (at least it was when I signed on). I go to the weekly meetings too, I just plop my big booty on a chair and listen in. I might consider going on full board and paying the monthly pass so I can help keep track with weigh in and whatnot - but for now I'm pretty comfy in what I'm doing.

The Daily plate is a good one too. I actually steal alot of the nut facts from that website to put into my tracker!!! :frown:

Thanks! I am definitely going to check out WW. Thanks for the tips!!

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Wow, girls! Sounds like we're all starting to get our "mo-jo" back a bit! Shiny--you're so right about having support--it really does make us accountable, therefore successful. Good job on starting your new program.

STL--good luck on the tests! I know you're nervous, but you will be so relieved afterwards. I hope you get some answers and some relief soon!

ANGIE---YOU GO GIRL!! Congratulations on such an amazing accomplishment! What a fab picture too! There is NOTHING like seeing that finish line. When I trained for and completed my marathon in 2007, I will NEVER forget the feeling of seeing the word 'FINISH". I still can't believe I did 26.2 miles when I was 240 pounds:eek:..let alone all the training. I've been seriously considering training for another one now that I'm 90 pounds lighter. I bet I would finish in less that 8hrs 42mins...ummm...ya...that's how long it took! You have TOTALLY inspired me. You should be so proud of all your hard work, committment, dedication and transformation into a beautiful, healthy woman. What full marathon are you training for?

Remember our mantra way back when....JUST KEEP SWIMMING!! :frown:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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