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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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Oh... and my weekend? Not much to report.

I'm going to Walmart tonight to buy an elliptical machine. I need to do some changes to my workout to get back into it. I think I just staled and it wasn't fun anymore. So... I'm spending my weeking putting it together and playing on it. :) Of course can't forget the Farm Town now!!

I posted this in another thread but I bought some Skechers Shape-Ups shoes. They are freakin awesome shoes, no lie! I did one mile in them and felt like I would after doing 3 in normal athletic shoes. I will always love them! Can you hear the tune playing in your head?


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Hello Ladies!

Well, I'm getting excited for my garage sale. We have things ready (mostly, lol) and planning on selling cinnamon rolls and lemonade (like Melissa suggested, I think it's a cute idea). I hope to sell the rolls, because I don't want them in the house, lol! My sweet tooth demon will surely attack them. If there's any left, I'll just have hubby take them to work. And Tap, I made my signs HUGE, lol . . . I agree with you, some people make such small signs, they are impossible to read. Anyway, hoping to make some money this weekend - the weather is supposed to be really nice, so that will help. I hope it all goes well. :tt2:

Thanks all for the kind words about my kitty. I still have two cats around the house, so it helps. I think they may be sensing a difference too. Just gonna keep the positive thoughts flowing, and remember the good times we shared. :lol:

Well I saw my surgeon yesterday, and he is just the nicest guy. He didn't give me any lecture regarding my weight gain at all, he was just concerned that he couldn't give my lap-band even a small fill without giving me heart burn or reflux. So I have to go and get an Upper GI and then he can evaluate the band further. I hope it's not slipped or something. :lol:

Ezma, if you conquer that cookie demon, will you let me know how please? The seems to be my big problem, I'm just craving sweets lately. I went to the whole foods store after my doctor visit, and stocked up on some fresh fruits in season - plums, nectarines, and some great looking kiwi fruits. I also bought a bought some new things to spruce up salads - sprouts, sun-dried tomatoes (not sure the calorie count on those) and some butter lettuce. Butter lettuce makes good sandwich wraps too! So I'm still trying . . . I gotta beat that sweet tooth demon in the butt. :thumbup:

Melissa, I hope you have a great time with your family in Utah! You'll have to share it all with us when you get back. Isn't it great not to have to worry about fitting into seats and other things! :wub:

Struggling with you on the exercise Tap - with all the work we've been doing on the sale (plus other family gatherings that have been going on), I just haven't had the energy to do as much as I should. I've been out on my bike, and still working around the yard, but it's not enough to keep up with what I've been eating! I did drop two pounds rather quickly. Maybe it was Water weight? I can hope, lol! :)

Oh my dear VV's!! My are we struggling??? It's such a great heartache for all of us.


We have for the many of us been dealing with weight gain. I know for a fact now its much more common than many might think. So many have this false hope that once they have the band that they will lose weight "forever". Well I really try to stress that, that is a false hope. Not in a bad way, but to make sure they understand that no matter what you do - YOU HAVE TO DO THIS ON YOUR OWN. The band is not some magical wizard that is going to do this for you. It helps, sure - but its more like - 10% Band - 90% Willpower.

It still beats the 100% willpower though, no?


Anyway, back to what I was mentioning... I am seriously going to get back my weight loss mojo. I am going to be super strick for the month of August. I'm only going to have my 3 square meals - and my lunch and dinner will be strictly portion controlled. My only Snacks allowed are fruit or beef jerkey. No sliders, ie yogurt or whatever. I need to eat things that I know wont leave me hungry again too soon.

Good luck and as always - KEEP SWIMMING!! This truly is a life long battle. The good thing is there is no limit on how many times we can try again. :eek:

Thanks so much for this post Irene - it really gave me lots of inspiration! You are right, we do need to keep doing 90% on our own (although right now I wish my band was giving me a LITTLE help) . . . I loved where you said "there is no limit on how many times we can try again." AMEN to that! :blink::thumbup:

Just keep swimming all, and have a great weekend! I'll probably be back on Monday :tt1: ((((Warm Hugs))))

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Hey Girls! First I want to say I'm so sorry to hear about your cat Lori. I think at times like that, you feel bad enough about your loss, so don't beat yourself up about eating a little more on top of it. Feeling the way you do is not silly AT ALL. I have 2 dogs, soon to get a third. They are really my babies. I had to have a hysterectomy in 2005, I don't have children, so they are my children. I know how devistated I will feel when they pass. So a big hug to you.

Tapshoes, I know how you feel about the exercise. I felt that way for a long time. I use to just stick to one or two things and have to force myself. But now I do a pretty good variety of things a nd now I actually don't mind working out anymore, and even enjoy it, when I'm not tired wishing I was in bed! (I work out at 5:00am, it's the only time I have. What type of work out are you doing? Is it just working out you have to "force yourself to do" or is it a lot of things? Is it possible you can have depression? I don't really know anything about you so I hope that question doesn't offend you. But just keep trying different things, you might actually stuble upon something you enjoy.

As for the cookie demon, I just fought a long hard battle with the ice cream demon. Luckily the fill I had on the 24th has seemed to cure it for now. Knock on wood! I don't want to speak too soon, but I'm thinking I may have actually reached my sweet spot/green zone. I'm thrilled. I hope this is it.

I hope everyone has a great evening, give all the little demons a good swift kick!

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Morning everyone! Thanks heavens it is Friday - I cannot wait for this week to be over. I just haven't been in the mood - for work, for exercise, for eating right - nothing! But I'm very hopeful the weekend will turn that around as it is supposed to be sunny! We haven't had sunshine in a good while - rain, rain, and more rain! Anytime I expected to see animals going two by two down the roads! Anyways, to catch up....

Fighting the cookie demon still.

Fight Ezma Fight!!! Avoid the store as much as is possible. And resist...I'm a fine one to talk. DH bought a bag of unshelled peanuts last night, and of course, I HAD to had some. Not the whole bag, but still, I'm trying to avoid my personal demon. And I refuse to turn the house into a place where DH is restricted in what he does/likes/enjoys.

I'm traveling to Utah for a family reunion.

It's fun to be able to ride the rides if I want to without worrying about whether I will fit or not.

Shiny - That sounds like a good (although noisy with all those kids) time! And you ride on every ride - twice if you want to! You have worked so hard, and this is the proof that it pays off! Enjoy enjoy!

BTW, OMG you are only 28 Lbs from goal. That is so fantastic!

Isn't that wonderful!!

I'm going to Walmart tonight to buy an elliptical machine. I need to do some changes to my workout to get back into it.

I posted this in another thread but I bought some Skechers Shape-Ups shoes. They are freakin awesome shoes, no lie! I did one mile in them and felt like I would after doing 3 in normal athletic shoes. I will always love them! Can you hear the tune playing in your head?

Is the elliptical on sale? There might be better deals at a used fitness equipment place...all those January resolutions that faded in March...

Those shoes look interesting. I'd like to hear a few more reviews though before I fork out that kind of cash - but as someone who walks almost every day, they may be just what I need to pump up the cardio.

And yes, the song is ringing in my ears....

I'm getting excited for my garage sale. I hope it all goes well. :)

I hope so too!

Thanks all for the kind words about my kitty. I still have two cats around the house, so it helps. I think they may be sensing a difference too.

I'm sure they do; cats do have some weird psychic abilities I think.

Well I saw my surgeon yesterday, and he is just the nicest guy. He didn't give me any lecture regarding my weight gain at all, he was just concerned that he couldn't give my lap-band even a small fill without giving me heart burn or reflux. So I have to go and get an Upper GI and then he can evaluate the band further.

I think having an upper GI is a good step. Your doc sounds like he is a good one and that you have a good rapport. I think that is important in our struggles.

I'm just craving sweets lately. I went to the whole foods store after my doctor visit, and stocked up on some fresh fruits in season - plums, nectarines, and some great looking kiwi fruits. I also bought a bought some new things to spruce up salads - sprouts, sun-dried tomatoes (not sure the calorie count on those) and some butter lettuce. Butter lettuce makes good sandwich wraps too! So I'm still trying . . . I gotta beat that sweet tooth demon in the butt. :crying:

You are making some good choices here...I love fruit too! Some other things for salads you may want to consider - but use sparingly- are raisins, dried cranberries, walnuts, olives, chopped up dates...mmmmmm.

I loved where you said "there is no limit on how many times we can try again." AMEN to that! :frown::thumbup:

Yes indeed!!!

have 2 dogs, soon to get a third. They are really my babies. I had to have a hysterectomy in 2005, I don't have children, so they are my children. I know how devistated I will feel when they pass. So a big hug to you.

hey Jul - another animal lover! At one time I had 6 cats and 2 dogs...now I'm down to 3 cats (and none of them are the originals). I'd love a dog, but that isn't in the foreseeable future.

Tapshoes, I know how you feel about the exercise. I felt that way for a long time. I use to just stick to one or two things and have to force myself.What type of work out are you doing? Is it just working out you have to "force yourself to do" or is it a lot of things? Is it possible you can have depression?

No worries - I don't take offense to questions asked with genuine interest/concern. In fact, I appreciate the thoughts. I have great interest and enthusiasm for lots of things, but with the exception of gardening, they aren't physical activities. I do things to shake up the routines - in the last few months alone beside my regular workouts (strength training with either stationary bike, elliptical, wave or treadmill), and my gardening, and my daily walking, I have played mini-golf, gone bowling, biking, swimming, dancing. Although I may enjoy each one to some degree, I do none of them because I want to, I do them because I know I need physical activity.

As for the cookie demon, I just fought a long hard battle with the ice cream demon. Luckily the fill I had on the 24th has seemed to cure it for now. Knock on wood! I don't want to speak too soon, but I'm thinking I may have actually reached my sweet spot/green zone. I'm thrilled. I hope this is it.

I hope so too!

OK everyone - have a great weekend...eat healthy and do some activity!

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Morning. I'm a mighty groggy girlie this morning. Didn't sleep well last night and moving poorly this morning. Might be due to the sugar fest I had yesterday. I'm trying to see if overloading myself will allow me to get a grip on it so I can move on with better food choices.

Really getting tired of the bathroom construction here. It's over two weeks now and they originally said it would be 5-6 days. It's basically done but there are a couple small leaks that need to be addressed and some dry wall and painting from repairs. It was a big project but it really looks lovely. If I can ever get a good picture of it I'll post it.

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Well, girls... today my training schedule says "10 miles". I've been freaking out about it for 2 weeks. I can't imagine that I can actually run 10 miles, but I guess we're about to find out.

I'm a slow runner, so I know it will take a minimum of 2 hours. TWO HOURS?? RUN FOR TWO HOURS?? Also, how hot is it going to be 2 hours from now? Ugh!

Wish me luck. lol

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Good luck Angie. I know you can do it. Can't imagine me ever doing anything like that. I admire you so much. Let us know how it went.

Morning all.

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Oh i forgot to update. lol

I did it! Took 2 hours and 7 minutes, and I feel like I've been run over, but I did it!

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Woo hoo!!! Way to go. I'm amazed by that and bet you can hardly believe you're the same person as before the band.

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Wow congrats!! That is fantastic!

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Morning guys. How's everyone doing this week? Starting a weight loss contest with my parents and maybe brother today. Hoping that having weekly accountability will help me more. So for I've been bouncing around between 2 or 3 pounds since my last doctor's appointment. Luckily the high end is the same as when I weighed at the office last. So if nothing else, I've stayed the same and not gained any. I have until the 18th to get some off. I know I can do this. Heck, I was consistantly losing 10-12 pounds every month before. I want my mojo back.

I forgot to pass on this tip I read from Sparkpeople or whatever it is. The title was something about the evening munchies and how to get rid of them. Article in a nutshell said you just have to have willpower thru the cravings. LMAO How was that for a helpful tip? I know I never thought of that one. hehe

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Oh i forgot to update. lol

I did it! Took 2 hours and 7 minutes, and I feel like I've been run over, but I did it!

Congratulations! That is FANTASTIC!!

But nope, I'm not inspired to do it too!

Starting a weight loss contest with my parents and maybe brother today. I want my mojo back.

Article in a nutshell said you just have to have willpower thru the cravings. LMAO How was that for a helpful tip? I know I never thought of that one. hehe

Hi Ezma! If you find your mojo, will you see if mine is with it? Mine's gone missing too!!!

As for that helpful hint...who'da thunk it???:blink:

So, where is everyone? Lori, how did your sale go? Shiny - I know you are on vacation, but are you checking in? Lil Miss? CJKWallace?Jul? Angie - still recovering?? St. Louis?

I had a BAD Sunday - I was unstoppable in eating crap and doing nothing! Yesterday was much better but only because I was feeling sick from the day before!

Today I am back on the eating program, but not the exercise..I just didn't want to do it today. Seriously, I HAVE to get back on the exercise regime, but I just don't have any interest..........

I am thinking of going for a small unfill - I am starting to get a bit of a sore throat and have been having lots of post-meal burping...LOTS of it. So, perhaps I need a small unfill. I shall wait another day or two to decide and see if I start to have any trouble swallowing 'hard protein'. Yogurt all things slippery are NO problem.

Anyway, that's my post for the day. Come on VVs. Tell us what's happening.

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Oh i forgot to update. lol

I did it! Took 2 hours and 7 minutes, and I feel like I've been run over, but I did it!

WOW, Angie that is amazing! Congratulations to you, that is fabulous. :thumbup::thumbup: You must be in some really great shape! :lol:

So, where is everyone? Lori, how did your sale go? ....

Anyway, that's my post for the day. Come on VVs. Tell us what's happening.

Sorry Tap, I didn't get to update on Monday, I had a lot of busy work to get to, and just didn't get time for the computer. August is gonna be a busy month. Anyway, the garage sale was FANTASTIC!!!! I had a blast. It was a lot of work, but I just enjoyed meeting people, chatting and just having fun. We sold over 85% of what we had available, and we made twice as much money as I thought we were gonna. Honestly though, I think the best part was meeting people! My two favorite quotes from the sale:

"I go to garage sales all the time, and this is just one of the nicest I've ever seen - you really have everything organized, and you have something for everyone in the family!" That made me feel so good hearing this, 'cus I did work hard to organize everything. I'm sure we did have something for everyone, lol . . . 18 years of accumulated stuff, plus stuff from my hubby's side of the family - when his mother passed away, and when his grandmother passed away. I felt a little bad selling some of it, but hubby didn't - we just don't have the room! Where does all this "stuff" come from? lol :blink:

A lady picked up a beautiful pastel dress that still had the tags on it (size 2X), and she was amazed it was never worn. I told her it was meant to be an Easter dress. She said, "Oh, I'm so sorry the lady never got to wear this, it's lovely." When I told her that lady was me, she looked me up and down in disbelief. It just felt so good :huh2: "You must have lost quite a bit of weight." Yep I did :wink2: It always feels so good when someone notices. :wub:

The "bake sale part" of the sale flopped, no one wanted to buy food, even the tempting aroma of cinnamon rolls. I ended up giving them away for free to those who bought something. A neighbor even brought over a plate of chocolate chip Cookies to hand out. The neighbors were all so friendly and came over to chat and help out!

The weather cooperated by being sunny and beautiful all weekend, I don't think I could have asked for more. It was a very successful sale and a great time. Plus I have my garage, crawl space and several closets cleaned out! I'm geeked. :lol:


Getting back to my weight loss and motivation, it seems I found my mojo! I have my weight back into the 150's (whew) and I'm doing excellent staying on plan (so far for 4 days, lol). I'm gonna try really hard and keep it up. Maybe my inspiration came back from the compliments I received from over the weekend. Anyway, no more excuses - vacation is over, no more parties. Well except for the birthday party for my son, but I'm gonna really practice some restraint against the ice cream and cake. I gotta view that stuff as EVIL. :huh2:

Tap, I'm with you, my exercise mojo is still lagging - I think I need something new to spark it. Eating good for a few days will help me to shed a few of those extra pounds I've gained, but I know it's exercise that's gonna burn the rest off and keep me from gaining more. Especially when my lap-band isn't up to par at the moment. I'm really doing this on will power alone right now.

Anyway, no more excuses - full steam ahead and charging towards my goal!


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Hey everyone! Sounds like a lot of exciting stuff has been going on. This past week is the best one I have had in a long time. Last year was extremely rough for me with 3 deaths in our family and various other problems. But for the first time in a long time I feel like the black cloud has moved over. I hope it moved far away! First of all my last fill was just magic! I am able to stop eating with no effort. I'm eating the small amounts I had expected when I got the surgery. For awhile I was wondering if the band just didn't really work for me. Well after this last fill it is! Like I said I'm eating small amounts, feeling very satisfied for a long time. I feel good. I reached anew low. 201!!! This is big for me. I am soon to be out of the 200's. I'm just thrilled about that.

We went to an amusement park over the weekend and i know what you guys were talking about. How great it was to get on rides and not be embarassed because they can't strap you in a ride. I felt great. It was the first time in a long time i felt more like a "normal" person, and not an obese patient. And we got a puppy. She is 3 mths old and just loveable! I don't mean to come off as bragging or me, me, me. I'm just so happy, I really feel I have much to be thankful for right now. I'm just basking in it because I can't remember the last time I felt this way. Ok enough about me.

Angie, that is amazing! That is truly something to be proud of. Not just that you ran the 2 miles, but that you have improved your health and fittness level to be able to do it. Awesome!

Lilmissdiva, how is it going since your unfill? Are you feeling a lot better? How many fills did you have prior to it?

Tapshoes, I'm glad to hear you have many interests. I guess sometimes it's just hard to be motivated when life can just be so busy. I missed my workout the past couple mornings and feel a little guilty, but I'll get it back. Did eating get better? I know when I go through my eating whateve phases I get mad at myself. But eventually it works it's self out.

Ezma, I know what you mean about those articles that say things like "to lose weight you need healthier habbits" it's like DUH! Why didn't I think of that. Do they really think so many people would have weight problems if it was that simple?!!

Hey Lori, how are you?

Well time to go back to work for me. talk to everyone soon.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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