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Victorious Valentines - Feb. 08 - MASTER THREAD!

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I couldn't agree with you more! The band can be used in such a variety of ways, but I don't think it was intended to force a liquid diet on us so we can lose weight. You can just have your jaw wired shut if that's what you wanted to do!

I believe that we need to be able to eat real food in order to nourish our bodies as well as our physical need to eat and enjoy our food. Fruits and veggies, meats, all of these things should be part of a healthy diet (unless you're a vegetarian, of course) and I think the optimum restriction level is one that allows you to consume these things, in smaller portions and then feel full from that.

As I'm writing this, I have to admit that I am probably in that spot. There are times when I eat what amounts to basically a full-sized meal and immediately I worry and think that I need a fill. But for the most part, my band helps me keep to small portions and eat slowly. Honestly I would rather be not quite tight enough and have to exercise some willpower than to be overfilled and not able to eat a salad, or fruit.

I think you're on the right track and I can understand why you are so over it--rightly so.

You'll have to let us know how the unfill goes. Hopefully your surgeon won't give you any problems about it.

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I couldn't agree with you more! The band can be used in such a variety of ways, but I don't think it was intended to force a liquid diet on us so we can lose weight. You can just have your jaw wired shut if that's what you wanted to do!

I believe that we need to be able to eat real food in order to nourish our bodies as well as our physical need to eat and enjoy our food. Fruits and veggies, meats, all of these things should be part of a healthy diet (unless you're a vegetarian, of course) and I think the optimum restriction level is one that allows you to consume these things, in smaller portions and then feel full from that.

As I'm writing this, I have to admit that I am probably in that spot. There are times when I eat what amounts to basically a full-sized meal and immediately I worry and think that I need a fill. But for the most part, my band helps me keep to small portions and eat slowly. Honestly I would rather be not quite tight enough and have to exercise some willpower than to be overfilled and not able to eat a salad, or fruit.

I think you're on the right track and I can understand why you are so over it--rightly so.

You'll have to let us know how the unfill goes. Hopefully your surgeon won't give you any problems about it.

Thank you Melissa... :frown: I was feeling so discouraged when I wrote that. I feel much better now since I got it out! LOL

Anyhow, I'm still going through with the slight unfill. I seriously doubt I will have an issue with my Dr. In fact, I know he is going to get on my case for not coming in sooner. His pet peeve is for his patients to be too overfilled and going through what I'm going through.

He has always stressed that alot. It took me 9 fills to get to where I am now, if you can believe that.

My advice to you is, you sound like you are doing great. I know the feeling of wanting another fill, etc. but if you even think for one second that maybe you shouldn't - then you definitely shouldn't. I always try to tell the newbs that are still getting fills that ask that question this. You shouldn't have any doubt as to whether you need another fill to get one. YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU DID NEED ONE!! :thumbdown:

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Morning everyone! Yeah, Shiny is back!

Yesterday my band was VERY finicky...I didn't get 'food' into me until the late afternoon, and that was my morning smoothie! However, by 7 or so in the evening, I was ravenous - and had 1/2 turkey breast filet with an onion sauce, and some cherries and a handful of granola. Then just before bed, I had a few tbsps of Peanut Butter. I know, not a great choice, but I really wanted to get my Protein in. Today, so far, so good.

NSV- I had my wedding resized for a second time and it's now size 5 1/2. I know my ring size was at least an 8 before I had my surgery.

I had a very nice visit with Jaime and StLouisGal. We met at a restaurant and had dinner and chatted. It's great to see others going through the same milestones and talk about our individual battles.

My weight is at a standstill. It doesn't look like I gained or lost much on my trip. It's good that I didn't gain. I behaved in a manner consistent with maintenance, I suppose.


YEAH on the NSV!

It's wonderful you met up with Jaime and St. Louis...I'd love to meet all of you someday, but I don't see it happening in the short term. Maybe someday.

Good morning everyone!

I just wanted to post here simply because I want to announce that I'm sick and I'm tired. Sick/tired of being too tight. ...of not being able to eat a healthy Breakfast. ...of not being able to eat a healthy lunch or dinner. ...of not being able to eat. ...without having to force pinapple juice down my throat so I can get some food in my stomach without that piercing pain and glob of food forcing its way back up.

I have an appointment on July 31st to have Fluid unfilled in my band. I think I want ALOT taken out! I'm truly done with this feeling. I even think I'd rather NOT HAVE ENOUGH IN! I want to be able to eat what everyone else is eating. Just not alot of it. I just want to feel *NORMAL* again!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, but when I decided to get the Lap-Band, it was to come to terms with food and grow a *healthy* relationship with it. This IS NOT HEALTHY! I think more about food now than I ever have before!

I'm so done with it.

LilMiss - I am so sorry for what you are struggling with! Yes, go for an unfill - and get yourself back to a place where you can have a healthy relationship with food. Where you can eat solids, have more than 1 tbsp and enjoy!

You are correct - how you are eating now is NOT healthy - physically or psychologically. Get an unfill.

I believe that we need to be able to eat real food in order to nourish our bodies as well as our physical need to eat and enjoy our food. Fruits and veggies, meats, all of these things should be part of a healthy diet (unless you're a vegetarian, of course) and I think the optimum restriction level is one that allows you to consume these things, in smaller portions and then feel full from that.

You'll have to let us know how the unfill goes. Hopefully your surgeon won't give you any problems about it.


[b. You shouldn't have any doubt as to whether you need another fill to get one. YOU WOULD KNOW IF YOU DID NEED ONE!! :thumbup:

Yes indeed! I get frustrated/concerned when I read the newbie posts about getting a fill on a schedule rather than based on a NEED...not a desire to lose X pounds quickly. :thumbup:

Where are the VVs today?

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Morning all. :thumbup:

Sounds like you guys are right on track this week. Heads in the right place and bodies doing what we want them to do. Yay! Even with your band too tight Lil, at least you know what needs to be done an have a good attitude about it.

Tap - Peanut Butter at night when you've barely been able to eat all day sounds like a good choice to me. It's good Protein and good fat if I know what I'm talking about. And anymore, not too sure about that. But it sounds like you did a great thing by eating it.

I had my doctor's appt yesterday and gained 6 pounds. It was horrible especially as it put me at a spot I never wanted to see again. I did feel a bit better when she said it wasnt fat. It was 1 pound of muscle and 5 pounds of Water. Eh. That's better than fat but I still hate gaining.

Now for the good news. My head is in a much better place today. I feel motivated and inspired. I'm ready to move and lose. In fact, I lost 2 pounds since yesterday. Helps that I barely ate anything yesterday since I had a major toothache. Hey, maybe that's my best diet aid. Oh. Groan. Not the way I wanna lose weight. Feeling better this morning which is really good news since my son and I are going to California for a few days tomorrow. Gotta get stuff done today for the trip and get the house ready for invaders. Hehe. They are starting demo on my master bath tomorrow and a friend is staying here to take care of our dogs and cat. Actually looking forward to the trip now. I wasn't before because I was just wanting to stay home. That combined with the fact that we are going to see my in-laws made it an unappetising prospect. I love them dearly but chaos reigns in that family and then I knew it would be bringing up my hubby a lot. Excited for it now. Gonna do some fun stuff though I'm not sure what exactly yet.

Have a great day. Think I'll be able to post while I'm gone but if I don't, that's why.

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Morning everyone! Yeah, Shiny is back!


Yesterday my band was VERY finicky...I didn't get 'food' into me until the late afternoon, and that was my morning smoothie! However, by 7 or so in the evening, I was ravenous - and had 1/2 turkey breast filet with an onion sauce, and some cherries and a handful of granola. Then just before bed, I had a few tbsps of Peanut Butter. I know, not a great choice, but I really wanted to get my Protein in. Today, so far, so good.

Ugh! That's what I'm talking about... I just don't want to even be that tight anymore. I want to be able to eat breakfast (solid) everyday without pain. Trust me, I've learned to eat like a bandster the hard way. I'm just ready to lighten up the tightness so I can eat again!

YEAH on the NSV!

It's wonderful you met up with Jaime and St. Louis...I'd love to meet all of you someday, but I don't see it happening in the short term. Maybe someday.

That would be nice. We need to have our own little get together for VV's!

LilMiss - I am so sorry for what you are struggling with! Yes, go for an unfill - and get yourself back to a place where you can have a healthy relationship with food. Where you can eat solids, have more than 1 tbsp and enjoy!

You are correct - how you are eating now is NOT healthy - physically or psychologically. Get an unfill.

Thanks Tap! That's exactly what I plan to do!

Yes indeed! I get frustrated/concerned when I read the newbie posts about getting a fill on a schedule rather than based on a NEED...not a desire to lose X pounds quickly. :crying:

Where are the VVs today?

Morning all. :wub:

Sounds like you guys are right on track this week. Heads in the right place and bodies doing what we want them to do. Yay! Even with your band too tight Lil, at least you know what needs to be done an have a good attitude about it.

I try so hard to remain positive, and in the hopes that I will learn how to use my tool correctly, and to truly appreciate it!!

Tap - peanut butter at night when you've barely been able to eat all day sounds like a good choice to me. It's good protein and good fat if I know what I'm talking about. And anymore, not too sure about that. But it sounds like you did a great thing by eating it.

I had my doctor's appt yesterday and gained 6 pounds. It was horrible especially as it put me at a spot I never wanted to see again. I did feel a bit better when she said it wasnt fat. It was 1 pound of muscle and 5 pounds of Water. Eh. That's better than fat but I still hate gaining.

I'm so sorry to hear about that Ezma. I know exactly how you're feeling regarding that. It's so disheartening to gain weight when we have gone through all of this to lose it. I gained over 20 Lbs... and it's shameful to even say it out loud. I felt like a failure for so long - but I think for myself I've finally figured out why.

You and I might have different background reasons on why it happened, but I think as long as we've all got one another we can get through it.

Now for the good news. My head is in a much better place today. I feel motivated and inspired. I'm ready to move and lose. In fact, I lost 2 pounds since yesterday. Helps that I barely ate anything yesterday since I had a major toothache. Hey, maybe that's my best diet aid. Oh. Groan. Not the way I wanna lose weight. Feeling better this morning which is really good news since my son and I are going to California for a few days tomorrow. Gotta get stuff done today for the trip and get the house ready for invaders. Hehe. They are starting demo on my master bath tomorrow and a friend is staying here to take care of our dogs and cat. Actually looking forward to the trip now. I wasn't before because I was just wanting to stay home. That combined with the fact that we are going to see my in-laws made it an unappetising prospect. I love them dearly but chaos reigns in that family and then I knew it would be bringing up my hubby a lot. Excited for it now. Gonna do some fun stuff though I'm not sure what exactly yet.

Have a great day. Think I'll be able to post while I'm gone but if I don't, that's why.

Have fun!!!

Everyone, I have decided to start over from my destructive behaviors. I'm doing the 5daypouchtest.com fasting to renew my senses. I really need that right now.

That along with my unfill on the 31st, I will "start over" with my band. I know I've said that so many times before. However, I must also acknowledge the fact that I've seemingly overcome a terrible addiction I've had for a very long time. That being the chips. I truly know this is something I will never be able to enjoy again. It triggers too much, and I cannot control my intake. I tried for a very long time.

So, I wash myself from the past by fasting for a few days. Then move on to a better me. I will get to goal (which right now is 170, and we'll see from there). So it took me awhile to come to terms with alot of things - but as the saying goes, its not how long it takes but how you get there.


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Yay! I found my 2008 bandsters. I was reading Lilmiss divas message, I totally relate to the new addiction to sweets. Before I was banded I wasn't a big sweet aholic either, but now I'm always craving ice cream and candy. My biggest problems before being banded was fast food and soda. What sucks is I still want them too on top of my new Ice cream addiction. URGH!!! In fact today I'm just having one of those days where I feel like saying who cares anymore! I feel so tired of making so much effort and getting so little results. I get up at 5:00am everyday to work out, overall my diet is healthy. Not perfect, but certainly a major improvement than my non banded days.My portions are waYYYYYY smaller than before my surgery. I still feel I can eat kind of a lot for being banded though. I get another fill on 7-24-09. I only have 4 1/2 CCs so I don't think I'm in danger of being too overfilled yet, so I'm gonna tell my doctor, fill er' up baby! So I'll have 5 1/2 CCs, hopfully that will give me a boost. I was so sure I would lose 100 pounds my first year. Here it is one year and 5 months later and I've only lost 55-51 pounds (the scale seems to fluctuate a lot lately) I've been stuck at this weight about 3 months now.I can't decide if there is something I can do better, if my next fill will make the difference. I don't feel physically able to work out more than I do (1 hour /day, combined aerobics and strength training). I know I'm in better physical shape than I was before, but not as much as I would like to be. I'm sure I'll eventually be reinspired, but for today and maybe tomorrow and maybe the next day? I'm having a pitty party!!! All are invited and welcome! Anyway thank you to whoever bothered to read my self pitty.

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Hi all, I'm back from vacation! :eek: Hubby and I had a great time exploring Chicago, although it's not a town for a diet - I gained 4 pounds while there :crying: Eating in yummy restaurants every meal is not a good way to eat healthy. Ah well, I did have fun! My weight is not 155, I'll be honest and say it's now 159 (major sigh) but I just can't bring myself to change the ticker, lol. I'm going the wrong way here on my ticker - time to get serious again, and reach that goal!!! :w00t: I am motivated to do it.


I believe that we need to be able to eat real food in order to nourish our bodies as well as our physical need to eat and enjoy our food. Fruits and veggies, meats, all of these things should be part of a healthy diet (unless you're a vegetarian, of course) and I think the optimum restriction level is one that allows you to consume these things, in smaller portions and then feel full from that.

I just wanted to say I agree with this completely. Our bodies need a balanced diet to keep the metabolism burning. We need healthy carbs to burn fat (whole grains, fruits and veggies). Those fad foods and diets didn't work before the Lap-Band, they are not going to work now. Then again, I am dietitian bred and raised, lol :crying: I could not have come this far without her excellent advice.

Hey Jul! Glad to have you here and chatting with us! :wub: Please don't worry about the pity party hun, we all have them, and we are all here to share them. And we are here to help re-inspire you! :) I have those same addictions. Major sweet tooth here. I probably would not have gained a couple of those pounds (during my vacation) were it not for ice cream, lol. My humble advice if you are experiencing a plateau - you need to change up something, maybe a few somethings. Your body most likely adapted to the way you are eating and the amount of exercise you are doing. I'm not sure what your aerobic exercise is, but try changing it up - if you are walking, try a brief jog in the middle of it. I do this on my treadmill - I go at my power-walk pace, then run for a bit until I get out of breath, then slow back down. I read about this somewhere online (not that I believe everything I read online, lol) - but it has worked for me. You have to give your body something new. Try eating some new foods - make sure you're getting a balanced diet. If you want a change, you gotta make a change :wink:

Hang with us, everyone here is so wonderful at helping each other though these tough times! Now I'm off to listen to my own advice, lol, and do some upper body work outs.

HEY EVERYONE - please add what you are eating in the recipe thread. I was the only one who posted there. :crying: If we can give each other ideas on some new foods, I'm sure it will help break up the monotony and maybe give our healthy eating habits a good kick-start. :smile:

Just keep swimming all! We have all had failures in the past, but that does NOT mean we can't be successful this time! :)

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Huh?!! Did we switch threads or is everyone on vacation? Not a single post since the day I left for vacation. Really weird.

Hope you're all doing well and having healthy days. I've decided I'm gonna go on vacation more often. I managed to lose 5 pounds in 6 days and most of it was in the last 4 days while I was out of town. We ate out most meals and had leftovers from eating out when we didn't actually go out. I'm still trying to figure out what I did so differently so I can keep it up. I know it wasn't more exercise because I actually got less. Whatever it was, I'm psyched and wanting more of it. Or is that actually less of it? ^_^

Off to shower and walk. Have a great day guys and hope to hear from more of you soon. Or tell me where you more the chat thread to - hehe.

Tap? Everything okay? Business trip?

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Hi All

I haven't posted as it has actually been sunny here and so I was making the most of getting some Vitamin D. My house is a mess but the weather will change soon and I'll tidy up.LOL

Band wise I think I may have slipped. You may know I had a complete unfill the 9th June because of being too tight for too long and causing my pouch to stretch. Although I did liquids and a Maalox diet I don't think my pouch has shrunk back. I can hardly eat anything and have pain when I do.

I'm back on Clear Liquids for the week and hopefully it will help.

I will make an appt but I', scared they'll want to take it out.

I'm glad everyone is doing OK.

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I'm here! I just usually myself don't post on weekends. This is what I do at work ;o)

Ezma, good deal on the weight loss! I'm taking some vacation time starting Wednesday thru next Tuesday. Maybe I can drop a few myself? However something tells me I won't because my only plans are to be a major bum. I'm not going to do anything but sleep and play on my computer. I have not ever done that unless I've had surgery or been sick. Now that's no fun! I wanna do it because that's just what I wanna do. LOL!!

Anyway, just a quickie update on me. I got in to see my Dr. about my band being to tight on Thursday afternoon. He was righteously upset with me. He made sure I was aware that he always tried to tell me not to get too tight. He asked how long I'd been like that... I told him since my last fill in February. Actually it had been a bit longer. I knew I didn't need my last fill as I was already a bit tight. I was just gaining (didn't realize I had soft food syndrome even then) and thought that would help. It made it much worse.

Oh well, I'm much better now! I can eat solid food without pain! I think he took out more than his last fill. I didn't ask how much, and really that doesn't even matter. What does matter is how I feel, and I feel GREAT!! I'm not thinking about food constantly. I can eat a normal portion in 20-30 minutes. It lasts in my pouch from 4-5 hours. I'm so stoked!! How can that be? From super tight to sweet spot in one stroke? LMAO! My Dr. is the best!

Another wonderful thing that is going on with me is my best friend growing up (we have been friends for almost 30 years now) has decided to get a lap-band. At first I would tell her maybe she doesn't really want one, but for the last few days I have been really pro-band! I even went with her to the Pre-Op patient seminar, and stayed for our support group meeting. OMG, I haven't been to one in almost 9 months I think. IDK, I even got up in front of everyone and spelled out my troubles, being too tight and gaining... but to tell them it's ok. You can always start over - as this is going to be a lifetime struggle.

Well I miss ya VV's. Post!!

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Now for the good news. My head is in a much better place today. I feel motivated and inspired. I'm ready to move and lose. .

my son and I are going to California for a few days tomorrow. Gotta get stuff done today for the trip and get the house ready for invaders. Hehe. They are starting demo on my master bath tomorrow and a friend is staying here to take care of our dogs and cat.

Ezma - Your attitude is great. Kepp it up.

A trip to California sounds great - poarticularly when your house is undergoing renovations! Who needs that chaos?? Enjoy!

I will get to goal (which right now is 170, and we'll see from there). So it took me awhile to come to terms with alot of things - but as the saying goes, its not how long it takes but how you get there.


EXACTLY!!!! YAY you!

Here it is one year and 5 months later and I've only lost 55-51 pounds (the scale seems to fluctuate a lot lately) I've been stuck at this weight about 3 months now.I can't decide if there is something I can do better, if my next fill will make the difference. I'm sure I'll eventually be reinspired, but for today and maybe tomorrow and maybe the next day? I'm having a pitty party!!! All are invited and welcome! Anyway thank you to whoever bothered to read my self pitty.

Hi Jul. And welcome! We are here to support you - we alll know EXACTLY what you are talking about. We have good days, bad days, plateaus, weight gains, frustrations, and milestones! It's all part of the process, and I find posting here a big help!

Keep posting, and we'll give you are words of wisdom/experience. To quote one of our more steadfast memebers: just keep swimming!

Hi all, I'm back from vacation! :thumbup: Hubby and I had a great time exploring Chicago, although it's not a town for a diet - I gained 4 pounds while there :lol:

If you want a change, you gotta make a change :thumbup:

Just keep swimming all! We have all had failures in the past, but that does NOT mean we can't be successful this time! :crying:

Lori's back - YEAH!!!!

And such a positive message too! Glad you had a great vacation, and those pounds you gained will be gone again - get back in the groove, Lori!

Im hoping to take some vacation in September, and sure as shootin' I'll gain a few pounds - so until then I want to be REALLY careful to allow myself some 'wiggle room'. Not that I am losing any weigt; I think I am where I am going to remain (unless I have some plastic surgery).

I've decided I'm gonna go on vacation more often. I managed to lose 5 pounds in 6 days and most of it was in the last 4 days while I was out of town. We ate out most meals and had leftovers from eating out when we didn't actually go out. I'm still trying to figure out what I did so differently so I can keep it up. I know it wasn't more exercise because I actually got less. Whatever it was, I'm psyched and wanting more of it. Or is that actually less of it? ^_^

YAY Ezma! Maybe it was just a reaction of being away from stressors - your entire system just took a deep breath and relaxed and somehow this translated into a weight loss. You've had a very rough past few months; maybe your body was holding onto the fat as a defence or something. Who knows. Don't questions it - go with it!!!!

Hi All

Band wise I think I may have slipped. You may know I had a complete unfill the 9th June because of being too tight for too long and causing my pouch to stretch. Although I did liquids and a Maalox diet I don't think my pouch has shrunk back. I can hardly eat anything and have pain when I do.

I'm back on clear liquids for the week and hopefully it will help.

Oh CKK - I hope things are ok. Have you gone to the Doc? If yes, what did he/she say? If not, are you planning too? Tell us how you are doing.

. I'm not going to do anything but sleep and play on my computer. I have not ever done that unless I've had surgery or been sick. Now that's no fun! I wanna do it because that's just what I wanna do. LOL!!

Anyway, just a quickie update on me. I got in to see my Dr. about my band being to tight on Thursday afternoon. He was righteously upset with me.

Oh well, I'm much better now! I can eat solid food without pain! I think he took out more than his last fill. I can eat a normal portion in 20-30 minutes. It lasts in my pouch from 4-5 hours. I'm so stoked!!

I even got up in front of everyone and spelled out my troubles, being too tight and gaining... but to tell them it's ok. You can always start over - as this is going to be a lifetime struggle.

That is just so FABULOUS LilMiss! The right fill makes all the difference - so glad that you reached this spot, and that you haven't given up on yourself or the band. Small fills and only as required. Not too tight.

Talking to the group was probably good for you AND the group. Sometimes we need to hear it from another bandster NOT the doc/nurse/nutritionist. We need to hear it from ourselves (so to speak) to finally hear the message. TOO TIGHT IS NOT GOOD. And of course, starting over is always an option. ALWAYS! This is a lifetime commitment and so we have a lifetime to work with it to be successful.

I'm here. I've been feeling sorry for myself or something. Just have had the 'blahs'. The 'why bother to post, no one cares' moodies. I'm over it now.

I think.

Shiny/RSG/ST Louis/Jaime where are you?????

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Okay, after reading some of these threads i'm getting affraid of having another fill. I mean I think I need one, because it seems I can still eat more than I should. food isn't getting "stuck". Unless I eat too fast and don't chew well enough then it kind of feels a little stuck but not bad . How can you tell if it's too tight? How can you tell when you're at your sweet spot? I'm at 4 1/2 CCs. What do you guys think?I also think I need to switch up they way I'm working out. I think I've been puting more time into resistance training and not enough cardio. I know when I've had the best weight loss it was when I was doing more cardio.

But tha's great lil' miss diva, That must be an awesome feeling being at your sweet spot.

I want to thank every one for the warm welcome. I feel like I found a home.

Oh yeah I read something interesting. Someone did a study (in Japan) and said when you work out it actually helps if you take a little break in the middle of it rather than going straight through non stop. Like lets say you normally work out for one hour. Do a half hour of your work out, stop and sit, rest for 10 minutes then go back and finish the rest of your work out. i just started trying this this morning. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

My last question for everyone is do any of you still drink soda? I said it the bad "S" word.

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Okay, after reading some of these threads i'm getting affraid of having another fill. I mean I think I need one, because it seems I can still eat more than I should. food isn't getting "stuck". Unless I eat too fast and don't chew well enough then it kind of feels a little stuck but not bad . How can you tell if it's too tight? How can you tell when you're at your sweet spot? I'm at 4 1/2 CCs. What do you guys think?I also think I need to switch up they way I'm working out. I think I've been puting more time into resistance training and not enough cardio. I know when I've had the best weight loss it was when I was doing more cardio.

But tha's great lil' miss diva, That must be an awesome feeling being at your sweet spot.

I want to thank every one for the warm welcome. I feel like I found a home.

Oh yeah I read something interesting. Someone did a study (in Japan) and said when you work out it actually helps if you take a little break in the middle of it rather than going straight through non stop. Like lets say you normally work out for one hour. Do a half hour of your work out, stop and sit, rest for 10 minutes then go back and finish the rest of your work out. i just started trying this this morning. I'll let you guys know how it goes.

My last question for everyone is do any of you still drink soda? I said it the bad "S" word.

Hi jul,

My band and I have had issues with one another for awhile now. My band has been overly tight since around Thanksgiving of last year. I remember it well, it was the first time I experienced being stuck and PB/slime. I thought it was strange because I'd never experienced that before and I thought that it was a good thing. I read on here so many times of people only being able to eat so much and I was always able to eat more than that. I think the thing I failed to realize is, I WAS LOSING WEIGHT STEADILY. My body was doing good with the amount I WAS eating... but I was comparing myself too much with other people who have the band.

Things to consider before getting another fill:

1. Am I losing weight on a steady basis (1-2 Lbs per week)?

Not: Am I gaining weight (this can be a side effect of soft food syndrome, a huge indicator of being TOO TIGHT)

2. Am I experiencing any pain with eating, even though I'm eating slow, small bites, chewing well, etc - again, you could be on your way to being too tight or already there.

Not: How much am I eating (as long as you are losing)

3. What kind of food choices am I making? (Are you tending to stick with softer foods? Do you cringe at looking at most solid food? )(Please keep in mind, anything too well done or too much bread will still not pan out...)

The band was designed for us to eat NORMAL SOLID food, just less of it. In fact, I just had a turkey breast on whole wheat sandwhich for lunch, and boy was it delicious! It took me 30 minutes to eat it. I chewed really well, and I feel SATISFIED (satiety). Again, *NO PAIN* I'm sure since I feel satisfied, I should be fine now until dinner time.

Funny thing now is, since I've gotten some taken out my clothes are starting to loosen up once again. No sugar (or much much less anyway), and I can wait until my next scheduled eating time.

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Excellent advice, LilMIss! The desire to lose weight quickly makes many keep getting fills, but the reality is, too tight from too many fills means exactly the opposite will happen. You will start to gain weight as you consume the 'sinful sliders' - icecream or cakes and other sweets which have an annoying habit of being easy to eat.

Jul - as for the question on soda. Nope, I gave it up cold turkey, and haven't looked back in 18 months. I drink a lot of Water and my usual coffee, but no soda. The occasional glass of wine too (gotta be honest about that!):smile:

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193.8 this morning - a new low! Yay!

Gotta change my ticker :bored:

Also, yesterday I ran 8 miles, which even AFTER I did it doesn't seem possible.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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