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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Hi girls!

Long lost VV checking in! I'm so mad at myself for staying away from all of you for so long!! Just reading this Master Thread reminds me how great it is to have support from people who know what you're going through. I know we have all gone through so many up's and down's since we were banded in '08. I'm sorry I haven't been a better Victorious Valentine but am back to support and be supported!! My journey has been interesting. Like most of us, the initial few months after my surgery I lost quite a bit of weight and settled into the "bandster lifestyle" with very few problems. I tolerated my fills well, lost weight pretty steadily and just overall adjusted to life as a bandster. After my one year bandiversary, I started to get more complacent. My restriction loosened, my eating habits became unhealthier and I stopped exercising. I didn't gain much weight, just stayed where I was at. I really beat myself up and fell into a little depression thinking I was a failure. Before I stewed too long on my pity pot, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I went in for a fill and got myself on track. Life was good. WELL.....about an month ago, I started to get EXTREME acid reflux. It was AWFUL! I couldn't sleep at all and when I did, I would wake up with a cesspool of acid in my pouch and would projectile vomit (sorry TMI). I went to the doc immediately and he did an unfill. I felt great for about a week and then it kicked in again. At that point he did a total unfill and once again I felt relief. I thought I was in the clear until last week. I woke up Tuesday morning and could barely get Water down. My doc sent me for an x-ray and two hours later I was admitted to the hospital. My band had slipped and slipped BAD!! I was scheduled for surgery Wed morning and my doc told me I was at risk for losing my band. I was so scared and sad. I had surgery and even though I was sore when I woke up, I felt sooo much better. Turns out I had severe scar tissue that developed over this last year and half that caused that band to reposition. In doing so, it caused adhesions, and obstruction and was STUCK, yes STUCK to my liver!! My doc was shocked as he hadn't seen this before. The good news is he replaced my band with a new one! I was so relieved when I heard that I didn't lose it. I was released from the hospital the next day and back to work this week. I feel amazing. I don't think I realized how sick I was over the last month or so until I was reminded what it felt like to feel good! Unfortunately, I have to do the same post-op diet for 3 weeks which feels weird a year and half later. But it's alot easier the second time around. At least I know what to expect! Because I've been on liquids for a week, I just reached my goal weight. I feel incredibly blessed that I have a new band and will continue to use it as the tool it was meant to be. I've learned alot through this experience and am going to try very hard not to take my band for granted. It's hard work maintaining a healthy lifestyle...band or not...I'm just going to try to make the most of it and be as healthy and balanced as I can be. Thanks for reading this long post! It's good to be back and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you!

Big hugs,


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Hi girls!

Long lost VV checking in! I'm so mad at myself for staying away from all of you for so long!! Just reading this Master Thread reminds me how great it is to have support from people who know what you're going through. I know we have all gone through so many up's and down's since we were banded in '08. I'm sorry I haven't been a better Victorious Valentine but am back to support and be supported!! My journey has been interesting. Like most of us, the initial few months after my surgery I lost quite a bit of weight and settled into the "bandster lifestyle" with very few problems. I tolerated my fills well, lost weight pretty steadily and just overall adjusted to life as a bandster. After my one year bandiversary, I started to get more complacent. My restriction loosened, my eating habits became unhealthier and I stopped exercising. I didn't gain much weight, just stayed where I was at. I really beat myself up and fell into a little depression thinking I was a failure. Before I stewed too long on my pity pot, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I went in for a fill and got myself on track. Life was good. WELL.....about an month ago, I started to get EXTREME acid reflux. It was AWFUL! I couldn't sleep at all and when I did, I would wake up with a cesspool of acid in my pouch and would projectile vomit (sorry TMI). I went to the doc immediately and he did an unfill. I felt great for about a week and then it kicked in again. At that point he did a total unfill and once again I felt relief. I thought I was in the clear until last week. I woke up Tuesday morning and could barely get Water down. My doc sent me for an x-ray and two hours later I was admitted to the hospital. My band had slipped and slipped BAD!! I was scheduled for surgery Wed morning and my doc told me I was at risk for losing my band. I was so scared and sad. I had surgery and even though I was sore when I woke up, I felt sooo much better. Turns out I had severe scar tissue that developed over this last year and half that caused that band to reposition. In doing so, it caused adhesions, and obstruction and was STUCK, yes STUCK to my liver!! My doc was shocked as he hadn't seen this before. The good news is he replaced my band with a new one! I was so relieved when I heard that I didn't lose it. I was released from the hospital the next day and back to work this week. I feel amazing. I don't think I realized how sick I was over the last month or so until I was reminded what it felt like to feel good! Unfortunately, I have to do the same post-op diet for 3 weeks which feels weird a year and half later. But it's alot easier the second time around. At least I know what to expect! Because I've been on liquids for a week, I just reached my goal weight. I feel incredibly blessed that I have a new band and will continue to use it as the tool it was meant to be. I've learned alot through this experience and am going to try very hard not to take my band for granted. It's hard work maintaining a healthy lifestyle...band or not...I'm just going to try to make the most of it and be as healthy and balanced as I can be. Thanks for reading this long post! It's good to be back and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you!

Big hugs,


Ok, now I am kind of scared. Your symptoms sound a lot like mine, although I take prilosec so I don't get the acid reflux. I have no problems with liquids but after about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food I am stuffed for about four hours, not even able to drink or I will throw up. I have had an unfill that, like you said, gave great releif for about a month or two, now it is getting tighter. I've had the Upper GI and Endoscopy and they really didn't show anything other than a really tight band and possible slip (x-ray guy said it was a slip, my doc said no.) This is just too weird. I only have 1 cc of fill at this point. Any thoughts???

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I'm so glad you are feeling better marathinner, that sounds very tramatic! I missed you. I tend to dissapear too.

We can both try to fix that.

RSG!! I missed you too, honey. Glad we're both back...

Ok, now I am kind of scared. Your symptoms sound a lot like mine, although I take prilosec so I don't get the acid reflux. I have no problems with liquids but after about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food I am stuffed for about four hours, not even able to drink or I will throw up. I have had an unfill that, like you said, gave great releif for about a month or two, now it is getting tighter. I've had the Upper GI and Endoscopy and they really didn't show anything other than a really tight band and possible slip (x-ray guy said it was a slip, my doc said no.) This is just too weird. I only have 1 cc of fill at this point. Any thoughts???

Missed you too, SLG!! I wouldn't neglect any of your symptoms. The reflux causes so much irritation and inflamation you are going to feel restriction even w/1cc or even completely unfilled. I by no means want to scare you, and can obviously only go off my own experience, but I would get back to your doc and ask for more x-rays. My slip was diagnosed with just a regular x-ray. You may just need a total unfill to let your tummy settle for awhile. I know how miserable that reflux is, I hope you go see your doc to rectify the situation!!

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Thanks, I'll try to get an appointment soon. I may just stick with liquids for a couple of weeks because this is our busy time of year at work and I'm really not in too much pain unless I eat too much. Your story has motivated me not to wait until my next appointment in December.

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Thanks, I'll try to get an appointment soon. I may just stick with liquids for a couple of weeks because this is our busy time of year at work and I'm really not in too much pain unless I eat too much. Your story has motivated me not to wait until my next appointment in December.

I'm glad my story has motivated you to not wait! It's just not worth it. It's better to be overly cautious. I'll be checking on you!:drool:

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I'm so glad you are feeling better marathinner, that sounds very tramatic! I missed you. I tend to dissapear too.

I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's great to be back and see some familiar faces and some new ones!

Thanks for reading this long post! It's good to be back and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you!

Big hugs,


Wow, Amy! Glad they figured it out and glad you got a new band! Glad to be back and glad you're back!

I've tried papaya enzeme and pinapple juice and neither seemed to help. I just have to learn to stop eating sooner. I'm throwing up much more than I did when I first got the band. It may be that I am just not paying attention but it is quite irritating.

The papaya enzyme didn't do the trick. Tonight I drank pineapple juice and it seemed to help a little. A few days ago, I felt like I had very little restriction and now I can barely get anything down. And certainly nothing solid. Instant grits, veggie Soup, popcorn (I seem to be able to eat that no matter how much restriction I have), and a few bites here and there. That's it for the past couple of days. I hope this passes soon. Oh...the pineapple juice gave me terrible heartburn! But I guess it'll be worth it if it clears whatever is stuck!

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Hi girls!

Long lost VV checking in! I'm so mad at myself for staying away from all of you for so long!! Just reading this Master Thread reminds me how great it is to have support from people who know what you're going through. I know we have all gone through so many up's and down's since we were banded in '08. I'm sorry I haven't been a better Victorious Valentine but am back to support and be supported!! My journey has been interesting. Like most of us, the initial few months after my surgery I lost quite a bit of weight and settled into the "bandster lifestyle" with very few problems. I tolerated my fills well, lost weight pretty steadily and just overall adjusted to life as a bandster. After my one year bandiversary, I started to get more complacent. My restriction loosened, my eating habits became unhealthier and I stopped exercising. I didn't gain much weight, just stayed where I was at. I really beat myself up and fell into a little depression thinking I was a failure. Before I stewed too long on my pity pot, I picked myself up and dusted myself off. I went in for a fill and got myself on track. Life was good. WELL.....about an month ago, I started to get EXTREME acid reflux. It was AWFUL! I couldn't sleep at all and when I did, I would wake up with a cesspool of acid in my pouch and would projectile vomit (sorry TMI). I went to the doc immediately and he did an unfill. I felt great for about a week and then it kicked in again. At that point he did a total unfill and once again I felt relief. I thought I was in the clear until last week. I woke up Tuesday morning and could barely get Water down. My doc sent me for an x-ray and two hours later I was admitted to the hospital. My band had slipped and slipped BAD!! I was scheduled for surgery Wed morning and my doc told me I was at risk for losing my band. I was so scared and sad. I had surgery and even though I was sore when I woke up, I felt sooo much better. Turns out I had severe scar tissue that developed over this last year and half that caused that band to reposition. In doing so, it caused adhesions, and obstruction and was STUCK, yes STUCK to my liver!! My doc was shocked as he hadn't seen this before. The good news is he replaced my band with a new one! I was so relieved when I heard that I didn't lose it. I was released from the hospital the next day and back to work this week. I feel amazing. I don't think I realized how sick I was over the last month or so until I was reminded what it felt like to feel good! Unfortunately, I have to do the same post-op diet for 3 weeks which feels weird a year and half later. But it's alot easier the second time around. At least I know what to expect! Because I've been on liquids for a week, I just reached my goal weight. I feel incredibly blessed that I have a new band and will continue to use it as the tool it was meant to be. I've learned alot through this experience and am going to try very hard not to take my band for granted. It's hard work maintaining a healthy lifestyle...band or not...I'm just going to try to make the most of it and be as healthy and balanced as I can be. Thanks for reading this long post! It's good to be back and I look forward to reconnecting with all of you!

Big hugs,



Oh My!! Sorry to hear of your troubles, but at least the end of the story turned out well - and you reached your GOOOOAL!! CONGRATULATIONS!! :(

It's really important that we all pay attention to our symptoms. I was too tight for too long and started to have similar symptoms. That along with eating all the wrong things because those were the only things that didn't hurt going down.

Ok, now I am kind of scared. Your symptoms sound a lot like mine, although I take prilosec so I don't get the acid reflux. I have no problems with liquids but after about 1/4 to 1/2 cup of food I am stuffed for about four hours, not even able to drink or I will throw up. I have had an unfill that, like you said, gave great releif for about a month or two, now it is getting tighter. I've had the Upper GI and Endoscopy and they really didn't show anything other than a really tight band and possible slip (x-ray guy said it was a slip, my doc said no.) This is just too weird. I only have 1 cc of fill at this point. Any thoughts???

Definitely get back to your doc ASAP! Let us know how it goes too!!

I'm glad my story has motivated you to not wait! It's just not worth it. It's better to be overly cautious. I'll be checking on you!:thumbup:


I'm glad I'm not the only one. It's great to be back and see some familiar faces and some new ones!

Wow, Amy! Glad they figured it out and glad you got a new band! Glad to be back and glad you're back!

The papaya enzyme didn't do the trick. Tonight I drank pineapple juice and it seemed to help a little. A few days ago, I felt like I had very little restriction and now I can barely get anything down. And certainly nothing solid. Instant grits, veggie Soup, popcorn (I seem to be able to eat that no matter how much restriction I have), and a few bites here and there. That's it for the past couple of days. I hope this passes soon. Oh...the pineapple juice gave me terrible heartburn! But I guess it'll be worth it if it clears whatever is stuck!

WB Kelli!! I lived on Pineapple juice for months. It's the pitts. Oh yeah, and popcorn, ice cream, candy - all those things we are supposed to avoid (mostly).

It sounds like you might be a bit too tight. You should go see your surgeon and ask him what he suggests. Good luck! Let us know how you're doing. :thumbup:

yep here I am. :sneaky:

How is everyones day going?

Going great!

WW is going fabulous. I've lost 3 Lbs this week for a 2 week total now of 7. I haven't been on a plan this long since banding and liquids were involved.

Loving it!!

Now, if we can just find some other missing peeps... like tap? Where are you???

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Hi girls..

So great to hear from all of you! Good job on the WW's LilMissDiva and RSG! I've always heard that WW is such a good, manageable program. Im still on liquids since my surgery last week :(....i'm not gonna lie...it sucks! My appetite is kicking in and I'm really sick of Soups & Protein Shakes. Thank god I saw my doc for a follow up appt this morning and he said I could start incorporating mushies!:thumbup: Now there's a word I haven't said in a long time!! I'm healing really well and will start getting filled next month. It really is weird starting this process over...at least I won't be so frantic about not knowing what to expect. I do feel vulnerable being at my goal weight and having an empty band. But I know what to do to keep it all in check. Gotta get my mind wrapped around hitting the gym again, but as they say.."one thing at a time". Thank you gals so much for all your wonderful well wishes and support :thumbup:. It would be great to see some of the our other fellow VV's check in. I have kept in touch with my beloved Rhapsody..I know she pops on here every now and then. I wonder whatever happened to Jaxbandster and Gibson?

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I miss Taps too! She's my buddy, and she is always so positive. I heart her.

This is my first week on ww. When is your weigh in day?

My weigh in is today (fridays). Best wishes on the WW! It's such a great program :). I have a support thread too if you're interested. Its picking up quickly!


Hi girls..

So great to hear from all of you! Good job on the WW's LilMissDiva and RSG! I've always heard that WW is such a good, manageable program. Im still on liquids since my surgery last week :)....i'm not gonna lie...it sucks! My appetite is kicking in and I'm really sick of Soups & Protein shakes. Thank god I saw my doc for a follow up appt this morning and he said I could start incorporating mushies!:thumbup: Now there's a word I haven't said in a long time!! I'm healing really well and will start getting filled next month. It really is weird starting this process over...at least I won't be so frantic about not knowing what to expect. I do feel vulnerable being at my goal weight and having an empty band. But I know what to do to keep it all in check. Gotta get my mind wrapped around hitting the gym again, but as they say.."one thing at a time". Thank you gals so much for all your wonderful well wishes and support :wub:. It would be great to see some of the our other fellow VV's check in. I have kept in touch with my beloved Rhapsody..I know she pops on here every now and then. I wonder whatever happened to Jaxbandster and Gibson?

Hugs!! Just hang in there. This is a great chance to start over. I think you will do fine with keeping it off.. you have the right mindset :)

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Just checking in. Not much happening. Getting ready for school to start. I'm looking into being a substitute teacher. I still have a toddler at home and don't want to put him in daycare full time, so I think that could work very well for me.

I went on vacation, ate like crap and have been avoiding the scale since. I did check once and it doesn't look like I gained too much. I need to get back to eating better. Not eating like total crap, but not eating great either.

My goal weight seems so far away! I remember seeing people's tickers who only had 20-30 pounds to go and thinking that they were practically there. It doesn't feel like that from this end. It's hard work.

I'm glad so many are posting. It's great to keep in touch.

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Wow! I got busy for a few days and so many of you showed up again. Yay! It's great to see you all back and chatting again. I've missed you all. And sounds like there have been some trials while you were gone.

Amy, that's very scary. I had that trouble with scar tissue back last July but mine was so minor compared to yours. Glad you're doing better now. And I'm glad to hear it was easier to do the post op diet the second time around. I really, really need to do something to kick in my weight loss. I think just having a good loss would be all I need to get me going again but it's been hell to stick with anything. I am still walking regularly so at least that hasn't gone away.

Ready - good to see you again and see you motivated too. Way to go!

tsk - great to have you back again. You're really doing well and looking great.

SLG - definitely don't wait until December. Never hurts to check it out and it's so much better to go in and have it be nothing than to wait and find out it was something and is worse cause you waited.

Oh where, oh where has my little Tap gone? Oh where, oh where, can she be? Tap! You're missed here.

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WB Kelli!! I lived on pineapple juice for months. It's the pitts. Oh yeah, and popcorn, ice cream, candy - all those things we are supposed to avoid (mostly).

It sounds like you might be a bit too tight. You should go see your surgeon and ask him what he suggests. Good luck! Let us know how you're doing. :sad:

Yes, popcorn and ice cream are my weaknesses. :)

I did end up calling the surgeon Saturday morning. The P.A. was on call and told me to try meat tenderizer. I couldn't bring myself to do it. She said she would meet me in the E.R. to remove all the Fluid from my band if I thought I couldn't make it til Monday. I hung in there, and it seems to be getting better. I do believe something was stuck in there. It's odd to go from being able to eat almost anything one day, to barely getting liquids down the next. I stayed on liquids and mushies until tonight. I ate dinner, including a small portion of meat, and it went down okay (I chewed, chewed, chewed!). I wasn't able to eat as much, but that's okay. As long as I can get some food down. I'll give it a few more days. If it still seem like I'm too tight, I'll pay my surgeon a visit for sure.

tsk - great to have you back again. You're really doing well and looking great.

Thanks, Ezma! You, too! It's good to be back and in touch with all of you! :)

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